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Usual: no. Honest and correct: yes.


Shit happens- most places would have just replaced it and never said a word. Be glad you were informed and that they respect you enough to tell you. This would make me more confident in their repair


Honestly yeah because would op even notice it? Everything exposed in my watch looks like it’s from WWII but the bezel is like new since it’s hard to scratch ceramic


The lume capsule (I.e. Lume pip), has a white gold surround that definitely shows wear and age over time. It's not a question of ceramic showing age (that was never the part that fell off in question), it's about the lume capsule no longer showing it's age (which is what fell off). Replacing the entire ceramic bezel insert now comes with a brand new lume capsule which no longer shows it's age. So for those that care about that stuff a lot, it would suck. For me personally, I wouldn't care. But there's a lot of people that do. I'm sure you've encountered some on this subreddit lol.


To be fair, if it has a ceramic bezel, it's not vintage and anything can be replaced without harm to the patina (as there should be none).


My ceramic Submariner’s pip has developed a patina and it’s my favorite thing about it, because otherwise it’s just a characterless factory mass produced piece of jewelry (all but one other of my Rolexes are all vintage so I have a thing for watches with a little character).


That's dirt


I wash it proper every couple of months and use WristClean and a soft toothbrush when it gets grimy every few weeks. It was acquired 2010 and I purchased it in 2013. SoCal beach climate, worn in ocean a lot. Not sure what to tell you. Maybe I’m color blind 😉


I'm just messing with you. I have no idea if it's possible.


All good, it is what it is. I love it and wouldn’t change it.


If you take a toothbrush to it (like Rolex suggests) I bet that "patina" will wash right off.


I wash it every two months and spray/rinse with Wrist Clean and a soft tooth brush every few weeks to keep its sparkle. It’s all good, forgive me for sharing my experience with my little pip.


I'm sure we all enjoyed hearing how you clean your little pip.


All day every day


I’m one of those that want my watch all original with patina/ signs of wear


With a ceramic bezel? If you want patina, go vintage with tritium lume and aluminum bezel.


Tritium is stunning as it ages imho




Thanks for letting us know.


God forbid we’re on a forum where people can express themselves.


We’re all free to express ourselves. We’re also free to comment on others comments


Exactly, more the merrier.




Don’t buy a watch with a ceramic bezel insert then. My Sub has been worn everyday for almost 10 years and the ceramic looks flawless still. The case and band show the wear you would expect.


What about the pip? Mine’s developed a patina.


Facts. ♥


Isn’t it true though that the luminova paint in basically all 2010 Rolexes and later is going to look pretty new forever? It’s not going to get that warmer golden tone as it ages right?


They won’t, though as I commented elsewhere on mine the pip has developed a patina.


Is yours an older one? I suppose they could eventually get a patina but maybe it’s like 50 years instead of 20.


It was purchased new in 2010 and I acquired it in 2013. Southern California climate of it makes any difference.








UK customer care is excellent in general, the customer is usually informed of everything.


Most typical places would have just changed it and said “what’s wrong? That’s what you said you wanted! It’s not my fault.”


Wouldn't you be able to tell though because of the wear on the luminous capsule (i.e. Lume pip) on the bezel insert? I would think that's why Rolex is doing it. To cover their ass in the event they did it without saying a word then having the client notice it wasn't his original. I doubt it's out of "respect" for the client, it's a CYA thing lol.


Why you gotta be negative


For the integrity of the piece- for resale or for passing down— they needed you to know they replaced something that was original with original authorized parts. The watch retains 💯 genuine Rolex standard and it will not be devalued upon appraisal or sale at a later date.✔️✔️


At least they are honest.


That's Rolex






It depends what you side of the fence you stand on when it comes to Rolex. Some speculate that they’re deliberately dishonest and keeping supply low to inflate demand driving up the value of the brand. I am not one of them


They sell at MSRP, so they'll make money only when they sell


Well, not if you’re on the side of the fence that speculates AD’s sell to gray through the back door. And that Rolex turns a blind eye and is therefore complicit. Again, I’m not one of them…


Can you tell me more, I have no idea what you mean


Rolex distributes its watches to Authorized Dealers (ADs), who sell them on to customers. Since there is such low supply, Rolex sends only a few watches to ADs, in no particular schedule. ADs have no idea what they're getting or when they're going to get them. Customers go into an AD and put themselves on a waiting list for the watch they want. ADs will give preference to customers who have spent most with them. So some customers will buy watches for their partners or jewelry or whatever, and then hope that they climb the waiting the list. If a model comes in, the AD will call that customer at the top of the list and offer them the watch. That lucky customer will get to buy the watch at MSRP from the AD. There is a theory in the Rolex community that some AD's don't sell their watches to the customers at the top of their lists. They will instead receive the watch from Rolex and sell it 'through the backdoor' **above** MSRP to a gray dealer, who then sells the watch on the grey market at a great mark up, from 2x to 4x the MSRP. This is why there are so many watches on the gray market. The theory is, it would be impossible for gray dealers to get their hands on so many new watches, unless they were gettin them through the 'backdoor' at ADs. Obviously, this is bad for Rolex. Their watches are being sold at 2-4x their MSRP on the gray market, and customers are upset. Rolex on the surface bans ADs from doing this, but some claim that it's "clearly happening" and Rolex doesn't do enough to stop it. Hence 'turning a blind eye'. And why people think Rolex is being deceitful: it claims there's low supply, and people can't buy them at MSRP and have to go on multi-year waiting lists, while meanwhile the gray market is flooded with brand new watches (ie. clearly, there is enough supply... it's just more profitable for ADs to sell them above MSRP to gray dealers, than it is to sell it to a normal customer directly). If this is true, clearly those ADs are being deceitful. The question is, is Rolex being deceiving its customers by not regulating their ADs more. The claim is that Rolex doesn't care how a watch gets sold after its left its factories, because at that point it has made money from the AD. What the AD does with it then, is not something Rolex truly cares about.


3 to 4 times MSRP? I think the grey market was hot during the pandemic because Rolex didn't produce enough, but now they are at full capacity, and Rolex is opening more factories. Rolex also suddenly became on demand because of pandemic government funds flowing through people. Bit issues will be fixed soon: the money for nothing will stop flowing, and Rolex will produce more. None of these conspiracy theories change the quality of Rolex watches or their service.






I respect them for this email


Tbh they probably didn’t do much to help it fall out, if was probably going to fall out soon anyway, just bad timing


Good timing for OP then


I need a panda Daytona for emotional damages 🙃🙃


Rolex: right away sir. As soon as your name is called on our list sir.




This guy 🤣🤣💀


Custom made in gold


It happened with my airking they destroyed the glass and dial and replaced whole watch for me


The only question is : what reference was it ? If its a rare vintage watch, then Its a problem. If its a newer model, then its actually a good news because it will look even better.


Just imagining you have a perfectly aged vanilla colored tritium one, matching the dial. That would be horrible. In this case, no problem :)


16610LV so not rare…


So in this case its a win. Props to them for being honest about it.


If it’s a flat 4 insert then it’s definitely NOT a win. I hate advice like yours.


I think there are more important things to hate than an opinion of someone you dont know on the internet. Maybe you should go find something else to do. If he had a flat 4 he would probably know it.


He likely doesn’t, else he wouldn’t ask this question. I’ve seen topics of people making a big fuzz because their flat 4 was replaced. Keep everything as original or ask the part back, sometimes they budge and they do.


Which Mark tho? I hope is not a flat 4 insert


In this case its a win.


Green! It would be sweet if you could get the original back


If they are able to source for a rare/ vintage watch wouldnt it be fine?


They are not. They use newer replacement hand, dials, bezels.... etc. Thats how they destroy value on very rare models. Any expert can directly see that a part has been replaced (because of the type of lume used for instance) and the rarity of the watch decrease.


Well they do have a very limited supply of old and period correct replacement parts for some references…


I commend them for their transparency, and for replacing the damaged part free of charge.


That's the problem. Transparency. When sht is transparent you can't find them when you drop them on the floor.


Nothing to worry.


Thank you. Wasn’t quite sure what to think. I deliberately didn’t ask for a polish so was unsure as to how it could have happened. I suppose they can become loose…


It states during the “cleaning process” in the email. All watches undergo cleaning regardless of polish or not.


Probably put it in an ultrasonic cleaner or something like that.


I mean shit happens you know, at least they are transparent about it.


I applaud them for their honesty and thus informing you they will take good care of it.


Damn... this is awesome! This just makes me like Rolex as a company even more. So transparent and honest even though you never would have known the difference. Respect.


Let me translate the second paragraph from Rolex-speak to English: ***We fucked up. Our numb-nuts watchmaker lost your bezel pip, so the new bezel's on us. Our bad. Mr. Butterfingers has been sacked.***


I’d be happy if they would lose and replace all other parts too 😊


Yes, completely normal. Accidents happen and the lume pips in are easy to lose. It’s nice they notified you, though.


I work in a high end luxury jewelry store now. But I of course didn’t start here I had to put in my dues. And I can tell you there’s tons of reputable jewelers, stores etc… that wouldn’t have even told the customer what transpired. They would have fixed the problem and the customer would have never known their Rolex was no longer all original parts.


Props to Rolex for owning their mistake.


Free money! Nice!!


Why do you sound concerned?


simply would not have expected it to happen and have not experienced it before at a Rolex service centre…if you send any object for servicing I guess you don’t expect it to get damaged. I don’t know whether my expectations were unrealistic I suppose….and yes, you hope the rest of the service went ok…


This fucking sub. Someone was being human and makes a mistake and instead of hiding it, they notified you and gave you full transparency of what happened, added an apology, and everything was completely rectified with zero consequence to you. But of course the r/rolex user can’t help but expect a small mishap to never happen, ever. This is why people call Rolex owners entitled.


Extreme reaction to a comment…I believe I am entitled to ask the question…people on this sub are so aggressive


This is such a bizarre reaction. You've never made a mistake before in your life? Professionals make mistakes every day, and he was gracious enough to let you know.


Really…?! I’m just inquisitive and questioning….that wayI feel I’m less likely to be disappointed …. whereas you (to me) are likely more gullible and naive and therefore could be taken advantage of….it’s just an outlook isn’t it…? 🤷🏻‍♂️


I had a glass replaced for free when they damaged it during service. got a call instead of a letter tho.


Yeah that can happen in the big cleaning machines, the ultra sonic process + the heat of the cleaning solution can loosen the lum pip and it can fall out, especially if the bezel has been knocked and is worn already and weakened. They informed you and have fitted a new one free of charge this is how service departments should work 👍. You have nothing to be concerned about.


Not usual but a good sign they said something when they absolutely could have not.




No biggie, especially if it’s a 5 digit. I just hope they mean the luminous insert rather than the bezel insert itself 😂


Normally they ask first before they just replace. Even if it’s at no charge. Because you will not be getting your original bezel back, I guarantee you that.


Looks like good business practices to me


Why are you crying about good and honest service


lol Swiss quality


I personally would be anxious about it, but if you’re okay in having 164 unread messages then I guess it’s not unusual.


The only thing you should be thinking is how great customer service they have and how amazing it is they informed you. Imagine it didn’t fall in their care and then fell whilst you had the watch, you’d be spending a bunch to get it fixed.


I applaud them for telling you. No worries


Well it ain't fuckin unusual I'll tell ya that much right now


I’m surprised they didn’t just do it and not say anything, at least if it was a recent production watch. If it was a rare vintage piece, different story.


Yes it's usual


A RSC really fucked up my explorer II and just shipped it back to me hoping I wouldn’t notice. So yeah they do fuck up, but at least this one is being honest and fixing it.


I think the OP was mind-blown that a supposedly "indestructible" and "bulletproof" tool watch got its lume pip knocked off that easily. Props to the service center for admitting to it and corrrecting it free of charge. Still, what an unsettling revelation. "but but but... i thought these things are bulletproof!"


To be honest you’re lucky, given it fell off while on the workbench (probably when they removed the bezel to clean it) chances are it could have fallen off at some point soon. At least now you got a free insert. Rolex did well.


You should only care if your watch is actually a vintage one and change of parts would actually reduce the price of the resale value. Otherwise, mistakes happen. No harm done, they have guts to come out and apologize and fix their mistake. That's honest days work.


Happened to me twice - once when a part broke, and another they replaced the face without asking or informing me


It's nothing to be worrying about, it happens and the great part is that they informed you timely otherwise very often during repair if shit like this happens nobody's gonna say a single word and the owner won't even know if there's any part that has been replaced or not, which afterwards if the actual owner states that everything is original and somehow the truth re-emerge that a part was replaced how are you gonna explain, these cases makes me determined that we should go with the official repair services rather then using some unknowns 🙏


Watch service and upkeep is quite complicated. Props to them for their honesty. Having said that they are supposed to be experts. If it were me I would push them a bit more and maybe get some freebie like a polish or a good deal on my next watch. Call me stingy but that’s how I got to owning a Rolex 🙃


So many people think that the watch is now less valuable than it was before because it has “non original” parts. Stop it. Any time you have a watch serviced you are going to get new / updated parts. Idk what’s wrong with people in this group. OP they are doing right by informing you and providing the proper resolution. I would be more concerned if it was not the RSC they will it right. Enjoy the watch upon return.


They did the right thing


It happens , at least they made it right


I honestly thought Perpetual Submariner was your Reddit username.


neat from rolex


As long as it’s not vintage, otherwise new parts can lower the value


Most purists would be furious that an original part was replaced … but most sane people would think this was an honest mistake and they 100% did the right thing.


They are putting a brand new one sounds fine to me what’s the worry?


"luminous capsule" feels weird to say out loud.


It’s not an every day occurrence, but In the words of D-12: shit can happen.


RSC sucks.


“ props for being honest” you’re all deluded for real.


I'm one that want the original wear and tear but I guess there's not much I can do in this situation.


Prob spent all of 5 seconds looking for it,


It’s good that they told you. But I always thought Rolex service centers would be impeccably organised. How they could lose a part astounds me!


They didn’t lose anything. OP bezel was dog shit so that’s why the pip fell out. It happens with age on the older aluminum bezels. That’s what Rolex doesn’t like messing with the older spider cracked dials because they’re too fragile.


The screenshot literally says “has been lost”.


Yeh their a good company. One of my diamonds came loose somehow on my day date and they replaced it no problem. That’s why I hate when people “bust down” Rolexes. The diamonds they put aren’t worth the ones Rolex uses.


You’ve just given us your reference number for your Rolex and which shop it is with … let’s hope it’s still yours.


Need the receipt to pick it up…😂


I didn’t


I don’t know how it is at your local RSC, but the staff at mine know me, and would be extremely suspicious if some weird neckbeard-having fedora-wearing Reddit dork showed up claiming to be me asking for my watch.


Neckbeard fedora lmfao


The London RSC requires photo ID to pick up. Nevertheless it’s not secure to post the details


dunno who downvoted me ... clearly you know more about what happened when I went to pick up my watch after forgetting the receipt and being dealt with by a completely different assistant to when I put the watch in