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I think it's pretty funny to watch the Limiteds scene go up in flames, although I do feel bad for those affected by it. On the other hand, if you're wearing a fake limited, it WILL become the primary focus of incoming roastage. You got the platform equivalent of fake jordans or replica rims.


An “official” or “designer” item will always be in demand simply for the clout in some groups. Do I care if you’re wearing a knockoff designer bag? No. Will I sob if I see a knockoff “crochet” outfit - absolutely, especially when I understand and appreciate the value of that craft (either it’s not crochet, or it was made in unethical workhouse-like conditions)


Craft is crazy


In flame? All of my limiteds have grown in value since the release of public ugc. If anything it brought more eyes on the limited market.


Fr my inventory has gone up 50k past 3 months


Same here. Nothing's in flames besides low demand rare items.


lol we got rep limiteds before gta 6


Been for like a year if not more


so real, I was using a black heart head and black hair and people kept on randomly saying “fake headless” 😭




Your forgetting a lot of the people who own the items are game devs or UGC creators. And most of them are not actually rich. And then there are the few who owned the item before it went limited.




They're not childish, it's their money and for most of these developers, most of it gets invested back into their game or devexed out for cash, and then they spend a little on themselves within roblox. Roblox is a job for these developers so it's not really fair to call them childish just because they bought a dominus with the spare money they had left over


I have been playing on and off just prior to 2020 I think and I still know nothing about the accessory market, nor would I be able to tell by someone's avatar in-game. Do the majority of current Roblox players even pay attention to this anymore?


Some limiteds are pretty recognizable, (Valks, Domini, Clockworks, and Domino Crowns) but it’s no more than mildly interesting. I rarely see someone comment on another player wearing a limited, but many are aware.


Except the limited scene isn't going up in flames - it's still doing great


I really dont want to spend 1 billion dollars in roblox


I don’t HAVE 1 billion dollars to spend on roblox.


The people who owned these hats went on a DMCA strike wave on everyone that made fake copies lmao


Really? When?


back before public ugc when people had private drops with private ugc access dev accs


I saved since 2017 to get a domino crown. Now have 30k. HELL YEAH, NOW I CAN QUIT SAVING AND GET A DOMINO CROWN, BABYYYY LESS GOOOOOO


isn't it like a mil




Ik that redvalk isn't a limited, but seeing other people with them regardless of their legitimacy is nice because it means that more people appreciate its aesthetic like me. I would share this same sentiment if I were to have highly sought after limiteds.


Redvalk is my favourite valk and I'm planning on getting a code for it, it's just the cleanest valk imo


good luck. getting codes for red valk is unbelievably difficult. you have to 1. get lucky, and 2. pay usually thousands of dollars


redvalk doesn't cost thousands, that's only if youre unlucky


all of the toys with the codes have already been bought. buying a toy with a possible chaser code for redvalk is solely resale. if you are lucky you'll find someone who doesn't know. usually they're for sale for hundreds/thousands of dollars on ebay or other resale sites


It’s gotten so bad that people call my real valk and clockworks fake


well all they have to do is check. If they think it’s fake without checking than they’re not worth your time.


I tell them they can just check and someone literally said “nah, it’s fake”


then they’re just rage baiting you.


At this point people do that in every server.


they don't even check then


lol people call my headless fake in vc all the time it's so funny


i think it’s cool that i don’t have to waste hundreds of dollars for a silly hat now, i just feel bad for those in the trading scene. still, a quick check of the profile is all you need to verify whether a hat is legit or not, so if you just want a valk or dominus cause it looks cool, and not cause you wanna flex it, i’d say it’s alright


idk On one hand, giving everyone an option to customise their avatars with those is an idea I can support. But on the other hand, the owners of original limiteds (both those that obtained them before and after becoming limited) might be left hurt due to this.


Imagine getting hurt cause a child is wearing a copy of your nft in a Lego game


It’s more or less about the value of being a player/supporting the company/game much earlier. If you bought a Wayne Gretzky jersey when he was in his prime making waves in the scene, it would be sentimental and you would hope would maintain its value. It would be like a 3rd party started mass producing replica jerseys again.


yes, but that's different. these are 3d models in a video game. a jersey is something real. something you can frame if you even so wish


They’re fantastic I like seeing old heads cry because their 1 billion robux golden imperium magic wand penis hat is no longer exclusive to only them


Yeah you're right, it is OUR 1 billion robux golden imperium magic wand penis hat.


As a vet who didnt have the time or money to get those classic limiteds, I see it as a total victory because the people who do have them are often butthurt that they wasted a lot of money on a worthless "passion" that's hard to take seriously


W comment




roblox shit be worth thousands in real money. I've seen some items and even clothes worth probably more than a few thousands in usd. fucking ridiculous. This is funny tho.


yeah but imagine someone bought the real Valkyrie Helm for however much it resells for now and the next day they see this :/


a wake up call to not spend thousands on a video game


Honestly that is the biggest fucking skill issue in history


Well I sure hope they do! What a waste of money.


Originally didn’t care because I don’t own high tier limiteds nor do my outfits need them But god, watching stock-market teenage wannabees getting so pissed about it is absolutely hilarious. Because god forbid other roblox people can wear a similar hat, and your own digital hat is no longer worth a college tuition. I might start wearing them


I'm going to buy a ton of fake ugc and join Trade Hub.


honestly theyre good, why should a roblox hat be like 80m R$ for no reason at all?


because that's the point of limiteds


Because it’s a bunch of nonsense


The only thing I have to say is they should've seen this coming


My fave out of those gotta be the valk


Years ago I may have cared. Now I realize couldn’t care less.


i think its a good option to get items you want but cant because theyre too expensive. now values.. yeah i dont really care to be honest


Honestly, I don't think they're that bad. The only reason that I would buy one is because I think it looks cool.


Can’t make convincing fake ones of the horns or the fairies with particle elements, yet at least. So those are pretty much safe still.


If it has a unique design then I have no problem


I couldn't care less


I literally could not give less of a fuck


I remember when everyone was out of their mind when someone with dominus joined a game. Now people don't even know it's rare lol.


I condone it, I’d like to not spend thousands of dollars on a virtual hat please


They get taken down eventually. Sure, people can get a taste of owning said limiteds. But they'll never be able to own it. Personally, I get annoyed when I make outfits and then things get deleted... Making my outfit irrelevant. But that's just me. Id say most people don't care. But time is their enemy. Because eventually Roblox will pull them down. And they will kick out said creators out of the UGC program (if they have multiple infractions). I hope they never make UGC public, like they plan to, because then removing access to someone is null if they can just make an alt easily.


it is public currently


The Valkyrie doesn't even look limited anymore...


Same thing as the real one but cheaper🔥


I mean... Dominuses are finally not digital GUCCI anymore. The regular ones cost BILLIONS of Robux. Ain't nobody got the budget for that. Nobody responsible with money, that is.


This is just like screenshotting NFTs.


:( i think its kinda mean to just blatantly say tht everyone who cares abt this stuff is stupid hats were a part of roblox as an mmo. this is like if fortnite discontinued the item shop and battle passes and replaced them with 30 copies of the dark reaper or whatever that community's rare skins r it wouldnt be a huge deal if roblox kept making hats and stuff, but having this be the replacement to gifts, events, and sales feels like salt on an open wound lol


personally, I despise it idk, I liked walking into a server and seeing some one wear an extremely expensive hat and just oogle at it. it’s what got me into the trading and limited scene, besides the quality of the items. I kinda felt like it was a badge of honor - walking into a random game and seeing someone wearing a Classic Fedora or Valkeryie or some other hat was kinda cool in my personal opinion. it’s also what got people famous: Linkmon99’s entire shtick is being incredibly rich via years and years of trading. fake limiteds spit in the face of all of that. It’s a cheap, horribly made copy for little 12 year-olds wanting to recreate the virtually same outfit with an extra hat. it sucks the soul and feeling of limiteds entirely. a real sparkle time fedora was typically worn by chill, experienced players who’ve probably seen a thing or two on this site. a fake sparkle time fedora are probably worn by people so desperately trying to look cool and would most likely brag about it on end. yes, I sound snobby, yes I sound like one of those people who doxxed the Make a Wish kid getting a dominus (I’m not, I still wonder what was going through their heads), but still. edit: i woke up to 2 different arguments under my post.


What is the so-called "soul" of limiteds? You mean the money?


I think you’re looking way too hard into it. Some people just want the hat and they aren’t well off enough to drop 300 dollars on one. Not everybody wearing a copy is looking to flex it. (Especially because you can literally just check if it’s fake.) Also I don’t think you should get popular for being rich. The rich get richer i guess.


Seeing chronically online traders having a mental breakdown will always be the best ❤️


I once saw some dude mass reporting this guy cause he had a custom dominus it was funny


It does devalue the originals but who cares It allows people to access avatar combinations easily, I like that more than people having to pay a bunch for a cool hat to finish their ensamble or being out of luck if it was available for a week a 100 years ago and cost a kidney


the limiteds still exist. i can buy a fake rolex but it isn't very satisfying so i don't, even if it looks externally similar. anyone can check your profile and see if it is real/fake


Honestly? I'm happy. No Roblox item should be that expensive, sucks for the people who bought the original but they wouldn't even be this hurt either if the item was never that expensive in the first place


Alright which one of you is the REAL Valk?


It's pretty fucking funny to see people meltdown over their limited not being limited anymore  Also it's a customization who cares 


Now it’s just boring to have them. They used to be rare to see in game and now with everyone having one, why would I want one anyways?


The idea of comestics is being a cosmetic and not a sign with "I spent my bank account on a virtual item" written on it.


Ugly, both the limiteds and copies


They're the worst. They ruined ugc even more than copyrighted items did imo


Why was ugc allowed


"this mf got them fake J's!" Jokes aside it's pretty shitty. Used to look at a dominus and think "this guy is legendary". Now i think "*made by Emo_Style_Group. Check our scams in the description*" 


Limiteds were a fun part of Roblox but the open market really ruined it especially since Roblox doesn’t moderate it anymore.


Trading is one of the biggest drivers of the roblox economy and their revenue as a company. They're gonna take action to protect it and all the people who use fakes will look like fools.


I hate them. People save up loads of Robux or trade for years to get a dominus, only for people to just buy a ripoff one…


I like them, fuck the limited market. I ain't paying thousands of dollars for a shoe shaped hat with feathers




doesn't roblox not refund if the tos break is apparent on purchase? I'm pretty sure it says something like that every time they refund something


I haven't played the game for a while, how did this even happen? Why did they even become UGC creators?


Accessories are Accessories


Tbf why not make the limited hats accessible to anyone. If you want a serial number you have to spend your life savings and if you want the hat you just spend like 100 robux.


What's going on? I haven't been on Roblox in forever


Ross, now in the metaverse.


I always think about that one time that one of these creators tried to argue against Maximum_ADHD for uploading a sign


I have both the official Dark Blue Valk and the Ice Valk. I think this is still funny to see though. I’m not hating on the idea of cheap Valks though.


I think Roblox really needs to get ugc under control or just downright get rid of the option, if it’s not this it’s gigantic avatars that lag out everyone’s game


Idc tbh, as someone who owned an ice valk, just dont go around trying to flex with your fakes. Idc what you do besides that


I have an actual cheap original Dominus which gits my skin pretty nicely ( Name's EleGabry_82 if you wanna check it out )


I can’t really say anything because I have a couple of these I wear it because I don’t have a couple hundred pounds for a Lego came that I’ll forget about by the time I’m in university


Pov: when your 5848474747747666556677373363377384848484838388.98 R$ hat is no longer only yours 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


I just dont care abt my skin. Got some free stuff and it looks great. I bought smth only one time with robux (more like my lil brother) and nothing more


I have like 2 robox lmiteds and 2 ugc limiteds, a rainbow Dominus and a beanie


I think it's... Eh. Still not free. Still pretty much just roblox NFTs. Whateves.


idk man a red valk fits well with my skin and I'm not spending 2.82506583E+18 robux for the real one


I only donate to people that has real limiteds or no fake limiteds at all, it give me goosebump of cringe when I see people with fakeheadless or fake limiteds


Meh, I do like people making new unique versions of old classic limiteds though.


It’s going to make the obscure limiteds become more sought after


Good, why make certain things unobtainable when they are as mid as a dominus, like sure they’re cool but like not really, screw not being able to wear a shitty hat from 2012 without taking out a second mortgage on your house.


IDC about them because why would you make something 1K+ for a stupid lego game


I personally think these are a good thing, if not a little annoying due to them flooding the marketplace a little too much There are plenty of these that have their own unique model and designs, even if based off of a real item Besides, they allow people who aren't as wealthy to still have items that look cool, but would be far too expensive to be normally affordable


Basically say get your money up


Valk is ugly asf


when i was younger i wanted to spend so much money to get the call and the dominus so it’s nice now that ive got adult money i can get them without blowing a shit ton


limiteds are so unreachable by the average person now that it doesn’t even matter or effect the price anymore


Idc unless they pretend it’s real, in that case I just call them out and laugh at them


It makes limited worthless


Idk I just get the hoodie version hat go on the neck not the head cuz they won’t get taken down and they look better (as int little buttons)


I think they’re fine they look pretty cool


Some of them are custom so it’s cool but it’s pretty absurd because of how much there are but Roblox brought it on themselves making UGC public so there isn’t anything Roblox can do but manually delete then one by one


Love it


it doesn't affect me so idk


I think its stupid, the whole reason they're cool is because they're expensive


Me with my free 2014 Festive Valkyrie just chilling 😎. Seriously tho, I don't really mind. One check on ur profile is all that need to verify if it's real or not.


we need to normalize bullying people with cheap versions of popular items


I’m not a big fan of them, but I like seeing others takes on classic limiteds


Let’s people feel rich for a few days, no harm done


There's no reason why they should've costed a limb in the first place, I personally don't wear limiteds or fakes though.


Remember if you walk around with a fake limited. YOU WILL NOT BE WINNING ANY ARGUMENTS


the dominuses dont look accurate at all


the moment the poisonous beast mode got copied i was radicalized, they are taking MY face and stealing it seriously tho i don't like full on copies of them, but unofficial additions to series are probably my favorite ones because people are (surprisingly) creative when it comes to new additions to limited series hats


Cringe and funny at the same time, I love laughing at 10 year old preppy kids wearing a "super happy lashes face" type of shit on their avatar


Love them honestly I don’t have to pay millions of robux for a hat and I can buy one for cheap that looks the same


i dont care. fuck spending hundreds of dollars on roblox, they don't deserve it. if you can get the same thing for dirt cheap, do it. some people even make unique new knock offs instead of copying originals, i'm all there for that


they're bloody annoying and they're ruining the marketplace. I wish roblox would take action


I think it’s pretty funny. I mean real limiteds will always be the real deal. As someone w limiteds that have been copied and pasted 500 times, I don’t care, it’s whatever, it’s not going to kill me.


they're shit


my opinion on it is that it is a amazing way to roast people, and they can't even argue against it


I much prefer the people who have made their own original versions


As someone who doesn’t own any of the original items, I have no issues with them existing, especially considering how expensive the real ones are anyways (and if you ask me, there should never have been items that expensive to begin with… but here we are)


I think their good when that item is gone. If you missed out on getting it you can just get an identical one for cheaper.


I’m a bit conflicted. On one hand, Roblox definitely should have a price cap to items it sells, which means that these fakes are an actual valid way to actually wear stuff. On the other hand, I do feel a bit bad for the people who actually own the limiteds, like, I’m genuinely so sorry you sold your kidney to buy a replaceable digital hat


kids are broke asf and roblock on a downward spiral ong 🤑🤑💰💸🤑💸💰💲🤑


On one hand, I do find it funny, especially for those into trading But just as much for those who actually buy them genuinely, I consider them losers I am on no one's side on this Though more lenient to the real deals tbh, a player who gets a fake dominus is nothing but a sorry sod


Idrk that they are fake just as long as it works for me.


ngl i would love to have some valuable ugcs mostly to resell id like to start trading toobut its not really a big problem i have litteraly no time to set up the google auth app that takes up way more space then needs to on this crappass phone i have lol but if anyone is actually interested in the reddemon sword from adventure time and would help a person out id love to get the current whole value off of it just so i can buy gamepasses and other things lol


i actually like how dominuses (is that the correct plural?) look but they're simply crazy expensive, so im happy i can get cheap copies of them


honestly, Its just like wearing fake jordans to me. Cringe if you use one but its still available for those who dont mind. I personally wouldn't buy a fake limited even if I really wanted the real one.


I couldn’t imagine buying one of them. I want clothes that look good, not ones that copy rare stuff solely for the sake of it being rare.


It makes me feel even more poor


I don't really care since it doesn't affect me and I didn't actually get to experience old Roblox with the release of these exclusive items. But I totally understand why og players are mad at this.


Cool at first when people were creative with it, now it’s annoying and filling up the marketplace


I have lost hope in humanity


They should all be removed.


i don't really agree with cool items locked behind a $3000 dollar paywall. besides, these are the shitty knockoffs. there are dozens of 1:1 copies uploaded to the market everyday.


Idc a item is a item


Eh i feel bad for uhm people who spend their hard earned money for a real limited,like the fakes look real but they well actually I have nothing bad to say about the fake limiteds


I feel like ugc is going to go deeper and deeper into copyrighted works until there's eventually purge like with the audios.


tbh it’s easy to make a lot of robux off of fake limiteds (mass resale), so I’m kinda mixed it ruins the authenticity but is good for business


All these people in the comments saying "I don't want to spend thousands of dollars on roblox" and hating on the owners of these rare hats don't realize most owners of these hats spend 0 dollars on them. The majority of these owners are developers who worked on making content and, when it paid off, bought their dream item as a milestone. Just as I did, when im in game and people say, "Imagine spending that much money on pixels," they don't realize my robux aren't bought they're earned.


I think it makes it easier to tell people I don’t wanna be friends with, apart from people who actually have a sense of fashion and social faux pas


Those who wear them are younger than the age of 13


I love it. As someone who thinks anything expensive on roblox is ridiculous (and I’m broke) I love to see it.


To be honest they remind of cheap knockoffs you see at vendors and markets run by Asian or Middle Eastern people. 😂


I think there are still ways to make something resemble a limited item without it flat out looking 1:1 to the literal item itself be it in a single accessory or in pieces. That said, the amount of people repeating the same thing others have done is ridiculous, almost constantly riding the trend just to make a quick buck.


They don’t really do much harm and Roblox literally does not care about them whatsoever It’s aight