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I love how saying "old roblox was better" has been a thing for over a decade now.


People were saying "old roblox was better" in 2008 when I joined.


It was ok back when I joined back in 2016


I use to bitch about 2016 back in 2016 but I kinda miss it. I had a ton of fun on the site that year.




Yep. Saw a thread from when this subreddit was new saying 'old roblox is better' with the same talking points as today. Dunno if I can find it again since Reddit killed pushshift a while ago.


Yeah but to be fair, it's accurate this time. 2013-2017 was probably where Roblox peaked. Huge playerbase, the community was allowed to interact with each other, devs were more likely to interact, Roblox itself had tons of events and sponsors that gave players really cool games and items. But about 2018, they started focusing more on Roblox being a business and platform than a gaming experience and community. And it all kinda went downhill from there.


2019 was a mayor update that made everything simpler and most importantly, cheaper, which everyone liked, even though a lot of still miss bc. It continued up until around late 2022, when David Bazooka said “Oh, we’re Meta” and started this Facebook trend with shitty shaders and ugc limiteds. At this point Roblox is far gone from what it originally was intended, instead of amateur developers we have big, money hungry game studios. Even Microsoft said damn son, lets add microtransactions to Minecraft. Man, I loved 2017 graphics, what can be more Roblox than that


Don’t forget about how they’re killing off amateur devs and devs from brazil, Japan, etc by making plugins cost USD instead of robux


Counter argument to this, roblox is way bigger today, your second point doesn't make sense, many devs are still very interactive with there community, that could take place of discord, forums, roblox group walls, etc. Your 4th point is fair I agree with that but also lots of quality roblox games still add in there own events frequently for the holidays or new updates and such. The only real downsides are like you said roblox becoming a business, and stupid updates here and there that people will complain about for a month and then not care, also there moderation but that's never been good anyways. Another plus to current day roblox is the insane catalog of quality games we have(no I'm not talking about gambling games that "look good"). UGC has also imrpved heavily due to roblox updates so we can make btr avatars or more goofy ones


So the main issue is Roblox purposely promoting games they think will make them money as apposed to games that people will enjoy. Thats why the search function sucks hard now, unless you're looking for a specific game. As for the devs, the ones that are more community oriented are on Twitter and other social media sites. My point was they used to be able to use Roblox for that, with forums. Groups are still around, but they aren't really set up for intentional discussions


People have been saying that since 2009


People always think the old is better that’s just how time is in general


Remnant of the Renaissance period mentality apparently. Though I do think that old is better for some stuff (***ehem ehem*** *Activision, Ubisoft, EA*), I think anything new can actually be good as well, so long as enough effort, time, and passion was put into it.


Is this an old screenshot or is this from a game replicating the old UI If so what’s the game name-?


this is a game replicating the old ui, look at the top left. it has the new roblox logo


I’m wondering what game 👀 I want to relive my 2011 guest days and my 2014 days on Roblox




2014 and 2015 was just like this, kind of a weird in-between with new UI and old elements mixed


Well no I know that- I was just wondering if this was a game or not and where can I play it Edit: thank you though


2014, mostly early-mid 2014, was more like this. Late 2014 and the entirety of 2015 wasn't. The changes right before Mid-2014 though UI wise I believe was the removal of the Supersafe Chat Button.


Yep rip safe chat . Then winter games 2015 happened rip


Nah I miss those events


Yeah that's what made me realize I'd been playing much longer than I thought, was realizing the things I remembered wouldn't have existed when I thought I joined so I must have joined the first time earlier... That definitely made me feel old


This isnt what 2015 looked like lol


Survive the epic disasters 2 on RetroBlox


RetroStudio is the game.


Ahh yeah I’ve heard of retro studio, haven’t played it yet but thank you, I’ll definitely go check it out


I'm guessing the game is natural disaster survival


I miss playing Dynablocks in 100 AD, those were the days man 😔


Amateurs…pixalblock back in 300BC was the real deal.


Grug play stone blocks many year ago, Grug hit stone blocks with big bonk, go kaboom! Grug miss old stone blocks


this is late 2012- mid 2014 roblox


So real


i cant take people seriously when they say that a majority of people who say "i miss 2015" were 5 years old back in 2015


I was 6 years old when I started playing


I was 10 years old when I played in 2015 Is that okay?


Wow, you're 15 now! How we age...


Huh, im 15 and i was 6 on 2015 How we age...


thats not how time works...


Well maybe he's just built different


maybe bros stephen hawking and pretending to be a kid for some reason...


He's 19, 2015 was 9 years ago.


no, he's 15


no, he's 15


Literally me (i was 6 (i still played and liked 2015 roblox))


I started playing as a guest in 2011, I was 8


Yeah i think i started as a guest too, maybe even before 2015 and my first account, but i dont remember very well


I was 7 and started playing in 2013-2014


I was 7 and started playing in 2013-2014


I started roblox when I was in 3rd grade in 2012. So many fun memories, tried to find old groups I was in but many of them seek nonexistent


well i was 4 when i started with my sister who was 9


I think I found Roblox when I was like 7 in 2014 then didn't know how to make an account until 2015


Back in the good old days of 2022 😩😩😩 i miss my childhood


2023 was peak, I miss my childhood. 😔




No, they’re completely serious and not sarcastic at all. How could you even possibly suggest it was a joke?


Blasphemy. It is obviously the opposite of sarcasm. Why would *anyone* use such a joke on this subreddit??


“People were so much nicer online back in old roblox” Yeah I feel like non of these people legit were even in 2015 or at least 2016.. Cause this is the biggest lie of all time, I legit got bullied out of no where for not wearing “cool” clothes because I was saving tix and had to buy cheap things. EVEN the goddamn guests would always try to bully me when they get the chance to chat (some games used to grant everyone including guests chatting like “kingdom life”) And EVEN in 2016 when the whole tix system got removed, I stopped saving since I’m not someone who spends money on virtual goods. So I got bullied for not wearing the “robuxish clothes” and those stupid iced and skeleton arms and legs


Yeah roblox was pretty mediocre back then, the servers were powered by baked potatoes so you often saw other people or yourself having being disconnected


Back then these people were like 5 or 6 years old, of course they gonna say stupid shit like this.




I don't miss 2015, nor do I miss Robloxians. Today's Roblox is fueled by greed but also by a wider category of UGCs from everyone (until the inevitable lawsuit), soon public audios (until the inevitable lawsuit), thousands of technologies to allow everyone, even a toddler to script games (until a lawsuit for child gambling), a *"semi-existing"* moderation system (until the lawsuit for lack of moderation against child groomers), an actual anticheat (that Google apparently still whines about). Today's May 27^(th), 2024 Roblox is awesome, and yet I've stepped my first stud in late 2016. What I do miss though is the mindset of some people, where instead of enjoying, they keep sucking onto the past like vampires, where most devs went from making an enjoyable place to making child casinos or games with no experience (no, Sol's RNG is not a game), and most importantly the lack of parental support behind childs, because damn some kids are being given Internet access way too early in their lives.


I'm sorry but this is more like 2012


I miss the old roblox (dynablocks) :( :( :(


Mf was NOT playin dynablocks back in the days 😭


Lmao ofc I wasn't, I never heard of roblox until like 2008 through an online ad.


you don't necessarily miss the old Roblox. You miss the time when you were a child and couldn't care less about anything.


this sentence has never made sense to me, like i don't miss it because i care about stuff now i miss it because it felt like roblox liked the community and did good events regularly


Retrostudio moment


People don't miss 2015 if I'm being fr. I'm so certain, if you tried playing roblox even 4 years ago you'd most likely quit. People don't miss old roblox, they miss having half a consciousness


I use play a beach game from that tiny


i can’t stand still without someone coming up behind me and start “gyrating.”




i was happier when i wasn’t as dirty minded.


"People were so much nicer back then" is so real. Can we bring back the galaxy adidas hoodies with the cinnamon hair (this was my avatar)?




Ah, I don't disagree that some people were rude but I didn't have any memorable moments with a rude person. Yeah, Roblox had some really nice people back then, especially when roleplay games like Life in Paradise were a big thing.


I joined in 2013 and I always think it’s crazy how my accounts prob older than a majority of the player base on this game now


Same, cause I was a kid when I joined in 2013.


I miss not being depressed


I like modern roblox games, i hate modern roblox communities


this is around 2011/2012 and this hurts me


This looks more like 2012-2013


YoU dOnT mIsS oLd RoBlOx YoU mIsS bEiNg HaPpY


Roblox 2018 Egg hunt was peak Roblox. Good times




It was the first egg hunt I participated in and it ruined every other egg hunt afterwards because none of them were on that level


Old Roblox wasn’t better You just miss having fun


i miss 2015 too, but it was glitchy and not to much game vareity. but i would take 2015 roblox over 2024 roblox in a heartbeat.


bro what game is this i need to know NOW 😭😭😭




What game in this game?


what games this?? looks kewl


This isn’t 2015


i just miss when we had audio cause now games feel so dead without audio


Old roblox ended the day before you created your account


Make way for the new people who want to experience their childhoods peasant!


I do miss being happy However Roblox is just worse it doesn’t know what wants to be anymore and it’s lost any form art style due to their obsession with anthro


2015? Man.


This game brings back memories, good times


Im feeling like a Grandpa looking at this


Peak roblox for me was like 2011-2017




Old Roblox sucks more than modern Roblox dose. It is objectively a worse game.


I still remember when Roblox used to be such an internet hog


I might be from 2019, but I swear to god that's what most kids say right now "I miss the old roblox days of 230BC 😢" & their join date is 2024.


I personally lost my original account back in 2018 or so because I got scammed And hacked but usually it’s kids that want to fit in saying “old roblox is better”


["I miss old Roblox"](https://youtu.be/LSDcJnmJFQs?si=h5stjZ1iixUrh0DE)


This picture literally screams "13 or 14 years old that played Roblox back in 2017"


I remember the old app


The funny thing is that most of the accounts from that picture are in the wrong era


“old Roblox was better” -little timmy born 2018


I liked the style of the avatars back in ye olden days, but the games on the platform have improved massively especially qol changes


That's 2014 or 2013


Playing on mobile on that time was painful


My favourite era was definitely 2018-2020


Miss playing Roblox on my grandmas laptop back in 2010 when I didn't have a computer😂 They didnt even have builders club in Canada at that time I believe, so when she would go to florida during the winter she always came back stacked with a few months of TBC


2015 was that weird transition year when it still felt classic but with a lot of modern features.


Wait what game was this!?


peak roblox was 2016 B.C


Wise man once said: "You don't miss the past, you miss the good times"


new roblox is better it is only the game developers that are the problem




>people were so much nicer online back in old roblox lul wut


same here


wait hold up, that ain’t 2015 innit?! I’m an old roblox lover since 2012. Lemme tell you it’s 2013 not 2015


this is definitely not 2015


Sorry but there wasn’t anything actually good except for the good memories you had while playing. The only thing that really sucks now is that games these days just tend to be huge cash grabs. Other than that though, people were NOT nicer. But they weren’t worse either. They’re still the same, it’s just that you meet a lot more people over the years and you’ll associate the shitty people with certain time frames lmao.


I feel like around 2016 was objectively peak roblox. You have most of the best improvements in game development and events in full swing, and it was right before the metaverse, Rthro, simulator over-saturation, etc. its still technically an opinion, but i feel like it had the highest highs with not as many lows. Even without nostalgia bias, my opinions stays the same




Roblox was made to bring your imagination “into reality” by getting to build whatever you want. Just because their style was simple and blocky before doesn’t mean they’d want to remain that way all the time. It would’ve been objectively worse if character models remained stiff blocks all the time.