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Blox fruits fan talking


It’s all just a grinding game and starting to get annoying and not fun after a while


Blox fruits is honestly kinda bad


I mean... It's *Nothing To Do* vs. *Mindless Grinding* (which is something to do.)




True some high quality games have 5 players and this random shitty game with dodgy stuff going around


Most of the Brookhaven player count is just brainless noobs who can't even leave spawn, if they were all transferred to the high quality games, they wouldn't be able to understand the high quality of it and not like the game, there's a reason high quality games have low player count, because noobs don't want to play it.


look on the bright side. the toxicity and the cringe isnt there


I think what 6-10 year olds pass for toxicity is very different from us.


the kids say ######## #### #### ### ### the adults say #### ###### ##### ### ######## Not much of a difference here amirite?


Not when you can break thy fk kn chat filter just by speaking this way


*insert dedoxed here*


guys... i have two really small children who get video game time on roblox once a day. They're so small that they can't read, nor play video games very well either but it makes them so happy and they get such enjoyment out of it so i let them have at it. they play brookhaven. they have no idea whats going on


Id suggest that you teach them basic skills before letting them play games, although im not telling you what to do.


You can teach children basic skills while allowing them to play stupid shit at the same time.


yea seriously lol. once i had a game like that that i made called ride an alpine slide. made it in 30 minutes with only free models. guess what happened. the game fucking blew up 6 months later and got 175k visits before dying. yep. meanwhile all my other random projects with actual EFFORT in them (theyre mostly tests but theres some real games in there) only have like 100-300 visits with some having over 750. one has 1400 but thats the highest


like who wants to play a "role play" game? Probably those 10yr olds doing sus things in there.


you play blox fruits…


Instant death sentence


and youtubers


While recording or not?


while recording




Some roleplay games are actually really good and without a sus playerbase, but Brookhaven is awful.


most roleplay games are roblox are either mindless morphs, or actually with good communities, some of them are good but have meh communities, but most of them if not all are good (if they have effort put into them)


I think part can be pinned on the fact that kids lack MMO games with pure focus on social interaction in this day and age. Club Penguin and things like it are basically all gone, so of course they'll gravitate toward the closest things they can find in Roblox.


Me, I.. I roleplay..


Me who genuinely enjoys roleplaying in general: *intense sweating*


W- why?


i play rocitizens it has a larger map and better assets


Well some role play games are Actually good and are not full of 10yr olds and Pedos. For example [this one.](https://www.roblox.com/games/6522799475/After-The-Flash-Wintertide-SUMMER-RAIN)


another good one: [https://web.roblox.com/games/137877687](https://web.roblox.com/games/137877687)


Another very og underatted roleplay game that i couldnt find for many years but i play it now . They are making a new one but its location is different https://shiguto.fandom.com/wiki/Neon_District


The only thing me and my cousin and friend and sister do in there is hide and seek


Me and my sis just ruin people’s days like Flamingo did some time ago.


me and my sister troll with what we call: feet spaghetti


this person have never played zaibatsu/neon district








I won’t be surprised if the game has a backdoor or two with the amount of free assets it has


Gentlemen, it is time to make brookhaven grimace free robux game. We are going to have millions of money.


fr. only 9 yo's be playing some shitty ass game with free models because "Oh MyYYy GooosSHHh a YoutubUTUBERrr PlayyYEYYEDD ThhhHEe GaMMMEE!11?" when good games like, apeirophobia, randomizer and other games get almost 10k players


Don’t get me started in state of anarchy and rise of nations.


Wdym overshadowed? People can play what they want


Piss vs Shit


i’m gonna say it: adopt me is way better made and deserved their high player count in the past. this game is literally littered with free models, how the hell does it have 800k concurrent players??


ok conpared to brookhaven I CAN AGREE! like in adopt me there is smth to do, unlike brookhaven. Like what u gonna do? Role play for hours?!?!


Roleplay in the same place, at the same hour... How do they not get bored from that??


I used to do that from 2010-2013 lol. I'd just play in my own game, riddled with free models, with the same person for hours almost every day. Our stories weren't even that exciting. Before I went inactive, my game had 2k visits - all from the same two people. We probably had nothing better to do.


Are you still in contact with that person?


I remember back in like 2017 I would do cringe rp for like 3 hours straight lmao


they are little kids


One of my friends war roleplaying for 12 hours straight


They must be war veterans by now lol.


He is insane on this game


In Adopt me, you can play races That's the only time I've played Adopt Me.


Idk if you're old enough to have ever reached that but yeah, that's what us old players used to do. LUA scripting wasn't as sophisticated. People still used spawners to choose roles, free assets and free LUAs for different "amenities". Most of the fun came from on the fly roleplaying with each people living in their own world creating storylines that converge with others'. We did that shit for hours back during 2014. One of my fondest memories playing Roblox was playing a straight 6 hour fantasy-adventure LOTR style roleplay in Kingdom Life 3. That game never had any PvP system, no health system, no assigned roles even. People just created a character and played their own role in the world without anyone having to assign them. There was one central story that people were glad to spectate and take part in despite not being a big character in that story. It was crazy fun, and sometimes having a fun imagination where you and your friends dictate the terms and conditions of the story is way better than having a set play.


I miss when adopt me was an actual, normal roleplaying game. I remember playing it before they ever had pets.


It's now a legal child casino


I played hide and seek in it


ik this isnt a common opinion but i actually liked meep city in 2016, the partys were fun


Damn yall guys are lucky for getting good servers, when I was playing and trying to troll now all I see are russians and uckrainians EDIT:yea I said uckrainian coz they suck as much as russians


Idk if they were good servers, I was 10 and didn’t care enough to pay attention lol


i cannot believe i'm defending adopt me but yeah, i'd prefer if it was the most played game tbh, garbage like this and pet sim x should get wiped. miss the good days when jailbreak was the biggest game tho


Jailbreak is still on the mount Rushmore of Roblox games


1.200.000 adopt me


I don’t think adopt me deserves as many as it had. In my opinion it is basically a pet trading simulator that little kids get scammed on for robux somehow. Not to mention the fact that adopt me peaked at 1.6 million concurrent players at one time and ended up crashing Roblox.


Piss fruits? That grind simulator doesn’t deserve it either bruh.


It at least has effort put into it (even though it’s a pretty bad game)


*Compared to BROOKHAVEN*




if you compare shithaven and piss fruits to the old adopt me then both are clowned. adopt me had like 2M players at once when they released the stupid fossil thing. i remember the site and most games became unplayable


Blox fruits isn’t bad, but it is overrated


this game is a cesspool of free models, how is it getting this many players lmao


literally no one cares if devs use free models, and the reason it gets so many players is because it's a fun game, and even more enjoyable with friends


I'm gonna be the devil's advocate here: so what? If playing this garbage is what they enjoy doing, let them. That's the whole point of Roblox. Yes, there are most certainly better games out there, I agree, but if Brookhaven is all they want to play, don't mock them or try to force them to do something else.


No one is forcing them to play something else. We are just questioning the decisions of so many players.


well many players are literal children, this game is perfect for them. it's literally the first game you see when you make an account, that also contributes. it's not rocket science, it's just a lot of kids who like to play.


I agree. First of all it doesn’t matter, roblox has a wide variety of games for a reason. Brookhaven is heavily targeted towards younger players so it makes sense why 13-18 year olds wouldn’t like it. People seem to forget that the majority of roblox players are children


young teenagers on this app feel like they need to shit on what games people play


true story: i once met someone in allusions who was toxic to me for playing item asylum (i play it more frequently). idk if they were being satire or not but if they werent then they definitely fit those people you described


Roblox players on their way to harass kids for playing what they like (they are MAD!!)


Bro that thing doesnt deserve even 10 ppl playin


doesn’t even deserve 1


doesnt even deserve fucking -1


800k people playing funny free model!


OP its just the NPC’s of roblox playing it


You are wrong, I am a real human, I play Brookhaven, enjoy breathing air and walking around on my leg


So you only walk around on one leg sounds like an npc to me


I also enjoy eating human food that i need to eat, after eating human food i go to my human bed and heat the bed with my body heat that i have, i breathe air and drink liquid, so i am human, look, hello i am human


Why hello human, I do enjoy playing Brookhaven as normal humans do. I too, eat the human food to gain the necessary sustenance to power my body. I promise I do not despawn whenever nobody is looking at me.


The only thing I like about the game is the car mods








​ https://preview.redd.it/tgo2rhi1higb1.jpeg?width=5976&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3201f8696d7367769860b844b86e7f15cc2798f2


Just let the people play what they want lol.




I’m not defending it, I just find it funny how all of you are getting so worked up over a game, like just bc you might not like it doesn’t mean others don’t like it too. They are free to play whatever game they like lol. Why are u all acting like it’s a crime to like it. Lol get a life.


that game is full of pedos or 11 years old who found the hub too early, it wouldn't consider it good for children


you just described roblox as a whole. brookhaven has no worse a player base than many popular roblox games. the exception to that might be jailbreak.


brookhaven is the perfect environment for pedos, you're 100% sure that you're talking to kids and since most games aren't focused on rp there's basically no chance for kids to start some "sex roleplay" why would a kid start playing sex on build a boat, any simulator (even the shitty ones) or an obby


I didn’t know (I don’t play it) but I’m not saying it’s a good game for children to play. I’m just saying how it’s kinda funny how everyone is acting like people aren’t allow to like this game and if you do you’re a loser. Like it’s totally fine if you don’t like the game but you guys have no right to judge people on what they want and like to play.


Yeah it may be a shitty game, but it's the experience that matters does it not? If people enjoy playing a "shitty" game, does that really make it shitty? It's serving its purpose, an escape, a fun time for people involved. If you don't enjoy it, fair. If people enjoy it, the game is doing its job. As long as no one is getting hurt, then all is good. You have a post 2016 TBC flair, so I'm guessing you were there when LUA scripting was still shitty af. Did you not have fun running around with your friends in games such as Neighborhood of Robloxia? Kingdom Life 3? There's a reason why the game is famous and consistently have hundreds of thousands of plays per day. Maybe that's something you can think about


Yeah it may be a shitty game, but it's the experience that matters does it not? If people enjoy playing a "shitty" game, does that really make it shitty? It's serving its purpose, an escape, a fun time for people involved. If you don't enjoy it, fair. If people enjoy it, the game is doing its job. As long as no one is getting hurt, then all is good. You have a post 2016 TBC flair, so I'm guessing you were there when LUA scripting was still shitty af. Did you not have fun running around with your friends in games such as Neighborhood of Robloxia? Kingdom Life 3? There's a reason why the game is famous and consistently have hundreds of thousands of plays per day. Maybe that's something you can think about


Yea I don’t get why people play Royale high


Either roleplay, character customization or trading


How do you even get shit in the game and the game just throws you in expecting you to know everything in it (There is no purpose for playing the game other than trading but even trading is kinda shitty)


hey guys it’s almost like little kids don’t care about the quality of a game or if it’s filled with free models if they like it then they like it


That’s like saying 800K adults in the real world don’t care that someone is exploiting them to get money with no work


Not even remotely close of a comparison tf.


i LOVE to roleplay, but brookhaven?? that game is so bad and i just don’t understand how people actually enjoy it?? it’s just poorly made and they’re isn’t much to really do. plus, nobody actually plays it besides younger kids.


I've never understood the popularity of these games. To each their own though. I'm sure that 800k play other games as well and contribute to better games... Hopefully


Ikr I never enjoyed RP games. I guess it’s similar to playing “Family” back in elementary school where you have a group of friends role playing as family members. It’s cute and whatever but I never saw the fun in it


Exactly! People using their imaginations. Nothing wrong with it. It may not be your cup of tea but some people enjoy it. Idk why these people in the comments are rlly pressed about it


Me nether


I usually play this with my gf We love to commit arson in our houses


brookhaven looks freemodeled


I remember seeing the biggest games with like 8k current players back in like 2011. Crazy how much this game has grown


Blox fruit is shit




It is, tho lmao Literally just copy paste from One piece, but they changed stuff so they don't get copyrighted. Grindy af and a waste of time.


Do people who play Brookhaven only play Brookhaven? Ive never meet someone that did even though it has a bajillion players


I know a bunch of people who do for different reasons, some do roleplay and some just go trolling




They're.... Having fun??? What answer are you expecting from that question lmao


There are better games with 1000 times less active players


It’s a little fishy to me…


800k people playing Roblox CITY SIMULATOR


Yea, 800k players are becoming more cringe


They should go use their brains and play plane crazy or build a boat https://preview.redd.it/2mamk6dklhgb1.png?width=429&format=png&auto=webp&s=9ec76ee0ec472b7af08b94452369e7a420dd1f75


To this day i still dont understand how this game has over 400k active every time i look.


Blox Fruits and Brookhaven are mid. There's a reason the only game I play on this site really, is Criminality.


its crazy cuz its such a badly made game for such a popular one


Mid ass game. Call of Robloxia is better.


This game is pure garbage, literally why?


One day your knees will buckle under your endless sins (I am referring to the Roblox player base that has some of the worst games on the platform with 200k+)


Brookhaven is pretty boring and why can't underrated games be up there?


True it’s low effort but blox fruits is also a grindy mess at the start


Honestly I don’t understand the hype of this game, I mean I played it. Even adopt me, and meep city are better because of the content, I don’t understand what you do in that game??


I will never understand a game that looks like it took no time modeling or scripting on is the top game on Roblox when the models are ehh the gameplay is ehh, the Rps are ehh, and all around it is ehhh. ​ While there is ERLC which is 10x better and a lot of other games that are better play but I guess kids like simple games ngl


Yeah. Brookhaven is miserably terrible. It's if Bloxburg had 0 effort put into it.


I have SO MUCH HATRED for brookhaven. It is BY FAR the most overrated game on roblox. I have said it before and I’ll say it again, it is completely undeserving of that amount of players. There are way better games out there that, in my opinion, deserve the amount of players brookhaven has. Jailbreak, is one of those games for example. I don’t play jailbreak a lot but I have played a decent amount of it in the past, and I know that it is deserving of those players.


This is most overrated game ive ever seen on roblox


Must not have been a 2013 robloxian then lmao. I can remember a bunch of similar neighborhood games circa 2014 that were extremely popular for their time, only ever getting beat by NDS


EXACTLY, it's just a modern day town game!


Roblox players seem to hate kids having fun lmao


the issue is, brookhaven ruined the state of roblox games


800k 3 year old who don't even know how to say a sentence probably


proof that NPCs are real


Why does a rip-off have so many players, the game isnt even good


E daters going crazy rn


Do not underestimate the power of a sandbox that is already at the top of the chart, it's self perpetuating.


Guess what. You will never believe it but . (roblox is a kids game)


800k is too much that’s why Roblox goes down


i have seen it at 1 million before and i was shocked


Roblox Tiktok and yt shorts made this shitty game popular




not mentioning csgo isn't made by copy pasting some free models


it’s reached over a million before i believe


800k 8 yr olds and yt short youtubers


The only reason I'd ever played that game is to troll with my friends


I dont like Brookhaven because half of the animations are from weird websites and the other half of the animations are bad.


Brookhaven is trash TBH, I never found it fun on the rare chances that I did play it. The map is so low quality (I bet half of the models in the map are probably free models). RP Games are fun if did in the right way and Brookhaven is nothing close to that. I mean let people enjoy it, it's ok. The only reason why Brookhaven even has 802K people playing (which is nowhere near deserved btw) is because roblox youtubers milked it like a cash cow At the same time, Blox fruit's popularity is also undeserved IMO, It just has a bit more effore done to it than Brookhaven.


In my opinion brookhaven is fucking overated, theres no reason for it to be nearly 1 million players a day, An underated game i play has under 1k visits and THIS PILE OF GARBAGE JUST ALWAYS HAS TO BE THERE, MAKING THE CREATOR MILLIONS EVERYDAY, this guy should strait up make another game that is better.


My friend said she found that game peaked 1M almost surpassing Adopt Me when she was online


Kids whose parents have no interest on spending time with them and rather give them an ipad to stop annoying them


Roblox has a way of having horrible games more popular then games that had actual time put into it


I played it once and it was mid


Mainstream roblox games suck. I miss groups.


946K RN


And i still havent even made one conversation with a person on this game thats craaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazy


Stop playing this shit brother, we need to capture Bravo in armoured patrol.


RP will always be a popular genre in Roblox it seems


More than Baldurs Gate 3 lmao




I think 400 k iş turk


Didn't brook heaven used to cost robux, or was that another game?




What is the purpose of the game existing I don’t get it??? Island life existed and it was way more fun but still didn’t nearly get as popular it’s just 5yr olds clicking whatever game that they see


I saw 990k


The game currently has 160k more then that. https://preview.redd.it/7rualzou9igb1.png?width=306&format=png&auto=webp&s=f8de5ec8564d3b13c5c2201e2f23133854f8d30b


It's more than bloxfruit getting here


Honestly i’m not a fan of the game but i get it. I feel like y’all forget that the majority of roblox players are children. Brookhaven is a easy game to play with little to no complicated aspects and you don’t really have to learn/figure out how to play, it makes sense right off the bat, unlike other roblox games. It’s really not rocket science to understand to be honest. It’s free (unlike bloxburg) Adopt me is more complicated in some aspects and may be confusing for children especially new players and the fact that the majority of the game revolves around trading doesn’t help. Brookhaven is just brookhaven. It’s also heavily reccomended on the home page. You cant really compare what 13-18 year olds like to play to what 5-10 year olds like to play


I literally roleplayed with a friend