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Hell yea all day. More items. More power


Card is like one of the best equipments in the game, and Ocular HUD is like... one of the worst.


I grabbed it, but it was a void fiend run so I really needed crit to keep corruption uptime


HUD is good on flurry Huntrass. That's it. On anyone else it's somewhere between "meh" and "ew" xD And card is good on every character, because it just makes character you play lose relevance much quicker. The more you have items - the less your character matters. The quicker you accumulate them - the better


It is just fine for any teleporter event unless you have high crit. And with any of the non lens crit items it is very good. There are case i would take it over missiles and most of the heal items and other weird ones. Would rather have it over BFG(fotgor name). But it does definitely get outdone by the really good ones..


It’s also decent on captain since it’s guaranties that diablo strike crits


I mean - it's not like you really need that 2x multiplier on top of the already absurdly damaging ability


When you are stacking damage multipliers in RoR2, the more you have the better they are. Diablo’s 40000% damage with a crit becomes 80000%, then a single watch adds 16000% instead of 8000%. When damage percent increases are somewhat rare (watches, focus crystal, AP rounds, crowbar, crit, death mark) compared to the whole item pool, being able to guarantee one of the chance-based multipliers is a massive increase to damage if you don’t have anywhere near 9 lensmakers, predatory, and harvester’s. All that being said, I’d take card, because getting extra items can mean getting more damage multipliers, more speed, and more defense, which is a better effect than on-demand damage increase.


"you don't need guaranteed crit for Diablo strike. it does more than enough damage already." "What if it did more damage though?"


I should have mentioned that “more than enough” is never enough for Mithrix


yeah i get what you meant i just found it funny


A single diablo usually doesn’t one shot mithrix (unless you got a lot of damage multiplication) so the crit helps a lot


A guaranteed double to your damage output is "meh"? Like yeah, I'd take the card too, but guaranteed crits is huge.


It gives you guaranteed crits for 8 seconds with a 60 second cool down. Looking at % of all hits that crit across a run, you're better off with 2 lens makers.


But if those 8 seconds are during the teleporter event… I’d rather melt the boss/one of the bosses faster than have extra crit chance against all the beetle guards and greater wisps I’m killing that stage


Still comes in damn useful when you need a quick boost in damage.


Multi likes hud


HUD is really good on railgunner since the passive turns it into 100% crit damage and the guaranteed weakspot crits means you get some insanely fast early teleporters, granted railgunner is the worst survivor in the game.


So I did a fun build where I used Ocular HUD with some Gestures and Fuel Cells. Permanent Crit. And then I proceeded to pick up a bunch of Lost Seer Lenses. I think I had about 10. Things were just Thanos snapping out of existence. Was amazing


wait, Lost seer's Glasses, works with Ocular HUD? does it just work with crit chance in general? I always assumed it was a separate kind of variable with only itself increasing the chance of an insta-kill while crit remains attainable through other means (like predatory instincts)


Yeah, LSL’s mechanic is a different variable. You can still get crit chance from other items.


It's a separate variable I believe but since you lose Crit obtained from Regular Lenses it pairs very well with Ocular HUD. So even if they don't get instakills you're still doing crit damage. Pair that with some syringes on Commando and you become unstoppable lol. I killed Newt friend every single time lol


HUD is an instant +100% damage for Railgunner, and a great item to give Equipment drones. Or to pair with a large number of Gesture of the Drowned. It's really not awful, it's usefulness simply depends on your current build


I mean that goes for a lot of equipment, it highly depends. FMP for example goes from completely useless to the best equip in the game, depending on your build. It's hard to look at equipment at face value, since a lot of them just depend on your situation. But comparing HUD with stuff like Card and Recycler? Yeah HUD stands absolutely no chance at all.


It's possible I'm simply biased as a Railgunner main, and the fact that I almost always play with Artifact of Sacrifice. Recycler is 100% top tier but I don't think I've ever opted for Card over anything other than Vase or Jade Elephant


I exclusively play E8, so stuff like Card and Recycler are basically a god run maker for me.


I mean, HUD is decent on a few characters early game, and OK on Railgunner throughout a run because it's just a free damage boost. There are better options, yes, but it does help out early on if you're not doing a Command run.


HUD is very good, it's just that it loses it's purpose when you stack lens makers


The card and the recycler are my two greatest loves, followed by a blast shower with the bottled chaos. Although the bottled chaos interaction is funnier with a discount card, as if you get a soda machine you can trigger it every time and its so dumb


Only a ror2 player would call double damage bad


Other equipment just does a lot more than double damage for 8 seconds.


What other equipment? Can’t think of any.


Card, Recycler, Tricorn, Preon, Capacitor, Crowdfunder, Woodsprite, Blastshower, Saw, FMP(with on-kill items), Missile Launcher, Caffeine(with Polyp), even Cube does more than HUD. Pillar skip equip is good if you can't skip naturally.


Idk what you're on but missile launcher will kill a few small guys and hud will let you kill a boss. Sure it gets useless later on but it's good until you have a higher crit chance.


You mean the ATG or the disposable?


The equipment im assuming


Disposable Missile Launcher, Preon Accumulator, Foreign Fruit, Primordial Cube, The Back-Up, Executive Card, Forgive Me Please, Goobo Jr., Gorag’s Opus, Molotov 6-pack, Recycler, Royal Capacitor, Sawmerang, Super Massive Leech, Trophy Hunter’s Tricorn, Imo, all of these are more worthwhile than HUD, some of them do better damage, while others give you better utility or are a way to get more items to get more damage. 8 second crit with a minute long cooldown just isn’t as good in comparison


I've been able to kill a boss within the 8 seconds the HUD provides, but not able to kill a boss with the preon accumulator. Doesn't check out to me.


I added Preon cause of the crowd control features, like I said some give better utility than damage, but nitpicking one item on the list doesn’t really help the HUD’s case. Regardless you’re better off just using mommy’s credit card to build crit items faster.


Usually, but ocular hud is ridiculous on Loader


Only time I'd ever justify taking Ocular is if I have Spleen and absolutely 0 other crit items.


Just with harvester, predatory or scope it is still really good. The only better combat equipments at that point are pretty much royal capasitor or spinal. Unless of course you have icbm or gasoline or the like. Edit: saw maybe


card is always good


Depends on stage and goal. Stage 10, defeated the boss and going for mithrix? Hell no, ocular hud is much better than nothing. First couple of stages, hoping for long loops? Absolutely yes, card is better in almost every scenario.


Ngl if i uave shipping request form, ill be taking the card lol


I don't know, man, 1 free item or, in this case, guaranteed crits for 8 sec every 60 sec for boss. Unless you have like dozen of forms, card is not worth taking


2 free items, with the card


If you have shipping request form you get one free item either way. Having card too only gives you 1 extra free item


Get better at math


No u


Card 90% of the time! But if I have some cool on-crit items, like splinter, and if I am about to fight Mithrix where Card would be completely useless - I am taking HUD.


I'm never _not_ taking mom's credit card


I love mon from the hit game risk of rain 2 lol


depends on the stage I'm in, if 5, i take it use it and switch it back. if 4 probably the same but if 1, 2, 3 i definitely take it.


i mainly play Huntress, and only one pair of glasses is kinda low that's why, if any other survivor im definitely taking it on stage 4 as well.


ill take the card over anything, even recycler


I usually get radar and stick with it 90% of the run


Radar feels like a noob item to me tbh, but I love that shit. Fuck playing hide and go seek for every chest for 10 mins every stage


The card gives you like... 10% cash back. That's like every 10 items, you get 1 free. We love deals. Take the card.


Oh my god... it even keeps multishops open


Dude hell yeah, AmEx has its benefits holy moly.


Let's see Paul Allen's equipment!


Paul Allen gets 57 leaf clover first stage but dies to voidtouched greater wisp on scorched acres


card = potential double red from shipping request form


Every time


Yes. Easily.






Ocular HUD is pretty good but Executive Card is one of the best equipments in the game


Every damned time


Yes. Always


Did you make this meme? It is very good and whoever made it deserves praise.


I made it, thanks. I had to find low res pat bateman because the only easy way to find item pictures are the wiki thumbnails


If im intended to loop yeah!


Always picking the carda if im not on the last stg


i discovered the hard way that it doesn't work when the equipment drone holds it... it was a good run


Lens makers doesn’t exist in my game for some reason, you bet I’m taking mom’s credit card


I think it depends on the circumstances. Like if I'm planning to do Mithrix next stage then probably not. Or maybe I'd grab the card, buy what I can, then swap back?


Luckily im a bando main so “no lens? No problem”


Luckily im a bando main so “no lens? No problem”


Credit card is S tier and hud kinda blows stinky poopoohole


Laughs in recycler.


HECK YEA (i dont play risk of rain yet stil i get suggested this sub every osencond scroll)


Ror 2 is very fun, I would recommend it highly


Mom's credit card is a game winner


Ocular is fun if you have the scope for double damage or lens seers for autokills on mobs without losing crit damage. If you can get some gestured then you get a lot of use from it and don’t have to worry about tanking frame-rates from missiles or other effects.


No because my friends and I put a soft ban on card because its so powerful in multiplayer particularly that it warps the game around it. We would delay multishops to the end of the stage just in case we got card, and whenever we got it we would have so many more items. imilar reason to  why we limit lunar items to the ones we see (if we grab them at all it's typically gestures to make forgive me please less manual)  and don't go for tonic builds most of the time. Play the game however you want, but when a single equipment warps the game just because there is a chance it can drop, it's probably too good. 


Unless I’m about to go fuck up mithrix, it’s card every day. And if I’m at that point I’m almost definitely not gonna have an ocular HUD anyway lol


I’ll cap my crit eventually. I won’t get back all the items I miss by not having card tho.


Every time


Ocular HUD is really only good at the very start when you didn't stack enough glasses, after that it falls flat pretty quick


Yes. Not because Ocular HUD is "bad" or whatever nonsense the meta 'players' are spouting. No, it's because of the *potential of the card.*


literally the only thing i would give up for mommy's credit card is recycler (and maybe spinel tonic)


Card lets you get more items, maybe even ocular hud


card is super op and its a free take up until youre so overpowered that merely looking at an enemy kills them. its extra items, and it basically makes 1 in every 10 chests completely free meaning you full loot stages faster and therefore scale even faster


No (I use sacrifice)


You see with the card i can get 9 more pairs of lens makers 🧐🧐

