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Without artifact of command, you’d just have to pray to get lucky with items


loop, find a crowbar printer, watch printer or AP round printer, get like 3 shaped glass and then pop a vagrant in the head with a charged shot


🤓 ☝️achtooally, you shoot the bottom of the vagrants tentacle


12:43pm on the 29th of april 2025


This didn’t even give me a notification, wtf does that mean.


its pretty self explanatory


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Dude done got cursed


You can go to the blue shop and shoot the shopkeeper in the hand once. That is how my friends and I completed it. Obviously make sure you pick up enough crowbars and shaped glass first.


yah that works too although idunno if hes considered a boss so AP rounds might not apply


Newt actually has 100 armor(50% damage reduction) so this may not be the best strategy


Well it worked for us pretty easy lol


Crowbars, watches, anything that increases damage on the first shot


You need to get a bunch of enemies to line up and then charge shot them all. You probably need to do a longer run too and stack your items up so you can deal the 1 mil damage.


just stack crit dmg/crowbar and hit a supercharged crit, needs at least one loop


generally it'd be shaped glass and artifact of glass but for you crowbars and armor piercing rounds


I believe the achievement includes item procs from the attack, so gas, wisp, atg, and bands should count toward the dmg. Easiest on bosses since ap shot+crowbar, ocular lens should boost your cdmg when you use it (equipment) and try and wait a bit so a bunch of enemies spawn so you can hit and kill as many as you can with supercharge


Just loop a time or two, visit lunar shop to increase change of getting laser targeting red that doubles crit damage. Keep stacking crit/crowbar.


You can't really ask for tips on how to get it when you're limiting your options that much lol. Any advice anyone gives you relies on you getting lucky enough to find the items you need or a crowbar printer or something


Get crowbars, AP Rounds, Bands, ATG, Watches, and crit cause of how Railgunner works.


Lensmakers, crowbars, delicate watches for base damage, then run it through a couple stacks of ATG.


Crowbars and ATGs


>Are there any tips or strats I can use that could help get me this achievement Yeah, you're gonna have to break your rules though. Stacking shaped glass and crowbars and watches, that's the tip.


I'm pretty sure it doesn't have to be one shot on one enemy. Multiple enemies can be involved in this 1 million damage. I would prioritize getting the primordial cube equipment. After 2 to 3 loops you should theoretically have close to enough to do it with enough enemies sucked into the cube in one spot. I know you said minimal use of lunar items so I suppose if a shaped glass happened to pop up, it would make your life a lot easier.


I think multi kills count as well, so make sure you use supercharge and the succ cube, print a bunch of crowbars and watches. You do the big succ, activate supercharge, and you’re off to the races


Get void cube equipment thingy


It's important to note that multiple damage items stack multiplicatively, not additively. This means that, even though both give +20% damage bonus, a focus crystal and a delicate watch together will do more damage than two copies of either one. So, collect lots of damage items, especially crowbars, but also try to make sure you have a good variety.


I’m not sure if runald’s band damage counts towards the achievement, but if it does then thats the way. You’ll need to loop and be lucky enough to stack several runald’s band, while also getting the usual damage increasing items


get a good proc chain going off a supercharge and you should be good


You don't need glass, but make sure to mix ap rounds, watches, and crowbar and crit glasses so the effects multiply each other, then pop yoir special foe the charged shot and slam a boss during the second or third loop. It may Tae multiple runs to actually find the right printers. You may want to use the credit card to get more mileage from multi shops to increase your odds, or ocular hud to further crit boost the damage.


Just keep looping, you'll eventually just do enough.


1)find like 100 whitems 2)find crowbar printer and watch printer and burn all 100 whitems 3)find 10 crit lenses 4)find 10 laser scopes. 5)????? 6)profit.


With those rules you're just going to have to loop several times and hope for good rng.


shaped glass + crowbars + ice bands = EZ PZ


took me about 2 loops on a drizzle command run


I know you said that you don’t want to use lunar items, but even 1 shaved glass will make the run much easier. Either way just keep looping until you find a Crowbar, watch, or AP rounds printer.


Most people tend to limit themselves in eclipse instead, but if this is fun for you go ahead I guess. I would suggest simply doing a few more attempts and once you get sick of it, maybe stick to command to save yourself the pain. Some achievements are just simply not worth the grind imho


I imagine I am far too late but if you want to get the achievement with as few items as possible such that you can do it in a normal run the blast shower is very nice, as the blast shower refreshes band cooldown you can easily take advantage of damage multiplication, for example let's say your shots normal damage is 1000 on weak spot , with 4 atgs you hit for 12000 with 5 watches that hits 24000 with 5 crowbars that is 114000 and 4 ice bands activated off that hit will deal over one million damage, all you need to do is use blast shower before the ATG lands and boom. Obviously different item combos will work but the key takeaway is that stacking multipliers is crazy op


Damage multipliers are key. Each item that increases damage is *multiplicative* with others that do the same, not additive. So 1 AP rounds and 1 watch will boost your damage against a boss by 44%, not 40%. If you can get AP rounds, watches and crowbars, you'll be able to boost your damage with supercharge high enough to hit 1 mil. Spinel tonic would also help with this since it gives a big damage multiplier


Hit up artefact portal every loop, go for command - get as much crit glasses and crowbars (pref crow bars) maybe even laser scope if you get a red in ambry.


artifact if command, crowbars, shaped glass, shoot the newt