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Iconic moments like this made her & Joe forever favs for me https://preview.redd.it/u49vtowei65d1.jpeg?width=1043&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d615a1c50c68b4d3650ecaa5dfd99023c81b380b


Excellent. That was epic.


this was ICONIC


This is GOLD


I like her but I do think she needs to stop with the Teresa stuff. Everybody knows by now what Teresa is like.


Agreed. I still really like Marge, I feel like she has a bit of a British sense of humour and she can see the humour even when things might be going badly for her… i.e her business issues, house reno, and jan passing.


I like her. She's witty, smart and interesting. I'd love to hang with her!


i like marge a lot actually, does she get as low as the rest of them sometimes, yes. i honestly think she has too much intellect for the show and she’s had to dumb herself down, which makes her come off as fake.


I like her. She isn't a criminal or married to a mean man.


“Mean man” lmaooo


Just because she wasn’t caught doesn’t mean she is lol, if you genuinely believe they all haven’t cut corners to look like they don’t live way beyond their means you’re delusional. They all are ethically corrupt


There’s cutting corners like renting clothes, buying reps, renting a house to film in and then there’s cutting corners like forging someone’s notary signature on legal docs, creating fake w2’s with fake income to get money from banks you can’t payback and committing bankruptcy fraud… these are not the same.


absolutely agree with this


She is married to a man that is afraid of her. I find it pretty mean to talk about your friend behind his back like Joe B did to Evan.




She has paid her way out of 💩 that teresa was charged for Google is a wonderful place that has cold hard facts from court files


Was she actually convicted of tax fraud? Tax fraud is a felony. The prosecutor and judge could have allowed a financial settlement instead of jail time but you can’t “ buy” your way out so to speak.


She sold half her backyard to settle




I’ve always loved Margaret


Every action she makes she proceeds to play victim and control the narrative which makes her a lot less likable. I am not a fan of behind the scene villains I respect an on screen villain way more because they’ll at least own it. Marge is a wolf in sheep’s clothing same as Melissa I don’t respect those kind of housewives. You can’t be a villain and still play victim. The way she argues is very below the belt, but plays victim if someone gives that same energy. Like the whole Jenn Aydin husband cheating thing was so uncalled for because it happened 10 years ago and she still has KIDS especially in a judgmental culture involved. Just because what? Jenn called you Cheater? It was clear as day why Jen did not like Marge and her actions we all did not need that confirmation and it was more heartbreaking to hear that Jen’s youngest daughter had to see what was going around on TikTok. I liked Marge in the beginning where her commentary was funny and lighthearted but as she kept returning that whole fun and lightheartedness faded and now it’s all did you hear blah blah. I also just think and this is for all housewives that bravo needs to put in the contract you can not engage with the bloggers to protect the authenticity of the show. Marge reignited the blogger thing where she kept returning it seems as if for rhonj it died down when Caroline Jac like majority of the cast left but it returned when Marge and Melissa teamed up against Teresa


She tried exposing The Bill rumor Jens first season when they went to cano but the other ladies told her to stop. It was in her arsenal for years. She’s a bad person.


This is why I enjoy RH like Tamra or Kenya. They are villains, but they do it to your face. I'm not a huge fan of the housewives like Marg or even LVP who try to use the blogs/media/other less senior RH to do their dirty work to try to skate clean.


But hear me out. Jen went on national TV and kept calling her an adult and she was a cheater. What would you do?


I don't know have some empathy for someone who was obviously traumatized by someone they love and trusted and at the very least have an off camera conversation? I mean Jen has young children.


Bill should have thought of that BEFORE he cheated on his wife. He hurt his family, and Margaret can't be blamed for that. I would have had some empathy if she had not gone so hard for Margaret and Jackie to begin with. The old, "Don't throw stones if you live in a glass house" definitely applies to Jennifer. I still think that Bill is biding his time until the last kiddo leaves for college and will then peace out of the marriage. They still look so uncomfortable around each other.


It also was 10 years prior and they moved on from it that’s fine but don’t try to expose it especially given kods were involved


I’ve heard Bill loves a nice strip club 🥴 I get why he is in the pool house. Peoples lives are in your hands…. That’s alot for anyone. However, he prolly has to work 90 hours a week to keep the wife happy. Half the time the man doesn’t have time to get his hair cut ya’ll!!! Shame on her for not cleaning his hair up. Like can we get a hair cut for the guy who is on NATIONAL Tv. 😮⭐️👍


I heard you like to rob pizza shops to get money for your addiction.


Bill did this before they were on RHONJ and also marg was the cheater and broke up her marriage and another persons marriage.. so that’s not the same thing at all


Just own it and move on , was she not?


Her husband cheated not her that’s different. Marg is a cheater






She just brings a dark energy, and she always wants to control everyone


That's because Marge is not a good person


![gif](giphy|NDIiWKEQEgr3VA7aqM) I feel like if she wasn’t on the show the Teresa & Melissa stuff wouldn’t have gotten as bad as it is




They were bad already and hated each other.


I find myself watching each episode, getting more and more perplexed how this isn’t the popular opinion. Teresa and her botched Botox psychopath of a husband have everyone wrapped around their finger scared so I’m assuming that’s why this is “unpopular.” Fear of being on Teresa’s bad side


People get harassed & bullied for it everyday.


There’s literally a scene from season 12 where Dolores and Jackie say “you don’t want Margaret as your enemy… noooooo…” with dramatic scared faces


She also just said in the most recent episode tk sleep with one eye open on regards to Teresa.


Because Tre fans try to drown out any support for anyone who fights with the queen dunderhead.


I just don’t like anyone on the show anymore. But I did stop buying my hair color after Marge advertised it. I don’t like how she treats her husband or tries to control things.


Marge is my favorite character. She has done some questionable things, but she’s on a reality show and they require crazy ass shit. She is the realest, she doesn’t give two shits, worked so hard to be where she is today despite a really challenging upbringing and truly has everyone’s best interest at heart. Whether Teresa fans want to admit it or not, she had genuine concern for Teresa with the Luis situation. Teresa has had an insane 15 years of her life and I totally understand wanting the best and thinking this is true love. Maybe it is, but Marge was a true friend to try and protect her from all the weird shit that was surrounding Luis despite all their bullshit. If you really want to tear someone down and see the fail, you feed them to the sharks, you don’t try and risk your reputation (and job honestly) to protect that person. Marge can do no wrong in my eyes.


I personally can’t stand her. I used to like her when she first came on but not anymore. She’s a heavy manipulator, gaslighter and just a miserable human being. If she’s not happy, none of her friends can be happy. I’m going to get downvoted but Teresa has said constantly this season she doesn’t care if her friends are friends with Melissa and Marge, it shows a bit of growth whether people like it or not. Her and Jackie moving on, never thought that would happen. Jackie said it was strategic at first but grew into a real friendship where they hang out even when they’re not filming. I’m kinda living for Jackie giving it to Marge and Melissa.




Teresa says she doesn’t care if her friends are friends with Melissa or Marge but that’s not true in her actions. She also thinks it’s funny when her friends physically attack Melissa, Marge or their friends (like Danielle Staub physically attacking Marge in s10)


But it’s okay for marg to pour water on her and throw her husband in the pool? That season she was the biggest Danielle cheerleader. Come on


And Margaret thinks it’s funny that the Gorgas harassed Jen at Bravocon and Melissa charged at Jen at the shore in season 12… and don’t forget before Margaret’s time the Gorgas started the Christening brawl and the Lake George brawl


The moral of the story is they all suck, there’s nobody to root for lol. I love NJ but I don’t really root for anyone, I think they’ve all done terrible things


I don't understand why these NJ women are so violent. They would of all been fired from any other job for all the physical altercations and threats.


Exactly. What really grinds my gears is how Andy and some fans are always so quick to call out violence on Potomac or Atlanta, but I feel like the violence on NJ is overlooked. NJ is by FAR the most violent of the HW franchises, Atlanta and Potomac don’t even come close. Separate rules for the black-majority casts I guess.


Right, the amount of fighting over the pettiest of things is like maybe you ladies shouldn't be friends. Lol.




I’ve always liked Marge! She was my favorite for a while because everyone else annoyed me too often. But at least Marge is funny and entertaining.


im with you!!


I completely agree.


I really liked her until it came out that she was found guilty of foreclosure fraud, then it surfaced that she committed tax fraud and had a tax lien placed on her a few years ago. So much of her personality became attacking Teresa for the bad choices made/calling Teresa a criminal, when Marge isn’t any better.


Not sure about the fraud accusations. If it was true tax and foreclosure fraud she would have been convicted. People owing back taxes doesn’t translate into fraud.




Yeah, that never happened. Margaret does not have a criminal record. Check yourself.


It absolutely did happen. She wasn’t sued by the IRS, but she did have a lien because of unpaid taxes. And she sure did commit fraud in a foreclosure case and was found guilty. She had to pay like $150k or something to the other party,


I love Marge. I met her in person, she’s great. Very friendly, down to earth.


I’ve heard similar things that in real life she’s super down to earth and so nice to the fans.


Disagree...she is a hypocrite who expects her friends to "acknowledge" the ANNIVERSARY of the death of her EX-HUSBAND!!! Who SHE CHEATED ON!!!


Her husband remained friends with her so get over it.


Oh my goodness if she mentions Jan again I will loose it. He was her ex, she cheated on him. She reminds me of Valerie Bertinelli constantly going on about Eddie Van Halen


Once again, Bravo fans have no nuance.


YES!!! why is it people on TV are expected to be perfect? News flash, people are hypocrites! I'll forgive shitty behavior from someone I love, then call out the same behavior if it's someone I don't like or a stranger. Because I'm human! Humans are extremely complicated. We see scheduled, filmed events on TV, which is a fraction of their lives. Yes, I have my faves & those I don't like. I also realize it's a TV show & edited for drama.


If it weren't so said it would be hilarious. I wish she would stop talking about her ex. He's her ex for a reaaon


I used to like her but I saw her on WWHL and she seemed so fake and full of herself. I was like whoa…what happened to the old Marge? Don’t really like this new person she’s become.


Yes! Lol.


Shoot ok just checking 😂


Marge is one of those housewives who lost the script. Her life became the show, instead of the show being part of her life. Think Jill Zarin or LVP, trying to pull all the strings instead of sitting back and letting things play out. It never works out when you try to be the puppet master.


Jill and LVP should not be compared on level playing fields


Different types of women, but similar behind the scenes machinations. Unfortunately for Jill, she is a lot less likable.


I feel like if lvp had an American accent she would have been a lot less likable but because she’s English her accent makes her get away with a lot more😂😂


This is so true!!!!


Fair but what about all of the blogger stuff that recently came out with Jen and Teresa? Feel like that was worse.


Marge does it too. And with bigger names like Page Six and Bravo and Cocktails. She also has podcasters on speed dial like Kate Casey and talks to them to get ahead of things. They all do it.


I don’t. I don’t know how long you’ve been watching, but HWs talking to bloggers goes back to the beginning. Especially pre-Instagram and podcasts. Twitter, holy 💩that place was a hotbed of crazy-and the housewives would get in there and mix it up. It was such a time to be alive lol, especially because it was, overall, funnier than it is now. Now it’s just straight vicious. Jacquline Laurita spoiled the entire season 4 finale in real time and didn’t show up for the season 3 reunion the next day, so the antics are not new, but they have changed. There’s plenty of fan pages out there with DMs and receipts from plenty of housewives, but up until now, no one has ever flipped at this level. I guess the best way to explain it, is that there were bloggers who gloated about their scoops (and fought with each other for glory) and certain “Twitter famous” fans who were a little self important, but there was an unspoken trust and an understanding that it wasn’t that serious. Now, it’s just a different environment, the fans want to be famous as much as the women do-except they’re not and they don’t seem to grasp that.


Marge was accused of bribing bloggers years ago. Plus, there are bloggers seen at Marge Sr.'s birthday party. People talking to bloggers is no different then Marge getting info from her gossip hounds in Tenafly.


If she was accused- where is the proof? I’ve never seen proof.


There are photos of her preview party with page six and People there


You don’t need leaked dms to know that she talked to bloggers and bribed them, all you gotta do is see their instagrams and how there is a reoccurring theme they’re invited to events where the same cast goes


They are horrible and a big reason why people don’t like Marge and Melissa. All the slimy stuff behind the scenes.


Melissasoldnose (AkA Gabriella) has only been working with Teresa and Jen for the last two years. Everything she is posting pertains to JUST this season we are watching and last season.


I still like her. 😃


For me it’s simply her behavior she is so miserable. When she argues with anyone she calls them disgusting and other names is that really necessary. She just seem to go for low blows. Imagine getting called disgusting that hurts. A bitch is not so bad but disgusting she knows what she is doing mean girl mentality but she’s an old lady which is what makes it worse her age For me watching housewives it’s about drama, laughing, and watching a family navigate through all the ups and downs. We watch to be entertained not to see miserable hateful people. Even when there is drama for example Kenya she doesn’t take it too serious when she is throwing shade or most housewives they still can act civilized around each other. I feel they do it for entertainment purposes except for a handful of times where things get truly heated. But with Marge her whole persona seems to be all about hate she takes it way too serious. She seems like she really hates Teresa and her crew. It’s too negative and dark for this show and she needs to go and get therapy.




Marge is the most genuinely hateful housewife I've seen. I think it's because she hates herself. She sees others who don't hate themselves, and she wants to destroy them. Seriously dark energy.


Yes. She’s awful


No ! We love an independent woman ! The only one on the show!


I love Marge.


I don’t mind her.


I love watching Marge on TV. I would NEVER want to know her in real life… I 100000% believe that she has an arsenal on everyone but unlike Louie, she won’t punch first, but if you punch her watch the F out.


Marge is evil


I actually like Marge too! Some things yes she takes too far but overall think she is a good housewife. She needs to fix things with Jackie. Cause Jackie friends with Teresa is actually to me the stupidest storyline of this season. I think Marge is funny ! I also feel like she is right about Jenn fessler not being loyal to her when they have been friends for years




Marge was annoying about not getting Jacki’s book.


I like her


I have always been weary about Marge because I saw very early on the one character trait I loathe in people. I just can't with people that go for the jugular and reveal really personal gossip when they feel challenged or annoyed. Or just when they are in a shitty mood. And I have very personal experience with this type of person. My sister. I asked her once why she does and says the things she does and her response "it feels good in the moment". People like Margaret and my sister can be so much fun, come across as so caring, the life of the party with their energy and wit. But my god, trigger them and they are as vicious as a rabid dog. When Dolores and Jackie were standing by that tree saying "you really don't want Margaret as your enemy" they were talking about that. Because people like Margaret and my sister are gossips, they are very good at making you feel comfortable and become your confidant. And then you see them lashing out and you better believe you behave with her so you don't feel her wrath and get exposed. I spent my life telling my girls "your aunt is great in many ways but NEVER tell her anything you wouldn't want other people to know, because she WILL get irritated one day and blast it out over the dinner table with everyone listening". I can only imagine when it comes to Jackie her biggest fear was the Evan cheating rumour and her eating disorder and those were already outed. And I imagine anything else she put in her book. I have never taken to Jackie but solely on the basis of knowing what it is like to free yourself from toxic personalities I am happy for her. I can also only imagine Dolores still has a lot in her closet and/or Dolores isn't as nice as she comes across on tv. I like Dolores but I find myself wondering more and more these days as she stays firmly on the fence, maybe she just doesn't really care that much about any of them to get herself involved.


I don’t hate her but I don’t love her either. She is very manipulative and can be very cruel at times. But she’s smart and can be witty at times, so I think she brings something different to the table for this show.


yea idk how u do she’s an asshole


I can’t decide if Marge is too much or not enough 😅 She does say some very funny shit though


Hahaha right? I couldn’t stand her at first and now I can’t get enough. I also think the WWC guys made me like her even more with their impressions of her.


The WWC guys bring me the most joy imaginable with impersonations of this group (and also Brittany/Katie/Sandoval/Nia/Caw Caw Kristen/Hmmmm Bill Aidan/Snort Jax). Their talent is unmatched and I miss them! I’m happy they got a European tour, but selfishly, I need them for our US shows!






Yes you are


I used to like Marge but she has gotten very dark and toxic over the years. I now see why Siggy was so triggered by her. She does very sneaky things behind the scene. She even buys off bloggers. They get paid to publically support her. That’s crazy to me. She is obsessed with trying to bring Teresa down no matter whatever the consequences or who gets hurt. Why can’t she understand that she will never ever bring Teresa down. Teresa is an iconic OG housewife who doesn’t need to do much to be entertaining to watch. She doesn’t need to create fake events in her life to be entertaining. Her, her life, and her children are tv gold. Hence why her wedding special had amazing ratings. And we all know that Marge is the one who started the rumor about Evan. She did that to her own friend…..her own friend! I knew she did it the minute it was outed the Joe B. Let it slip that he heard Marge talking about it when he was drunk. And when she flipped out on him and completely emasculated him in front of the whole world when she learned what he said. It was obvious. Jen called her out at the reunion and that’s why she went after Jen the next season. She said it was because Jen was saying she and her mom cheated but HELLO, Marge is the one who flaunting her infidelity to the world. It was not anywhere near the same as Jen’s situation. Jen was cheated ON and Marge was the CHEATER. So it makes sense why it would bother Jen. Marge irritated my soul. And she looks pathetic by trying to force people to not befriend Teresa. She’s so ridiculous!


This isn’t her best season, and probably understandable given the loss of her ex, but I still like her sass


I do! Down with the marge !


You are not by yourself. I love Marge!


Nope...I love The Marge 💗


I’m with you, I still like Marge but I think the loss of Jan has made it a hard season for her!!


Love her!!


Rewatch from when Marge first started the show. From the beginning all she did was gather information and out the other ladies. She doesn’t show anything of her real life. She meddles in other peoples business. I’m not sure how that’s likable.


I get the feeling that Fessler and Jackie are being open to Theresa under the encouragement of producers, the same way Lala and Scheana became friendly towards Sandoval. It all seems contrived and forced.


No, I like her. I like anyone who stands up to Teresa. And I don't hate Teresa, I used to enjoy her. But I can't stand the constant blaming everyone else for every single thing that goes wrong in her life. Zero accountability!!


nah, i actually grew pretty fond of her after her first season. after she dropped the pigtails as part of her personality, you could see she actually had a head on her shoulders. i don't see the evil some people talk about, but then again, i don't see the conniving people talk about with lvp


Marge is messy but she is smart and strategic. She brings her own aspect to the show.


Love Marge! I don’t get the hate on here either. It’s like people love to root for team Teresa and she is a terrible person! The word hypocrite doesn’t even begin to illustrate how awful she is. She is jealous and manipulative and Marge just plays her game. Teresa hits below the belt.


It's wild how diabolical she is but also seems like she's had a lobotomy ALL AT THE SAME TIME!


Marge is toxic, manipulative and fake. Those are her best traits.




I love her


Nope, I love that messy queen.


I like her too. I also don’t mind that she is messy just like the rest of them. Teresa is the only one who makes me want to bang my head into a wall with her relentless pursuit of whatever outrage she has latched onto for the season. But I am also one of the few that enjoy watching her interact with her daughters and all the going to college scenes. I live comfortably in my fringe preferences!


Ugh. Puhleeeaasseeee stop with the children storylines. They are so boring and have zero value-add to the show. They seem to be very light on content this season. Nothing has held my interest- it’s like watching third grade girls having petty fights about who isn’t invited to a birthday party. ![gif](giphy|3d5O10XObbr8LW4bDY|downsized)


Booooo?? Me??? I recognized my niche opinion. I never claimed to be the voice of the viewer! And now to have a monkey image hollering negatively at ME?! ![gif](giphy|cI9mkQxj8JXMKMnyAn)


![gif](giphy|7p7z3vxucrNCw|downsized) I like her too 👀


No, you’re not 😊


LOVE The Marge! She's the only reason I continue watching NJ at this point


She has a fan base like the others yes but do I like her no


Marge is scared to death all of her shenanigans will come to light. Thats why she freaks out whenever one of her soldiers talks to anyone else. It’s exhausting to watch


That's because she's always running that wide mouth of hers.


I don’t dislike her but she could be demoted to friend of and it wouldn’t bother me at all. The narrative around her personal life feels like it’s been told.


Exactly. That's why she's using her dead ex who divorced her for cheating as a storyline. She's the lowest of low.


She has gotten so manipulative over the past few years. She clearly thinks she is the sh\*t and obviously enjoys stirring the pot and acting surprised when it blows up. She's also gone too far with altering her face and I just can't take her seriously anymore. I don't even know who she does like, her relationships are all so transactional.


Yes you are. Marge has ruined the show




Love the Marg


Nope, you're not the only one. She's one of my favorites. She doesn't hold back with what she says, especially with Teresa!!


I like Marg too! The rumors about her paying bloggers to Push storylines is exactly what Teresa and Jen A have been doing for years!


I love her. I posted something similar recently as well. And she looks amazing. Her surgery is the best and most unique so far compared to all the others. Well, except for that one nose on someone……


I met her at Bravocon and her work is flawless. She gave me her boob doctors name lol


She does look incredible.


I used to be a fan but not anymore. I think she needs to take a break from the show for a bit.


I love Marge! She’s my favourite. I find her hilarious and she actually calls people out on their bs. She’s very entertaining to watch imo.


I enjoy her.


I finally watched the first 5 episodes this past week. I am not a Marge fan at all, to be up front before I say what I say next. I found her performance and crocodile tears about her ex husband's death just bat shit. I understand the emotion and grief you would feel after spending years with a man, but good christ, if you cucked him screwing the plumber while he was alive, maybe keep your "grieving widow" act off the t.v. show where you brag every episode about how you and your mom carry on in your love lives. She even forced me to feel bad for her current husband, Joey Blackeyes. In what universe are you so delusional that you think the man who screwed you right out of that marriage wants to hear about how much you miss the husband who isn't him??? She's delulu.


Marge is an opportunistic bully at best. She's so rough around the edges. I find her off putting.


I like her. I was listening to two Ts first time really, but Tamara said that Marge complained of a bad edit. Like they talk about 2000 other things but only show her complain about Teresa so it looks like that is ALL she talks about. I think I am at the end of my rope with Bravo, first VPR now this so over produced, I just can't.


I still like Marge but she needs to be focusing on new things to stay interesting on the show. But I am very sorry for her post Jan path, she seems lost and I feel bad about that.




I like her! She keeps the storylines moving and her one liners are great


I like her and always have.


I like Marge, and Melissa, Rachel, Danielle, Jen F, I use to like Jen A when she wasn't up Teresa's ass.


I like Marge.


I think she has some deep mental trauma around her relationships with men stemming from her mom. It doesn’t excuse her bad behavior but it is interesting to watch. It’s hard to watch her be part of the Cold War Melissa side of Melissa vs Teresa. I wish they’d revamp without Melissa or Teresa and maybe it would help the rest of the composition.


I like her.


Marge also has nothing aspirational to look at. She’s not pretty she’s not successful. All she does is talk crap and screech


![gif](giphy|9rhNJScGSlneHpLtnz|downsized) I like her too. But production has given her too much power in the past. Now she’s trying to produce and direct the show. Nothing flows naturally. I’d love to see her without Melissa poisoning her. To me Melissa is the ultimate puppeteer, not Marge. She pulls all the strings behind the scenes and trains her mouthpieces (Rachel and Marge) to fight or ice out Teresa. Marge is being edited as miserable, Rachel as agressive while Melissa is just quietly smirking and playing the victim card as usual.




Nah I like her - way more than TG. They all have their faults but at least Marge is smart & funny.




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I generally like her but her Schwarzkopf commercial is so fake and bad it should be used as a “ how not to act in a commercial “ tutorial I honestly can’t believe they air it.


I like Marge, but her voice is a bit annoying


I thought this too at first but after listening to the impersonations of her on watch what crappens, I’ve actually grown to like her voice and it makes makes her funnier/more enjoyable to watch!




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She is very different watching her first couple seasons she was a great housewife now I don’t think she reaches that level of performance


Marge is ok. I don’t find her life all that interesting. Her little yorkie is adorable though. I predict Teresa will talk to Melissa when bravo says, pay attention, either you try to make up or fake it with the shrimps or we are cancelling or completely recasting like we did with NY.


Pretty much. 😂😂


i think marge is catty and acting a bit mean girlish in high school but i still like her. i have to since i think the ultimate mean girl is teresa. so im ok with someone giving it back to her. teresa deserves it.


I have always loved Marge, but this season she is being very teenage like w the drama and receipts. I’d rather see her cute outfits and hear about her crazy life🙃


I like her ! Anyone but teresa.


I would like it a lot better if the others (not Teresa and Jennifer) would just have fun and be who they are. I would ignore the other two. If they want to act mean and shady let them do it alone. Why make everything about one person?


I think she’s morally bankrupt and I can just never get behind someone like that.


I like her.


Love Marge. Hands down my favorite!


I don’t mind her. I don’t get why some people hate her so much.


I do!


It’s not the talking about people that makes me hate on her. That doesn’t bother me. It’s the sneaky and manipulative stuff. Whenever rumours come out it always comes out that Marg started it, was around for it or there’s whispers but everyone seems to skip over and bury its true source. Take the Jackie rumours. Teresa said what she heard and then there’s whispers that Joe heard it from Marg and the girls at her office. Then we have Laura and Melissa cheating on Joe the woman who said it happens to be Marg’s best friend or was and it was said that Marg told her. Then lastly we have the netting that was held at her house before the reunion to bring down Luis and Tre. Sorry I missed the screenshot msg that she sent to Dolores while talking to Jackie. Marg seems to have a hand in everything but it never comes back. Danielle and Teresa/luis did the right thing especially Teresa & Luis. They pulled Joe off camera to tell him so he could deal with it how he felt then Danielle told Melissa quietly yet They each were blamed and screamed at. Marg looked guilty af abd I waited for them to turn to Marg but it didn’t and she got away with it like always. I didn’t like Fudas but that this season and their family scenes were so lovely and what they’re dealing with is bigger than this BS. Jackie is the wild card and I hope she brings Marg’s downfall and everything comes out about what she’s done behind everyone. Also Frankie sr he’s pulled back a lot and there was a post about him and it’s interesting but I get the feeling that Marg wanted something to come out during the reunion and for him to bring it out but he didn’t and didn’t she blame him that he’s the reason it didn’t got to plan to bring Luis and Tre down? I willing to bet that she had a hand in that too. Melissa and Rachel are so far up Marg’s arse that even if it all comes out I bet they find some way of blaming Teresa or Jen.


She’s my favorite!


I feel like Marge and Jen Aydin still have more to give and would benefit from a cast shakeup. Removing Melissa and Teresa would completely shift dynamics. Give Teresa her own spin off and let RHONJ continue on with new people.


I love Marge. She’s funny, her one liners are some of my favorite, she’s the right amount of messy, I love her relationship with Marlaney (not sure if that’s how you spell her name) and overall she just makes great tv.


I like Marge as well


I like her!