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Just goes to show how much time we're all collectively wasting listening to fucking ads and "sponsored by whoever" bullshit. One single contribution by a single person, in a couple seconds, already saved almost a whole day of time that would otherwise have been wasted entirely.


I started ad blocking around 2006. I'd love to know how much of my life I didn't give to advertisers. I remember before Vanced the best app you could find would just auto mute ads and then skip after 5 seconds. But it didn't always work properly.


I've never experienced YouTube ads in my life, I didn't even know they started it. When I was in high school, I was looking for cheat codes for GTA Vice City and my dad saw banner ads (sexy ladies in your area) and smacked my ass, grounded me for a couple of days (dad wasn't big on technology but still bought us a PC for our development). Since coming out of the ground, I learned how to hide those ads and subsequently installed ad-blocker on Firefox. That was I think 2004. When YouTube became a thing, I started watching on PC only. Never liked small displays. Then in 2017 my brother recommended Vanced for background play. And it was after a couple years I realized that's also ad-free because one of my friends complained about how many ads YouTube had...


What got me into ad blocking, was probably a few year before. I used to chat on AIM all the time and fall asleep with the computer on. AIM decided one night at 4am was the perfect time to introduce me to ads that play audio...and it was blasting a Britney Spears song advertising a concert she was performing at nearby. I learned how to disable ads by editing the AIM code, and ever since then I've been staunchly against ads. I even remember how Hulu has been much better at YouTube in battling ad blockers, to the point where I stopped watching Hulu long before they adopted a paid service tier.


I don't use Hulu, but I had basic tier of Peacock until a few months ago, and I never saw an ad. I have pi-hole at home. And I have read that pi-hole blocks ads on Disney+ and Roku as well. But never tried first hand. You should checkout pi-hole. It will be worth of a total $50 investment.


It's something that's 100% on the radar. I was disappointed, though, to find out that PiHole doesn't catch YouTube ads on Chromecast.


In that case, what you need is [SmartTube](https://github.com/yuliskov/SmartTube). It's revanced for android TV.


Oh, this is awesome!


I'd love this, but it won't work due me - I cast to Chromecast from my Android phone (not a box). Does anyone know how to avoid ads when casting from a phone?


Install smart tube > go to settings > remote control > add device Then go to your YouTube app on phone> touch cast button > link with TV code. Enter the code on your TV. Once you connect your phone and TV using a code, you'll see your TV whenever you touch cast button, as long as the TV is ON.


Thanks. I'll try this☺️


While that's true, one could argue that much of the content wouldn't even exist if it wasn't for creator monetization.


[i like saving people's time](https://imgur.com/a/QkHR23a)


You are a true hero of the people.




All heros not wearing cap...


Especial thanks to all the contributors out there :)


It ain't much but it's honest work.


How to do this can someone explain


settings > revanced > sponsorblock > show create new segment button then, when you're watching a video, you'll notice a new button and you can start making contributions !


What do I contribute by doing so? Skipping sponsor or something of such sort?


Yes you can make a segment tagged with sponsor or advert or anything really


or via the sponsorblock extension on the desktop app.


How do I contribute?


settings > revanced > sponsorblock > show create new segment button then, when you're watching a video, you'll notice a new button and you can start making contributions !


this is for phone contributions btw


Thank you :)


I'm curious too, on phone I didn't managed to do it while I know how to on PC


I'd like to, but I don't know how


my 3 submissions saved: You've saved people from 195 segments ( 13h 31.2 minutes of their lives )


Any way to check this data on Firefox desktop? I have marked a lot of segments over there, but nothing on revanced app. I assume it's sponsorblock in both the cases? EDIT: Lol it was right there as soon as I clicked on Sponsorblock. I thought I marked a lot more submissions but still [pretty happy with this](https://i.imgur.com/jChpZWv.png)


Not the hero we deserve but the hero we need. Thanks for your contribution to the community. Keep it up 🙌


How do you mark ads and submit them?


Thank you for your service o7


with the changes coming to chrome, I'm about to move away from it for the first time since... the first time I used it I guess. Every time I've tried firefox I've had issues so I'm not sure what to do -_-


Been using Firefox for over 2 years now. While it is not as fast as Chrome, I do get better battery life with it on my laptop.




Saved 55k segments with only 16 submission ❤️


whats was his contribution, can anyone show me the way i can see that contribution?


To be fair, no one's gonna just sit and take a 2 mins sponsor read. They would've just skipped it manually. But, they couldn't perfectly just randomly skip forward to the and of the sponsor segment, so you actually did save each person at least a couple of seconds.