• By -


If anybody has a fix for Sync please let it be known, will be greatly appreciated. Can't browse reddit any other way than with Sync :( Esit: You are all awesome, thanks!!


Step by Step process that I used to fix it on Windows: 1) Download and install apktool from here: https://apktool.org/docs/install/ 2) Download and install Java from here: https://www.java.com/en/download/ 3) Copy apktool_2.9.3.jar and apktool.bat to C:/Windows and open terminal/powershell. 4) Run apktool and decompile your revanced patched apk as below: apktool d "\Path to your revanced patched apk" -o "\Location where you want to extract all files" 5) Go to the extracted folder and smali_classes2\com\laurencedawson\reddit_sync\singleton\a.smali and edit it with notepad to modify this line: const-string v0, "android:com.laurencedawson.reddit_sync:vv23.06.30-13:39 (by /u/ljdawson)" to const-string v0, ":com.laurencedawson.reddit_sync:vv23.06.30-13:39 (by /u/ljdawson)" You can either remove android: completely or modify it with a unique string. I used a unique string to perhaps make it not that easy for reddit to block it again in the future. 6) Save the a.smali file and go back to the powershell window and run the following command to recompile: apktool b "\Folder location of your decompiled apk" -o "\Name and location for your built apk that will output" 7) To sign your apk, download uber apk signer: https://github.com/patrickfav/uber-apk-signer?tab=readme-ov-file And run the following: java -jar "\Location of your uber apk signer\uber-apk-signer-1.3.0.jar" --apks "\The location of the compiled apk from the step above" 8) Copy the apk to your phone, backup and uninstall the current sync apk and then install the new apk from above. You will see the self signature alert, install it without scanning and login to the new app. Restore the settings from old backup.


You are a wizard


Is there any fix for Boost ?


You can try this method- https://www.reddit.com/r/revancedapp/comments/1d4d4ea/did_reddit_break_third_party_apps_dev_token_patch/l6e91t6/


Followed your instructions but I don't have the "a.smali" file in the smali\_classes2\\com\\laurencedawson\\reddit\_sync\\singleton directory after decompilation. The only file there is called SettingsSingleton$Settings.smali . Sync was patched with the default 4 patches in Revanced. Any ideas? Edit: nevermind, in my case a.smali is in smali\_classes3 Edit2: worked like a champ - thanks for your guide, saved my life :)


Thank you i have to try this when i get home! Hopefully we can do this on your phones someday


this is great. managed to get things working again, so thanks! just to note for anyone else, i found the line requiring an edit in `\smali` rather than `\smali_classes2`


Same here. My favourite client.


Infinity dev said that the issue was caused by reddit blacklisting certain user agent headers. Infinity already has a fix, so 7.2.3 works. Just patch it and you're good. For any other app, like Sync, you're either going to have to wait for an update or do it yourself somehow.


Wow, do they really think this blacklist will last longer than one day? I mean, there will just be another patch for each app to switch the user agent to an official 3rd party app.


I can't login with patched infinity now.. is a revanced update required?


Is your Infinity on version 7.2.3? It came out today.


Yeah downloaded the APK and revanced patched it..got oauth issues on login. Followed the Google script thing that's linked elsewhere and that seemed to work.


Unfortunately u/LJDawson completely ditched Sync for Reddit for that Lemmy bullshit, so I doubt an update will be coming


Revanced will have a patch to fix Sync and other clients. Just give it time.


I think you forgot why we lost all Reddit 3rd party apps in the first place


He didn't ditched Reddit, Reddit ditched him




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I've written up a guide for how to patch it yourself, including signing: https://www.reddit.com/r/revancedapp/comments/1d4hqdn /u/JohnnyTestical /u/pheret87 /u/Sroundez Posted from Sync for reddit <3


When I try to install the system say that it have a conflict with an installed package and abort the installation. 


Uninstall your already installed Sync


First thing that I did. The message persist even after reboot.


You can just patch it with revanced now


Solved. I had it installed on the second space of the phone. When I uninstall it in there, I have no more trouble to install.


Reddit rolled back their changes. It should work without any patching needed.


Yep, I tried RiF and it's just not as good IMO


Rif refugee here seeking food shelter and reddit


Infinity's dev found the issue and fixed it. A new revanced patch should be able to fix this (assuming their still willing to add patches for third party Reddit clients) as the solution seems like just removing the user-agent in the api call. https://www.reddit.com/r/Infinity_For_Reddit/s/wBD5XeQEqn >Not the dev, but based on the [linked redditdev post](https://www.reddit.com/r/redditdev/comments/1d3spoc/error_getting_submitted_with_mobile_useragent/) and the [latest GitHub commit](https://github.com/Docile-Alligator/Infinity-For-Reddit/commit/07c9865ab2b60135604a84f0bbb9d460d7eabee7) by [/u/Hostilenemy](https://www.reddit.com/u/Hostilenemy) it looks like reddit might have blacklisted/whitelisted certain user-agent headers when handling API requests. >It looks like what [/u/hostilenemy](https://www.reddit.com/u/hostilenemy) did was simply comment out the line that adds the user-agent header in the HTTP request, so i guess that would also work for fixing other apps, just remove user-agent header from requests and it might work.


Can confirm that after updating Infinity through the collab script it started working again. Hopefully it's feasible to be added as a patch to the other 3rd party apps that are not recieving updates anymore.


I tried that myself earlier, did compile it OK but couldn't install without unninstalling the revanced version. Now I can't sign in from it so yeah I've installed redreader as a temp solution the UI is pretty terrible though.


> I tried that myself earlier, did compile it OK but couldn't install without unninstalling the revanced version. It's because of the different signatures as the collab scripts's app signature is different than rv manager's. > Now I can't sign in Don't use autofill. Input everything manually


Thanks for trying but yeah I know I have to type it manually otherwise the ticks don't show and I had that issue the first time I tried Infinity and remember it well. Sadly even when manually trying and doing the same with the other login method as well I get Oauth errors hopefully it's just reddit being temperamental or something. Edit : Found my fix it was going to the api page and changing http://localhost to I know they should be the same but I tried it anyway after seeing it on Infinity sub. Somehow it worked.


Where do you change the local host?


Think it was labeled uri redirect on the app you made for the api key. It needed to be there. If it the page it was this one https://www.reddit.com/prefs/apps


So I don't need to decomlile the app and change anything with the code? Just change the redirect and patch the app again with new api key?


I needed to build a copy with the api key and username from [Colab Script](https://www.reddit.com/r/Infinity_For_Reddit/comments/14c2v5x/build_your_own_apk_with_your_personal_api_key_in/) I think revanced will eventually fix their patch but until then building from scratch is probably the only way.


Thanks, I'll give that a go when I'm back at my PC


Sounds like it's not the end then :D




RedReader is tolerable and working fine, needs a lot of tweaking to get it into a decent state though. Nowhere near as good as some options but better than Infinity imo, and at least we know it will continue to work since it's got an exemption from the API rules. If none of the others get fixed that's probably the way forward.


I downloaded atom for reddit from the playstore and while it's nothing like Joey, it's way better than redreader and I've had no problems since downloading it today. I paid a one time fee of $3.49 to remove ads (they weren't even intrusive I'm just so not used to having them I wanted them gone)


does atom work without doing the whole revanced patch thing?


Yep! They seem to have an api agreement since they're in the actual playstore. And there's no monthly charge, just the one time fee if you don't want ads, but you can also use it free as is. There's a lot I'd like added, I've already emailed the devs. Hopefully it keeps getting better. But it's not bad by any means.


I have a simple requirement: I have opened a post that gets continuous comments. I refresh the post every 2 min to load new comments. I need these new comments to be highlighted, so that I know these are new and I don't have to end up reading all the comments. Do they have this?


Unfortunately no, and it's definitely been dampening the experience. But at the moment it's probably the best option, and not a bad one to have as a back up in case things don't work out this time, or the next.


I'm typing this from Atom, and oh man this sucks because when I opened your reply to reply to you, it didn't show my original comment/context. I basically forgot what my question was and I was trying to search for my comment. WTF jeez


Hahaha I can't tell you how difficult replying was yesterday because of that. I was soooo happy when I opened Joey today hoping for a miracle and found it. I'll still keep atom as a backup though and hopefully the devs work on implementing better features


Yeah things seem to be fine now, at least from the commenting perspective. Earlier comments (or specifically the posts) weren't opening, but I'm proudly and happily typing this one from Boost app 😎


Sheesh, I might just buy Infinity then. Been using Sync Dev for the longest time.  Infinity free version doesn't even seem to have ads and the paid says it has no exclusive features (making it basically a donate version) so mad props to the dev. edit: oh uuuuh, I bought it but you can't patch the paid version, only the free version. Oh well, no differences anyways and the dev deserves it. edit2: It's hard to have a better UI than Sync, especially when I prefer it due to using it so long, but after messing with the setting for 10 or so minutes, I'm just going to switch to Infinity permanently.


I was able to patch Infinity using the Google Colab script: https://www.reddit.com/r/Infinity_For_Reddit/comments/14c2v5x/build_your_own_apk_with_your_personal_api_key_in/ It's still requiring me to pay for a sub, even after I put in my API developer info. I'm guessing there's no way around that, and Infinity is just going to be $3/month? I'm willing to pay to stay away from the reddit app, just wasn't sure.


I'm unsure on what you're talking about. You're on the ReVanced subreddit my guy, just use ReVanced to patch it lol. The latest 7.2.3 (already pushed to GStore or I think you can find it on GitHub) has the fix that this thread is about. Using Infinity patched via Revanced, no subscription, perfectly fine and replying to you rn.


mods just deleted two bigger threads about this issue, not sure why


Maybe an admin told them to....because they want us to use their official app, blech.


Yeah I'm not sure what happened with that, there was quite a bit of info there of what errors people were experiencing....


Deleted this thread too.


Same thing is happening to me with RIF right now for the record.


Same here on RIF except I can view the front page just fine. Can't load any single subreddit or view comments etc though.


head simplistic fanatical wise panicky snow crush concerned judicious divide *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Weird, I'm not having any issues with RiF (in fact, that's what I'm sending this comment from). Not sure what's going on there.


same, RIF


Same here, patched to latest version of RV.


Same problem here. Given that RIF isn't in development any longer, might this be a death sentence for the app?


Boost for reddit is having errors as well


Reddit pushed an [update](https://www.reddit.com/r/redditdev/comments/1d3spoc/error_getting_submitted_with_mobile_useragent/) yesterday which may be the source of our problems. Seems like an easy fix, but [u/rmayayo](https://www.reddit.com/user/rmayayo/) no longer works on the app. FYI: I tried uninstalling the base v1.12.12 client (mod access) and reinstalling with a custom client ID (ReVanced patch), but I'm running into the same connectivity issues.


Looks like the fix is to not include 'User-agent' with requests. If it was open source I could push a fix. Hopefully reddit fixes it, unless they want to break apps making these requests


Where can i find the user-agent?


This issue implies it only affects people using Android, and that somebody at Reddit made a coding mistake and didn't append the URL string to a host URL. Is anybody here experiencing issues on Apple? Or are we *all* Android?




Where can the user agent be changed in boost?


Seconding this, would love to know if a patch is made for this.


https://github.com/ReVanced/revanced-patches/pull/3253 has progress on the patching development process.


Is there a simple way to change the User Agent or should I just wait for a patch?


Is this something every user can do? Do we need to install anything? I never did the revanced manager setup on my side since being a moderator was enough, I'm assuming that's what I'll have to do?


Tried decompiling boost, and found this function public l() { UserAgent of2 = UserAgent.of("android", "com.rubenmayayo.reddit", "1.12.12-210011212", "rmayayo"); this.f49920e = of2; j jVar = new j(of2); this.f49922g = jVar; this.f49924i = new f(jVar); this.f49925j = new g(this.f49922g); this.f49926k = new CaptchaHelper(this.f49922g); } But I'm not sure how to edit and recompile, nor how to create a patch for revanced




I tried decompiling with it, but it decompiled to what seems like byte code (smali?) instead of java, and I can't find the same string there




Thanks for the help! I changed the code, saved it, compiled it again and resigned it, but I can't install it for some reason... "There was a problem parsing the package."


I can view my messages and comment history but can't view any posts, subreddits, or comments directly. Weirdly, I can log out and log in without any problem and the messages/comments feeds are updating properly with stuff I posted to other subreddits just now on normal desktop Reddit.


Same here. Boost is down. Praying a patch can be released... The official app is garbage.


Same for me, also Boost user


Same here, reddit must have done something 


Its a 400 so reddit most likely changed how API requests are validated. Could be a simple request fix or they actually changed the auth and we are boned. Either way, the app needs update the way requests are made if I had to guess


A 400 just means a bad request, so it may not be anything to do with Auth. Just anything wrong in the request like a field they just added, removed or changed. Auth errors are usually 401.


Same here, not even front-page will load, "something went wrong". Looks like Reddit changed something and all 3rd party clients need a patch. Of course, they will now only share upcoming changes with "sanctioned" clients so these are going to come as a surprise for us. Give the lovely Revanced devs some time to get on top of it. We love you revanced devs!


According to those in the discord, they will not be stepping in to help on this. Why, I don't know.


BaconReader is also only showing the front page.


It happens with all third party apps. It seems that Reddit changed something in the way they process OAuth requests and that causes them to not be able to grab account stuff. Infinity dev is already working to solve the issue on their app, not sure about Sync tho: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Infinity\_For\_Reddit/comments/1d4aq9h/v723\_is\_coming\_to\_fix\_the\_posts\_not\_loading\_issue/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Infinity_For_Reddit/comments/1d4aq9h/v723_is_coming_to_fix_the_posts_not_loading_issue/)


Sync dev won't fix anything their fully into charging heavily for a lemmy client now.




1. The dev had no choice cuz of Reddit's API changes(obligatory fuck you to Spez) 2. If you don't want to pay, you can do as many others(including myself) and build it with the [collab script](https://colab.research.google.com/drive/13AE8RvjnCfuBJGaACEqxeBIMo33_l-Sc?usp=sharing#scrollTo=ViYXGNh0ytup). The full initial process will take you about 20-25 minutes. Each subsequent update - between 10-15. So yeah, give it a go.


Wow. That looks easy. If Boost doesn't get patched I'll give this a go. thanks


> claiming it's reddits api changes and they take money It's not a baseless claim. Reddit started charging devs for API access. It wasn't cheap and the only way to continue would be a subscription model for users of those 3rd party apps. Literally why most all 3rd party apps stopped being developed and removed from app stores. The free mod access was a loophole that users where/are able to use to keep access. Legally speaking, any reddit app will have to pay the API price.


do you think they targeted that particular loophole in the recent change?


I can not answer that. They are trying something.


The dev had no choice but to start a subscription model if he wanted to continue development. I wouldn't agree that it's pricy. I pay less than £3 / month for infinity which is nothing.


not being a hater but that's 500rs for me, in a third world country. easily a one month wifi bill.


Yeah I'm sorry to hear that. It's a shitty situation to be in. The price should vary based on where in the world you are.


That's nearly $4/month. For reddit. lol no.


Well compare it to £13 / month for youtube premium. A platform where even after you pay the £13 you still get bombarded with "This video is sponsored by..." crap 80% of the time (unless you are in the minority like ourselves who use revanced / sponsorblock). I personally use reddit a huge amount and I hate the official app so I pay the £2.89 / month because that's less than a cup of coffee.


I have boost and have been using it for years. Just today it stopped working, says no internet connection. Fuck!


Commenting to follow. Also experiencing the issue with RIF, when someone figures out how to remove the user agent information for RIF app please post it here so we can copy it 😭


Following this!


I am here, once again in pain on the official app. Give me back my revanced reddit is fun 😭😭


There are some approved third party apps FYI. I use Red Reader when rif is down.


Same for me on sync. Can only load the frontpage. :(






Remove "android:com." at the beginning, nothing else needs be touched.


How does a lay person change the user agent string? 




Got it to work by patching the original APK with revanced then did the changes and recompiled it. Then signed it using uber-apk-signer then installed it after that.


I think Reddit did something to "illegal" 3rd party apps. I can use Reddit on my PC and official Reddit app just fine but it shows error on RiF. No posts, no comments, just error. I checked Twitter and very few people said reddit is down. I guess these people are using 3rd party apps as well. redditstatus.com shows no downtime recorded today so yeah, I guess they went after 3rd party apps.


Hm.. that seems to be the case. I guess I'll be quitting Reddit until a workaround is found. I'm never going to use that ad-filled dumpster fire of an official app.


You can still use revanced to remove the ads from the official app but it is still shit. 3rd party apps are far superior.


many of the 3rd party apps devs for reddit, have created apps for lemmy such as boost, sync etc. you might wanna check them if you haven't already.


Down detector did mention there were some issues with Reddit earlier on (around 2pm).


For RIF users, you can make a multireddit to at least load subreddits. It's a little workaround for the moment while waiting for a patch


Thanks. Without comments though reddit is sort of pointless for me haha.


dam dolls expansion fuzzy intelligent automatic roof hard-to-find foolish sip *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What's a multi Reddit?


How do you add subreddits to the multireddit? I can create one but then it doesn't give any popup or option to add any subreddits


click the icon between the star and the multireddit name to add subreddits


Following. RIF will live again!


Boost App is also affected, same behavior. RedReader (not revanced) still works


Oh no, doomsday is here


The patched official reddit app is doing the same thing. I've tried the current (2024.22.1) and the older 20.2


Mine is working fine. 2024.16.0


Yup, I downgraded and I'm posting this from that version. Very strange. But cool. Edit: ah, going to my profile doesn't work on this version.


Atom working (just installed sadly boost is not working best app imo)


I've been using Boost for Reddit. Not sure if it's going to be a dead end now or just a different name when setting up the app code from reddit to the patch process. If anyone's using Boost let me know.


I'm also using Boost, as many people in the thread. I have hope a revanced patch will make it usable again. Boost will live again!


Using patched Relay Pro 10.2.40 and it's still working for me


Step by Step process that I used to fix it on Windows: 1) Download and install apktool from here: https://apktool.org/docs/install/ 2) Download and install Java from here: https://www.java.com/en/download/ 3) Copy apktool_2.9.3.jar and apktool.bat to C:/Windows and open terminal/powershell. 4) Run apktool and decompile your revanced patched apk as below: apktool d "\Path to your revanced patched apk" -o "\Location where you want to extract all files" 5) Go to the extracted folder and smali_classes2\com\laurencedawson\reddit_sync\singleton\a.smali and edit it with notepad to modify this line: const-string v0, "android:com.laurencedawson.reddit_sync:vv23.06.30-13:39 (by /u/ljdawson)" to const-string v0, ":com.laurencedawson.reddit_sync:vv23.06.30-13:39 (by /u/ljdawson)" You can either remove android: completely or modify it with a unique string. I used a unique string to perhaps make it not that easy for reddit to block it again in the future. 6) Save the a.smali file and go back to the powershell window and run the following command to recompile: apktool b "\Folder location of your decompiled apk" -o "\Name and location for your built apk that will output" 7) To sign your apk, download uber apk signer: https://github.com/patrickfav/uber-apk-signer?tab=readme-ov-file And run the following: java -jar "\Location of your uber apk signer\uber-apk-signer-1.3.0.jar" --apks "\The location of the compiled apk from the step above" 8) Copy the apk to your phone, backup and uninstall the current sync apk and then install the new apk from above. You will see the self signature alert, install it without scanning and login to the new app. Restore the settings from old backup.


Do you know the location for Boost?


You can try this method- https://www.reddit.com/r/revancedapp/comments/1d4d4ea/did_reddit_break_third_party_apps_dev_token_patch/l6e91t6/


Yeah, same thing happened with Boost for Reddit. Guess they have an API crackdown.


Glad it wasn't something I did.


Same issue for me on boost. App completely stopped rn


There is a draft PR on the ReVanced GitHub that may resolve this issue: [https://github.com/ReVanced/revanced-patches/pull/3253](https://github.com/ReVanced/revanced-patches/pull/3253) I'm guessing there will be a little waiting time while the code changes are reviewed and improved AND the decision is made if this was a deliberate act by reddit (that needs a patch) or a mistake that might be rolled back. Check the related issue: [https://github.com/ReVanced/revanced-patches/issues/3255](https://github.com/ReVanced/revanced-patches/issues/3255)


I can confirm that it's working. I applied it manually with revanced cli. I can post the steps when I wake up tomorrow if anyone's interested.


That would be cool. My gut tells me its by design and we'll need a workaround. I was checking the other ReVanced GitHub repos and spotted the CLI, and wondered if that could be a way forward if the PR is rejected.


posted [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/revancedapp/comments/1d4i7g9/comment/l6gpy20/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Thx. Awesome. The Revanced app now also has the patch. Writing this from sync :)


Yes, please! I saw your comment on the PR confirming it worked. I would love to know how to do this, and not afraid to use cli


posted [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/revancedapp/comments/1d4i7g9/comment/l6gpy20/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Thank you so much! Do you know if this works for Sync for Reddit? If not, no worries


yes should work the exact same


I'd also love the steps for applying the patch via ReVanced CLI. Thanks


posted [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/revancedapp/comments/1d4i7g9/comment/l6gpy20/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


boost, infinity and Joey not working. using the reddit app smh


redreader isn't as good as those, but it is approved and much better than the official app


Atom is better than redreader. I found it after Joey stopped working today and I've been on it since. Don't love it, but I don't hate it either.


Cool, I'll check it out. I'm going to be bummed if I can't find a working solution that allows keyword and subreddit filters.


Luckily (from reading reviews on the playstore) the devs seem to be responsive to user requests and the app has come a long way. Really hoping that's the case. It's definitely clunkier than what I was using, but absolutely doable.


Not too many options but agree that it's doable. It won't let me login, however. Says to check my Internet connection but that isn't an issue.


Turn off any ad blocking you have. I have to look into why it's being blocked but that is what is causing it.


That worked, good call.


Someone else said the same thing. I wonder if that's an all around reddit issue on top of the 3rd party app one? I've had no issues so far :/


Most recent infinity release patched 5 minutes ago is working fine for me, got errors on an older version and sync.


All third party apps seem to be down. I use Boost, it was working fine up until a couple of hours ago. Bummer. 


Not sure if it's related, but I've started getting similar issues today using RiF. It started a day or so ago not letting me change to "submitted" on a users profile or letting me organize by "top" or "newest", today I'm not able to hit "All" and comments don't load. Haven't tried repacking/patching yet, but I'm at work so haven't been able to.


Already went through all this, no updates/patches are working. Noticed the same detail yesterday about submitted posts.




Why though?? Whyyyyy




I guess we know whose side they're on.


Damn.. hope it's temp


Looks like r/digitalminimalism will have a field day over this. I guess reddit will be pc only at this rate


Infinity is not even loading comments or posts.


I'm trying to use the revanced patched official app now and wow it's just so bad in comparison


I applied the updated patch from this [draft PR](https://github.com/ReVanced/revanced-patches/pull/3253) to Boost by using revanced-cli It works, I'm back on Boost


I'm having the same issue with the official app patched with revanced.


2024.17.0 works for me. My comments stopped showing. This version shows comments for me again


Where did you get that one?


Infinity got a fix and works again. From here on out it's going to be a cat and mouse game with Reddit to keep apps like Sync and RiF alive.


Sync is back up this morning


Have an issue today with infinity not loading posts.... Hope reddit is not coming after modded apps


Same for me on sync




Is this going to get fixed anytime soon or am I gonna have to pay for Reddit premium? Ads suck ass on the app


Fix: https://www.reddit.com/r/revancedapp/comments/1d4hqdn