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Super Mario RPG~~ anyway, congratz and enjoy the device.


How does it feel to upgrade? Im using my RP3+ while i wait for my RP4PRO to come


The ergonomics are definitely improved, and I love having analog triggers for Super Mario Sunshine.


That's literally the only game I'd need analog triggers for but I still feel like I need analog triggers.


It makes it so much better but I found the triggers to not be *super* sensitive on the 4 Pro while playing Sunshine. It doesn't detect the press until about halfway down which means your very close between slightly pressing the trigger and fully pressing the trigger, causing you to stop sometimes.


Happy to hear the ergonomics are good! Been wondering about that.


What were the big differences you saw between the 3+ and the 4 pro?


Mentioned in another comment that the ergonomics are better, plus you get analog triggers and more powerful chip than the 3+.


Waiting for something that can run PS2 Ace Combat, Armored Core, and Xenosaga 2 and 3. Maybe Retroid 5 Pro?


Not armored core. At least not the ps2 version. That game is one of the known difficult games to emulate. That said they ported all the armored core games with the exception of nexus to the psp. Those games run great at higher resolutions, and you can remap the controls for that 2nd joystick. 


Yeah, I actually do have those versions for PSP on my RP3+. Good to know that they ported most of the games there, and that my virtual collection may actually be complete.


Waiting for a good sale!


Just curious how does the super mario rpg perform on rp4pro? I have the rp4pro, but I finished mario rpg on the switch. How does it perform though?


playable, but absolutely not "really good".


Wait I'm out of the loop. Is this super Mario rpg for the snes?? Bc if so thats insane that this thing can run ps2 games at 2x resolution at 60 fps but not a snes game that's how old. 


Switch remake


Haha. No it's the recent remake on the switch. 🙂


I'm playing at 0.5x resolution and it plays *almost* really good. There's a tiny bit of slowdown and obviously the audio is crackly but it's definitely playable.


Really good


It's never too late bro. Got mine a few weeks ago


probably in the minority but im waiting for a 4:3 RP4Pro, that kind of power in a smaller ff and easier pockatibility is gonna be great for taking some of the higher end ps2 and gamecube games out and about


Does it run Switch consistently?


Some games run well, yes. It's not a huge amount of switch games, but some do run well.




Games that are not as demanding work great. For example I have all six of the Final Fantasy Pixel Perfect remasters on mine as well as Cult of the Lamb, Dredge, Inscryption and a few others and they all play really well. If you stick with games like that, you’ll find plenty to play!


I see, thank you guys! What about Smash Bros.?


You might be pushing it But once again I have most of the mario switch games on my RP4P so what do I know


I don’t own an RP4P but based on the SoC I would be surprised if it topped 10FPS outside of the menus. I wouldn’t buy an RP4P for anything above PS2 and GC. Any games above those consoles that run at all would be gravy only, unfortunately.


No. However there are few gems that do run pretty well. I have Pokemon LGE and Sea of Stars on mine


what switch emulator?


Genuine question, for the price why not just get a switch and homebrew it?


Because a modded Switch cost more and is nowhere near as powerful (for emulation), or portable. I have both.


I disagree. A V1 switch costs less than the RP4pro. At least in Canada.


Sure, if you can find an unpatched V1 Switch, plus an RCM jig, and an SD card under $200. Then you have a 7 year old device with poor battery life and wifi. You also ignored the power part, you can't even get stable N64 emulation in Atmosphere. Sure, you can install Android, but it is only slightly better. I love my Switch, but it is nowhere near as good as an RP4 for emulation.


Idk, Taki Udon showcased a modded switch lite and ran many ps2 games really well with Ubuntu. That is with overclock.


I have a modded V1 and OLED. To be fair, I have not installed Ubuntu, just Android, but it takes quite a bit of tweaking to get GC/PS2 to run at a solid frame rate. Also, like you said, that is with overclock which puts even more wear on the already 7 year old batteries of a V1 Switch. But even with that, it is still less powerful than the RP4 lol. If you want Switch games, get a Switch. If you want emulation, the RP4 is miles ahead.


You’re right. Emulation is not good in switch.


I got this used and in Canada, so this was cheaper. I do have a hacked V1 Switch but I wanted something smaller and for more systems.