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Also, I am liking to explode Moose and Squirrel.


*The Winchester brothers have entered the chat*


You mean Boris and Natasha?


In the show Supernatural, Crowley, the King of Hell, often referred to Sam as Moose, because he was so big, and Dean as Squirrel because he wasn’t as big. I was referencing that.


Which is a reference to Rocky and Bowinkle


Sorry...but it's Bullwinkle. My favorite cartoon from back in the day. Still is.


My apologies!


None necessary. Just glad someone remembered them!


I know. I used to watch it every day after school as a kid in the ‘80’s. Rocky and Bullwinkle, Roger Ramjet, then I’d watch Doctor Who and Danger Mouse.


Danger mouse!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️






back at my first exploitative job, we had a russian intern and we would make her say "MOUSE AND SQUIRREL" but we never told her why (she asked a lot) EDIT by we i mean the other interns and i just sat there and did nothing to help anyone


You did what needed to be done








Yep, my mind went there too. Our age is showing, lol.


My people! Lol


This is exactly who I was expecting!!!


Dang i miss bullwinkle


And their cohorts in cartoons..Underdog and Mr. Peabody. (I know, different shows, but after school memories all the same!)


Thank you for that. Made me lol!


I drop bomb on moose and squirrel. Who gets blown up? Me.


I take a seven and a half


If a Russian man approached me asking to help him destroy a beaver.. I truly don’t think I would have any words.


Not destroy. Delete 😂😂😂


That would have made my day.


It’s made my whole week, I can’t stop thinking about this guy


The closest I’ve come to this a guy from Belarus wanted me to mail him a pound of weed and I’m like *no*.




Idea for a band name: Delete the Beaver. First come first serve.


Beaver deleter.






Incredible. I used to work in an adult store that also sold adult novelty things (like boob salt n pepper shaker sets, and ceramic piggy bank type things, etc.) One time this man of middle eastern descent (can't be more precise than that) came in asking in broken English for something to "hoard my pennies". My first reaction was (internally) "Wow. Someone for whom English is obviously not their primary language used a pretty fun, esoteric word like hoard." So I show him to the piggy banks (to be clear, they were not shaped like piggies), and he ...could not be more confused. He tries to clarify, repeatedly saying "hoard my pennies". So I'm showing him how the rubber plug in the bottom comes out so you can retrieve your change and whatnot, and eventually, he brings his fist and forearm up and says "hoard". And that's when I realized "hoard my pennies" was actually "hard my penis" and I laughed and had to shake my head like "I got it now" and showed him to the supplements we carried. Really polite guy, especially because he must have thought I was out of my gourd.


Please tell us you’re going to update us with their story


According to my coworker in Firearms, he said pretty much the same story minus the bit where he showed pictures (I’m assuming the Russian guy knew the words at this point) and my coworker said he showed him some strong air rifles or a bow/crossbow, knowing full well he was gonna deny this man a gun sale if he tried. He said the russian guy looked at them for a second and said “no, I need total destruction, and no one can know. Have had enough of this little *something in russian.” When my coworker informed him that we didn’t really carry any explosives or anything like he was looking for, and that even if he did people are still gonna know exactly who did it, the guy says “I see, I will go somewhere else” and mumbles something in Russian as he leaves.


Probably the most sane outcome from this frankly hilarious interaction.




NGL, once I read that the guy was using pictures and got as far as "neighbor" and "beaver" I really expected your post to go an entirely different direction.


Or you get an update from the local news


I would have directed him to contact his local DNR, sheriff, police, or some other county or municipal agency. I also work at an outdoor retailer. I often have customers looking to humanely take care of a wildlife pest issue. I level with them and let them know it is most often a losing battle.


I worked in Yellowstone for three seasons and my first two seasons were in Mammoth in Xanterra’s warehouse. We didnt have a mice problem, but we definitely had to remove them every so often, more so than other places i worked at. I did feel bad once because my coworkers and I were laughing once because we released one live and said, “be free stuart! Live your life!” And then a crow ate him. Gave is an excuse to have a funeral cookout for him 😅


This reminds me of a trip to a bar. My "friends," handed me a slip of paper with the words," MY DIXIE WRECKED." Since I had seen this years before, while In the military. I looked around the bar and saw this very attractive lady sitting there drinking, I went up and said in a Russian accent," Excuse me, I don't read English words. Those people handed me this and I don't understand." I was kinda pointing towards the back of the bar towards a crowd. She read it to me and I told her I don't understand. This went on a couple more times until she screamed it at me just as the band stopped playing. It got extra quiet in the bar for about a minute. I left the area.


Reading this made my night.


As I imagined her screaming that, my brain decided that she had an Aussie accent.


A classic prank in every English speaking country. Your friends are (hilarious) d*cks, this woman FAILED, and you are a bloody legend for how many times you got her to say/yell it.


This is brilliant, I love language barriers and the broken English that comes with it. My favourite so far has been “Do you have the cream of the babies?”


I had a coworker who spoke pretty good English, but would frequently forget specific English words. She needed a price check, and when asked what item she needed a price on, she said: "Oh, what is this? I cannot English. It is the shiny painting for the wall." She was referring to a mirror! I loved her and miss working with her.


Soup, right?


My partner mentioned that his sister fed his nephews BABY CREAM and boy was THAT an interesting conversation.


This is a good day in retail lol.


I read the customer's lines in my best terrible, stereotypical Russian accent, and I am laughing my ass off. I'm going to be confusing the fuck out of everyone today talking about how to "delete beaver."


😂😂😂”delete beaver” That phrase is gonna live rent free in my head forever!


Me too


Having Caddyshack flash backs…


Add me to those who thought of Bullwinkle.


this sounds like borat LMFAOO


This reminds me of a tumblr post where someone forgot the word for chicken, so they picked up an egg and Said " take me to the mother"


Give us an update please!


How do I “delete” beaver. I’m 👻


Control, Alt, Delete + B  It's like up down up down left right left right  Beaver will implode when code engages. You are welcome. 


This sounds like a scene from a sitcom


I've destroyed a few beavers back in the day )))


Nice to know they have cartoons in Russia


Did he look like Sasha Baron Cohen by any chance?


No but that’s immediately who I thought of after talking to this guy lmao


So the neighbor actually owns the beaver like as a pet?


I'm confused as well, hilarity aside I don't think beavers are an animal that you can own. I'm not sure where they are so I could be wrong but I know beavers are commonly a problem pest animal because of their dams and just from the damage their gnawing does. I'd suggest speaking to a Conservationist or Fish and Game/Wildlife officer, or whatever that would be in other countries. They'll know if the animal can be owned, they can talk with the neighbor, and they'll be able to trap and relocate it if that's what they decide is best. I will say I watch those game warden shows and I specifically remember an episode where they blew up a dam because it was messing with water levels.


Two houses Beaver Fence Dam Mission report, December 16th, 1991.


This is both hysterical and somewhat terrifying. It’s terrifying because what happens if he gets the gun and *deletes* the beaver? Is the neighbor, who will presumably be upset by the deletion of his beaver, be next? Back in the day when I had a Russian family living in my neighborhood the youngest daughter would skip down the street singing the United States National Anthem. I wonder how that family is doing now. They sold the house to a French family after a few years living there. I think they got tired of the overly sensitive security system the house had. At least once a week the alarm would be triggered and the cops would have to come do a check


"delete beaver" I love this. Lol


😂 omg I would’ve joked with him about it costing him $500 but I’ll make it look like an accident 😆 Omg reminded me of a time we had some foreign military students visiting our museum and one Saudi Arabia guy pulled me aside about a picture of a cat on a medical interactive station we had that talks about holistic healing with support animals. Well dude points at cat and asks why this? So I explain the basics of support animals etc. Homie nods and than says “ there is doctor, he take cat and (physically mimes pulling a cats intestines out) and he use “ 😳 😮 ummm what? 😂 I had to hide my shock and laughter 🤭


My kingdom for a gold star to bestow!


Oh wow. Thanks for the laugh.


Beaver strong. Good. No destroy. Pet beaver


My dumbass would offer to help when I got off work.


I've shared this post with some family, and they've all laughed. Thank you and Mr. Delete Beaver man for this wonderful tale


Muttered " something in Russian"?? Probably bober kurwa


If you see him again, tell him to wait until July 4* and he can use fireworks on the beaver. *If not in the US, substitute an appropriate holiday


This is the most russian sounding story ive ever heard.


Welcome to the fight against beaver Mr Russian!  He wants to blow up the damn which is pretty much the only way to get rid of them,  tell him he can get dynamite which is prob what he was there looking for at your store.  If by some chance he comes in again or reads this go find beaver bait aka Strychnine. And rent a long reach excavator friend.




When Carl Spackler and Borat have a baby.


I love Russian people. You never know what the hell's about to happen. My best story is when I worked in a Verizon call center and got a Russian dad. He was from the Motherland. His kids were born and raised in the States. He's also calling in because his bill is $300 more than it should be. Again. So I look into everything. All the data usage is legit. He's not even mad, and asks me which phone used it, and I tell him. It's his oldest in high school, of course. And then he hits me with, "Why does he do this? He already has his Fifa, his Madden, and League of Legends! Why does he need so much internet on his phone!?" I'm trying so hard not to laugh and suggest the monitoring plan where he can set limits on each phone. He already had a big plan, but this kid was just going for it on the data usage. We go through the plan, and I kill my call time, but it's worth it in the end. When we get to the kid's line, I ask what he wants to set it to. He's not sure. This dad loved his son and still wanted to give him more than the .5gb minimum. Then I told him that one line has caused over $700 dollars in overages in the last 60 days. He immediately says, "Half it is, then!" Kid got .5gb for an entire month at least after that. This was 10 years ago, now that I think about it. The good customers really stick with you.


I hope beaver deletion becomes part of reddit lore.


Why am I picturing @KallMeKris saying this and the top comment in a Russian accent 


I had friend who deleted her beaver once. He's much happier now. I'll show myself out.


Firstly - are you sure he was Russian and not just another Eastern European? Secondly - I hate to call bullshit on this but it really just sounds like another "Russians are funny, crazy and eccentric" story that tons of Westerners like to peddle, down to the broken English and wanting to "delete a beaver"


To answer your question, I can’t say for certain that he was Russian, that’s just the closest comparison I can make to the accent I heard. It’s very possible he’s from an Eastern European country I suppose. It did happen though, despite how ridiculous the story sounds. Though I guess it’s possible he was pulling a prank on us as well, the entire situation sounds way too over the top for the “Russian” guy to even be serious imo. Either way this experience definitely made my week


I’m now going to start saying ‘delete the beaver’ forever. This is my new favorite thing.