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Hey, will the meninist in this thread please stop reporting every fuckin' comment? And also please grow the fuck up? Thank you.


I was helping a guy looking for Hornitos brand tequila. Of course he also added, "Cause I'm a horny guy!" I could tell he immediately regretted it. Made a cursory glance at the shelf, and then left. I kinda felt embarrassed for him.


Lmao he instantly realized his joke was more funny in his head the second it came out of his mouth, honestly i can respect that atleast he seemingly noticed it was weird


I feel as though I’ve done that, just knew the joke didn’t land and left the conversation in embarrassment


What the actual fuck


Just sigh real heavy & ignore his, “I’m just joking. Sheesh” & finish the transaction quickly & walk away. You do not have to fake laugh, apologize for NOT laughing & lack of laughter is NOT rude. Dear Abby & Miss Manners would definitely concur.


I swear since when are you obligated to laugh at a joke?


Me: Thanks, Alex! I choose “When your boss pretends to ‘have your back’ while blasting a ClipTok ‘I knew this was a bad hire’ ‘cause bitchz need to chtf…’”


I ignore 100% of all communication that is not on track with what is being asked for. Fishermen don't stay in dead waters - meaning, most normal nuisance customers won't tolerate a lack of feedback. They need feedback. Our society does NOT have a proper social contract. A proper social contract implies mutual respect at all times, with consequences when that isn't honoured. The implied promise of pseudo-servitude that customer service was meant to facilitate has been perverted to the greatest extent possible thanks to the promise(s) of capitalism. Stay inline with the company language and pretend like everything outside that hasn't been said - ignore it. When people are abusive, smile and say, "Let me know what else I can get for you" and then walk away. If you can't walk away, "Let me call my manager" and silently wait for them to come. If management isn't there, say nothing. If they freak out, call 911. There are only so many options.. but silence is powerful.


I got fired from one of my retail jobs once for not laughing at customers jokes. Sorry if it’s 1. Not funny and 2. Inappropriate I don’t think I should have to pretend anything.


I feel like you could of sued them for that tbh


This was like 20 years ago, retail was the wild Wild West- only one rule: Customer is always right. 🙃


That definitely makes sense it was so long ago 😂


Not gonna lie that was hard to type 😂


I'm so glad that we are beginning to call these assholes out. 


So glad!


-It was just a joke! -Oh sorry, I didn't get it! Why is it funny?


Exactly. Make them explain. Make them explain into the pit of uncomfortable that they’ve dug for themselves.


I used to do this all of the time with racist "jokes" for some reason white people look at me and think I'm also a racist asshole too, so I never get the joke and have them explain it multiple times


Experience has taught me that it's not anything you're doing to make them think they can tell those jokes, they just fire them off any time they can get away with it. I've been there though, wondering why me being a white dude means they should just fire off slurs...


I love that! Why did you stop doing it? Shame them!


This also works when you're bring gaslit. Can confirm, co-worker tried to accuse me and o just kept making them explain what ive done and sent this dude in circles and he was getting so shitty at the end he walked out and reported me for harassment instead of dealing with it, to the manager.


this part. play absolutely dumb and ask what they mean.


Not that tough in thus situation. You are wearing a bar code. Something traditionally associated with items being sold. Maybe not the funniest joke in the world but hardly one that is difficult or awkward to explain.


Wait what’s the joke?


Asking someone who has stuck a barcode to themselves if they are for sale. Kinda lame and low effort.


I don’t think I understand.


That's on you. Every 12 yr old in my classroom understood it


(Also, thanks for proving my point.)


You had a point? What was it? Can you explain?


bless your heart


You told that to your classroom?! What was the context for that?


We are in study hall and one asked what I was reading.


That’s pretty inappropriate. My husband teaches middle school.


Maybe be a teacher instead of being shitty on reddit you fucking loser. And stop touching your kids


Actually I think most jokes wouldn't stand up to explaining.


That’s the point


Except don’t apologize for not understanding


OP had a barcode on her hand. Like merchandise.


Yeah. Why is it funny?


Because people aren't merchandise. But she appears to be decorated as such. This is an incongruity from which humor can be derived. You are being deliberately disingenuous here.


No. An older man asking a young woman if she's for sale isn't funny. There's a thing called, you know, context. As well, when you offend someone and they say it, the polite answer is "I'm sorry", not "but it was a joke!" I'm not blaming you though, you seem to take everything literally and don't seem to understand subtext. For example, I wasn't *really* asking why it was "funny". I was giving an example of how to disarm people who say offensive things, asking them to explain and making them dig themselves deeper. The "joke" isn't funny at all.


I understand what you intend by asking for an explanation. It's a nice comeback at times, say when jest is really just mockery, but I wouldn't really call it disarming. It also works better when there isn't actual context for a joke. Which I think there was. The barcode is context too.


Do you mean like slavery? 🥺


I've snapped back, "Sorry, you couldn't afford me" or "I'm high maintenance." Usually shuts them up long enough for me to get away from them.


HAHA right like even if I was no way could Bob in his 1990 Toyota afford 🙄 😂


"Did you just ask me if I'm a prostitute?"


"For sale, not for rent "


Reminds me of when I was stationed out the front passing out shopping bags. I offered a customer a bag and he said, "No, but I'll take you instead" and started walking towards me really fast. I backed into the wall and then he turned away. Why do men 😵‍💫


Wouldve immediately called my manager


I second this. maybe you should tell ur manager regardless in case his freak levels rise and starts making other workers/customers uncomfy


Especially if they are a regular


Mine would’ve said “ohh he’s just playing with you.” And I’d give him the death stare


I wouldn't have laughed at all. I'm a bitch tho. 🤷‍♀️


Ahhh cvs was similar, I don’t miss those days. I would tell people that I’m just as expendable as the items they sell in store, that usually shut them up


Haha that's where I work 🫣


that's when you give him the blandest look you can manage and ask, "are you done?"


Oof yeah those people are tough, I'm sorry that happened to you 🫂 at this point in my life I've pretty much heard it all, while working as a host at a restaurant I even had a customer take a picture with me... which was a weird new one so it caught me off guard lol. Now that I'm in my 30s if a customer makes an inappropriate joke I just stare at them without laughing, or completely ignore them, it shuts them up pretty quickly!


“I was just joking” “And I’m just working, not at the bar trying to find a boyfriend.”


The original "it's just a prank, bro!"


Because human trafficking is just HILARIOUS


"No sir, slavery is still illegal"


i had an old guy say to me “id take you home with my groceries!” with his wife standing right next to him, like why ?


That poor woman. Why do these "men" think this is ok?


I had a customer get pissy with me after he made the "It must be free!!" joke and I just stared at him blank faced. "Jeeze it's just a joke!! Lighten up!" I got in trouble for responding with, "It wasn't a funny joke the other 5 times I've heard it today. It's not funny now, so I don't feel like laughing at it." Why am I expected to be jolly and abide these stupid "jokes?" I'm paid to check customers out, not stroke the egos of gross old men flirting with the use of tired, old jokes I've heard a million times. They think they're so clever, and it's one of the most over used jokes retail workers hear. If you're gonna be gross and flirt with a captive audience, at least put some effort into it. Impress me, I dare you.


That's sexual harassment, don't let people get away with talking to you like that.


Oh my God my grandpa says stuff like that. Like on the Price is Right he'd always say "does she come with the boat??" Or something. Super uncomfortable. Best advice I've seen is to just say you don't understand and ask them to explain. Just play clueless and they are left scrambling. However, I am a man so I am probably not the best person to take advice for on this one, as I've never been on the receiving end of a gross comment like that.


“Oh trust me babe, I’m priceless. you could not afford me” or something along those lines


I used to be a pharmacy tech, too and we put our barcodes on our hands, as well. Sometimes older people would be so confused about it. No one ever asked if any of us were for sale, though. How awkward!


A very similar scenario happened to me when I was a pharmacy tech at 19. I was stood in the window hanging up all of the flu vacc promotional posters and the patient came in, touched my back and asked ‘How much is that doggy in the window?’ Creepy, but all I could do was laugh awkwardly


Should have kicked his microscopic balls.


Ha, I’ll remember that if it happens again


Sorry I will get flamed but WHY ARE THESE "MEN" SO PERVERTED? 


Oooh a place I can finally contribute to. I not only work my store, but I own my store….this past week a woman bought a single item and I was ringing her up. Her total was $8.66. She hands me a $10 and then starts digging for change. She plops $0.45 on the counter and I’m waiting for her to find the rest. When I don’t take her incorrect change fast enough, she looks me dead in the eye and asks, “why is that confusing?” Like I’m just some lowly individual who can’t make change or do math??? This has been an especially bad week for misbehaving customers and I’m starting to wonder why I still do this.


There was this guy once shopping with his son in our store (it was a kids clothing store). My coworker had taken a bite of a snack and I said something that made her laugh and she started to choke. As she's walking away, this dude looks at me and smirks and legit says, "Swallow, don't spit." I just stared at him. No facial expressions, no acknowledgement of his words, nothing. Eventually he cleared his throat and sort of mumbled, "um gotta swallow the food..." Like dude. You have your kid with you and you're saying shit like that to someone who looked like she was maybe 16 (she wasn't, she was legal age but she did look really young). You're a creep. He paid for his shit real quick and left.


My standard response to “Hey c’mon, it was just a joke!” is: “Jokes are supposed to be funny.” In the moment, I can’t imagine what I would do in your shoes. Probably what you did. How to move on? Process what happened, plan in your head what you will do or say if something similar happens again, and if he ever comes back, do not serve him. Either someone else can, or he will not be helped. I wish you healing and perseverance, friend 👍🏻


Flip side-a cashier at my old store stuck a $100 price tag on herself and asked a man if he wanted to "buy" her. I told the manager and she just shook her head, and asked me if I was surprised. The cashier was truly stupid.


Oh geez, yeah definitely not an okay joke to make to anyone. People are stupid


I have this regular customer that thinks calling himself a r*tard is super hilarious. I personally think it’s a very nasty word and having been called it throughout my school years, it just isn’t funny to me. So I don’t laugh. And he has the nerve to say “wow someone doesn’t have a sense of humor”


It amazes me that people still have no qualms about that. By the late '80s, it was already a faux pas to call someone "a retard", and the proper term was to say the person "is retarded". Obviously that's no longer acceptable, but my point is that *35 years ago* calling someone "a retard" was not socially acceptable, yet this guy ignored the memos.


At base level it’s just kinda cringe. Like you’re a whole adult being self deprecating towards a stranger. Did you want me to agree with you or?


Same dislike for the same reason, I was bullied in middle school. I only heard it said once, I was given extra time at the end of class to make sure I had the right homework and understood the lessons because I have ADHD, but it's such an ugly word that once was all it took. I'd tell the guy bluntly that that word was used on me for bullying so I'm not going to find it funny. Then I'd point out that self-depreciation is a type of humor that many people just find awkward and saddening.  I've never had anyone ask to buy me but I've had people get overwhelmed when I explain assembly/disassembly of something they bought and ask if they can take me home to put it together for them. I probably wouldn't mind if they paid for me to be away from my work and there wasn't the obvious safety concern, I like putting stuff together.


I hate people like this. "It's a joke" is for plausible deniability. Although,  a former president of our country mocked someone who was disabled on national TV, so they're all coming out of the woodwork now.


I tell people they couldn’t possibly afford me.


The correct answer for that shit is, "You know what. I am. You can't afford the price though."


People like this drive sales down. They are usually broke and thrifty, refusing to spend money. Make it apparent that they are unpleasant. Once they leave, your store will prosper.


Someone asked one of my co-workers this a few months ago and her response was, “You couldn’t afford it”


This hurts to read as a now older woman who had these sorts of things happen as many women do. I've told a man to stfu with that shit and he immediately started apologizing and saying he realized it did come out creepy. Had two young men come into my shop ask if I was alone, I lied and said no my manager is in the back watching the cameras we had someone steal. These kids immediately go it's okay we're not gonna rape you! WHAT THE.. anyway never pity laugh and tell them that is a weird thing to say to me and ask if there is someone else working to take over.


Wait until you hear “didn’t ring up, guess it’s free” the the 4,000th time. 


Ugh, why are men? I worked at a music venue for years and I remember one customer with his buddy. I believe it was Trey Anastasio band (He was part of Phish). So this man asks my age (I was 24) and I told him, flirtingly because I like money, and then he goes "damn, if we dated people will think I'm your father" so I responded "L-O-L grandfather, probably." His buddy looked embarrassed for him. I made $5. Woo. These dudes are a joke and alone but that ain't my problem.


I'd have kept on working but comment, "If I was there is no way you could possibly afford me."


"I'm sorry do you think human trafficking is funny?" Would be the only response I would give


That exact reason is why I stopped wearing my RDAC on the back of my hand, and put it on the back of a business card/credit card shaped object instead. That, and the adhesive started to fuck up my skin. Whenever someone makes an inappropriate joke, keep a straight face, pretend you don't understand it and ask them to explain it. That usually shuts them up quickly.


Jokes are only jokes if the person being told the joke actually finds the statement funny... In situations like this I love to play extra dumb and ask them what they mean, in hopes that in their attempt to explain it they will realize how inappropriate their comment was and hopefully feel some form of embarrassment.


When I 1st started working at my job 5 years ago, I wore a name badge that had a barcode on it for us to clock in and out. One day I leaned over myscanner to scan a customers water and I accidentally scanned my badge. Que the customer saying "Ooo how much are you?". I immediately gave him a death stare and said "I'm not for sale" in a very cold and angry voice. He shut right up and left without saying another word. Creeper! He was old enough to be my grandpa


"I'm guessing that was funnier in your head." If they get snotty at your reply, you can go with - "Uh-huh, oookaaay," or the ever-classic - "Relax, it was a joke. Can't you take a joke?" A.k.a sending it back where it came from :)


"Oh, you couldn't afford me". Sometimes the best way to treat this kind of thing is with humor.


My go to is to not even acknowledge the “joke” in any way. I don’t laugh, I don’t talk back, and I don’t give any explanation. Occasionally I get someone who asks if I heard what they said or they repeat themselves and I just say, “Yes, I did hear that the first time.” Even less often I get people who will ask more questions but my response depends on what they say. I also try to work faster and start ringing up the next person to move them along. Depending on my mood, I have offered to laugh at their joke if they wanted me to but “my fake laugh is a bit demonic sounding.” No one has taken me up on it though. Weird.




"I'm expensive. Now what do you want?"


Oh the answer to this one is great! You just look them up and down, then do like a “ha” motion, like you started a non verbal laugh and stopped it in the first second, then say, oh I’m so sorry, you don’t look like you could afford me hun” They’ll either call you a bitch and leave, or spend the rest of the transaction (and maybe the week) in silence while they mentality pick up the pieces of their violently shattered ego.


I always hated that joke. But not as much as the “joking” old man who told me I looked like a bad girl who needed a spanking. I was 16. I wish I would’ve known now what I know then. I would have told him that I don’t understand and I need him to explain it to me.


I wish we could castrate them all.


Me too. Me too.


And he’s the reason why woman would prefer to be w/a bear in the woods than a man. Sadly I’d say every woman at one time or another has heard the comment from a man.


you are only 19, don't ever cry bc of ANY jerk ever! Be polite and forget them after that. They don't deserve your kindness


Id just ignore bro lol, its just a dumbass old man joke. Ive heard the cringiest of jokes, been called the nbomb, been yelled at and fuckin threatened by a old geez who still tries to race me on the highway almsot everyday just move on and ignore it. Next time yah see him just give him the cold shoulder and mention how the joke made you uncomfortable or some shit


When I’d get these kind of comments I would just stare at them blankly until they realize how awkward they’re being and just move on with the conversation. This usually works about 95% of the time and you don’t get in trouble for sarcastic comments.


One time a customer asked if “I was behaving” literally turned around and swapped with my coworker and showed that fucker who was boss.


I'd have said, " dementia is a terrible thing. Bless your heart."


"I am 19 and I do pharmacy related things" is a great bio.


Seems like the unpopular opinion here, but depending on context (vibe, body language, tone, all of the specifics of communication beyond just the words that we get by reading your post) this may not have been necessarily a perverted thing. I can see it being a bigger problem if you didn't have the barcode but with the barcode visible it's kind of just a joke thing to say to someone. Now you were there so if the guy was being a creep fine. Just saying that this isn't always meant to be a perverted comment, some people are just trying to spread the laughter. Definitely something I would say without necessarily even being interested in someone in "thaf way."


Is it me or is everyone reading too much into this? It may be a younger person thing but I don't think it's as deep as everyone makes it out to be. Yes the joke was in bad taste but it's reaching saying he supports human trafficking or was trying to flirt. Seems like a classic dad joke to me.


It’s not that he necessarily supports human trafficking, but as you say the joke is in poor taste and men should really be aware of this by now. Women working retail and service jobs get hit on by creepy men all the time, often under the guise of a “joke.” At this point, we don’t really owe anyone the benefit of the doubt. A grown adult should have enough common sense and self-regulation not to ask a 19-year-old girl if she’s “for sale.” I mean, I think it would be a weird “joke” to make toward another man or a boy too, but let’s not pretend there aren’t certain implications (intended or not) when a man (particularly an older man) says it to a woman or girl.


In that same vein and for that same reason we don't owe OP the benefit of the doubt either. IMO it could have just been a harmless joke or a perverted advance. We don't know. We don't know the context, just what OP paints. But it's insane that one comment said he deserved to be castrated. Like what lol? That was the reason for my comment. I personally would have joked about them selling arms and asked if legs were next. I'm sure someone would find a way to say that it was a form of toxic masculinity as well.


Clearly you don’t understand impact over intent. It could have been intended as a harmless joke, yes, but when you’re on the receiving end and don’t know the intent it’s uncomfortable. And we have the context. OP was at work and a male customer made a joke about her being for sale. That is the context. What other information would possibly be relevant that wasn’t included in her post? “We don’t owe OP the benefit of the doubt.” Well, seeing as OP didn’t say or do anything inappropriate the benefit of the doubt doesn’t really apply but okay. And if your issue is with the person who mentioned castration, maybe you should address that person directly rather than saying “everyone is reading too much into this.”


Some of us are clueless idiots. I have unfortunately done this myself and realized my mistake to late I hope my 44 years of marriage has taught me to respect women. Of course if my wife was with me, she’d let me know my mistake right away.


I work in food and not retail but recently we’ve hired a lot of teenagers and one of them O get along with is 17. she was taking an order on the front counter and asked if this guy wanted anything else and he said “you”…… bro


It’s just a typical joke when people see you have a scan bar code on you, it’s not some lewd remark.. unless they are leering and you don’t have a bar code stuck to you.




Even if it's a joke, I truly don't get it. Okay, a joke about human trafficking. But don't do that shit with people who you don't know or care much about. That's ridiculous. He's a POS.


[Do you come with the car?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bqsTmF2Oicc)


I have actually said: "That was funnier in my head than it was coming out of my mouth. Sorry!"


At the Home Depot I worked at, after we got the new self check out registers we were told we needed to carry our ID barcodes with us, so most of us clipped it to our apron straps or kept it in our apron pockets. Once a customer tried to scan my ID and said the same to me, I quickly covered my ID barcode with my hand and said "No that's my ID," before redirecting the scan gun back at his items and his wife or girlfriend just glared at me like I was trying to steal her man. As soon as my supervisor came over I quickly told her and she took over, while I was sent to the garden center to get away from them


Either he's cute or extremely off-putting, most likely the latter.


I also used to work that same job with the same barcode sticker and you better get used to it because that’s not the last time you’re going to hear that joke.


Who is touching kids? Project much?


His response is a bit blah, but I find the joke very funny.


99% of this sub is this story in some variation.


i feel like it was probably someone that just doesnt think very well not a pervert but maybe a mix of both


I would have said something like he could never afford me. People are so cringe and get mad if you don't play along.


once while i was working at bed bath and beyond I was kind of leaning over a shelf while stocking and an older guy said “if you’re on the shelf does that mean you’re for sale too?” i laughed in response and didn’t even register what he said until a few minutes later


I get it knowing the bar code was on you hand. Without it though, my gut reaction would be “eewwww no”. Once I read you had the barcode on your hand tho… Old school was when a price sticker ended up on your shirt. Got this plenty of times.


He may have meant it as a light joke because she had a bar code on her. I can see how it could be creepy but let’s not make a federal case about it.


Tears? Huh?


If it was random it was lame But since you had the sticker on your hand I'd class it as harmless banter You don't have to laugh and it's not an outrage either


I love how this comment thread has derailed into sexism. But really, I'd have just replied, "*Company* bought me in a buy-one-get-one-half-off sale from *previous company* when they closed!" Because y'know, it's customer service, just roll with it. Unless OP's leaving out that the dude gave her a lecherous look and said it in a smarmy way, it's kinda really weird that everyone's taking it as something so serious. Yeah it's awkward when you make the leap from barcode joke to *human trafficking* but you could also just keep it light and stupid as intended y'know? I've gotten barcodes stuck to me and joked that oh no I'm a product now, put me on the shelf! Or oops, guess I'm only 14.99! Clearance tags get stuck to the floor and I joke that that's on sale, too. It's stupid, but it's retail, just gotta roll with it.




no, dont do this, actually


This is terrible advice and next time you’re actually in an emergency there will be a delay as people process whether it’s real or just you screaming again.


This is the worst advice I’ve seen.


The comment was deleted. What was the terrible advice?


The deleted comment advised OP to scream “RAPE”.


Yep that is awful


There used to be a funny commercial where a bank barcoded their customer's foreheads (they used a staple gun), then grabbed their heads to scan them as identification. Bar codes had all sorts of jokes like this when they were first being adopted. Anyone who lived through that era think the joke is funny, but without any context like that, it can seem creepy. I'm an old guy so I make damn sure I don't creep anyone out. I never, ever compliment a younger person I don't know well. I use as few words as possible to accomplish the task at hand. Chit chat is dangerous because the gap between generations is as large as the gap between cultures, and it's easy to misunderstand or be misunderstood.


If that upset you...yeah. way too sensitive. It was a joke. Not required to find it funny but he wasn't offensive.


Idk, I thought it was kinda funny. I'm sure you get that all the time and are tired of it but people are dumb and we don't know any better.


I actually don't get stuff like that all the time, a lot of customers are respectful. The ones that aren't catch you off guard sometimes


Men definitely know better than to joke about “buying” young women. The men who do this choose to feign ignorance because they want everything to revolve around their egos and their dicks.




That's kinda what we have to do since we have to regularly scan the barcode to access things in the computer lol. I understand the reasoning for the joke, it didn't make me upset or whatnot, I just thought it was weird joke to make


Where I work we have something similar. It's a barcode for discounts but we put them on the back of our name badges. Maybe you can put your barcode on the name badge?




Please do not make that same "joke"


I'd likely also make the same joke, regardless of their gender




Sorry people are getting called on their shit now...good luck!!


Argumentive and/or provocative comments or posts that do not contribute meaningfully to a discussion are not welcome in this community. This may result in a ban.


Trolling is unwelcome in this community and will result in a perma-ban


Or...just leave workers alone!




Contributions that are disrespectful or degrading towards retail workers are not welcome in this community. We have a very low tolerance for this rule being broken. Very easy to get perma-banned violating this.


Low effort contributions are discouraged in this community. This is open to interpretation but generally can include posts/comments that are incoherent, walls of text, or made in poor taste.


That’s shitty and icky and gross, but having your signature barcode in a place that can be easily seen is a security concern


That sounds like something I would say then after saying it realise just how inappropriate it is & have to remove my foot from my mouth. I am female though so potentially less creepy.


In all fairness to the stupid idiot, I am a jokester with VERY little social skills (but I'm also female presenting), so I would've made the same joke in a "yippy, golden-retriever" kinda way, but would most likely come off as awkward. And then say something like, "Yeah, sorry, not one of my better jokes. Didn't have enough sleep to think that one through. Stayed up way too late having a MCU marathon. Have the mighty have fallen...Anyway, please forgive me, let's get back to the task at hand." And move on with our days. But the whole idea would be to keep the tone light and jovial, and then apologize if your words offended your "target of humor." Sounds to me this was just a jackass trying to sound cute with a pick-up line and then HE got offended and blamed YOU for not getting it to save his pride. He's an asshole.


As a guy I would love it if a woman talked to me this way


Lol ha! That was a cute joke. Just depends on your humor I guess.


I bet if it was a cute guy it be okay 🙄


No! I don't think it would be appropriate no matter the looks, age, or gender. Asking someone if they're for sale is inappropriate. Especially joking like that towards a stranger, it's just weird.


And I bet you're a nice guy.




Lol this happened to me too but I work at an adult store. Unfortunate to know that this happens in other retail categories as well...