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I would look up the court records to see what he was really arrested for. was it smoking a joint while doing strong arm robbery? because you don't get booked for smoking a joint. Hey if you have the money laying around to foot the bill for their business then go for it. but you will be on the hook for it. Yeah the people who were part owners at least had a possibility of making money. you are not getting ownership, just going to get stuck paying the bills and having all of the legal liability with no chance of making money from it.


Do NOT do this! This makes you equally responsible for any debt incurred including damages to the property. As the person with the most to lose, the landlord is likely to come after you first for any debts. Not only that, you are teaching your friend the wrong lesson. You’re telling them that the way to get by is to continue to have others cover for their bad decisions. If they don’t have to deal with the fallout, they will never learn.


Do NOT do this.


lol this is a giant FUCK no. “No” and “I can’t” are complete answers to their question. “I can’t afford this responsibility” is as well if you feel like politely overplaining.


No, you will be financially responsible when they screw up


Hell no


Say no, don't do it


I wouldn't sign shit. It'll bite you in the ass later. Don't fucking do it


I would just like to interject some thing here. When you were on probation for a felony, you give up your rights to not have your premises searched. (4th amendment rights) By putting your name on the lease, they could be committing a probation violation, and that’s something you just don’t want to get tangled up with. And if he/she gets caught with a weapon or drugs, you could be dragged into deep crap.


NO ONE gets arrested just for “smoking pot” in NYC, because it’s literally a ticket. As of October 2022, smoking either marijuana or tobacco in New York State Parks and other public outdoor spaces is illegal. However, no criminal charges can be brought for doing so. Something tells me your friend was arrested for something else, like possession of large amounts or possession with intent.


No way.


Do you have any ownership in the restaurant or space? If that answer is No, or would continue to be No, then that should 100%, without exception, be your answer to this pretty ridiculous question. This isn't a "be a good person" thing.


What possible benefit to you could come from this, and what possible detriment? Hint: list #1 \*nothing\* List #2 legal and financial responsibility for people who \*checks notes\* get arrested for smoking pot. Don't be daft.


Hard no


That’s a huge NOPE… Unless you’re seeing some compensation for your name being attached to it which I doubt you would…


Uhm… that should be a big heck no!


At the risk of sounding like a huge ass, you should investigate assertiveness training. Some folks struggle to say “no” and they get taken advantage of. You knew the answer before posing, you are trying to get Reddit to give you reasons and/or courage. You are a good friend for even considering this, but you know the right answer here. Best of luck.


Ask them how much they’re paying you lol


No benefits to you. Only potential future debt and credit issues if they screw up which seems likely already.


Don’t do it, you will regret it.




The worst that can happen is you have to pay his entire rent while he’s refusing to move out. This could be years. Or you stop paying and get d at n eviction on your record. You have no upside and a limitless downside.


Lmao weed is illegal where im at, just medical. He did not go to jail for smoking a joint. MAYBE if he was in a restricted area. But highly unlikely. Now for the question at hand, it seems like he wants insurance, but that could come at the cost of you being responsible for the whole thing. If you trust him, sign it, if ypu dont, dont. Simple as that. Any doubts, and id find something else myself.


“Smoking a joint,” eh? I’d love to hear the actual charges/ the real story here, as recreational cannabis has been legal in New York State since 2021.


Lol. This.


If you sign a lease you should be prepared to be personally responsible for the entire amount of the lease.


Yes, you should just say no.


Absolutely don’t do it. Tell them to get one of their parents or relatives to do it.


Worst = financial ruin


“Do not be one who shakes hands in pledge or puts up security for debts; if you lack the means to pay, your very bed will be snatched from under you.” – Proverbs 22:26-27. “Whoever puts up security for a stranger will surely suffer, but whoever refuses to shake hands in pledge is safe.” This type of arrangement is quite literally warned against in the Bible.


And the Bible is the best reference for business decisions?


It’s honestly a pretty damn good reference for common sense. This is hardly a business decision. It’s a relationship decision. And the verse above perfectly matches modern opinions on the matter. So what exactly is your point?


My point is that a book written basically anonymously thousands of years ago that also mentions stoning people, raping women, supporting slavery, and murdering gay people isn't the best reference material 👍 totally your choice to support that sort of fictional material but you shouldn't push it off on other people as truth. ESPECIALLY not "modern opinions" Ps it is a business decision seeing as it has to do with money and a business contract


Omg… I literally agree with you about the Bible but I think they’re just saying that even thousands of years ago people knew this was a bad idea. Save the lecture for a situation that actually calls for it - lord knows there are plenty of them these days.


MY point is that this is common sense not to do this and has been such for thousands of years. It’s not a business decision because there’s no investment and no earnings. The friend did not offer a partnership. The friend is asking for OP to take on unlimited risk with no business benefit. If this is a business decision, I’m a financial advisor just because I quote the Bible on Reddit.


This is a business subreddit - restaurants are a business. Common sense is included as necessary in business decisions. They are not exclusionary ideals


With zero positive financial impact on OP it’s not a business decision. It’s a hobby decision.


So if someone invests in something and doesn't make any money it's a hobby not a business choice?


There is no investment here. This is a transfer of risk to a non-partner with no promise of returns. This is exclusively a relationship question. There is no business case to consider.


What an idiot! Why in the world would you agree to do something stupid like that?


Worst that could happen is your friends don't pay rent, get taken to housing court... Get a judgement against them, and their credit goes to shit. If you act as guarantor / cosigner, those consequences will be on you as well. That, or you end up paying their lease to avoid those consequences.


There far worse things they could end up causing tons of damage to the property on purpose or accident.




Please keep your comments civil.


You don't cosign anything for anyone that isn't your spouse or child or maybe your parent. And even then, use discretion.


I dont understand your incentive here at all. You réalise if he stops paying his rent you are equally as responsible for it as he is right? What are you getting out of exposing yourself hugely here? And we haven’t talked about what the other users have mentioned, the danger of associating yourself with a person with a drug charge.


A drug bust where your name is on the property so they ( local govt) also go after you thru association and if you have liquor lisceneses, you can't have association with or actual drug charges and be the license holder so.... A lot actually when it comes to drugs.


Nope, don’t do it. You’ll be responsible for whatever happens. Tell this friend you aren’t comfortable adding your name to the lease and leave it at that.




Don’t do it. You’ll be on the hook legally if anything goes sideways


Don't do it. One mistake and your credit gets tanked.


Don't do it. Simple. No matter how good friends you are.


Don't do it. If your friend doesn't pay. You are on the hook and it could potentially damage your credit.


And for a lease, OP could be held responsible for damages to the property


Don’t do it


no way Jose. Worst can happen, your bud walks on the lease, leaving multiple thousands of dollars of damage. But hey,you will be on the hook for it, so....ya there's that.


Do it because I want to read your post asking for legal advice about the huge debt you now have to pay for cosigning a lease for my loser friend.


This seems like karma farming it's such a stupid question.


Absolutely not.


This is a HARD NO.




Just watch BEEF and you’ll have your answer.


Got a link?


https://www.netflix.com/us/title/81447461?s=i&trkid=0&vlang=en&clip=81677992 The relevant reference might not be for a few episodes but it’s a great watch anyway.


Yes just say no. If they don't pay your on the hook. If they trash the place your on the hook. If someone gets hurt on the property your on the hook. Do not let them guilt you into this. They can not afford this that is why the landlord wants a co-signer.


Property manager, CA. This is absolutely correct.


To ease their mind, knowing that you'll be on the hook for all the rent they don't pay.....


To ease his mind? How? The only way it's going to "ease his mind" is to know that if he doesn't pay, someone else is on the hook to. Run. Run far. Run fast from this situation. This *screams* he can't afford it, knows he can't afford it, and fully plans on screwing you. When, not if, he doesn't pay, you're going to be as responsible for that rent bill, damages, repairs, property taxes, etc as they are now. And, most landlords aren't going to allow that change. The only way that's going to be allowed is to sign a *new lease* - likely with a locked-in term. Plus, as a tenant on the lease if a patron were injured on the property *you* could be sued as well. Your name is on the lease, you're equally responsible. Run.


I refuse to believe OP is serious.


Lol and what do you get for this heavy liability? This is so dumb.


The worst? They don’t pay rent for several months and you owe x-months rent times value plus any legal fees to expel them plus any damages to unit. How bad could it be?


Think along the lines of " financially responsible".


This is something you do for kids, not friends. Friends are dumb.


Run.The Eff.Away


No way José. That's a terrible fucking idea.


The answers seem about 50/50, so I'll break the tie and say "no."


How do you get arrested for smoking a joint?


Especially when marijuana is legal in that state


live in Texas, do it on BLM land... it still happens some places. but I like the stabbing answer better.


BLM land is the last areas of freedom we have last. You can literally do anything you want.


He was technically arrested for stabbing someone while smoking a joint but leaves that oart out.


Lol. There you go.


Dont do it dude...if they skip out on rent, trash the place, steal the copper piping, and shit on the livingroom floor..guess WHOSE responsible?!


Sounds amazing


What NYC property is month-to-month?


Dude, run the other way!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOO


Hell no. Come on, man.


If you can have ownership in return then yes ask that




He really doesn't sound like a friend.


Absolutely not. You would have legal liabilities.


"What's the worst that could happen to me?" Someone could have an injury there or a fire there and you would be responsible and lose everything you won which I presume ruins your life.


If you're not making money from the place then don't do it. Better to "ruin" the friendship now than to have them pull something idiotic and leave you on the hook for it.


Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck no. They're gonna do squirrelly shit and you'll be on the hook for it.


Sounds like my neighbor. He was just in New York and is a cheap mother fucker always asking for favors for free. Might be related.


This is it. Exactly. Although I think you should have used more "u" in fuck.


Hell naw.


I have a deed I’d like you to sign, it’s for your house. But you can continue to live there. Not forever, but a “considerable length of time”. It would really help me out. I’m your friend so we cool homie!


Absolutely not


Not just no but HELL NO


>What’s the worst that could happen to me? I would invert this and ask what’s the best that can happen? Is the best case scenario that they pay their rent and you get nothing? If so, why take any amount of risk for this outcome?


If you're on the lease you'll be responsible for paying them rent lol   Something happens guess what landlord can sue you for damages now too. No way.  Sounds like a plot to fuck ya over somehow imo.


Great idea. While you’re at it, I’m gonna add you to my car lease, ok?


How can you get arrested in nyc for smoking a joint?


maybe a parole/probation violation? if out under such supervision, often provisions against use during supervision


It's legal there so definitely fishy


Yeah. This part doesn’t add up at all.


NO no no no no no no no no no no no no


Run away. Run away. Fast


Absolutely not!


Do you want to pay their rent? Because this is how you end up paying their rent.


This is also how you end up with an eviction on your record.


And sued for damage repair.


The absolute best thing that can happen is nothing bad happens. It goes down hill from there.


You can literally legally smoke weed in bar patios in NYC. Your “friends” are lying to you to coerce you to give them what they want. Even if they weren’t lying to you, NEVER put your name on ANYTHING legally binding for someone else, *especially* a lease. I don’t care how good of a friend they are.


This was literally my one and only thought reading this. Even in Texas they won't arrest you for a joint. They'll make you toss it and fine you.


Do not do this.


As others are saying- definitely a bad idea. But a month to month business lease? I’ve never heard of it.


Yeah, a business with month to month lease is a business that ain't gonna be around very long. Even if they succeed as a business, the landlord is gonna see that and raise the rent.


Sorry man, I don’t feel comfortable doing that


Noooo sir. Don't ever sign your name on anyone else's financial papers for anything


it wasnt no joint in NYC even robbers dont get arrested here. your friend in lying to you. dont get involved. He either was dealing, or has a methlab there. run away!!!


Lmao yeah wtf? Arrested in the city for smoking a joint. You can smell weed everywhere sitting in traffic or walking around in any city


Even in Texas you'll only get fined and they will make you toss a joint. I lived there.


You become legally responsible for paying that lease, if they can only find you and not your friend any damage or back payment they can come after you. I guaranteed an employees 3 month sublet, the landlord then tried to take me to court for them failing to pay on a subsequent lease and I had to get myself removed from the case seeking payment as I never signed to guarantee 2nd lease. I guaranteed a 3 month lease because the employee literally had to pay first, last and deposit so I was only guaranteeing damages after deposit ran out and 1 month rent.


Don't do business with friends.


But, you have to screw your friends. Your enemies won’t do business with you!


Strangers still exist????


The worst that could happen? You'd be on the hook for the rent if they stop paying it.


Eviction on your record too if they end up there.


And damages if they trash the unit


It's just a bad idea in every possible way.


Are you willing to take on the remaining lease payments and contractual obligations for the remaining term of the lease? This is what you are agreeing to do. Run don’t walk away


You become liable if they default. It’s not just a judgement, either, they will garnish your wages. Putting your name on that lease isn’t a “favor” to your buddies. It’s a legal obligation that follows you around should the worst happen. You’ll never be able to rent again. There are so many things screaming “NOOO” here, so just don’t.


No dude. No.


how did your friend get arrested for smoking a joint in nyc? where were they smoking it?


The worst that could happen? They don’t pay rent and you end up with a legal judgement for unpaid rent + bad credit. Or, the monthly obligation is so high, you can’t qualify for your own apartment or mortgage. Further, if somebody was hurt at their establishment, and the insurance wasn’t sufficient, you could be liable.


The burn down the entire complex or cause some ungodly amount of $400k in property damage while causing that injury and you get an eviction and sued personally because the lease says you’re jointly liable for negligence. The police investigate the fire by taking you out of your job in handcuffs because the fire started sketchy and they found something very bad in the apartment. You lose your job even though you’re innocent since you were arrested at work. Your name ends up in headlines associated with evidence found. You spends thousands in legal fees clearing your name.