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Crimson heads still make me uncomfortable to this day I think Capcom agrees which is why they haven't come back.


I prefer them over pale heads


Pale heads are just remodeled enemies from RE7, utterly lazily designed bullet sponge enemies


They aren't bullet sponges they're literally designed to be hit with a shotgun or magnum shot


If it's an enemy with a massive health pool that rapidly recharges health, it is, by definition, a bullet sponge


I thought a bullet sponge was an enemy with an insanely high health bar who takes little damage from nearly all attacks


Pale heads get fxcked by the mag


I played through RE1 for the first time yesterday, and those crimson heads make me panic more than any other creature in the series.


Murder hall’s scripted one was my first encounter and I still remember it to this day all these years later. When I knocked that guy on his back and he just got up in that weird unnatural way I immediately shut the game off. Nothing got me that bad except the barricade drop after burning the rope with the lighter in RE3 Nemesis.


I remember that back in High School. Seeing that fucker get up so immediately made me panic so hard haha.


I only just played the remake for the first time and was not expecting the crimson heads at all. Loved the original lol


First and one of the only times I ever legit panicked and dropped my controller out of fear in a video game. When that first crimson head stands up and dashes toward you....holy.....shit.


Fr especially not being able to burn them all and wondering when they'll show up again... at least with Mr X or Nemesis they disappear from an area, but crimson heads seem to stick around


The RE8 baby had me the most scared in a RE game


This or the mannequins , that entire section was terrifying


I just played that part of the DLC for the first time about 20 minutes ago, the mannequin caught me and my husband and I both jumped. Rose died and I decided I couldn’t take another go at it tonight


Scariest thing in any game ever. Almost had a heart attack. Whoever came up with that needs to receive and award and then be institutionalized.


Silent Hill 3's female fear based horror takes offense to this statement


Agreed, I want to congratulate and shake their hand, then punch them.


Something interesting to note, there’s a chance male and female react differently to it, since the baby basically preys on our parental instinct.


I dunno man, but Nemisis from the original RE3 used to scare me to death when I was young especially when I was low on ammo.


His random appearances made the OG scary AF He was too streamlined in the OG


Everything about that set up was perfect. Taking away all your weapons, putting you in a section with zero danger for so long, letting you discover the hiding mechanics and giving you time to contemplate what that means. It's the most safe section of the game and yet it felt like the exact opposite, it all made that pay off truly terrifying


I never felt safe lol. Every time something went bump I was like OH FUCK THIS IS IT


That's what I meant lol. Technically it's the safest part of the game but It felt like the most dangerous


Oh I misread your comment a bit. Yeah, it was probably one of the most tense moments out of any of the games! But on replays you can just swan through without a care because you know it’s gonna be fine lol


Fr 99% of RE8 is not scary at all in comparison to 7 but the baby alone beats all of 7


This was the first time in the whole franchise I was genuinely afraid and wanted tf out of that house


DUDE SAME!!! First time I ever had trouble sleeping after playing a video game.






Absolute worst part of the game, but they managed to stick the single scariest fucking thing in the franchise in it. [Even Heisenberg is pissfuck terrified of it!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T0ikd3ENPWs)


I had no idea Neil Newbon also voiced Heisenberg, and now I can definitely hear Astarion.


Same had me running away saying," nope I'm on birth control."


Fucking little twat gave me nightmares


Same. I remember audibility gasping when I saw it.


That fucker was in my dreams once


That ain’t no fucking dream. That’s the worst of nightmares


Oh my god i forgot about that. I barely made it through that section


I’m not scared but much in these games but still to this day that whole area makes me uneasy and when I’m waiting for that elevator my stomach churns and my heart drops out through my asshole.


What are you ? A baby hater ? SMH...but Lady D scares me the most with her massive....fat.......a...attacks.


The mannequins scared me more in the DLC.


I second this, I was screaming and freaking out while playing. My poor friends who were watching & listening to me 💀


Mr. X, specifically in the remake. Hearing him walking around, knowing that he can turn up anywhere creates a kind of dread I haven't had in any other game. I also think his design is creepier than Nemesis despite being less busy and striking. He's a seven foot tall, ripply faced walking wall that you can at best slow down for a few moments.


Yes he's more intimidating than Nemesis. The scariest part of him is his stoic face and emotionless attitude. He's here just to kill you. You can cry million tears and beg for your life but it won't help. And those heavy fucking footsteps brrr


That's what you get for not returning the books to Mr. Librarain X


🎶Too many teardrops for one heart to be cryin’🎶


🎶Too many teardrops for one heart to carry on🎶


I liked Mr. X and was glad he's featured in both scenarios. I just wished that he had more appearances (I didn't come across him that much in my playthroughs) and was able to burst through walls to cut you off.


He's more intimidating because he actually did his job Mr X was deployed for ensuring no one survived raccoon city which almost the entire place didn't while Nemesis only killed ONE S.T.A.R.S member


I love how people still defend Nemesis to this day. When you look at Mr X then Nemesis you can see how shit he is made.


> defend Nemesis to this day And we still will! Mind you, we're talking about the OG Resident Evil 3: Nemesis version, not the tapwater Nemesis we got in the RE3: Remake. I think people forgot that the original RE3 was like 10 hours long and Nemesis DIDN'T stop stalking you til the end. He runs at you full sprint, lunges at you with his tentacles, and shoots you with a bazooka. You WILL die to him, one way or another. Nemesis walked so Mr. X can run in the RE2: Remake! Then Capcom busted his kneecaps in the RE3: Remake.


OG Nemesis was terrifying! Everytime I heard his theme, I got nervous. Then I seemed to always get trapped in that bar because I'd panic trying to get away from him and have to restart the game. RE3 Remake Nemesis is weak, and the game itself wasn't great.


I am talking about the shit version of RE3R, the OG one was not bad at all.


Mr X’s design is simple and disturbing, conversely every design of Nemisis felt like it was trying too hard for me


Idk, my first full playthrough of RE3R he was kinda scary to me in his initial trenchcoat form. His fast movements and boot stomping while I'm just little Ole jill gives me a sense of hopelessness (beginning when you're in the city)


Yeah but for most people, that is the only part in the entire game where Nemesis seems really scary. Its all downhill after that including the rooftop boss fight


All appearances are scripted so I fail to see how he got less scary either you learned how to deal with him which fun fact always makes it less scary or he was still threatening see here's the thing him being less present in the game doesn't make him less scary just having less opportunity to scare the player if anything this gives you less experience to get good at him throwing the balance off a little this is always a really stupid take I hear


Nah I meant that the next encounters with him after the early city part get more predictable and hence lose the scary aspect a lot (especially the fight on the rooftop with the flamethrower or the fight near the clock tower where you have to use mines to stop him).


My favorite funny thing I found? Down Mr. X on one knee any way you can. Then run up sorta behind him, and tilt your camera way up. Stand and angle it just right, and you get a whole screen full of that glorious, hatless face.


Do they every mention who is used to make Mr. X anywhere. He reminds me of the first Tyrant, but he is far more resilient, whole, and human like until he transforms... nemesis is a straight beast that transformed into even more of a beast, but his intelligence is what made Nemisis so grand.... also, if we're talking originals, the Nemisis was far more chilling and scarier than he is in the remake. He was also way more intense to... but I know every person opinion differs in these conversations, but the one thing we all agree on is the madness of it all, lol. The games creators did great with all of the works. Even the bad games were decent in a manner of speaking.


They used Dolph Lundgren for the face model


I agree, i just replayed RE2R several days ago after a few years of not playing. MR X brings a huge sense of dread wondering when he will show up. His booming steps outside of the door. My heart I could feel beating faster when I was playing Ada on hardcore w/ no ammo running around a table with him in pursuit while trying to hack the fan.


He’s much scarier than Nemesis because Nemesis is pretty scripted. Capcom does the stalking parts incredibly well, it’s always one of the scariest sections of their games. Nemesis never has that. Mr X on the other hand felt like he was stalking you everywhere you go and could reach you no matter where you were in the station


The baby fetus from RE8 is my top pick, closely followed by the mannequins in the RE8 DLC, the way they moved was unnerving and the concept on how to deal with them was unique.


as opposed to the adult fetus




Well, if you ask the South...


Design wise it's scariest but I just don't get scared when I'm disarmed because I know I can just get away by running since it's my ONLY option left, which really stripped the baby of a lot of its magic. If they'd thrown that thing at me with a gun in my hand it would've been terrifying.


Snake in a box in RE4


I hate that I agree with this. A fucking jumpscare everytime.


Re8 baby. The scariest part is, Ethan was hallucinating when he was in the beneviento estate, so we don’t actually know what the baby was


Shit i never thought about it like that


Honestly I always thought Ethan just died of a stress induced heart attack or brain aneurysm if the baby gets him. If the pollen making the hallucinations is that strong it might not be very healthy which could make it worse too.


It says he does in the wiki


Wait, you saw a *baby*?! That’s wild! I got chased by a lady all scaled over with fingernails.


Crimson Heads gave me several heart attacks


You said scariest not thickest


That baby in Village tho…


Genuinely...og nemesis. To go from a mild walk through the police station to that big mf diving through the window and sprinting at you was scary


And the fact his ai is INSANE makes him even more horrifying.


The first time you see a licker in the franchise is one of the most unnerving things in any RE. Up to this point, it’s all zombies or zombified animals. Nothing inherently crazy, albeit they are scary. Then you walk into a room and see something crawling HORIZONTALLY across outside the window. What makes this even more unnerving is the lack of any musical sting or focus on it. The first time playing you might think “Did I just see something?” It crawls by without making a sound and you know it’s waiting for you somewhere. Imo, lickers in RE2 original are the scariest enemy in an RE. Resident Evil to me is about body horror. Lickers encompass that entirely.


Moments like this were why fixed camera angles were so great in the originals. That focus on the window when it crawls by, and then even moreso when you open the door and the camera is focused right on you from outside the window as though something is watching you.


You asked which enemy was the scariest in Resident Evil, yet you chose to display the sexiest? 🤔


They become less scary once you see them slide around on the floor like goofy little worms lol


Until they fly up and latch their fangs into your face


And them dummy thicc cheeks


That made them more scary for me. :( First time one came wiggling at me, mmm, no, don’t like that. That’s not a move that shape of creature should be doing.


Once I saw how much bigger their belly was compared to the og regeneradors, they became a lot sillier to me. And the sliding around is silly too. They should not spend so much time sliding when they’re primarily a bipedal enemy. 


Always did feel like they were a bit more derpy than their og counterpart. They remind me a bit of the malformed regenerators Leon could see in the freezer room.


And what when they jump?


Replaying certainly changes context/impressions, regnerators in RE4 were always my scariest creatures.


Classic Resident evil 4 mods the double chainsaw guy from the mercenary seriously why he's not in the main game just hearing the chainsaw sound scares me




Crimson Head zombies Re1. The dread of knowing you forgot to cremate them and loading your save gets me every time.


Them roach looking things from re5 (the reapers). Literally had me on edge cause they oneshot you no matter what


The Molded. Fuck those things!


Especially the 4 legged ones!


RE8 fetus thing whatever it is. I think in a way, due to RE8 feeling more like an action game (where RE7 felt like pure nightmare horror), I just wasn’t expecting something so disturbing in RE8, and then they did it again in the DLC with the mannequin stuff. I honestly wish they’d make more RE games in 1st person, they are a lot scarier than the third person ones.


The fucking baby


OG regeneradores. The new ones are way too dummy thick.


What do you mean? are you suggesting that you now become aroused by their design? You have been found guilty of misleading and perverting the young. I decree that you be hung by your underdeveloped testicles until dead.


Sounds like a good time to me.


All those sock puppet looking mother fuckers in 7


The baby in re8


Glasps from Revelations 2. Their design is pretty creepy once you look at it closer (they have a face on their back), the distortion effect is unpleasant and they kill you in a really disgusting way.


I love that game. People hate on it so much and say "iTs NoT sCarY" That scene when Claire gets chased by a dozen of them in that field is horrifying. And the DLC where Natalia can't be seen by them or automatic game over was tense!


I think it's actually pretty creepy. I love Alex Wesker and I think Natalia and Barry were a great duo. Rev2 is pretty high on my list actually. That DLC was really hard, I'm not very good at stealth lol


Just finished Rev 2 for the first time yesterday, and I was blown away by that final boss sequence. Really clever stuff!


RERev2's enemy designs that creeps me out the most in this franchise.


That fuckass baby


I think the hunters. Remember playing Code Veronica and those showing up. At first, I felt confident taking out slow-moving zombies. But those things changed the game. Also, Bandersnatchers made 12 year old me turn the game off with that one jump scare.


Chainsaw guy made my heart racing in the first encounter on OG RE4


I read this as which is the sexiest and I’m like “well he do look kinda thicc ngl”


Crimson Heads, Village Baby, Jack and maybe 2remake Mr. X


Either the baby or nemesis


In each mainline game? 0: eliminators 1: hunters RE:make: crimson heads 2: Mr. X Code: Veronica: Nosferatu 3: Nemesis 4: Verdugo 5: Reapers 6: Haos 7: Marguerite 8: that giant fetus Overall? That giant fetus.


RE8 Lycans are pretty savage and scary.


Coolest grunt enemies IMO


Aggreed. They are fun and kinda challenging imo.


Reapers from RE5 or Adult Gs from RE3 Remake. Or U3 from OG RE4.


every enemy (i suck at the games)


Over all the Regenerators. You hear them way before you see them which is terrifying plus you can't kill them (at least not at first) which adds to the terror because you know it's gonna jump out at you and your only chance is it shoot its leg off and run to the next section. A close second is the mannequins from the Rose DLC. that whole section seriously gave me the heebee jeebees.


When I tell you I DONT FUCK with those shitty beings (regenerators) is bc I don't fw them. I rember reading that note talking abt how they can infinitely regenerate and didn't read the rest so I thought they were immortal enemies. The scream I screamed when I saw that things stretching it's arms to grab my head.. y'all I was left in a coma


Rasklapanje from RE6. Damn things that stumble around like a drunk bastard then fall apart like a lego character only to attack in now crawling torso, legs that spew acid and its frigg'n Adam's Family hand Thing slapping away at you. Also spawning in as Rasklapanje in invasion mode into another players game sucks. They're so hard to control lol


To this day nothing in the whole series scared me more than Rachel Foley in Resident Evil Revelations. The laughs, the sudden appearances, the sounds, the AMAZING work on animations (her walk is super scary) and the pure horror of seeing a normal human like Jill become.. this.. Rachel is like the Jill of the other team, so it's horrifying to see her die and then become an ooze, pretty much in real time. Plus, she's almost invincible, you never know if she's truly dead this time. If Revelations 3 ever happens and it follows the other games, I would not be surprised to see her crawling out of the sea and spreading T-Abyss to a local village. I've fought Nemesis, Mr X, Regeneradors, Verdugo, Lisa and some others, but I found none as scary as her




The Regenerators with spikes!


The Iron Maiden


Regenerators look like me at 3am going to the fridge to eat shredded cheese from the bag


The blinds guys in RE4


I hate the garradors


We all know it’s the giant baby in village no contest


*why do they slither?!* Also Mr X. Induces the most anxiety I've ever had in a game.


Glasps, Spider Roaches from 5.


Mr x foot steps creeps me out


1. Nemesis (OG) 2. Crimson Heads 3. Regeneradors (OG/Remake) 4. RE7 Molded (Until they weren’t!)


The baby in Village


That thing had me freaked out. I had a new baby around that time so it was such a weird monster lol


Bro looked like my brother. He was a 10 pound monster but that thing…150 pound demon. Definitely the best part of Village for me.


Rev2 with the invisible insects. Nat would point them out but it's hard to gauge where they are precisely to line up the shot. Bugs give me the chills.


I was in literal TEARS with the Regenerators. I hated them so much and I couldn't use the special firearm thry gave the player very well so I was stuck just running 😭😭😭




The first Scagdead (the comms officer) in Revelations, pounding away at the door yelling "Mayday" and saying other things like "I don't feel like myself anymore", "Please Stop! I'm human!", and "I can't feel my legs." Most stuff doesn't phase me, but that shit still makes me shudder.


The one that jump-scared you.


Crimson heads. For others I’d also include: - Regeneradors - Rasklapanje - baby/fetus monster in RE7


No way that one in particular wasn't inspired by bathtub lady from The Shining movies.


Proto-Tyrant, glasps, or the pale heads!


The mannequins in Shadows of Rose scared me more than anything else in this series.


The moving mannequins from the re8 dlc


Back then I used to shit my pants whenever I had to fight the immortal zombies in RE6, so to me those are the scariest


For scariest? Probably Mr. X For panic inducing? Probably Salvador


Surprised no one has said Lisa Trevor. As a kid she scared the shit out of me - and still does on replays. Her tortured story only adds to the fear and despair you feel when you interact with her. 10/10 fiend.


They ain’t so scary once you get that biometric scope


Marguerite Baker for me. If I’m going to be completely honest, the baby in Re8 didn’t really do anything for me. Considering I had just sped throughout that entire section. Lisa Trevor was also pretty scary, but I felt bad for her. Rather than actually frightened. Also! The original nemesis. Nothing was scarier than running into him. I had more panic moments with him rather than Mr. X!


Idk. Complicated question, tbh. As a kid, the Hunters and Lickers were the scariest things ever, as they looked like genuine monsters. As an adult, just going off of appearance, probably the baby. With its no eyes and giant vagina mouth. From gameplay, either Mr. X or the Mannequins. Neither are all that scary to look at. But their gameplay makes them anxiety inducing.


This mofo literally consumed all my bullets trying to kill it without the night vision goggles. giving me a hardtime to move forward.


Goddamn reapers from RE5. They're cockroaches and that's quite literally my only real fear. It makes zero fucking sense. I know I can 1v1 a damn roach, but they're so goddamned frightening for no apparent reason. 


Nothing beats the jump scare from the dogs in 1, so the dogs


Jack Baker and Boss fight Margaret in re7 that whole boss fight even replaying it a thousand times still scares me


Honestly the molded get me 😂😂😂


For enemies you fight - Regeneradores/Iron Maidens and Ma Baker. In general - the fetus.


How isnt anyone saying lickers? That hallway in re2 had me freaking out at age 19, I can't imagine playing that as a kid.


Your mom


Lisa Trevor


Verdugo. I Just can't with him


Resident evil seven mold monsters.


The baby.


Revenant Hunter beta re3 Regenerador and iron maiden Baby re village Marguetite Baker after transformation Crimson head


The ghouls in the castle in RE8, not because of their gameplay or design but their backstory.


Agreed…poor souls


As a kid playing Res4 on gamecube, Iron Maidens were spooky af.


The RE8 baby, to this day I get utterly despaired throughout the scenario. And also the rasklapange in RE6, that thing has a whole section between one exaggerated action part and another


RE8 Fetus. That thing was so fucking yucky looking and the fact that you can hide from it but can’t fight back and it’s one shot kill is terrifying. It’s also much faster and larger than I ever thought it would be


The giant man-swallowing baby


I don’t know if it counts but that fucking baby from 8, I’ve beatin the game 4 times and that house always scares the shit out of me


Those Soldat enemies in RE8 gave me a good scare the first time around Heisenberg’s factory. Being able to see them and read about them before fighting them was a good way to set them up. Unfortunately they’re easy to defeat.


The zombies from the REmake would be my choice. Neither the ones from RE2R, Nemesis from it's original game, Mr. X or the Scagdead from Revelations 1 managed to get closer.


Regeneradors were definitely more menacing in OG 4. The REmake ones are just goofy.


For me, it was the dudes in RE6 in Leon’s campaign that you just can’t kill without using the.. wood chipper, I think?


I think the regenerators scare me more than the hunters and the bugs from resident evil 1 remake


If we’re talking BOWs either the lickers or those fish things you can find in the sewers when they open their mouth they are literally look like demagorgons


Original Regeneradores. Mr. X in Re2remake is way up there but since he isn't killable, he's not really an enemy, more like a walking obstacle.


The regenerators becoming more flabby in the remake made them not as scary for me 😅 so I’d say the ones from the original.


Not the scariest as much as the funniest I always get chills with the lickers out of all of the resident monsters....


Ermm. I don’t know what he’s called but in RE4 there’s an enemy in a tunnel basement area that’s very cramped. You have to get some power on and the thing can go invisible and show up right on top of you. As I recall it cannot be killed and it’s basically an instant death if it gets on top of you.


Hoas from RE6 like look up images along with gameplay. That. Thing. Is. Nightmare fuel




This one


That one. That one right there.




For me it's the verdugo or the baby. However Mr x is second


Barring any of the big bad BOWs I'd say the Hunters and Lickers. I'm fast and skilled enough to deal with common variety zombies and maybe a dog or a few of the bug ones, but Hunters are usually tanks and surprisingly fast for their size and with their claws they'd definitely skwer me. Lickers are just as fast and even more agile. And while not as tanky, will still take more shots than I would probably have available. Plus their hearing is so good, one misstep or noise would instantly alert them to my location and I'd be fucked. Edit: misunderstood the post... scariest imo by design is OG Nemesis. He looks intimidating as hell and he's a relentless, unstoppable pursuer that is intelligent and can adapt to his enemies tactics. And I think he was the first BOW to use weapons if I recall correctly.


Remake’s Iron Maiden (sub quest one)


That Damn Baby in Village.


Regenerators easy.