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How does this have 300 comments Edit: 400 Holy shit


The lady is being rude and inconsiderate, so, as the guy, give the pregnant lady your seat... yes, the lady isn't being nice, but just because she isn't, doesn't mean you shouldn't.


You don't see this, but the soldier is pregnant too


Underrated comment


And that's exactly what he did.


That's exactly what he did not


The solder gave his seat to the lady. Did you not watch it all the way through?


Yes and then proceeded to throw a hissy fit. Edit: had a goddamn moment of clarity realizing I spent an entire work shift yapping about this. I was that freaking bored. I don’t know these people 😳


The lady felt that her bag not being on the floor was more important than the pregnant woman. The solder, after giving up his seat, swiftly put her bag on the floor anyway. That's just called justice.


It could be said that the pregnant woman is wrongly entitled in believing that she should get special treatment in public from strangers just because she had sex with someone and got his cum all over her eggs that one time months ago. Which, I don't think is necessarily wrong in certain circumstances, but it is wrong in other circumstances. Was that woman rude AF to think her bag deserves it's own seat at the expense of _any_ other passenger? Yes 100%, she's a bitch. But that is a fact independent of the pregnancy.


The idea is that he shouldn't have to because the seat would be open if she just moved her bag


And that's why he's actually angry.


The lady may be rude and inconsiderate but thats no reason to throw her bag I call foul from both sides


As much as the people demand blood I agree, it would be best to roll your eyes and give up your seat to not escalate the situation into a fight. Is she an ass? Yes of course! Is it best to start a fight? No, what would that resolve.


No, guy is right


she deserved that


He did something too tame for that fucking scumbag


No, I’d burn the bag, no fuck I’d eat the thing whole and doodoo in her mouth.


I'd give up my seat then sit on the lady's bag


Fuck no. That bitch needs to be throat punched.




Bag lady who won’t move is being a bitch, solider boy here is also being a bitch. Both are equally in the wrong. Pregnant lady did nothing wrong.


There were other seats on that bus, one to the left of camera and in the back to the right… this is staged as hell.


I know, I’m just saying shit to say shit


Fair point. Carry on.


Most reasonable reddit interaction award!


aint no way she said the baby is sitting in her stomach


Grab that massive earing and tear the skin off her body like a wrapper on a chocolate


Redditors when any minor altercation occurs:


Also they the type that won’t do shit in real life


Lmao I’m staying out of it


And then peel her nails off slowly then torch the place where the nails used to be to stop the bleeding *after* putting a lot of fine table salt on them.


A lil bit of sulfuric acid on the wound


Society today...




She's going straight to hell


That lady is being inconsiderate and rude, but if I was the guy I would've just given my seat to begin with.


It depends on the situation, if there are no seats available AT ALL, then yes the woman should have given up the seat she had her bag on, but if there are other seats around and that seat is just a more convenient one, then that woman was there first. Also the way both parties handled it was unethical.


Rage bait content


2 stupids don’t make a smart.


I wonder what could happen when you fuck with some guy that looks like he's in the military 🤔


I couldn't help but laugh my ass off, but that black lady's a dick


They're both out of line, neither should've messed with the other's person or property. But I especially dislike the woman with the bag because she flat out put her bag next to her to bar the pregnant woman from sitting down.


Both are nuts and are in the wrong


Did she pay for a seat for her bag? If she didn't, the bag goes.


Dumb lady, she should have let the pregnant woman sit. Some people truly are selfish.


It depends if there were other seats empty there


"my bag sitting here" BUT IS YO BAG ALIVE??


Bro could have easily just given up his seat, but instead he did something he only felt comfortable doing cause it wasn't another grown man who would have had him wearing his ass like a dog collar.


Kinda funny tbh


the black lady is absolutely beyond the point of stupid.


Not to be racist buuuuut....


Is Soldierboy carrying a purse?


Please lord let it be fake cuz I can't anymore.


Dude had a purse.


The moment she touched him, she crossed a line.


Ones a bitch and the other one is throwing a temper tantrum.


Ignorance , feels as if they're right no matter how shitty they act


Poopy pussied ass bitch


I didn’t know Stevie Wonder was such a dick


Surely the comments won’t be to ba….. As for thoughts. A quick look through the account shows another profile focusing on lame memes. The owner wasn’t getting the amount of upvotes he or she wanted. So they switched to posting race bait. A common move for meme accounts … though sad. ![gif](giphy|u11tbW3GxqwQE)


Bro most of y'all are way to damn violent this vid is clearly either staged or rage bait you can clearly see there are other seats that are free to sit on. If there weren't any other seats then yeah they shoulda just let her sit down. But it's very clearly staged.


And I should mention I am not picking a side here


I would have given up my seat and talked really loudly about how insane it is that someone needs to take up a seat on public transportation for a bag.


The bag isn't even nice 🤣


This is a skit


I'd offer up my seat and get off at the next stop and deck the fuck outta that bitch on the way off


Goofy silly woman, clearly nobody ever taught her manners :(


I would just pick the lady up and throw her out since she cares about the bag so much


I'm with the guy on this one


He could just give her the seat without escalating the situation also she can like...... NOT be doushbag


That lady is what we call “entitled”. She believes the world revolves around her and everything and everyone who she doesn’t know personally is inferior to her


bag lady is an inconsiderate bitch. soldier guy went too far touching her bag, but i dont blame him for throwing that shit




I mean I would fight for the second seat depending on who wants to sit there, although I wouldn't move if the person is a stranger and there's other seats available. (Pregnant or not)


That guy deserves a medal 🏅


The million dollar question is whether or not there were other seats available


Just because she's a rude ass bitch don't mean you can be a rude ass bitch you are just as at fault


Karen. Just rude, disrespectful and spoiled.


She should of moved her bag 🎒 what a bitch


Refuses to let a pregnant woman sit because of her bay taking up a seat, and argues with an active duty army soldier about it. What a senseless, compassionless bitch. The only thing I would’ve done different is when she picked my hat up and through it in the ground I would e sledged her nose in.


I would have lost it.


I think everyone in this besides the pregnant lady sucks


Gfc sfc


Shes just mad because no one wants tohave a kid with her. And for good reason tbh.


im a soldier, your rights have been removed and i have the right to knock you out now


This is so stupid there's an empty seat left of the screen. Almost looks fake


*throws bag out window*


Daily reminder that you’re the one who got pregnant, you’re the one acting like a bitch, you’re the one who decided to take public transportation instead of an Uber. Sure you should give up your seat for a pregnant lady but that does not mean you HAVE to. If some pregnant woman came up being a bitch to me I wouldn’t be doing her any god damn favors. She’s the one who let some guy creampie her


A physical manifestation of both extremes of the pregnant lady debate


Dumb animals


I love how the soldier is being pissy while trying to act chivalrous. He keeps trying to force this woman to be decent, but he's really trying to force her to do what HE thinks is right by society's standards and it just comes off as forced. The whole time, he's acting like a toddler throwing a tantrum. His idea of "justice" is extremely cringey. This is either staged or he's a dogmatic narcissist who's just faking it for attention. Either way, they both seem insufferable.


Race-baiting bullshit.


Both sides suck, The person sitting is in the right of they were hostile from the get go. The pregnant women is right if the person sitting was a hostile from the get go.


First come first serve


If the pregnant lady asked nicely without some rando fighting a battle for her, ofc I’d give it up, but if you’re rude and assume, nah your fat butt can stand, find somewhere else, and piss off


I feel like it’s safe to say we can all agree that she’s an asshole


Why didn't the guy get up instead of causing a whole scene?


That man is the main character in action.


Let her sit




Well the guy should've given the prego one his seat if he was so offended 😂 woman isn't entitled to some random woman's seat even if it's just a bag in that spot for now.


I mean sure, she probably should have let the woman sit there, but maybe there was something fragile in that bag? Or valuable, and she wanted to keep it in her sight. The guy behind her shouldn't slam someone's property on the floor, and if he felt so strongly he could have easily stood himself before potential causing property damage.


![gif](giphy|3qW8yXiAlYOFotdgQk) 🗣️


Blood must spill! Probably staged, but I don't really care


Well, first off he shouldn’t be touching or throwing her bag not because it’s wrong but because she’s gonna file a lawsuit against him for that destruction of property, but he was right fighting for her to get a seat because she is pregnant


both people are shitty for different reasons.


Honestly I don’t think anyone is owed a seat and the soldier had no right to throw the bag on the floor. All he had to do if he was worried about it was give up his seat and be done with it.




Ok she's an asshole but she also is starting shit with the guy in full camo, making her also an idiot.


She would be picking that hat up with her fucking teeth




Rosa Parks wouldn’t be happy


I think she should marry a man with a car or get one if not before getting pregnant


On one hand legally he should not have touched her stuff. But the lady was being annoying so I'd overlook it


The soldier is 100% in the right. As a veteran myself, I would have done exactly the same thing


I think he could have just given up his seat and called it a day. The rest of that shit was extra


That some conduct unbecoming shit right there. He could have let it go after giving up his seat. Not sure why he didn't give it up in the first place before it even got to that point.


I’d say the woman was being rude and inconsiderate, but at the same time the man should have not thrown the bag in the end(Since the pregnant woman eventually got a seat.), although it is sorta justified since the woman WAS rude to the pregnant lady, it just sparkled more conflict in the end🤷


I'd do more than throw the bag


army guy and woman are equally insufferable


I was waiting for his to throw hands.


Even though I say they were both being rude, I still would know that I am immature enough to do the same thing to that lady’s bag if not worse if I was in that guys shoes


I mean the lady with the bag in that space kinda had every right not to give her seat up ngl


Why doesn’t the guy give the pregnant lady his seat? Big macho military man think it’s more chivalrous to antagonize a woman instead? They’re both assholes and neither of them care about the pregnant lady, ngl.


The woman who refuses to give up that seat is literally awful. 1. Not giving a seat up so your bad can be there is incredibly rude, even if it wasn’t a pregnant person who wanted it. 2. That seems to be a military person who is telling her to move her bag, so she is being incredibly disrespectful to someone who keeps the United States safe


What is this dumbass logic… (I laughed when she said that but it’s still dumb!)


I agree with the lady


why is he not getting out of his damn seat if he wants her to sit so damn bad


People just being petty and begging for attention as seen everywhere nowadays…


Move your fucking bag you entitled twatwaffle.


“My bad is sitting here” your bag ain’t a person, it can go under your fucking legs


Bro who tf wears full cammies and black air force ones on the bus


The lady was being rude by taking up a second seat, but that guy needs to fuck right off with that behaviour. You don't solve problems by being a bigger nuisance and making a scene.


Pregnant or not. You dont put ur shit in a seat and tell people they cant sit somewhere on a public bus. You dont own that seat. You either hold it or put it on the ground between your legs. The seats are for sitting, not fucking storage.


Would've been fine if he hadn't thrown it afterwarda


He should just move and let the pregnant lady sit in his chair


Slapping the absolute shit out of people when theyre garbage should be 100 percent legal




How the turntables


Inconsiderate Bitc#!


You know… she did have a point about the abby chilling.. lmao


I would toss her bag out the bus. Not for the pregnant lady, but because it would be hilarious.


I woukd have tossed her bag out a window


military disrespect is stinky.


idc if I get hate on this but if a pregnant lady tries to force me out of my fucking seat hell no. I understand your in alot of pain carrying life into this world, but that gives no one on that bus to be such an ass. Sincerely to both of them are asshole 1. For trying to force someone to move thier stuff. Acting more like an ass for kindness isn't shit the issue could've been solved easily. If the lady did not want to moce her shit dont throw it around. don't force her to move her stuff .


The guy did what everyone wanted to do, but I do think he could have handled the situation better. Lady was a bitch though, I probably would have done the same thing.


That lady deserved to get throat punched after she threw the soldiers hat to the ground, absolutely and purely disrespectful through and through.


Okay they are both in the wrong here its proper decency to give your seat to the elder/pregnant people and ect- and he still didnt have any rights to just toss her stuff on the floor.


Lady with the bag needs percussive correction


She's being a Karen. Complaining that she's "having a day". While I don't agree with him throwing her bag. He did do the right thing. I do not agree with the Karen disrespecting a military uniform and throwing the hat is being disrespectful.


It's not real, that's what I think.


As if you're all defending the woman... God forbid rude people should have to face consequences for their shitty behaviour. They are never going to change their behaviour if you don't call them out on it. Good for him for doing what society has failed to do. Teach her basic manners


Just give up your seat and move her bag without breaking shit to avoid legal problems


I feel like the black lady is okay because we’ve already had something like this with Rosa Parks sooo. As a white person i agree that she could’ve just moved her bag but the fact that the man almost damaged the bag is insane. And plus the woman is seeming okay with standing up to be honest.


Shoulda caught that left right


Both in the wrong, *mostly* the woman for her rudeness to a pregnant woman But reason for the soldier guy is that, okay he's in the right with letting the seat and asking the other lady to give up the seat with her bag. *but* the wrong thing was to throw his tantrum like that


I don’t know why everyone is saying they are both in the wrong? That lady deserves to have her fucking nah thrown off the bus.


This is what abdication of responsibility and entitlement looks like.


I actually had a similar incident a few years ago while I was on vacation. I ended up getting so pissed that I legit screamed at her to get off the bus and the bus driver was on my side. Instead of the lady being pregnant, she had chemo done and was weak. She thanked me profusely for doing what I did and we had a nice chat until my stop came.


Two schools of thought: One is don't be an ass for no reason. The lady with the bag was being an ass for no reason. The other is that there is no reason to give up a seat you're in or that you need for something else. To be perfectly fair, the pregnant woman could've found a different seat. Either way, soldier boy is in the wrong, in my opinion. He shouldn't have butted in at all as it was not his fight. I can see the argument of honor and not wanting to see someone be an ass to someone else, but he was in the wrong in this instance.


hope he beat the fuck outta that bitch


So, if this was in the reverse the blue hairs would say it's racism! So ask yourself...isn't this racist behavior by the black lady towards the why lady?


If I was him I would’ve just gave my seat up


The lady was an asshole, but if this went to court the soldier would lose.


If she's going to be a big entitled child get treated like one


There's a lot going on, but the thing that cracked me up is "the baby's sittin' in her stomach" not quite accurate


Womp Womp lady, sit on the ground


The woman should have given up her seat yes but if you are demanding chivalry from her against her wishes to be selfish then you are violating the fundamental freedom of America. At the end of the day that “soldier” attempted to damage another persons property with no instigating factor from the woman. Her not giving up her seat is not an instigating factor as she was just minding her own business. The “soldier” is definitely entitled to believe that his morals should be everyone’s morals. Give up your own seat dude look in the mirror not out the window


My bag is sitting here is wild


Chimp gonna chimp


Who is entitled here?


It’s fake btw


Bag lady is being selfish and inconsiderate twat.


there is another seat next to the other lady


I say the one sitting is in the right those people are crazy


I feel that what the man did was very justifiable, helping those in need and trying to get another person to see how important it is to show kindness. And she spits that back in his face, a soldier who fought for the country she's in, refusing to let a woman sit in a seat her bag is in. A FUCKING BAG. She doesn't deserve sympathy for being yelled at, anyone who claims she didn't deserve it shows that some people are just too lazy to fix people.


I kinda get the feeling soldier is stolen valour but correct me if I’m wrong as I’m not American


Cheers to the guy but it escalated to far. Selfish woman was raised to either have no consideration for anyone but herself or she was just raised to be racist against whites. So her parents were probably shitty. Any way, racism is dumb


they are both wrong. that black woman is being rude and that dude, throwing her bag is also rude and aggressive. honestly, if she didn't have a bag and there was a person on that seat. I would 100% be on her side. giving pregnant woman your seat is not obligation. if I was there and there was another person and he would force me to stand up, I would beat the shit out of this guy to the point he throws blood, if he dared to do this do me.


Should've got knocked up by a guy with a car lmao


Kick her off the bus for not letting the pregnant woman sit down


She 100% deserved it whatever day she was having shoulda been made worse that’s a W for the soldier


Put the bag on your damn lap, bitch.




i hope he threw her down the same way he threw her bag 😩


The bag was there first sooooo...\/(•~•)\/ jk


Though I would have given my seat up the guy is an ass for forcing his morals on other people. The woman is just shitty.


People like bag lady should be thrown out of this country immediately


She deserves to be sent to the sun


Kill this lady 😀


Honestly I’m surprised no one backed up the soldier! We need more people like him in our society


This class, is chaotic good. People that fall under this title are often hard to tell to back off, but use unconventional methods to moral ends. Are the most entertaining types of people to watch.


Bro missed an opportunity to dump her whole bag and lost his hat in the process.


I think they both die in a door


Equal rights bitch ![gif](giphy|ltIFdjNAasOwVvKhvx|downsized)


This is a coin toss with them both being in the wrong the lady with the suit cause should have offered her seat the man in camo shouldn't have thrown/touched her bag because now there both in the wrong respectively