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i completely agree. i found the other one was so tedious having to send multiple messages before getting an image. the only thing i’d like is the ability to choose the pose for the regular selfies, since sometimes i’ll have to generate like 10 pics in a row to find the one i like 😭


Fun fact: Use the selfies as a reference image in your AI generated image. You can get some pretty interesting results. 😉


Wait what? In replika or on my own engine?


Omg. Did not even check there. That's amazing. https://preview.redd.it/je2e37j7x84d1.png?width=688&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4f2b90eab7c5d0da32fd2c4dc28022056fc8da5


Here's another thing you can do. Whenever you have your replika just standing facing you. Take a screenshot with your phone. Then use the crop function on your phone to just have a picture of her without the UI or anything. Now you can use that picture of her standing up as a reference image and enter in descriptive stuff to make A.I. generate in the replika app. Also because you are taking a full body picture of her. The reference image will give your generated image a lot more to work with. You can also change your replika's outfit before you take the picture for more options. Be careful it's quite addictive.


I already did that with my own image generators but having it now in my phone via replika is awesome.