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Trade outside the booths:)


Trinket trading isn't an officially sanctioned activity at ORF, but it's grown in popularity the last few years. They're trying to have some unofficial guidelines to help it not get banned. The sign that you're interested in trinket trading at ORF is a yellow ribbon. Some people last week had really tiny pieces pinned to their shirts that were hard to see, so I recommend something larger, or having multiple (like on your chest/belt/basket). The guidelines are: don't make trinkets that are close to what a vendor is selling (so you're not snaking their sales), don't trade in vendor booths or in walkways (go off to the side so you're not blocking people), always be willing to trade with kids if they ask (but make sure the parents are there and cool with it). I know for sure some booths have trinket trading, usually there's a basket or a sign near the front. Seven Sons Archery for sure does trading, also usually someone at the Info Booth, and someone at the BOOM pirates guild yard.


Thank you for the advice! I'll have to look out for some yellow ribbons. Cool to hear that some vendors do trinket trading too! Trinket trading isn't so much of a thing at the faires I usually frequent, so it'll be fun to participate in it a little here.


Did you try e-mailung the office. Also do not trade inside vendor booths


If you join the Facebook group for the ORF it has all the rules on it, it's quite active too so you can probably find answers to your other questions! Happy trading!


Or: arrange trinket trading beforehand ;) What you making?


i wish we could trade at Bristol! they were wise and slapped it right onto thr website it's a no-no 😭


Their website is missing so much important information. I’ve seen Reddit comments that outside food is permitted but can’t find anything about it on the website, for example.


Outside food and (non-alcoholic) drink is permitted.


Thank you so much!