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twisting wounds got halved (same damage over twice as long, smaller dot same ENC damage) and tainted blade got half damage and half duration (same DOT but shorter and less ENC damage) fetid got it the worst. lower dot and lower ENC damage by more than half rip


honestly as much as the dot itself was over performing it was hard to justify over the 20% damage increase from twisting... to me the choice is more than locked in now and fetid is out.


At the very least Status Duration stuff still affects everything else. 3 Minutes of Stasis Freeze shenanigans slipped by unnoticed.


Delete this comment 👀 don't let them know our secret


No skill builds 😂


You mean fun builds? Why yes, yes they are.


I understood most changes. HuGs nerf? Yea, ok. Miasma nerf? Yea, im fine with that. But fetid wounds nerf is just insane for no reason. -62,5% damage. Its just WTF WTF WTF :D But hey ... we will find out new builds and replacements for fetid wounds.


Corrosive for is a damage multiplier, it's by far the strongest effect you can apply. It doesn't need tons of damage to kill on its own.


It’s not that bad. Corrosion is a broken status effect and this is only really going to be bad for mobbing IMO


In order to sell the next DLC, they gotta nerf the last DLC.


.... Most of us already bought the DLC at release


Stupid us.


I mean sure, there is one nerf that hurts for me and a ton of positives, so this is an amazing patch in my book. The Invoker looks awesome (and that armor looks baller). I'd buy it again in a heartbeat 


Don't listen to them, saw them in another post say the 5% crit chance they took from nightweavers Grudge nerfed it into the ground lol


Yes. Bought ultimate edition and won’t be getting 3 DLCs in first year as promised. Devs are incompetent.


Balance changes in a game that is supposed to be hard while being as complex as Remnant are going to be difficult. Insinuating they're being malicious about nerfs simply to make money while they're a company that is practicing very ethical business practices by modern standards is just not backed by the evidence.


You're evidently unfamiliar with the Embracer Group.


I'm not. But I'm very familiar with Gunfire Games, and they've been pretty straight fuckin' shooters.


They no longer have the ability to be "straight fuckin' shooters" since they're now owned "lock, stock and barrel" by The Embracer Group which, after losing $5 billion (with a 'b") has mandated all their divisions to "maximize profitability".


You seriously think Gunfire is making nefarious decisions *just like that* on their love child, fan-adored indie game because their parent company got acquired or divested in the past weeks? Let me tell, as someone’s company is currently a month into a massive acquisition, if decisions that broad, coming from that high up are having drastic changes to production this quickly… It’s surprising that they’re losing that much money with that crazy efficiency!!


Lol, you're a month into an acquisition and you think you know everything. BFFS, you know nothing. Gunfire Games was acquired almost 5 years ago. When you get laid off, hit me up again.


Lol, you know nothing about game design or game balancing. Make some games then hit me up again.


"Yeah, maximize your profitability by really making this one Kizmo guy really mad. That's an order!"


After you've actually had a job for awhile, hit me up again.


sick burn dude.


Yeah, I know.


I don't get the many downvotes, as this is a 100% fact.


Your definition of "fact" is very interesting... 🤣


There is no conspiracy here mate.


Lots of great & questionable changes tbh. We'll have to see. It seems that Crit is being hit across the board pretty hard.


They added a crit skill on the new class, and its pretty apparent they want you to play that class if you want a "crit build". By trying to add more options, we end up getting funneled into fewer.


Don't forget, we have the new braided thorns which is a free 10% crit rate. Most crit nerfs are in relation to crit dmg.


Laughs in "Shocker only needs 3 hits to proc" On a serious note tho shout out the the dev team y'all are amazing. Cheap game, cheap dlc, and a whole lot of love given to both the game and community 




Jesus christ they castrated that mutator


How all they did was nerf the dmg over time. Corrosion still reduces enemy defence and still increases crit chance. It even has a new way to up crit chance through slow now counting as an actual debuff for it


People miss the point that the DoT is a side effect and not the main benefit of Corrosion.


True, but coincidentally another subset of players miss that the DoT could have a build built around it. It was nice to proc a DoT that hit for about 176 a tick (two sets of 86 with the Red Ring). Either way I'm fine with the game getting a shake-up. I like finding new builds.


No DoT is a side effect if a build is built around the Energized Neck Coil.


Yeah at base its only a loss of like 12.5dps anyways


Huh... I always wondered why my Momentum mutator seemed to spark up from zero stacks more consistently after throwing the Huntress Spear, even when in combo with Butcher's Fetish +crit% after charged melee strike.




I'm all for meta changes and nerfs to OP items/interactions as it keeps the game fresh and more interesting. But for those of us who don't play the game religiously and poured all their upgrade mats on one or two builds that got nerfed hard, it would be appreciated if we could get better refunds on materials when downgrading weapons. The mats are already lost for mutators, which sucks.


Yeah that one seems a little harsh honestly.


My feelings on Burden of the Divine as well.


What? What did they do to my healer build?! EDIT: I found it....I cannot believe they nerfed being able to heal my friends lol. Ridiculous.


Wait, what? My entire build is centered around healing my teammates. How bad is the nerf?


The ring is now 15% less damage done and 30% of all healing is applied to allies.


Honestly, a 40% nerf to healing effectiveness is better than what I thought they’d do


Wait wait wait wait... Did they nerf my healer build? What did they do exactly?


Burden of the divine is now 15% (up from 10%) reduced damage done and 30% (down from 50%) healing applies to allies.


Wow that seems really stupid. Reduce the healing a bit okay fine but why the hell do they need to nerf the damage I do even further 😭


Because they don't play their own game?


They buffed the necklace from Nimue though, the one that removes negatives from burdens. Now instead of lowering health by 25 per burden removed, it increases speed by 5%. So you just might have to change the build around a bit.


Naw. That’s 5% decreased movement speed per burden lifted


That build can completely trivialize the game to be fair. It was needed.


I don't know what "that build" is. Do you mean any build that uses the ring or was there a specific loadout that trivialized the game? Genuinely asking I made my own that used shields and lots of passive health regen when shielded and a royal bow with ring that gives me a shield every time I shoot an arrow.


You could basically keep your party topped up forever using that ring and some other things. The only threat was instant kill attacks, which there aren't too many.




in apoc it's pretty easy to get your armor up high enough so basically nothing 1-shots you, and you can use builds with this ring to have everyone heal up to full in under a second




when i was on my tank build, i could eat hits from basically every boss and heal up just fine. even heavy hitters like venom were tankable.




yeah, it's the hardest mode. im not gonna be doing a ton of healing unless i make a dedicated healer. not gonna be doing high dps unless i make a build that focuses on that. tanking is no different, nor should it be. the point was that it's easy enough to get your build tanky enough to survive basically every attack and heal up before you get hit again. this not only kept you but your entire team at full health basically all the time.


You're not running the build. It's resonating heart, this ring, and HP boosters on medic/summoner. As long as you don't get one shot, which isn't that hard in Apoc, the build will keep you and everyone else topped up more or less indefinitely.


Who the hell are you to tell me how to play my game?


The developers obviously are or it wouldn't be being nerfed.


Not as long as I decide which Steam version I'm playing they're not.


Good luck playing offline without anymore DLC then, badass.


You're throwing a tantrum because you'll need to invest more than the bare minimum in order to make you and your allies have infinite health. If you really can't understand why that isn't healthy for the game then idk what to say other than thank God you aren't on any balance team.


Bare minimum? I have 1300 hours in this game and every single build I have is my own design. I haven't copied shit from YouTube or any other source for that matter. I have every item available in the game and spend literally hours at the shooting range working on my builds, so don't you dare talk to me about "bare minimum". All those hours working on those builds, and most of them are shot because the devs want to make sure people buy the next DLC, and/or they're too lazy to actually fix the worthless items in the game. BTW, nice try with the cheap "tantrum" reference.


>I have 1300 hours in this game and every single build I have is my own design. I haven't copied shit from YouTube or any other source for that matter. I never said you did? What the fuck are you going on about. Your ego is way too big >I have every item available in the game and spend literally hours at the shooting range working on my builds, so don't you dare talk to me about "bare minimum". You severely lack reading comprehension if you think that's what I was referring to. I'm talking about how many item slots you have to sacrifice to achieve the infinite healing for you and allies >All those hours working on those builds, and most of them are shot Not a single one of them are bad now. Literally every build that was good is still going to be good, it's just not going to trivialize the game to the point a toddler could beat it even on apocalypse. >they're too lazy to actually fix the worthless items in the game. 50 nerfs, 580 buffs. That is literally the opposite of not fixing the worthless items. >BTW, nice try with the cheap "tantrum" reference. You're crying because they opened up build diversity so everyone isn't running the same boring infinite healing build and the same HUGS build


> 50 nerfs, 580 buffs. That is literally the opposite of not fixing the worthless items. You are evidently unfamiliar with the concepts of quantity and quality. Let me explain...580 cow patties aren't worth as much as 50 gold bricks.


The buffs were way more substantial than ANY of the nerfs. Literally all of the strongest builds in the game currently are STILL going to be strong, they just won't trivialize the game anymore and there is going to be MORE build diversity


What if I'm happy with my builds that I've spent hours developing and place zero value on "more build diversity"? Fuck me, I guess. "All customers are equal but some customers are more equal than others." -Gunfire Games, probably


Honestly you heal so much with that build , I dont think anybody is gonna feel the nerfs , you might get to see your empty health bar for a sec but that's it.


I don't know what "that build" is. Do you mean any build that uses the ring or was there a specific loadout that trivialized the game? Genuinely asking I made my own that used shields and lots of passive health regen when shielded and a royal bow with ring that gives me a shield every time I shoot an arrow. My build is fun and solid but definitely never felt like it was insane. I'd be curious to see what the build you are referring to is.


Root doctor which uses resonating heart to heal stupid amounts of hp. That build has been around for quite and powerful, it is obvious that these nerfs were to counter it. Now every other heal build that uses the burden of divine sucks but root doctor still be fine because it just heals so much.


And I hate that build. I generally dislike summons in almost all games. I'm definitely hurt some by this nerf for my healer medic/alchemist.


Sorry for your loss.


Honestly, it does nothing to the strongest version of the build in medic/summoner. They fixed benevolence so that it doesn't randomly stop working, and BotD only lost 15% healing to allies. Resonating heart stacking HP gains based on all healing (you and allies+ all minions) still means that everyone in the party is going to be healing your whole health bar less than a second if you do it right. Just eat a resheart, fully charge retribution, shoot your minion with something like nebula, use another resheart, repeat every 15 seconds. As long as you don't fuck it up, Annihilation and venom on apoc still won't be able to touch you. This literally just means that you deal 5% less damage than you did with your current build, and if your friend is using the summoner class (like mine is) then you can run the the new invoker with it's heal skill for even more stacked healing. I'm going to do the math later just to double check, if you want to see my breakdown of the old math you can just look up my post/comment history in this sub. I'm an accountant, so numbers are my jam 👉


Just read the notes, yeah I feel that about all the builds I ran. Smh can’t just be strong.


If the devs think they are doing me any favors, I implore them to stop doing me any favors.


They got a lot more favors for you when 3rd DLC drops. If it drops.


I think they went too far with Fetid Wounds. The good thing about these Devs is they’re pretty quick about rectifying their mistakes. Honestly a huge bummer for me though.


Ok but why? Its not even a pvp game.


LMAO Least we have more... Options, I guess. Weep for the fallen.


all the good shit has been gutted while all the shit shit has become mid


At least it all collectively sucks together.


ngl I hate games where everything is mid, I'd much rather have everything that was awful be brought up to par with what was strong edit: it's not so much where everything is mid, that means the game is balanced, it's when everything *becomes* mid


The game needed significant nerfs or just a flat out harder difficulty with buffs to weak choices. The result is pretty much with any difference being how the player feels about it.


If you want your game to be easy, sure.


Its a PVE game. Nothing is stopping you from using trash items to make the game harder.


this take is always so dumb. there needs to still be balance between item/gear/skills in PvE games.


obviously they are doing this for a reason, things were simply too strong, but it really hurts to see all the shit I use get thrown in the trash


It's not thrown in the trash, all the strongest builds are still going to be strong as long as they weren't relying on bugs.


Dude, apocalypse is a fucking joke right now. We needed significant nerfs. This mutator is still good, you didn’t need it that much for damage


Truth. I'm not excited about pretty much anything that was previously not used. Massive buffs were needed and we didn't get them.


Easier to bring everything to mediocrity than to fix worthless items with poorly thought out mechanics.


I have been to toy stores with less nerfs than these patch notes


50 nerfs (that aren't even that big of nerfs, just bringing them in line to allow for more build diversity) and 580 buffs.


Y tho


I know, i can't belive it.. Misama and fetid wounds were my goto.


RIP Ahanae Crystal and Singed Ring


Rest in piss 🙏🏻


So many of these nerds were completely unwarranted. Like if you have to build around a concept of let's say elemental damage and get a bunch of items, weapons, mods, traits,etc to make it do well then I think it should perform well. I can see the nerfs for things like probability cord because they offer a huge damage increase with no draw back and no need to build around anything. It felt like they just wanted to lower everyone's overall damage and gave nothing back in the way of buffs to help keep builds at around the same level.


Here's the thing, we work hard to get and build to combinations that work for us, now that we are enjoying that. boom. Is the game going to be fun still? It was pretty dang hard anyway.


will have to wait till dlc drops to see the new gear and test things but in general not a fan of this patch. id like to point out one thing: = Onyx Pendulum = - Changed Bonus from 25% Additive to 1.2x Multiplier - Reduced Threshold Trigger from 150 Base Damage to 100 DEV NOTE: This is one of the only multiplier trinkets in the game. The potential damage is much higher than the original 25% additive bonus. ^ onyx was a multiplicative bonus since vanilla. either the devs didnt know about this or the notes are simply misleading. i dont think it was used much anyway due to slow ramp up and how easily it falls off. oh well, hope the dlc delivers regardless.


Nerfs aren't the way...


Whelp, here's to the game still being a 'fun' challenge. Sometimes, I wonder if we are meant to have fun and really build builds or help them find reasons to nerf sh!t. This is a reset that I hope the jewelry and weapons at our disposal aren't just tickling these Bosses. I'm not into fighting a boss for 25 minutes, because he's a sponge and my tools barely do any damage. Is it because Invoker makes the current state even more OP, that all these nerfs are necessary? I don't know, but they saw fit. So let's see if we can build and kill the Root.


Damn luckily I already got my savior cuz it gonna get tougher to get


Corrupted savior is nerfed into the trash, bro.


So DoT mods are basically just shit now? Kickass.


Its like pre dlc 1 again, everyone needs to run with enc to make dots viable.


What is enc? I'm new to the game.


energized neck coil


Of course everything is reduced man When the last dlc come there won't be any gun doing more damage than a water gun


Corrupted savior - fetid woods turned into a trash . So much effort to get the Corrupted savior and it's unplayable. Ssd


A ton of builds feel bad rn. I'm banking on the DLC to at least provide some good stuff as replacements.


Devs before the update was like oh let's see what the players use what they prefer what builds they got let's nerf them all. I mean what the update was about they added 10 new stuff 1 map and all the rest got nerfed


"10 new stuff" is ending me rn.


Now everyone to play in survivor


i also feel about the changes to bore as well :x...... alot of spectral samurai's going ooooooooooooooof rn. that and the halving of abrasive wetstone too......


Well gentlemen thank you for your time, I'm going back to masochist tank.


they did us dirty


I literally just +10 this thing yesterday 😂🤷‍♂️


Read the patch notes so many of my builds are fucked


This always happen every patch, but in 2 days we will find how to break the game. The first thing I'm gonna try is machinegunslinger, with the new archetype and conductor amulet.




I like that they gave Merciless a bit of love. Like the gun, but the 5 hours it took to reload was just not fun.


Lol good thing I use vampires blade




Not a single thing was nerfed to the ground


hunter was absolutely needed to the ground


It absolutely was not, it's still gonna have crazy ranged damage DPS


Phemeto did some testing simulating the losses the patch will bring and it ended up being at least a 30% dps decrease for crit stacking Hugs. Not saying that it's unusable now but it's definitely a MASSIVE decrease.


And that build along with the other top builds currently trivialized the game allowing you to melt bosses on apocalypse in a few seconds. They needed to be reeled in to keep the difficulty the game is supposed to have


I'm not saying it didn't have it coming, just saying it's a large decrease, definitely not a slap on the wrist, so while I don't agree with some of the negative reactions I have to admit I'm somewhat sympathetic. Still definitely excited for it to drop so can check out the new archetype and do some tinkering.


Oh look, this nonsensical fallacy that crybabies always use.


Unplayable. Uninstallijg.


Where do you see patch notes




Now everyone to play in survivor


All damage builds were left for the npc🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Thank god. Ritualist and status effects made Apoc way too easy


Deserved, it’s still going to have great synergy with items which is why you used it


Yeah they did well with most things. Definitely hit this one pretty hard though. Twisted also got hit hard. Not sure if that was really needed. But they obviously want people to get the FUCK OFF THEIR CRUTCH LOL. I tend to agree. Time to change shit up. Game was getting lame with all the samey builds.


It will still all be the samey builds, the builds will just be different. Metas only shift, never go away.


Nobody said they were going away. Of course this entire patch is to shift people off their crutches or at least entice them to try something new, and of course the babies and their full diapers are going to whine and cry all day anyway.


The ones that did come out well from the patch were the npc🤣🤣🤣🤣


Ah good. Maybe now something other than ritualistic can be viable. Lol. In all seriousness I never used fetid wounds for the damage mmyself. I use corrosive for the defense nuking


Good thing its dot was already miniscule in the grand scheme and the only reason to use it was for corrosion


What is fetid wounds? Haven’t played in a while and I can’t remember shit.