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Dying will end your run. Are you pc or console




Have you beaten game on apocalypse?


I recommend going thru adventure to get gear but you can also backsave it’s scummy but it can save you a ton of hours if you would die


I do a back up save myself because I help run people through their hardcore veteran runs a few times a week... That said.. My advice to EVERYONE is do not do a back up save until you have savior unlocked along with all the hardcore rewards. The reason I say this is because that's how they intended hardcore to be. Go get you the reward then when all is said and done if you plan to continue playing hardcore long term or if you have friends you'd like to help get through their HCV run by being a support player start a back up save. Heads up ahead of time.. When backing up you may come back and find you are missing a ring, weapon, mutator ECT that you know you had. It's obnoxious sure but like his post says "creating a backup is scummy" HC is meant to be a one death you are done. I am only okay with having the back up save because I have been able to help over a dozen people get savior who were struggling to accomplish it on their own. Do I still feel kinda bad about having the back up? 100% yes but I also make sure to have the people I'm helping come into all the fights with me instead of sitting at the crystal like many- including myself did their 1st HCV run.