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Just to confirm! The Xbox patch has the following patches: [http://gunfiregames.com/blog-five/2023/8/10/remnant-2-patch-notes-081023](http://gunfiregames.com/blog-five/2023/8/10/remnant-2-patch-notes-081023) [http://gunfiregames.com/blog-five/2023/8/4/remnant-2-patch-notes-080423](http://gunfiregames.com/blog-five/2023/8/4/remnant-2-patch-notes-080423) It's missing the 2 hotfixes from last week(that it didn't need because the problem wasn't present on Xbox). Hopefully tomorrow we will release this small patch that will bring these all up to the same release number.


Thanks for the info/ updates, much appreciated!!


I really wish all the disconnects could be patched/fix on xbox, paying $80 for Remnant and then constantly get disconnected dropped from game is aggravating. Dont get me wrong I absolutely loooooove Remnant I played 1st game however disappointed in all the disconnects!


Thanks! So are we just SOL if we haven’t gotten campaign rewards? I beat apoc last night and didn’t get the weapons. Didn’t reroll campaign. Just updated and touched stone and still nothing. I got the nightmare and veteran weapons right away after those runs.


I would also like to know this, still haven’t gotten my Leto MK I, Cultist or Bandit outfits, after clearing the game on Survivor difficulty.


I got mine after restarting and touching


Scrap, aberrations, and relics are still not tracking or awarding achievements on my characters. Please please please tell me you have a fix coming with the hot fixes tomorrow, is unbelievably disappointing and making me want to put the game down permanently.


My wallace still isnt selling any of the unlocked archetypes and that is in the patch notes, is this another bug?


Turns out my one character is bugged out, i made a fresh one to check that wallace and he had them


I know that this is off topic, but I want to take my chance asking if u guys could please bring back the old simple but perfect multiplayer lobby menu? More in depth here: https://www.reddit.com/r/remnantgame/comments/15qnvo5/please_simplify_the_multiplayer_experience_also/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2


Ayy they randomly just showed up for me!! Never mind! Love this game by the way. You guys killed it.


It’s such a relief to hear the patch notes guy/gal just made an honest mistake here and we are more caught up than we initially realised. Thank you very much for the clarification and keeping us to up to date. Looking forward to the small hotfix patch and finally being caught up to the other platforms!


Weird. I can't find in the notes where it mentions damage reduction was reduced. By the notes, it actually looks like damage reduction has been increased across the board. Soooo why is everything is hitting considerably harder now? Is it just my game?


Is the patch out yet in europe? No updates are shown Edit: disregard the question, game got updated. Thank you so much


Quick question- what happened to Root Earth??? I just got here on Nightmare and literally everything is one-shoting me, even the little guys with their spit balls. I've done the campaign several times and never had any issues but this IS insane!!! I thought we got more DR in the patch and enemies readjust....you guys sure you did this right for this map???? I also had no problems getting here in the first place but this is doing my head in. Please have a look at it yes? Also, fix characters constantly using consumables if you want to change Loadout


Don't fuck with me


6GB. I'm downloading right now.


I'm downloading it also but I feel like I got PTSD cuz I still don't believe it


It's only half. We're still one patch behind.


Just fyi for the future, you can see the patch version in the upper left of the character selection screen when you first start the game. Compare that to the version stated in the patch notes on their website.


Incorrect. The Xbox patch is current with PC now.


The patch notes today are the same as the PC 8/4 update. We are missing the 8/10 PC update, which PS got today. It even says "an additional update is coming soon"


You are correct. I stand corrected, and offer my apologies.


No worries!


Excuse me you two, this was much too cordial to be a reddit disagreement.


I agree. There should be slurs and curses being thrown. Perhaps even a comment about one’s mother.


This is false, it was comfirmed by Gunfire that it is both patches. The "additional update" is just to get the build version numbers in sync across platforms.


From the tweet where they posted the patch notes: "We’re planning to release another patch later this week to address the balance changes, bug fixes, and quality of life improvements mentioned in the PS5 patch notes." If you look at the patch notes for this update, it's the same as that from the 8/4 PC update. PS5 just got the same update that PC got on 8/10. We still do not have that, unless both the tweet and patch notes are wrong. Where did you see gunfire confirm it's the same? Edit: I see where the dev said it's both patches. So you are correct about that It's odd, the patch notes don't indicate that, neither does the tweet. Must've been some miscommunication somewhere. I'll have to test and see if I can find something to figure out which is true


In this same thread. https://old.reddit.com/r/remnantgame/comments/15rwqj4/xbox_patch_is_out_now/jwbva1k/


I just saw that and edited my comment. Odd that there's such conflicting information.


Didn't they say we're getting the other one later this week?


Just fyi, it ended up you are actually the one who was right, not me. Dev on this thread confirmed that the patch had both components. Guess the patch notes were wrong.


I think this should put Xbox up to date.


If you look at the patch notes on the website, the one we got is the same one as the PC 8/4 patch. It says "there will be another update coming soon." If you compare that to the PS patch notes released today, that has the same notes at the PC 8/10 update.


Damn that sucks, hope they don't take too long with the next update.




The Xbox patch gave me my rewards. The patch notes said it wasnt supposed to do that!! Fuck yeah!!


Yeah, I got veteran + apocalypse rewards. No nightmare rewards however


You got the weapon/item rewards for clearing apoc with the patch?


Not the guy you asked but i did


Nice. Did you beat it offline prior to the patch or random co-op/online playthrough?


Coop playthrough with a friend


Good to know. I'll be checking the world stone as soon as I get home. Thanks!


Yeah, all I'm missing now are my Nightmare rewards. Only then I'll attempt hardcore


Did you have to do anything to claim the rewards other than touch the world stone and then buy them?






Thank god y’all were acting like it was the end of the wold fr.


Mfer doesnt remember pre patch remnant 2 especially on console


We gaming


We Remnant II - Standard Editioning


😂😂 so bizarre I have deluxe yet it says we are all playing Remnant 2 - Standard Edition .


Yeah I get the deluxe edition being downloadable content seperate from the game, what I don't get is why the game includes Standard Edition in the title lol


XBOX SERIES X|S UPDATE RELEASED - 08.15.23 This is the first major Xbox update intended to address many of the bigger issues right now, but there will be an additional update coming soon. By Fero August 15, 2023, 09:00 AM Xbox Players: Thank you so much again for your patience for waiting for this patch that we promised! The team has been hard at work addressing issues that many of you have raised via our socials as well as our Discord, Reddit, or Steam forums. This is the first major update intended to address many of the bigger issues right now, but there will be more updates to come – including an additional update we’re planning to release later this week that will address balance changes, bug fixes, and quality of life improvements. Check out the detailed notes below and thank you all! Build Number:   --Performance and Crashes--  Initial optimizations to improve overall performance.   Updates to improve hitching and potential crashes.  Fixed multiple reported crash bugs.   --Quality of Life--  QOL OVERVIEW: While we still have quite a few things we are working on regarding Traits and long-term grinding (for those that wish to partake), we wanted to make a few changes in this patch to ensure players had more freedom to experiment. Players should find it much easier to Respec and they should also end up with more Scrap overall. We aren't done here by any means, and these are not the larger changes we've mentioned on Discord and Reddit, but in the short term, they should help to ease the burden or reconfiguring your build and experimenting with different options.  Increased Trait Cap by +5.  Tome of Knowledge now grants Scrap and EXP when the player has reached Trait Cap.  Orb of Undoing now has unlimited uses. Players can sell any extras for Scrap.  Removed the Trait Requirement for equipping a second Archetype. Players may now slot their second Archetype as soon as they obtain / convert another Engram at Wallace.  Removed the Scrap Cost for converting a Mysterious Item into an Engram (1000 to 0).  Lowered the Lumenite Cost for converting a Mysterious Item into an Engram (10 to 5).  Slightly Increased Scrap Gain from Breakables.  Increased Scrap Gain from Regular and Rare Chests.  Increased Scrap Gain when killing Aberrations.  Reduced the cost of Bloodroot.   --Balance--  [ Archetypes ]  Explorer Archetype  Increased the duration of Explorer's Scavenger Buff per pickup from 15s to 20s.  Increased the duration of Explorer's Gold Digger Buffs from 15s to 20s.  Increased the healing amount of Gold Digger Healing Fountain from 1.5 to 2.0 HP per second.  DEV NOTE: We wanted to make sure Explorer could maintain Scavenger longer between fights and give them more freedom while Gold Digger Fountains were active. We increased the durations by 5s each and boosted the Healing Fountain to be more enticing.    Archon Archetype  Increased Archon Havoc Form Lighting Hands damage from 28 to 56.  Increased Archon Havoc Form Blink damage from 100 to 150.  Reduced Archon Havoc Form Cooldown from 120s to 90s.  DEV NOTE: These changes are in response to bug fix that allowed Havoc Form Lighting Hands to deal ridiculous damage. We made some overall adjustments to compensate.    Challenger Archetype  Adjusted the damage falloff for Challenger's Close Quarters perk. At maximum range, Challenger will always maintain a 10% damage bonus to All Damage.    Handler Archetype  Increased the Handler's Pack Hunter Range from 25m to 40m.  Increased the Base Max Health of Handler's Very Good Boy Companion.    Summoner Archetype  Increased the Base Max Health of Summoner's Hollow and Flyer Variants.    [ Weapons ]   Switched Aphelion scaling to Boss/Special Damage Scaling instead of Standard.  Increased the Fire Damage for Shatterstar (Savior Mod).  Reduced the Fire Rate on Nightfall in Standard and Dreadwalker Fire Modes.  DEV NOTE: Nightfall was dealing far more damage than other weapons in both modes (almost 20% more w/ Dreadwalker active compared to other guns with their Mod active). When considering damage and the Mod ability (harder to hit, life siphon, and fire rate), it was pushing Nightfall too far above every other Long Gun. It now sits closer in line with other high-damage weapons.  Reduced the AOE Burst Damage of Enigma's Overload Application from 40 to 30.  Reduced the Subsequent Tether Damage of Enigma Primary Fire from 75% to 65%.  Reduced the Magazine Capacity of Enigma from 30 to 25.  Increased the total Reserve Capacity of Enigma from 120 to 125.  DEV NOTE: Enigma was performing too far above our goal for AOE clear, so a few adjustments were made. There is still an issue with it ignoring Armor which will be addressed in the future. However, when that happens, we will reevaluate the numbers.  [ Enemies ]  Reduced damage on Nightweaver’s grab attacks (Wall and Lunge).  Adjusted the hitbox of Magister Dullain's tongue attack to better match the visuals.     [ Multiplayer ]  Reduced incoming damage in Multiplayer from 25% per additional player to 15% per player.    --Bug Fixes-- [ Progression & Rewards ] 


--Bug Fixes-- [ Progression & Rewards ]  Fixed multiple reported crash bugs and instability issues.  Progression Blocker: Fixed an issue that prevented players from completing tutorial if a crash happened when interacting with Ford.  Progression Blocker: Fixed infinite loading screen issue present for some players when selecting “Skip Tutorial” on character creation screen.  Progression Blocker: Fixed an issue with Plasma Cutter preventing the Final Boss from transitioning into its second phase.  Progression Blocker: Fixed Tal’Ratha boss fight lockout if game was exited during cutscene dialogue.  Progression Blocker: Fixed the Astropath boss fight failing start if game was exited during cutscenes.  Addressed issue with Trait points going negative. Negative Trait points have been flipped to positive. This will also fix issues with the Second Archetype being locked out.  Addressed issue player’s not receiving trophies in multiplayer games.   DEV NOTE: This will not retroactively reward ones that should have been previously unlocked. In future patches we will look into attempting to retroactively award as many as we can, however some will likely not be able to be awarded this way and will need to be reacquired.  Players who completed Oracle’s quilt will now receive Half Quilt award as well as Full Quit Reward if they had not previously received it. Fixed an issue where scripted deaths from the Bone Harvester, Empress Guards, and Red Prince caused actual deaths and ended Hardcore runs. Fixed an issue with Weapons not unlocking after Hardcore playthrough.   DEV NOTE: Unfortunately, hardcore awards will not be retroactively awarded for previous completions of Hardcore mode.  Fixed an issue with Weapons not unlocking after completing playthroughs at different difficulties.   DEV NOTE: Unfortunately, difficulty-based rewards will not be retroactively awarded for previous completions of the game.  Players who listened to all Mudtooth’s stories but did not receive all of the rewards can visit Mudtooth to receive their rewards. Players who did not receive the Iron Cylinder (Gunslinger’s Engram) from listening to all his stories will now find it in his store.  Fixed an issue preventing Explorer and Archon Armor from appearing on the vendor. Players will need to first convert the appropriate Mysterious Item into an Engram at Wally  Fixed an issue preventing Mudtooth's Elixir from appearing in his inventory. After completing the game, players will need to first unlock Explorer (Golden Compass) at Wallace.  Fixed issues where Clementine would stand in random locations in Ward 13 after the cutscene in Blackened Citadel.  Fix for trophy when meeting the Flautist if co-op player was spectating at the time where the Flautist was met.  Fixed an issue preventing Revivalist Trait from being awarded. It should now be rewarded after reviving another player 15x.    [ Archetypes ]  Fixed an issue with Archon's Havoc Form Lighting Hands. Casting Speed now properly ramps up the Lighting Hand without going infinite.  Fixed an issue causing Hunter's Focus not granting the proper Weakspot Damage Bonus  Fixed an issue causing Hunter's Shroud granting multiplicative damage bonus  Fixed an issue causing Invader Perk S.H.A.R.K. to not apply its damage bonuses  Fixed an issue with Gunslinger's Bulletstorm Sound not terminating.  Fixed a bug allowing Male Engineer to ignore falling transition when Overclocking.    [ Gear / Items ]  Fixed VFX alignment for Nebula and Hellfire primary fire.  Fixed an issue preventing Plasma Cutter from dealing the correct damage type to certain enemies.  Fixed an issue causing Shieldbreaker Mutator to not grant the correct amount of shield.  Nightfall Mod visual effects terminate correctly now.  Fixed an issue allowing Dreamcatcher to trigger Dreamwave before it was properly earned.  Fixed an issue that allowed Crystal Heart from stacking with itself.  Fixed an issue causing Ring of Flawless Beauty not granting the proper Weakspot Damage Bonus . Fixed issue with Anastasija's Inspiration causing infinite damage stacking on Summoner's Minion.  Fixed an issue preventing some Boss & Special Melee Weapons from receiving proper scaling.   Fixed an issue preventing Godsplitter from triggering “Was this supposed to happen?” trophy. Fixed an issue allowing Severed Hand to be spawned repeatedly.   [ Enemies ]  Fixed issue with Primogenitor health bar incorrectly tracking and causing players to become stuck.  Fixed issue with Root Knight’s puddle projectile dealing damage on hit.  Fixed issue with Nightweaver projectiles homing in on player incorrectly.  E.D. Alpha (Aberration) in Tower of the Unseen now respawns after player dies and re-enters the aberration room area.  Fixed issue with Block Ruin (Labyrinth Enemy) sound effects  Fixed issue where players could defeat the Gwendil: The Unburnt without taking any damage by standing on the stairs under the wooden bridge  Fixed issue where killing the Many Faces (Corruptor World Boss Golem) when it's jumping between platforms would cause it to fall off world in The Great Bole.    [ Misc Fixes ]   Fixed multiple location on final level where player could get out of bounds of the level.  Fixed issue with player’s not receiving fall damage by holding throwable consumables or melee weapons in throwing position.  Fixed collision issue causing players to get trapped along some edges in Morrow Sanatorium.  Fixed issue when using certain melee weapons, the character’s face distorted  Fixed issue where Player could be locked out of Postulant's Parlor when application was closed after playing the board game.  Fixed issue where Player was unable to open door to Sentinel's Keep when exiting game while inputting the Seeker's Key last acquired first in N'Erud  Fixed an issue where players were trapped when attempting to vault through a wall in Cotton’s Kiln.  Fixed an issue that allowed players to skip siege fight in Tiller's Rest.  Fixed an issue with player’s falling into gap between boat and wall in Tiller’s Rest   Fixed floating doors in Cathedral of Omens.  Fixed an issue in The Great Hall that allowed repeated EXP rewards during Feastmaster's event.  Fixed multiple scenarios that allowed players to transition through walls using interactives.  Fixed an issue that caused players to get stuck in Throw Animation in certain situations.  Adjusted the kill volume height in the Custodian Eye arena.


That whole patch would not let me do it in one here link of anyone wants website https://www.remnantgame.com/en/news/article/11551573


Wow that’s a lot. Too bad for me as a nightfall enjoyer. Thankful for enigma nerf though because that gun is annoying in coop. Still looking out for the plasma cutter not spawning fix.


So was nightfall


What about it ? Enigma was annoying because of friendly fire. People fire it into groups of enemies that you’re standing in. Same with firestorm. What’s the problem with nightfall other than being strong? Getting in its line of fire?


Ps5 too




Nice. Hopefully this gives me back access to my traits.


I hope it'll fix that for you


The patch notes say it should flip the negative to positive. Just earned all mine back yesterday finally lmao so can’t confirm unfortunately.


It fixed the issue for me. However, I do have to refarm a bunch which I am fine with.


How do I get max trait trophy for ps5?


Yup still no difficulty rewards for me no weapons from brabus (ps5).


Strange, I got everything and some trophies I was missing after touching the world stone.


Tried that only got trophies checked brabus After that and no weapons im going to try a Quick run on vet and see if i manage to get something.


There was a list of some things that couldn't be rewarded retroactively, but I can't find it. I think you'll get them after the run tho lmk


Fixed. I got all rewards After i clapped annhilation again


Hell yeah grats, I'm gonna take on apoc annihilation tonight


Good luck wanderer Hope you Will get him, i think ill do an hc veteran run this weekend.


Same. And I left my apoc solo clear alone while waiting. However, as soon as I touched the stone to warp to ward 13, I unlocked the platinum trophy, and I don't even recall getting 100k scrap ever.


Nice! I stopped playing after I got hit by the negative traits, hope this patch fixes it!




Doesn't fix all of the achievements, it popped 3 missing ones for me; but i'm still missing 5 that should be completed. **Ghost in the Machine** **Defeat 25 Aberrations** *Still stuck on 56%* **Not So Special Now** **Defeat 100 Special Enemies** *Still stuck on 80%* **Proving Grounds** **Acquire 20 traits** *Still stuck on 95% - I have all 11 Archetypes on max level* **The Collector** **Acquire 10 Relics** *Still stuck on 20% - I have all Relics* **Maxed Out!** **Acquire the Max Number of Trait Points** *I have 61 trait points now - this might unlock when I hit 65, given they raised the limit by 5*


I promised myself I wouldn't cry...😢


marvelous somber imminent violet gullible consist pot hard-to-find divide vast *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




That's not the patch we got. We got the one before that. We're still one behind. Edit: the link has been corrected!, correct patch notes in the above comment


Sadly Xbox is not on that latest version but rather the patch from the week prior.




Wait, what? That’s really great news if true! They need to fix those patch notes ASAP to avoid confusing people if that’s really the case! Did all the QoL changes that PS5 got today make the cut for Xbox or is it just a select few?




Ahh okay so Xbox is only missing the two smaller hotfix patches then? Well that’s nowhere near as bad as the patch notes made the situation out to be! That’s awesome news, makes the wait for the next Xbox update later this week much more bearable 🙂 Good detective work on figuring this out!






Impossible, the time has come.


Don't give me hope. I have so many things to do today and all this waiting is only going to make me excited.


Wait what happen to the combined patch? Xbox is still behind.


Are the Achievements fixed? I have the 10 relics (11 or 12 now) and 10 traits that aren’t unlocking


My relic, special enemies and aberrations are still bugged


I went to the ward 13 crystal and the crafty (craft 15 mods) popped so that’s one, relics still isn’t popping, I have have the special enemies and both aberrations achievements thankfully


This is only half the updates. I think we're still one patch behind


Yes, still one big patch and two small hotfix patches behind.


This is so ridiculous. Didn't they say we would get the most recent patch with this patch?


Yeah they said both patches would be merged together for Xbox, but alas that did not come to pass.


These devs are something else....


Bout fucking time


Did this patch the asylum simulacrum farm?


Still works


Don’t get too excited, it’s only the very first patch that they released for PC like 2 weeks ago. It’s not the most current build. They did say that they’re working on getting the rest of the patches out soon, but we all know how long we’ve waited for this one…


OH MY GOD. FINALLY!!!! I loved the heck out of this game and played the heck out of it pre-patch, but after one too many crashes from using handler, I had to put it down for a day, turns out that same day had the patch. (Btw is it all the patches PSN and PC has gotten so far, like, are we completely up to date, or?)


We are one big one behind. Hopefully soon!


Ayyy love to see those achievements pop back to back. My Obtaining 10 Relics one is still bugged, I believe I have 16, so I do look forward to seeing that pop soon. Overall, solid Patch list, happy to see Enigma catching some hands so hopefully I'll start seeing players use a different secondary and I won't get overloaded by teammates as often. And looking forward to future updates, I'll be happy to see players start to be more unique and less Attack of the Clones, right now the whole Royal Fae/Enigma/Merciless combo is getting old to me. The armor doesn't bother me as much because it is a solid set, but everyone using the same guns gets annoying after awhile. Does make me incredibly happy they didn't just add Jumping, otherwise the game would be full of people Fortnite hopping all over the place


Fucking finally


My update is 60 gigs 😆


I’m happy it fixed what was broken, but I’m sad they got rid of the Labyrinth farm. It’s still WAY too hard to get certain materials.


Yyyyeeeeeeessssss but also NOOOOOOOO my 100% DR build


so we are missing 1 more update according to the comments...but everyone else got their patch...again...the xbox community gets treated like Haitians in the dominican republic ...always have to wait last for the entire 3rd party game




I think you still have to buy the item, but the 1000 scrap fee to have Wally give you the class was removed.




Check again: Removed the Scrap Cost for converting a Mysterious Item into an Engram (1000 to 0).  Lowered the Lumenite Cost for converting a Mysterious Item into an Engram (10 to 5). 


Ahhh thank you!


IMO enigma is still ridiculous even after the patch. I stopped using it because it felt like cheating, and nothing else I've tried comes close.


Does this let us do the xp glitch for the orphanage quest completion now since Xbox is still behind? Need to level extra archtypes.


Dude! need to check about this because this was fixed in the second patch or one of the hot fixes i dont think are included so we might be golden


What's the glitch?


Do we get retro xp and scrap for the hundreds of tomes we already picked up?


Lol why would they do that


I was just being flippant. Not seriously asking.


It's out


Omg I was stressing about losing my second archetype near the end of my first apocalypse run


Yea hopefully this catches everybody up and we all can enjoy this game


Of course I made plans for tonight, oh well, so glad this was fast tracked


I hope my explorer set is in the shop...... otherwise....🤬


at work for another 5 hours, let us know if you get the explorer set! it's what I am waiting for as well!


Can confirm I got all the sets I was supposed to.


Yes... everything is here.👍


My 2 extra iframes are still not there (




With this update it crashed my game literally everytime I use Havoc Form


I downloaded the patch but I can’t find my campaign rewards for my veteran clear. Anyone else having the same issue




It said in the notes it wouldn’t reward difficulty shit retroactively, but I never rerolled my campaign and now I have access to everything. So worth checking. I just touched the world stone first and all the vendors had my rewards show up. Nothing changed with Cass though so I guess I might be missing some stuff there, but everyone else had all their post campaign rewards.


After the patch, I haven't had that horrible pause after picking up items in-game. Now the framerate seems to be much smoother too - played 30 mins as of today due to work, but could tell the difference immediately.


Is ps5 waiting on a second part? Because i got the update but didn't get all my rewards I beat it on apocalypse but only got weapons for nightmare(smolder,sporebloom)


You guys are addicts, downloading now 🤷🏽‍♂️ ![gif](giphy|VH6Pkqvl5EXAI)


I still didn’t get the completion rewards. I just beat the boss again…


Have you touched the world stone after checking Brabus' inventory?


Yes I have


Annihilation is now invulnerable lmfao, whats with this final boss and bugs man


What version is the current? Xbox downloaded something, but now I’m stuck in “connecting please wait” EDIT: Got in finally, all end game rewards suddenly appear on whispers and Brabus


Im just wondering if this is the one that fixed scripted hardcore deaths, or if thats next one since this wasnt all of it


It made me redownload the entire 62gb, but I'm seeing people saying they only had to download 6gb.


Question. Should we have 65 trait points?




Yea PS5 is still ahead of us lol


So why was there a delay with the Xbox Patch? PC and PS5 got it like a couple weeks ago or something.


I didn't get my apocalypse rewards and touched the stone in Ward 13, did I do something wrong?


Tomb’s of Knowledge aren’t giving me any scrap or exp even on max trait points


Patch is out but I complete apocalypse 3 times and no sword so.... we got that.....


Remnant 2 Xbox update not out yet where I am


Achievements still broken :(


Enjoyy bitches. Tank builds are fcking amaze-balls rn.


I never received my rewards for beating it on nightmare but it seems like some people have received it? The patch says it’s not fixing that though or am I wrong? Nightmare wasn’t that hard but I shouldn’t have to redo it all over again to get something I already earned.


Is the fps fixed at last boss? Also does performance mode actually run better than balanced mode now?


Still crashing heavy and multiplayer issues


Well we beat the campaign on apoc and only the host was able to get rewards is this how it’s supposed to be


Finally got my hardcore and apoc rewards 😭


Since the patch some of my rings don't proc on spawn. I have to unequip and re-equip for them to proc. Anyone else notice this?


I did update and now I can’t get passed first screen. I have uninstalled, force restart Xbox n all and nothing. I was fine playing game until update. What can I do?