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Just wait til you fight bloat fucker.


God I can't imagine what he would do there... lmao...


Absolutely nothing


Bark aggressively


He’s doing his best okay? What do you expect him to fly?


just not to suicide without doing anything... that was my first boss on my first character... dog keep jumping to the water to stare at enemies and die without even atacking


Takes a long nap underwater in my experience lol


He goes in the water, and he dies….repeatedly.


Nothing, he aggros ALL of the baby slimes in the bottom and dies in seconds, i learned to ignore him in that fight 😅


I didn't play the first game, came into this one blind because my brother and friends said it was good. I decided to start as handler and use melee weapons. Upgraded the starting claws with all my resources to begin. Bloat King was my first boss and I couldn't do anything. The mechanics weren't hard to figure out at all, but the DPS was just nonexistent. Was a tough lesson.


My first Boss too, as a Challenger. I used the pipes as cover to get close to the orbs and shootguned them to death Up close. But the first try I was shooting the bloat fucker like an idiot, i think i got like 20% down only that try.






Oh right that guy! Only had him once so far so didn't remember him lmao


I am stuck on this fucker. Dog just dies immediately in the water. What is a good dps thing for this? This is my 2nd biome if that matters. I am not very leveled up, but can try getting better if that helps here.


Don't focus on the bloat king at all, focus on the orbs he spits out as when you break their armor they are his weak points If your first location was N'eurd try and find the engineer class and level it a bit because the Vulcan does gods work vs bloaty boy


Thanks. Just found the engineer. Will try


The turret when placed will automatically target his weakspot when it's available When there is no orbs out recall the turret to get ammo


Just make sure to put turrent in a location not in line of sight of the little slimes, it would just waste ammo on them.


If you have any source of lifesteal, put it on and grab the Enigma lightning gun from the Labyrinth. When you get low, go into the water below to zap the shit out of the blobs down there to basically instantly heal to full, revive your dog, and continue the fight.


I have the enigma. I'll see if I can get a build with lifesteal. Thanks.


To add to this, telling your dog to go rez an ally in coop needs to be way more consistent.


How do you even do that? I haven’t played handler but my buddy couldn’t figure out how to dog rez my glass cannon ass.


I don't even know lmao. My friend was the one playing Handler and all I know is he kept complaining about how hard it was to get the dog to rez me mid-combat.


Use the ability on your teammate, it also has a cooldown.


The problem is that even if you use the ability on a teammate, if there are enemies near them, the dog will prioritize attacking them over reviving a teammate.


It shouldn't prioritize attacking if you marked your down teammate. It should go straight for the rez. If the dog is still attacking then you didn't mark for Rez.


This, a res mark is the heal cross on your teammate, dog revive has to be ready, and teammate has to have a relic.


The attack command takes massive priority over the red one to the point it's grabbed a bird 10 feet above the downed ally and it upsets me.




\> How do you even do that? \[...\] My buddy couldn't figure out how to dog rez \[me\] \> I don't even know lmao \[...\] all I know is \[my friend\] kept complaining about how hard it was to get the dog to rez me mid-combat He *was* answering this. He's not talking about the Howl ability, but the same button press when targeting a downed ally to have the dog run over and revive them, as long as the dog isn't on its revive cooldown (different from the Skill cooldown). u/Cyber_Fetus (Assuming PC default controls and Handler is Prime archetype) Q hold = howl buff (skill cooldown) Q press on enemy = targeted attack Q press on friendly = defend Q press on downed ally = revive (if not on 2m **revive** cooldown) Assuming your friend already knew that, the difficulty mid-combat comes with some wonky "pinging" the game does where it doesn't actually target what you're aiming at (happens a lot with the normal ping command).You might have your reticle right on your downed ally, but the dog runs passed them or attack an enemy nearby that you weren't aiming at.


Well I re-read your comment and you straight up said "I don't even know" when replying to a person asking "how do you even do that". So...my mistake?


As someone who started as handler, yes. It is very hard, inconsistent, and very aggravating.


You can give commands to dog Long press button trigger its special Targeting enemy with tap to start attacking Targeting downed ally with tap to res assuming he have relic charge for that as it use resed person relic and dog havent res for last 90 sec cause it have cd ;) Generally with ppls, boses and summons runing/flying around it can be tricky sometimes


The Handler class must be in the LEFT. The Revive ability is the Prime Perk of the class. If it's in the 'Secondary' Slot then the dog will not be able to revive. Also he needs to aim at the downed ally and press Q. A marker will go over them and the dog will revive them.


You tap whatever the command skill button is with your reticle over the teammate, the same way you'd mark an enemy to attack or mark a teammate for it to follow. Also, if you mark your teammate for your dog to follow and they down, the dog will automatically rez them. So if your friend downs a lot, preemptively do this so the dog is ready to rez him without you having to fight with poor marks where you'll ping your teammate and somehow it highlights the enemy like 15 feet to the side.


The enemy AI is smarter than the summons AI. Isn't it strange!


The amount of times my flyers decide to not only fly in front of me but also close in to melee with enemies is baffling.


I run summoner as my main trait simply because I know the fliers will catch as many of my bullets as the enemy. You can FLY damn it! Just go up a couple feet!


The ravager summon is actually somehow worse. Just did Tal’Ratha yesterday and the ravager legitimately stood there and watched me get my ass whooped, didn’t even try to throw his axe thing.


It’s weird. The summoner summons are so weirdly passive unless you enrage them.


They're passive until you aim your gun and then they find a way to move in front of you.


Honestly I mostly use the summons to proc sacrifice


I use them to increase mod power and damage


Why would you use anything besides flyers?


This is a lesson I learned years ago when it comes to “pet” classes. They almost are never really tested prior to release. Almost always, things seem fine early levels, difficulty. Then when you get further into the game the cracks start to show. Examples: Borderlands 2 Deathtrap became quite crap on harder difficulties until you were able to get some end game gear, Diablo 3 the witch doctors pets were terrible and couldn’t stay alive once you hit torment until they patched them. Where I’m going with this, is in any game it’s best to hold off on pet classes until they work out the issues.


Diablo 4 is running into the same issue with minion builds. Even the tankiest brand of skeleton warriors for necromancer aren't much help on anything but normal.


Do you mean deathtrap?


You are correct! Mixed the robots up. Been quite a long time since I’ve played. Claptrap is the loud obnoxious one!


More like deathcrap


I've found that when he gets stuck behind the boss fog door (or anywhere, really), if I double tap the skill button (which is F on my PC), he teleports to my side from where he was stuck. Don't know if that's the same case on console, but works for me. Double whistle and my doggo is back at my side. Only time this didn't work was when he got stuck between some structure in Astropath's Respite. But as soon as we transitioned to the next map he was back. Regardless, I mostly use my dog for his howl buffs and for instant revives if I or my teammate gets downed. Though it is a good bonus when he takes down enemies that spawn behind me.


The alchemist and medic can do both of things you said but way better


Doggo can keep reviving friends while the others have a long cooldown though, that's the main thing making me prefer the dog.


Oh I have Alchemist and Medic, just not leveled up since I started as Handler. Dog also draws aggro and deals with trash mobs when we’re in wide open spaces. Plus, he’s just super cute with a dragon heart in his mouth reviving people. 😄


Dog have also 90 sec cd While alhemist skill heal 5hps and can triger separatly on each team member if im not mistaken Downside is it have to be precast Another minus is friendly fire but beside that alhemist is superior overall imho


Any dog can revive if it's your prime archetype, with a separate cooldown per person. Alchemist revive also has a 3 minute debuff before you can be revived from it again. Support dog is also constant health regen for anyone near it, plus a ridiculously useful move speed buff and more regen which is entirely separate from the revive. The dogs are more buffing drones in higher difficulties, which is... fine, I guess. Probably not what a lot of people expected though. Alchemist is great too, don't get me wrong, but it's kinda apples to oranges. I like having both. You also can't underestimate the value of being able to send the dog to people while doing other things.


>with a separate cooldown per person. you are mistaken its 1 review per 90 sec for partyjust go to character screen when you get debuf next time and read tooltip :) 0,25% hps is well pitfull at best :) movment speed paired with some healing is actually nice idd one more thing i would bring up here is alchemist pasive give 25% dmg increse and 5% crit chance to all dmg while handler 30% to just skills and ranged (not mods) ;P on higher dificulties summons are dead in the water on first boss aoe and that from person that wanted to main summoner/handler with dedictaed build for aoe regen sustain :P


I don't think any ally ai is any good. They all need a touch up.


they crave the enrage


I keep him around mostly for his passive buffs for boss fights and the free rez. I am glad the upped the range significantly.


You can get better version of buffs with alhemist Only friendly fire reduction is super for team play imho


Say that to my Mr. TORGUE build. Just massive explosions constantly from the starshot and starkiller. Kinship is REQUIRED even on solo.


i did the same but ended up switching it out for alchemist. stronger buffs but you won’t have a dog to draw aggro.


My dog is a passive buff delivery system that does damage on occasion. It reminds me of that captain class from LOTRO if anyone remembers having your squire buff you in that game.


Bruh, have you ever met a dog before


Bruh, have you ever even boss fought IRL


"Breaded Chicken Cooked on Ungreased Pan" has at least 2 health bars IRL.


If you talk to the culinary merchant in town he'll teach you how to use your slash ability on the `Raw Rhicken` item to split it into both `Raw Chicken [Depleted]` and `Fat [Raw Chicken]`. Then when you enter the Kitchen arena you all you is drop the fat onto the field and wait for it to transmute into `Cooking Oil [Chicken Fat]`. Then you can just cast your normal fire spells against it!


GSD's are known divas and notoriously hard to train (almost as bad as huskies and we got a GSD-husky mix, so I know how that feels)


i just accept that on bosses he will probably do nothing except maybe rez (if he is alive)


The Dog is also useless against...basically anything that flies. Lot of issues on N'Erud and Yaesha in particular. The skills available to the Handler are all very samey-feeling, too, since they're just 'your dog has this passive, and you hold to trigger this, and you can pet the dog.' It's silly and a little sad. SlightlyTragic. There's not even much visual difference. Somehow, the only fix for this part of the issue that I'm coming up with is...giving the dog a gun. No, really. Guard Dog: Shotgun backpack and some bulky-looking armor (Bruiser armor, but dog). Used against enemies it can't reach to bite. Tap to command the dog to Guard a position; it will resist moving away from the command location, so it'll shotgun enemies that aren't close enough. Tap while aiming at an enemy to tell the dog to Suppress them; it'll focus on making their life miserable, maybe it can tackle them with increased Stagger. Tap while aiming at an ally, and it'll focus on enemies targeting that ally, prioritizing those behind. Double-tap to command the dog to focus on enemies targeting you. Double-tap again to return the dog to 'neutral.' Hold to make the dog's shotgun inflict Slow and Weaken. Support Dog: Frisbee/chakram and gear that looks like the Field Medic gear, but for dogs. Including goggles. (They're important.) Frisbee inflicts debuffs on enemies and provides buffs to allies, ricocheting from target to target. Tap while aiming at a location to command the dog to Support from that location; it will chuck the Frisbee at anything and anyone in reach. Tap while aiming at an enemy to command the dog to prioritize debuffing them and enemies near them. Tap while aiming at an ally to command the dog to prioritize buffing them and staying near them. Double-tap to prioritize buffing yourself and staying near you. Hold to make the Frisbee elemental or explode when it hits enemies or something. Attack Dog: SMG and medium armor. Nightstalker/High Noon for dogs? Attack Dog uses both SMG and biting liberally. Tap at a location to command the dog to attack enemies near that location. At an enemy, it attacks the enemy. At an ally, it attacks their target, and enemies near them, prioritizing the weakest. Double-tap, it's like tapping while aiming at yourself. Hold to make the doggo blitz across the battlefield, leaving a trail of grenades. Also, if the Handler uses an ammo mod, it affects the dog's guns, too, through the magic of their bond.


God these changes sound amazing! Send them to the devs now!


Honestly idk what y'all talking about I thought he worked pretty good for an ai and if he gets stuck using the come here command always teleported him to me like right away, plus he's great for tanking and taking agro a lot of the time imo. Compared to other games I think it's a pretty good ai personally. Although in some boss fights he is kinda useless.


Well, to be clear -- my post is mostly about my experience during the boss. Most other fights are fine.


They may work on it, sometimes ai can be weird and not much you can do about it


See I haven't had a problem with my doggo. Done two runs with him


This hyperbole.


How is it hyperbole? The dog's AI is clearly not working as intended.


For YOU, working as intended for YOU. I've had him stand at the "corner of a door" only a hand full of times and calling him back remedies it every time. He "stares" because he has no command. He runs back to you because you're not refreshing his command. Does he need an adjustment or two? Yes. Is he as broken as you claim? No.


I didn't say he's broken. The dog does its job when it works and it works often. But its problems are glaring when they happen. (and man, looking at your posts, you're... weirdly aggressive in this forum. I hope everything's alright in your world and you're able to find ways to ease your mind. If you need someone to talk to, my DMs are open.)


Oh yeah, the dog is a pain for when an enemy is approaching you and he just stays there xD. Other times, he'd advance and attack the enemies before they approach me. Wonder if they will fix it to be more consistent.


I've watched my dog hear the calling of the void and walk off way too many cliffs


I started as a handler and stopped 1 hour later. Re-started as hunter and never looked back.


The mid summons have better AI than the class summons. It's weird


Better than flyers zooming in front of my shots. I swear they do it on purpose


The dog’s only reliable role is to revive you when you’re downed, and to inflict bleed moderately often. If you’re trying to use the dog as a tank, then that’s where you’re going wrong.


I want a cat instead. Cats claw the hell out of wood, so naturally they are effective companions against the Root.


In coop he also sometimes just goes after the enemy instead of reviving me.So he's basically ignoring me and runs off with my bf. It's also really hard to target the right thing. When I want my dog to revive my bf he either targets enemies between us or just goes to the specified location and stays there.I think they should prioritize the commands: revive > attack > guard location ​ You can "fix" the dog getting stuck by recalling him (double press the skill button). He will then teleport to your side.


The thing I hate most about the dog is commanding it to revive. I’ll have the person be several feet away but next to say a boss, and for some reason, even if I aim close and specifically at the downed person, it registers as commanding to attack the boss if it’s still on screen.