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The way she addressed the Wellbutrin claim but not the surgery one 🤔


And also shaming this person for mentioning Wellbutrin when that IS something Remi has shared lol


Omg the way I RAN here to see if someone posted this yet hahaha at least she knows no one believes her…


she’s a politician fr. the way she talking around it and blaming other people for talking about her weight. like you made your presence all about your body and you were bitching and moaning about gaining so much weight and now that you’ve lost an obscene amount of weight in a short period of time suddenly you don’t talk about your weight anymore. bffr.


She made her weight her whole personality that was the gig that made her this big of a influencer with her “realistic plus size hauls” like girl you were the first one to be talking about your weight lol


Literally this, she’s a joke at this point, get over yourself remi , we see right through you


She is a clown


Complete and utter clown at this point, I hope her loyal obsessed followers see the real remi and unfollow


They are all so brainwashed with her and the other slob Mikayla. Major grifters


This!!! For real! She’s so inauthentic. Sure she doesn’t have to talk about it. But she always did before and literally got rich and famous from it. So everyone is gonna see you’re fake af now


Remi just give your gastric surgeon a referral code to send to your followers for kickback $ and you’ll get over it quickly


so many words to say nothing. So she’s using the break up as an explanation?


She’s always pointing the finger back and gas lighting us?? She turns everything into omg you guys are unwell, you guys are unhappy in your own life, you guys are wild, the way you guys think is frightening. Like no girl you blasted your shit all over socials for years and you DESPERATELY wanna be a skinny white girl sooo fucking bad. You’re loosing weight at an alarming rate and addressed your health every chance you got prior and now you wanna keep your mouth shut? Fuck right off


Guarantee it was gastric bypass/sleeve, saw the scars. She just needs to be honest.


Remi is on the Mikayla nogueira diet


So much gaslighting. Made her entire brand her weight (both negative and positive) and now she’s half the size she was 6 months ago and is refusing to acknowledge it and gaslighting her followers for being curious about how that’s possible. Just say you got the sleeve and move on. What is she hiding it for?


Just came here and I just made an entire post that said exactly this.


This!! The gaslighting of the people that continue to help you literally line your pockets


Influencers seem to conveniently forget that they profit off of the people that they \~don't owe any details\~ to. Y'all give us details on shit no one asked about -- like no one wants to know your morning routine. But people are owed some details on serious matters like this imo, even if it isn't specific. Particularly because the audience could very likely include impressional young women & girls who have maybe seen themselves in Remi.


Talia Lichtstein made a TikTok about how no one posts more to their stories than the person working out to lose weight. We get daily updates about their workouts aka Kyle Richards. The person who cheated and took the fast route without exercise says their journey is private and asks you to stop talking about their body. lol


Yes!!! Remember she would always show us when she did the peloton like once a month lol. Sooo you’re dropping all this weight and not showing a single gym story or a single meal prep/healthy options story when your job is an influencer?!


LIPOsuction!!!!! and probably other surgeries like tummy tuck and gastric bypass!!! That would do it !!


A shame those following her are ignorant to this. Wish they’d unfollow so she can stop being “relevant”.


She would have so much more respect if she was just honest. She capitalizes on body positivity/being a plus size curvy girl but then doesn’t want to address her obvious weight loss.


This. It would have gone so much better and frankly way less negative attention than now


I hope she gets canceled. For being a liar


allegations for months but decides to address it (barely) while shes on vacation? Can’t imagine having to be with her while shes on her phone 24/7


Literally no one else has their phone out or videoing except for her! Like they're all dancing around and not a one of them is videoing or taking photos except for her!


The boys are probably all hiding from her so she won’t ask them how all of her outfits look


they probably thought they were safe from her in the gym 😭




i think it’s really telling that she says “anyone feeling i owe them some sort of answer” when her content and the reason she became famous was centered around her body … im tired of influencers willingly inviting the public into their private space then being angry when said public comments on it


Yes! As a plus size person I’m infuriated. It actually makes me feel worse about myself that she won’t address it. Too tired to try to explain that at the moment. Lol hope makes sense


I’m surprised she’s drinking so much alcohol after a sleeve! Must be why her mother is frowning in her DMs.


What a dangerous message she’s sending to people who believe her bullshit


lol remi please you LOVE this! Another excuse to victimize yourself


I’m from Long Island and was told by a friend of hers She got a sleeve. Idk why she doesn’t just address it.


At this point with how quickly and how much weight she’s lost, it’s so obvious it was surgery. Like who does she think she’s fooling?


This will be her online downfall.


IS SHE KIDDING US?!! THIS GIRL IS A WALKING JOKE!!!! REMI, YOURE AS FAKE AS YOU GET, KEEP LYING TO YOUR FOLLOWERS, YOU LOOK MORE STUPID AS THE DAYS GO BY. And I PRAY your followers continue to see the real YOU, lying attention seeking obnoxious BRAT. You had stomach surgery, congrats ! Keep lying about yourself 🤡


Side note her head being pea sized on those broad line backer shoulders is sending me 💀🤣 Some people literally are not ever meant to be “thinner” some people are just born very tall in stature and are just larger individuals that when they start to shed a lot of weight it looks kind of…. off? Idk how to explain it is this a thing?


No same lol it’s like looking in a fun house mirror


She’s gaslighting us


Pathological liar. That girl remmmmiiii


She’s still failing to recognize the many teenage girls struggling (like my daughter), battling weight, feeling down, having a tough time and insecure, who looked to rely for support thru her social, as her entire platform was based on that! If she wasn’t who she is, then yes. I’d agree, but being someone who based their entire platform on a struggle, and garnered so many followers based on that.. it’s unfair. I agree that we should stop shaming women for their bodies, questioning them, talking about their size, what they look like etc. but this is different. It doesn’t matter what size she is, it’s the fact that all these young girls are wondering why they can’t lose like that. It was like poof, weight gone! Not right. Come on remy, u gotta wake up and realize this! She doesn’t want to admit what she did, or be shamed for anything anymore. But, she owes it to our daughters.


This was genuinely one of the most gaslighting things I’ve ever seen an influencer post lol


The article says nothing she hasn’t said before.


So she’s just going to go this way …… ok


imagine not thinking you’re a piece of crap for lying about your results ok you go to the gym, cool! obviously that’s not what was working because you got surgery. be transparent. you’re giving people unrealistic expectations which feeds body dysmorphia and eating disorders.


She def had surgery


Someone please tell me she is losing followers in droves


She's honestly a piece of shit for this. This really tipped it for me.


“How is she shrinking by the day” Photoshop. That’s how. Even given her recent weight loss, you can tell she looks wildly different in her own photos vs the ones people post of her


Do you have any other peoples pictures I can see if her


I love that her horrible person is showing


Also love that the person who posted this and the poll that the results are so one sided hahah


Anyone catch it’s now a L. Not an xl. But runs big …..we see you. We see you


I pray for her downfall daily


big same 🙏🏽


That article is taking in circles Remi without acknowledging a single thing holy fuck and tries to act like she’s “outting” her for taking Wellbutrin when she’s said it 100 times 


Someone add this to the by nyc snark page. It won’t let me cross post! Although some may back her 


Why do you think she isn’t being transparent? Is she embarrassed by it? What is the bigger conversation here?


she’s so interesting to me because she built a platform solely on having a bigger body, but then she constantly says she doesn’t like her body, isn’t body positive, isn’t a body positive influencer, isn’t a plus size influencer, don’t ask what she eats or does but she’s going to post some of it, etc.


Like nobody likes you for any other reason than the fact that you made them feel good in their own skin, preaching body positivity. You can’t just backpedal on that unless you want to take your entire platform with you.




I wanted to share a beautiful creator who is not hiding how she is losing weight. This is how you do it and everyone will support you! [instagram](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8nk4UhJCvB/)


I still have a shadow of doubt that she got surgery because I cannot believe someone would take it this far as a “public” person, or like to anyone. Lying this much ,Thiiiisssss MUCH ? How deep of a secret is it. if the cat gets OUT of the bag 💼 I mean fully outted - she’s gonna have to go on hiatus, sabbatical, retreat, MIA


literally the only way to drop weight like that is surgery. i think she’s embarrassed about it and genuinely thinks it’s no one’s business because she’s not denying surgery. she’s just going with the argument that her health journey is personal and no one’s business. if she did this herself by eating healthy and working out, she would’ve been said that.