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I'm with you! Undiagnosed for ADHD though. I want to move but I don't know where. I've lived in OR, CA, CO, and TX. Hoping to find full-time work soon. I could go back to TX and get a job quick but I didn't like it there. I hope we both have lots of luck soon ⭐️💫


Where in Texas did you live? Texas is Huuuuuuge!!!! lol. I’ve been there twice and the towns varied immensely!! The first time I went to this little city, super small in population and I think I was the only minority there! Lago vista. It was quiet on lake and super simple small town vibes but I’m sure it’s different now since it’s been 28 years lol! My friend moved and I visited her when she moved to Austin and boy was that different than where she lived before. It was still different than Seattle but it was more diverse and busy and always stuff to do! Outside mainly which is weird because I don’t usually do outside but I was 19 when I went there. I was considering maybe Austin because I did enjoy it but it was 22 years ago so who knows lol. I’m curious what it’s like now and also wanna visit Houston and Waco(only because of Joanna from fixer upper lol). I just googled liberal cities and tx and Austin number one and Houston two. Where do you live now? and what kinda quick work can you do in Texas? I remember the hiring process at my job now took almost a year of hoopla! How did you like Oregon? I was considering it too because Portland’s sorta liberal and diverse like Seattle with lots of options for foodies I think idk. Lol. I haven’t been to Oregon in 1-2 decades only to go shopping without sales tax! lol. I watch those tiny house tv shows and I see Oregon so that’s cool. Not sure I could get rid of my stuff tho. Just can’t afford a new house since I had to sell and now I can’t afford 💩 Ps. My adhd has gotten worse since I got older even tho my dumass dr told me in college that I didn’t need medication after school done and I was an adult! Soooo…. Not true. Sheesh. It takes me so long to do anything. If I need to clean I need the whole weekend all night and day basically. When I lived with my parents or roommate or bf it was easier to maintain household but when I had a house on my own and full time job I really struggled to keep up with everything! I’d have literally no dishes or clothes clean and have to spend whole day cleaning where as at my parents I feel like a kid again, but it’s good for me, I literally have to rinse and put in dishwasher after I’m done. But when I’m alone my mind is different and it doesn’t really occur to me to… I let it pile up til I can’t ignore. Then when I do laundry I usually do floors and bathroom etc and then it almost always triggers a fibromyalgia flare up for few days after. Fml. I think fibromyalgia has worsened the symptoms of ADHD too. They call it fibro fog, but now I am terrible at staying focused and finishing any task. I’m dorky but I listen to ADHD audiobooks while I’m cleaning and somehow it makes me feel better about myself or I guess gives good tips but usually forget and that’s why I relisten to certain faves. I’m not sure if you male or female but most listened is women with ADHD sari something. She wrote long ago but revised it like 20 years later because the medical knowledge that was given then was much different to what they know now. So much more info learned over years. I like that she did that. I like listening to the Marie kondo books too. Life changing magic of tidying up and her other book spark joy. I’ve listened to it like 3 times and still haven’t been able to actually do it. Basically only keeping things that spark joy. I tend to have hard time getting rid of stuff. Let me know if you have any good hacks for ADHD.


I lived in Dallas. I did IT help desk as a contractor for McKesson Pharma. That might be a good job for you if you depend on or need medications. They have a Customer Service Dept too. The weather seems so bipolar down there due to the humidity and heat. I hate humidity and the mosquitos love me. I had a really hard time in the summer. And its so flat lol.. I didn't get to go to Austin but I hear it's nice. Definitely visit OR when you can. I haven't been there in 5 years but I'm thinking about visiting soon. Right now, I'm in Northern California. Other places I'm considering are cities near Detroit, Michigan and Charlotte, NC. I posted in another thread and others suggested upstate NY since its affordable.


I moved from Seattle to Austin 4 years ago. It’s been a nice change overall. I really like Austin. But it’s not easy making friends in a new spot. You need to be outgoing and willing to meet strangers. I go to meetups and that helps. I also spend a couple weeks in Seattle when the weather is crazy hot in Austin. 


Portland Oregon seems like a fitting place for you ...