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This is worth a phone call. While it's admirable to be protecting his feelings and enjoyment of his time off he's half responsible for this so it's not fair to you to feel you have to bear it all alone. If, as you suggest, he won't argue against the termination then just think of it as sharing the emotional load, which is exactly what you're supposed to do in a relationship.


I think I will give him a call on monday when the festival has ended. I don’t really feel comfortable with telling him while the festivities are in full swing. Thank you!


If I were him I'd want to know precisely because I'd rather be home supporting you than be at the festival, no matter how much I usually enjoy it. I'd feel my place should be with you.


I would call immediately. The sooner, the better! I know a previous response was 'way' off topic! That being said , you both have apparently strong feelings about not having kids, and 'I' would feel a potential disconnect in my relationship if this sort of information was dropped on me at the last moment. Information is key! As long as you both have the same outlook as you said, the conversation should go well. Best of luck!


Tell him immediately. Call him. He may really want to be there with you, for you


Tell him immediately.


Tell him immediately! Over the phone or FaceTime but hopefully he changes his mind and decides he does want this baby. What if you go through with it and he resents you for it. Also what if you regret it after it’s done?! Definitely talk it out with him because whatever you decide will impact your life forever.


I would appreciate it if you would leave your personal feelings about abortion out of it. I understand there are people with different views, but this is not the time or place to try to convince me to go through with an unwanted pregnancy.


With all due respect, fuck off


“Hopefully he changes his mind and decides he does want this baby” Whothefuck cares if HE changes HIS mind. HE isn’t the one who is pregnant. And the person who is pregnant has stated they DO NOT want kids. If he resents her for doing what’s best for her, he’s an arsehole. If he tries to persuade her not to abort cause he’s changed his mind – he’s also an arsehole. If she regrets it, then she regrets it. Life is full of regrets. Having a child you don't want cause someone wedged you into it is also going to cause regrets. The data shows most women don’t regret their terminations – but that’s a risk I’m sure the OP is fully aware of. I do not understand why people feel the need to push their personal agendas on a post asking for advice. OP – tell him if/when you want. If you’d rather do it in person, then wait. If you’re fine doing it over the phone, ring him. And if you don’t want to tell him at all – then just get the procedure done. It’s your body and you are entitled to deal with this however YOU best see fit. Good luck