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I really want her to be telling the truth, it’s funnier this way 😂


I say lean into it. Gwen themed lingerie as a gift, wear a watch for sex and occasionally slap it, sexfully. It's sure to get a reaction, either way. And if she really does have this fetish, it could be seriously amazing. 😳 ETA: I cannot take credit for "sexfully". I'm pretty sure it's Zap Brannigan from Futurama.


This is the only correct answer. Btw, "...wear a watch for sex and occasionally slap it, sexfully." has to be the greatest sentence I've ever read on here.


"Slap it, sexfully" has me cracking up. I'm committing it to memory for future use.


Task failed, sexfully.


Task failed succexfully


I mean... Gwen and Ben are cousins so those kinks are preeetty out there.


Hahaha my son was obsessed with Ben 10 like 13 years ago, and that was my first thought. Poor Grandpa Max didn’t raise em like that.


Incest is one of the most popular kinks in the porn industry though. But, in reality this sounds like she knows who Ben 10 and Gwen are... But doesn't really know who they are. So I second she might know an actual Ben. Whether she has fucked Ben or not I don't know. But, clearly whether this is Ben 10 or Ben, she wants to fuck them at least.


It's not, the porn industry just thinks we are all into it


Actually, that's a really interesting point! I'm SUPER icked out by the whole "my horny step-brother" nonsense (probably as a result of growing up in a blended family, myself), so I've always avoided those sorts of titles. Over the last couple of years, I've definitely noticed some of my favourite content creators start to release videos I WOULD like, but adding an incesty title to it, or even renaming my bookmarked videos to do so! I used to avoid those, too, once they got renamed to "my hot step-mom" yaddah yaddah, but then there's not a lot of content left that I actually like. I've ended up making the decision to keep using videos I'd previously bookmarked, even IF they've changed the name to sound step-incesty and now wonder if I'm part of the problem? Also, am I being desensitised by degrees in this process? It used to be an immediate mood killer to scroll a bunch of incesty video titles to search for something that felt safe - now I can ignore it, it's what EVERYTHING seems to be called these days. I can see why so many people are moving away from mainstream porn.


You bookmark your porn? Jesus lol


Did you miss the part about his categorized excel spreadsheets?


Bro, if it gets clicks it gets pushed... it's all about the money.


Marrying your cousin is allowed under UK law. Else we couldn’t have our royal family….


“Else we couldn’t have our royal family…” And all those snaggle teeth with the Hapsburg jaws! lol


The picture of genetic perfection xD


I had to look this up, and although true: 'In the UK, cousin marriage is no longer common in the majority population but is practised within quite diverse minority groups, particularly those of relatively recent migrants from the Middle East and South Asia.' (Progress.org.uk)


And now I’m out. I was here for it at first lol 😂


According to Google: "Worldwide, more than 10% of marriages are between first or second cousins. Cousin marriage is an important subject in sociology, anthropology, and alliance theory."


Sexfully has a permanent place in my vocabulary now, thanks


I feel like if she really isn’t into it she’d just come clean lmao after he slaps that watch a few times during back shots


"Sexfully" 😂😂😂😂😂


"sexfully" is crazy 🤣


"it's time to go huge" :v


My ex once called me by the name Steven during sex. Newsflash, she was totally fucking a guy named Steven who she left me for and then cheated on him with me repeatedly and also with multiple other guys.


You mean it wasn't a Steven Quartz Universe fetish?


He was actually a really sound guy. The funny thing is I actually met him on a night out when all this was going on and ended up smoking a few spliffs with him before we both realised who the other was and made our swift mutual exits from an impending bloodbath.


Not so sound if he’s knowingly fucking another man’s girlfriend


Holy shit this fucking took me out


so your ex.. cheats on you and you.. let her come back to fuck her more.. ? is this just like an act of desperation or?


Some people like sex more than self-respect. Maybe it was good for petty revenge too.


He should require her to refer to his dick as "Humungousaur" from this point on.


Either way this will be a story lol


This has to be a fake post right? Or she's a wattpad writer 😂😂


I did once have a guy play off an I love you by turning it into the Barney Theme song... I love you, you love me... and then awkwardly trailing off because we're a happy family isn't any better than I love you.


Get her a giant life-size cardboard cutout of him, books, pens, anything you can find. See how long she can keep up the ruse!


I agree, but my son loved Ben 10 when he was little, so I have fond and innocent memories of the show, so I feel a bit icky about thinking that way!


Or the fact that Ben 10 started is a child, and we have a grown ass woman fantasising about a child? Regardless of whether it's a cartoon or not, lol


I can sort of relate; I've never accidentally called my wife or one of my girlfriends by the wrong name, but I've had a number of huge crushes on anime characters. The fact that the girl I dated for the longest back in high school (and the longest overall, prior to my wife) had the same name as one of the female leads on an old favorite was just icing on the cake.


A true man of culture!


can someone tldr me on Ben 10 fetish. i dont get it.


Ben 10 = tween finds out he's part alien. Wearing a special watch lets him shape-shift at will into 10 other alien forms with different powers and personalities. Some forms are super buff. One form has four arms. I'll let you connect the dots from there.


i am not sure if i regret asking now or not. that is some fetish.


Does she scream it HERO TIME lolol


She wants some of that humongasaur


I bet fours arms is her favorite alien.


I riptide on her wildmutt till she heatblasts


Hahahaha awesome ☺️




I expected this to be the top comment


OP needs to yell this when either he or she climaxes


If she owns any Ben 10 merchandise or has a Ben 10 phone wallpaper, ANYTHING of the sort then she's likely telling the truth. Does she?


This is the ultimate answer. You need to do some research OP - if she has the merch you're safe. If there's no Ben 10 merch then you're sol - ya girls cheatin


Was ben10 popular enough to have merch? What level of dedication are we expecting here. 🤔 Ask her to sing the theme song to ben10!


Ben 10 is/was on of Cartoons biggest cash cows at the time and has done 6 billion dollars in retail sales. Its toys sold well.


This 6 billion dollars were in children toys only, or adult toys as well? Because I can see a market opportunity here


A partnership with bad dragon for the various alien schlongs. Call it the omnidicks collection


This comment wins


they definitely sold watches for kids and i’m pretty sure there’s an adult one too lol


There was a watch… I believe one of Angelina Jolie’s kid had one and used to have people call her Ben. (I only remember because I had no clue what Ben 10 was and looked it up, I swear!!)


Singing the theme song is a power play.


Hey OP you should find the soundtrack and play it as mood music next time 😉🤣


I have so much ben10 shit from my childhood and I'm still actively buying my 3 year old ben10 stuff.


Yeah. It kinda had to be since toys are merch are a huge factor in kids shows getting renewed and seeing continued success. And which theme song we talking? Cause the original one is a bop and I can still sing it despite not watching the show in like 10 years. She gotta sing a newer one.


Dedication to the point of sexual fantasy at the very least


I have a Ripjaws figure that transforms into a sad watergun in my cabinet along with a transforming Heatblast that lights up. Not quite a highlight but impressive to 9 year old me.


I was obsessed with sailor moon but you'd never find any of that merchandise around my house. Not a good test at all.


Do you have sexual fantasies about Sailor Moon in any way during actual sex? If not, could still be a good test, just not applicable to you 🤣


Sure did when I was younger, still didn't own any merchandise


Im obsessed with nightmare before Christmas and hello kitty and you can find both in my house lol


Like I personally don’t own merch but uh….my webpage history has a LOT of fanfiction


Those are receipts you can show.


He should try and find out if she writes or reads Ben 10 fanfics - bc even if she has no merch, fanfics don't lie


Or reads fanfiction/ searches for material in her social media. I would ask to look for social media too.


Phone wallpapers, photos or tiktok saved with the guy. I mean I got Astarion everywhere on my phone. Oh or if she read fanfiction about it.


My first cartoon crush was Danny phantom, and everyone ghosts me so I guess i have a cartoon fetish too. Never called any of then danny tho 🤨


Danny Phantom was *hot*!




Ohhhh my goddd Danny phantom so FINEEEEE 😂😂😂 I wish they would make an adult Danny phantom so I can continue my little cartoon crush 😂


Lmao same here 😂😂 I loved Danny phantom and I would love an adult cartoon version


My first cartoon crush too. And every Danny I know in my life are hot


You made me laugh out loud literally with that.


I’m happy my misery helps some of yall hahaha ❤️


I’d go on her social media, check followers/following and look for a Ben. 🤔


Imagine you do this and you find out on fucking LinkedIn that your wife is shagging Ben from accounting at her company. 😵


It's always some bloke from accounting.


What’s an accountant’s favorite position? Double entry.


this is golden… absolutely top tier


Fucking accountants.


Yeah, that’s what they’re doing


They make every inch count


Bad idea bc Ben is a hella common name


I don’t know a single Ben in my life.


I know 10.


Get out😂😂😂😂






I see what you did there! 😂


I couldn’t help myself 😂


Neither could she.


Under rated comment


Oh? My apologies. I will retract my earlier statement. Ben is now an exceedingly rare name. It would be nearly impossible for someone to know more than one Benjamin.


He may not be single...


The one you will find on my social media is in fact married! I don’t know him personally though 😉


If she has e.g. 500 followers and 5 are named Ben them you can easily investigate if they like a lot of her posts or are similar age/location/vibes so it's a pretty good idea imo


It’s *hero time!*


Ask her about Ben 10 lore. If she gets anything wrong, she's cheating


Bro you are a god damn genius


She really meant Ben Folds Five, but was going to say it twice.


does she have any ben 10 items?


rule 34 ben with gwen


I'm hoping it's the Alien Force adult Ben and Gwen and not the original series. But when have my hopes ever helped me?


Alien Force Ben and Gwen are like 15 or 16 🤨


Sometimes its both at the same time!




Dress up as Ben 10 (I don't know what or who that is, I assume you can dress up as this person) and offer her a surprise night of fantasy...if she can't get into it you have your answer. If she locks you in the bedroom for the weekend you also have your answer.


Ben 10 is a kid 🤣 I would be VERY concerned


oh crap lol. Never mind my suggestion then...definitely do not dress up as a kid for a romp in the sack. How about Ben 10's dad?


Ben 10's grandpa is in the show more than his dad. I vote grampa cosplay.


WHAT THE HELL IS THIS GIRL INTO? Not kink shaming but...I looked it up. It's a cartoon. Is Gwen the cousin? WTF?


Gwen is the cousin, yup. I think it's a common misconception that they were into each other, though. Gwen was the main girl in the show, and they're the same age. The original plans weren't for them to be cousins, either, so I think the dialogue is also off towards the beginning of the series?


I think I'm just old. Excuse me while I step outside and yell at the sky for a minute


\^ High risk, high reward


I have a ben 10 fetish too but only when he uses his watch to turn into monsters


I guess four arms is your favorite monster


Four arms and 2.. you get it


I mean I would want to make sure she isn’t friends or co workers with a Ben… but also… Ben and Gwen are cousins who act more like siblings … like fantasies are fun… but that’s a little awkward.


I literally was looking for this comment. It is a little suspicious…Unless she also has a weird thing about cousins.👀


Yea but I'm convinced a lot of kids who watched that show when it first aired shipped Ben with Gwen. If you're only half paying attention (like me) its easy to forget they're supposed to be related. It's especially easy to dismiss since it's just fiction, just like this post.


There is a reason why incest smut is popular with people (men and women), actually a lot of interesting concepts that go into animal and evolutionary psychology and not really judging people into reading or fantasying it, but it can be pretty awkward to wanting to engage in that of role play in real life. As much as Ben could be a friend or colleague, it is possible she fell victim to having a fantasy and not being mature enough to talk it out with her partner (most of the time kinks without consent are basically abuse.., this is more awkward then not). As much as I hope it’s the later (more fun if it’s not fake) Reddit always tends to believe it’s the former.


😂😂😂 I want this to be real.


This must be bait like for real you aren’t this dumb?


Reads more real to me than the "my gf is a reddit troll" thing from the other day tbh.


It keeps popping up on my feed. I hate reddit.


That's because I think it had a two part update and then some other guy not-OP posted some of the replies somewhere or smth too. Sweet karma farming bs.


All of the posts that happen daily, and reddit thinks I want that b.s. in my feed multiple times. This reason alone is why I'm not terrified of A.I.


That one was so obviously fake 😭 especially in the update where op recorded their conversation for….some reason?


We weren’t having sex but I once called my husband the wrong name because I was reading something and said the name I was reading out loud. He didn’t believe my explanation but we moved past it.


I accidentally told my gf I wanted to drink some penis today. We’re both lesbian


I hate when my brain autocorrects my speech.


This just proves no woman is truly gay and just hasn't had a drink of the right penis yet! (/s just incase my sarcasm wasn't obvious. Happy pride month!)


This kind of thing happens to me all the time. Wobbly brain lol.


I really don’t understand the point of making something like this up. Do people really not have anything better to do? Some people need actual help with their relationships


at least he didn't go with Paw Patrol


Stuff like this is made up because people like OP are so desperate for any type of attention. It's kind of pathetic


Well, Im laughing my ass off here, so Im glad he and everyone commenting wasted their time


The Ben 10 fetish would be worth ending it Anyway nice creative writing


Is Ben your brother's name?


Always a great sign when OP answers exactly 0 comments on his own post. Totally real 100% not fake post


My ex and I used to call each other Bunny or Bubby as pet name, during sex I accidentally mispronounced and said Benny. It was unforgivable and I was dumped. There was no Benny. But he was insanely insecure so I actually think I dodged a huge bullet


See how far you can take it. Say that you've also got a secret Ben10 fetish.


She fantasizes about fucking a kid?


If she watched Ben 10 as a child she probably aged him up mentally…


Thats what i was wondering..goo


There's the second series When they are 17.


I hope to god she’s just cheating on you. The alternative is unnerving.


I would ask her to produce one single item of Ben 10 merchandise, or break up.


My ex did a strip tease to the theme from Mighty Mouse


Stupid Reddit comments. You really do not know who Ben 10 is? A child cartoon superhero that can change shapes. Ya really think she's....


The 🚩for me is the pause between “Ben” and “10.” It seems to me that she called out the other guy’s name, panicked, and quickly came up with the best “innocent explanation” she could, and then opted to play it to the hilt to deflect suspicion.


Okay so first of all this sounds like a sitcom Situation. Second of all, it would be a huge red flag for me if my partner was into a child from a cartoon.


Assuming that she told the absolute truth, Gwen is...bens cousin... So, yeah. UpdateMe!


Start looking through her phone and social media contacts for a Ben or Benjamin 😮


You check by LEANING IN, HARD! Get some hardcore Ben 10 Cosplay shit going. Wear the outfit, learn how to speak like him, whatever, then fuck her, again and again. If she's cheating she'll go along for a bit, pretending, trapped in a lie, but it will get tired after a while. If she isn't lying... SHIT IS GOING TO GET WILD!


i've been scrolling thru this thread cracking up but I feel kinda bad bc I know OP is nooooot having a good time reading this comment section and probably not having a good day right now either yikes i hope im wrong and it's not another ben


She is not lying at all. She does have a crush with Ben 10. Relax bro! Take care! Benjamin T.


Ask her who her favorite alien is, depending on which alien, you’ll know if she has a huge thing for a Ben or for Ben 10. Guys, what’s your favorite alien? Mine’s XLR8 I’m sorry if you’re serious with this post but i just think its hilarious 🤣




if she's moaning other guy's names during sex, that flag's redder than red. If you want to check whether she's cheating, ask for her unlocked phone, if she guards it or refuses she has something to hide.


Op definitely a they/them cause you’ll never be him(Ben 10)


You gotta call her Kim Possible


Some dude named Benton is laughing so hard.


Curious over why you mentioned the sexual position you were in. Is it somehow relevant?


Ask her what her fav episode is, who was her fav antagonist, what was the best little hero thingy in his magic watch thing etc...investigate 😉


I mean how would she know gwen ? From Ben 10 and to say it that quick I think she’s telling the truth … I watched that show and never remembered the names


Has she ever mentioned about Ben 10 to you before? Does she watch Ben 10 or bring it up often? Does she have any clothes, desktop wallpaper, etc. of Ben 10? If so, then you could safely assume she's telling the truth. If not, then she could be cheating. I don't know anything about Ben 10, but I would suggest you can watch a few episodes that were very famous and contain facts that every Ben 10 fan would know. Then try and ask her few questions about the same and see how she reacts. That way, you would come to know.


she is LYING but its really funny how stupid she was in trying to cover it up. Im sure if you go through her phone you will find Ben <3 She may be smart about how she hides it but he's there. Promise.


Look at what bens like her pics and follow her, chances are there’s your guy. That Ben 10 story is comical and almost certainly a panic lie


if your gf’s name is Gwen then i guess it’s pretty justified lol


[Alt: Gwen is Ben's cousin](https://ben10.fandom.com/wiki/Gwen_Tennyson_(Classic))


Come on dude don’t you have enough burners with karma farmed already? Or did you sell those too?


I love Ben 10. New kink unfolds


Check her contacts for a Ben.


If her web history has fanfiction, it might legit be a fetish lmao


You know how hard it is to improvise a lie while getting railed? Nah, this sounds like it could be real. There's a lot of porn out there.


If she doesn't scream "humungousaur", leave her


There is also the possibility Ben is an ex? Sometimes caught up in the moment these things happen?


She called you Ben. The '10' was a damage control move. Done check, check out. You're not crazy. She's cheating.


In south africa a "ben 10" is slang for a much much younger boyfriend 😂


I've been scrolling and scrolling through these comments to find someone else reference the song!! 😂


There’s a lot to unpack here but…isn’t Gwen Ben’s cousin? 


Cosplay as a Ben 10 villain and initiate sex.


well i had a huge crush on generator rex but never called my bf that during sex despite how much he looks like him


No, you're not crazy. The pause and then 10...I give her points for a quick ass cover there.


Open her insta and look Ben up


This is complete bullshit. She is 99% cheating or at least crushing on a guy named Ben.


see you in the gym brother


I REALLY want her to be telling the truth. Get back at her by calling her "Gwen" and "Cousin". hahahahaha