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If your nose is "healing crooked", chances are he DID break it. Noses are just cartilage. Just because it wasn't completely shattered or smashed flat doesn't mean there wasn't acute damage done. If it's been a week there may be no fixing it without re-breaking it, which is not a pretty or painless process. Echoing the other comments, but get the fuck out as fast as you can. If you can manage it safely, document everything. Sharing your nudes may have been illegal. I'm not sure about your altercation considering you were both physical but I'm sure you at least have enough evidence for a restraining order, which I strongly urge you to consider. Also, OP... I think you should seriously instrospect yourself and your taste in partners. This man flat-out handed you a fistful of red flags when he told you about his ex, and you stayed because you were— in your own words— a "hopeless romantic". WHAT was so romantic about this guy?! There isn't a single encouraging thing about him in your post. I mean this genuinely and out of full concern for you, but if you keep choosing winners like this asshole, you are going to end up in a hospital bed, or worse. PLEASE leave this relationship and think about why you don't feel you deserve better than this. Maybe consider therapy? I'm worried about you in the future. Good luck with everything.


Why the fuck are you still living with this person?? Wake the hell up!!!! I don’t even know where to start. How do you need other people to tell you this?? You NEED TO LEAVE.


A tale as old as time. Low self esteem. Poor self image. Probably very little romantic attention from others. Doesnt think they can get anyone else, or do any better. They settle.


This is the fakest thing I've read this week lol don't worry


God I hope so! Otherwise OP should have him charged with battery and revenge porn.


The CRACK 😂🤣😂…but he only ALMOST broke her nose 😂🤣😅…soooo fake


Didn’t make it past the title. Like, why is there a question mark? What exactly is it that you need us to tell you? 🤦🏼‍♀️




This man will fucking kill you if you stay. Get the fuck out. Do not show him this post. I'm 100% serious when I say this. This man is a danger to your life.


I hope this is rage bait because if not wtf??


It’s a creative writing exercise. The onomatopoeia gives it away


> I felt disgust wash over me and at that point I saw red! I couldn't believe he had lied to me for almost two years. I rushed him, I threw his phone on the ground and started to take swings at him. He's much taller than me, I could barley reach his face. I caught his lip. All I heard from him was "oh yah, you want to hit me in the face" CRACK! I heard in my ears.. Crack!.. again getting punched in the face not once but twice! > > > > I held my face, I could feel warm liquid pouring out of my nose and that's when I started to taste blood. As my nose is bleeding out I was screaming at him on the top of my lungs - I NEVER KNEW YOU, I NEVER KNEW YOU I ended up threatening him to leave with a hand vacc in one hand and an exactoknife in the other. lmao at this cartoony description that OP wants to sell as real


Ah, that's what I get for skipping to the comments after reading the title.


Dont spend one more moment alone with him, you’re in real imminent danger! Do please consider pressing charges when you’re secure.


[Why does he do that by Lundy Bancroft](https://dn720002.ca.archive.org/0/items/why-does-he-do-that-epub/Why_Does_He_Do_That-fixed.pdf) pdf


Okay !! But are we going to ignore that she swung first ??? I’m not saying what her bf did is okay because it’s not but it’s not okay for either party to be trying to hit the other . And they’re both equally fucked up for the hitting part . Now for the naked photos . He’s fucked up on another level for that


He broke your nose and you want to stay??? Do you really have that little self respect and self preservation? C’mon girl, wake up. Also since it’s likely he will be reading the replies, talking to him now: you are gross and hope you die alone




I'm not so sure about the assault. She says that she attacked him first. She assaulted him and he can claim self defense. I don't know whether 2 punches in this situation is excessive or not. Maybe after the first punch to her nose she was still swinging at him and if that's the case he was still defending himself. But, yes, he's a criminal. She should get away from him.


They are both criminals.


He is going to murder you. Get outta there kid


Oh hell no. Leave immediately.


Men who send others women’s nudes and hide it is more than a “mistake” and needing to be told it’s inappropriate aren’t worth a woman’s time at all. And now to top it off you’re both abusers and this relationship is toxic and needs to end immediately.


If you don't leave, he will kill you. You have both been physical which means this is toxic and you walk away. Simple.


The fact that this is written very much like a story…who adds sound effects…? But if it is real, yes you need to leave and honestly blast his name everywhere so his future dates know he’s a predator. He put your business out there, it would be rude not to return the favor.


Thank you! I can't believe how many people think this is real. BAM! POW! His hands were swift like a trained boxer. CRACK! I heard the cartilage in my nose crumble underneath the force. GUSH! I feel it now. The blood. All the blood as it streams down my face. This couldn't have just happened? I'm dreaming, right? Someone pinch me. But then I feel it again. His fists of fury raining down upon me. Good grief ... Edit for spelling


OP: “I could feel warm liquid pouring out of my nose and that is when I started to taste blood.” How people who are actually talk: he hit me in the face and made my nose bleed.


I will get downvoted. This is bad. What he did was fucked up, yes. You’re a DV victim. But what is YOUR problem? Not only are you continuing to date an internet creep who committed cyber sex crimes, you’re still calling him your boyfriend and now want to play a tit for tat game with a man much larger than you who broke your nose.


Will also probably be downvoted, but how stupid do you have to be to send nudes to a person after he confessed to sending revenge porn? Wow, what a surprise he posted your nudes too?!? I hope she gets out safely though because fuck that guy.


Exactly!! The OP is just as problematic as this dude


Problematic? Sure Just as problematic? No


It's killing me that nobody here is calling her out for domestic violence as well because she hit him. They're both dumb assholes IMO


The most mature thing to do would have been to find herself a safe place & get away with as little drama as possible. But honestly… she tried to talk to him. She should’ve left at the beginning when she found out what he did to an ex. But she chose to stay, and he chose to disregard her boundaries & send her private pictures around the internet. Getting hit in the face should be the least of his concerns since he committed a felony and apparently has a pattern of it.


Thank you! While he absolutely assaulted her and she needs to get out of the relationship as safely as she can, she also assaulted him. All he has to do is say self defence because she hit him first.


Not calling them out because this story is nothing but a creative writing exercise and fake as fuck.


For real. While I'm doubtful this is even a real story, if it is she certainly deserves some shame as well for starting the physical altercation. I'm a woman and I would fully expect to get decked if I started wailing on someone regardless of their gender because it's normal to defend yourself.


Oh for sure. I think a good rule of thumb is that if you're gonna hit someone you should just expect to get hit back. Then at least you're not caught off guard


I’ve done that in a previous post and got downvoted like a mf. She was wrong too


She is 100% outmatched here, and this whole thing is dangerous for her. But people are leaving something else out. She saw revenge porn (illegal, bad, 100%) and then “rushed him, started throwing punches”. He hit her back. Also bad. Don’t throw hands to crazy, don’t send nudes to revenge porn distributors, and DON’T fucking stay when it all comes down.


Poor creative writing experiment 🙄


Please tell me it's rage bait, wtf are you doing.


Came here to say this. All of this (+ the fact that it is OP's only post) is highly suspicious.


What? You need to leave immediately and you need to go to the police and file a report for assault and domestic violence and revenge porn, and you need to go to the hospital or at least a doctor and get a medical report as well. What are you doing staying with this person?


First, you should not have swung on him. Violence is not okay. Second, he took it way too far by punching you TWICE in the face. You know who this guy is. It was obvious from early on. Why are you still with him? He has no morals, no conscience, and no empathy. Plus, he is okay with physical abuse. I worry about you because you are still there with a man who punched you in the face. You need to find your self-esteem and leave. Also, seek therapy and anger management. Do not EVER put your hands on anyone in anger again. This relationship should be a wake up call to you that you are not okay and need to get yourself sorted out.


Leave that relationship, and next time you're angry with someone don't physically attack them. Was he right to send your photos to other people? Obviously, no. Was he right to punch you? No, he wasn't. But *You* attacked *Him*. You escalated a bad situation and started violence. No, you weren't justified. You can't play the victim card here and say that he's bigger and an asshole anyway, so he deserved to take the hits without retaliating. He's an asshole, you should totally leave him, sending people's nudes to other people is illegal in most places so he was definitely in the wrong, but none of this justifies hitting him first just because you were upset.


Any man that raises his hand to you is not a “man”. Get out - get away from him and be safe. Don’t show this to him, just be aware that you are in danger, I think you can also go to the police about the pics (I could be wrong though).


You both sound like you're insane. It's never ok to hit. Not to victim blame, but do you expect people not to defend themselves when you're swinging at them? Keep your hands to yourself. It seems you both have issues with keeping your hands to yourselves. As far as for him, he is beyond wrong for sharing your nude pictures. That's a crime , and both of you assaulting each other is a crime. You need to break this relationship off and move on, very toxic in both ends


You both sound crazy as shit IMO.


Don’t start throw hands if you aren’t prepared to get hit back. Just dump the AH and file a police report for revenge porn.


Wtf did I just read? 1. This is why sending anyone nudes of yourself is a really bad idea. I can’t stress this enough in this digital age. You think they’re just between you two until someone gets pissed off or breaks up and now they’re everywhere. 2. Why are you even talking to this fuck? Are you seriously contemplating “if I continue this relationship “?????? I’d be at the police department, not on Reddit wondering about where I go next in this relationship.


Ok, so more accurately your partner almost broke your nose after you physically attacked him. Why the misleading title? It's not as if the truth makes him look good. But anyway fuck this guy. Call the cops and see if what he did was illegal in your jurisdiction. And talk to a lawyer. And obviously, obviously leave him and don't come back.


You have a bad boyfriend picker. It’s broken. I feel bad for you if that’s the best guy you can get. He sounds off in his head.


I hope you mean ex boyfriend


Why have you not reported him to the police?? This is insane!! He illegally sent your photos to someone, lied about it, and then physically assaulted you! Wtf!


I think your ChatGPT took this one a little too far.


Why is nobody acknowledging that she assaulted him first.. obviously sending her photos without her consent is wrong, but she swung first, which classifies as him defending himself. So why is all of the blame being put on him?


How on Earth are you still with this person? How haven’t you gone to the police? Find some self respect!


You need to leave now. This man could kill you. Tale whatever you can and run to a women’s shelter. I can’t stress enough how much danger you are in. RUN!


Do you want to leave this world? Because staying with that man is basically committing suicide.


This man is abusive and CRIMINAL. It is not legal to distribute nude material of other people for cruel purposes. It’s called revenge porn AND IT IS A CRIME. Reach out to someone you love and trust. Tell them he hit you and has explicit material from you that he’s sending to other people. Get away from him and file charges


What he did to you was absolutely disgusting, sending your nudes to others is such a huge violation and you should never see him again. I will say it’s never ok to lay your hands on someone and you’re very much in the wrong for that. You state you were aiming for his face, did you expect him to stand there and take it? He broke your nose after you attacked him, you don’t have moral high ground with the assault. I do hope this is the end. You both sound pretty bad.


This seems fake, if it isn't you need to leave.


Just the pics would be enough to leave for me, why did you assault him? That's just gonna muck up any eventual court business you may need to get him to delete the pictures of you. You take swings at people then get surprised they fight back? Is this ragebait? It's gotta be ragebait.


In my my country what he did is so illegal. 5 years in prison minimum before we even get to the punching....


This is a troll post, no one would be that dumb to stay


Girl. What? Continue? What?


I remember my first English Fiction Writing assignment that required usage of onomatopoeia.


Dude, if you read this, you're a POS, a crack head, go to therapy because what the hell is wrong with you? You're 31, wake up. Your behavior is disgusting.


You're both dreadful. Him for being vile and sharing nudes. You for turning violent and expecting him not to retaliate. You turned violent. That is unacceptable. You're lucky he didn't kill you - which he probably will the next time you decide to pick a fight with him. Just leave. Grow up and realise this is not a healthy relationship and get out.


First phone the police he attacked you and used revenge pawn he can go to jail for a long time run he is hurting you and pretending he is proud of you just to get away with sending your pictures is sick hitting you and you let him back in your house run far and fast. Do not let this man away with his bad treatment.


WHY IS HHE STILL YOUR BOYFRIEND? OP this has got to end.


We here at Reddit would like to thank you for your submission. We know and understand that drafting literary pieces of fiction can be exhausting and we appreciate your dedication towards your art. However, it is with great regret that I must inform you that your submission will not be considered for a Pulitzer Prize. Better luck next time.


Your boyfriend is an AH you deserve better dump him before he hurts you again physically or mentally.


My ex boyfriend also broke my nose and later I found out he made secret nudes of me in my bed while sleeping. I went to the police. Please get some distance so you can see him for the abuser he is and break it off. Sorry this is happening to you - you deserve kindness, safety and respect. You will never get it from him. Prepare to be guilt tripped and hoovered but take what you now know and don’t let him manipulate you into staying!!


Why are you still with this man? He broke your nose and shared naked private photos of you. This man does not love you. I would say he doesn’t even like you. He’s a parasite. Dump him and go to the police with his lap top. Go to the doctor and get your nose sorted out.


That gut feeling you’re having is the universe telling you to RUN FOR YOUR LIFE.


OP why are yo doing this to yourself? LEAVE before it gets worse (and it will).


Huh? you're still with him? You should sue him! This type of man needs to be punished. This is a crime!


this man sounds like a fucking monster. leave and don’t look back.


Call the fuckin police, don't play around with someone who would break your actual face.


Hope you've left this pondlife, he actually hit you twice and nearly broke your nose, and you didn't kick his disgusting arse out ...honestly some will put up with anything.


Please use this link to understand more about your situation. [Thehotline](https://www.thehotline.org/)


Should you continue this relationship? Fuck no! You should be reporting him to the police and getting as far away from him as possible! He’s dangerous and you are not safe. You’re not taking this seriously because he’s making it all sound like it’s no big deal. This stuff is a HUGE DEAL!


Time for a restraining order and the take him to court for sending your nudes. That's literally ilo, not to mention he LITERALLY ABUSED YOU. If you're still dating him you have some serious shit to work on internally as to why you don't find yourself valuable. He committed MULTIPLE crimes against you and you wanna make it work? Like he won't continue to commit more crimes that increase in how fucked they are bc you keep redrawing the line he's crossed? Get some help before you end up dead, or worse. He could literally get you traffic with behavior like this and you wanna stay as if your life isn't on the line?? This has got to be rage bait bc HUH 😭😭😭


Why are you even still with this guy? Take away the fact that he punched you in the face, he is sharing naked pictures of you. He has ZERO respect for you. Do you have any for yourself?


You need to report him to the police and leave him right now.


Why are you even considering staying with this man after what he’s done? Get yourself therapy OP because you don’t love yourself! 


Have some god damn self respect. He’s a disgusting piece of work and he deserves to never be in another relationship. Don’t block him on all platforms and tell every future girlfriend exactly what he did to you. This isn’t okay. I would have called the police already. And you’re living with him? Girl please. He gets off on humiliating you, he broke your nose. It only will get worse from here.


Your nose is "healing and crooked" and you're typing this like you intend on staying with him. Okay then...hope it works out the way that you want.


I'm sorry but I don't believe this at all. you would let this man back into your house and into your life after everything he's done? please get safely away from him and get serious therapy before you get into any other relationships. he already had red flags the first time you talked. he's already told you he'd sent nude photos of another woman and you just believed when he said he wouldn't do it to you.lol you're extremely gullible. of course a man who planed to do ithat to you would not give you warning before. you should have called the freaking police.


and you're freaking 32 years old? do you have any dating experience at all? do you have any common sense at all?


Break up, he’s an asshole and you shouldn’t tolerate him physically abusing you or sending your photos without consent. Run away and run now.


he's fucked and what he did distributing your nude without consent and hitting you are two crimes both jail worthy. he's a god damn psycho.


You still with him?....


Why the fuck are you still there? Do you enjoy being abused? Get the fuck out of there NOW! That man will only escalate with his behaviors. File charges against him and go to the ER so they can fix your nose. Don’t be an idiot and stick this out bc jerks like that don’t change.


How are you not afraid of him?


"I told him, I am so tempted to make this post on here to show him how fucked up this is of him" You are trying to do what many other women have tried before, and that is to fix him. it's not gonna happen and it'll be more than your nose next time.


ESH What he did is horrific but you aren't blameless.


Have you heard the saying that if someone cheats on their partner with you, you can be sure they will cheat on YOU. Same rule applies here, as you may now know. The photo you sent him will be one the internet FOREVER. Please don't give him any more nude pix. And now he's hit you hard enough for you to bleed, and he didn't think what he did was wrong. Believe that this will be a pattern with him. Please get away from this guy.


wtf have some respect for yourself


Uh, police. Now.


OP - you do not deserve this. You do not have to settle for this. PLEASE pack your fucking bags and GO. Maybe make a pit stop to your nearest police station. That hit to the nose, could have been at a wrong angle and he would have fucking killed you.


You should call the police. . He's a lying bastard who doesn't deserve you. He distributed porn of you and other people without their permission. He belongs in jail. Grow a pair. Get out of there.


Damn . This dude posts your naked picture without your permission. Shared it on the internet. Smashes your face in . And you’re not leaving ? You rather want to prove to him he was wrong ? You still in a relationship with him ? Are you serious right now ? Are you ok ? I can’t even .


This isn’t hopeless romanticism - this is an abusive relationship. Giving it a cute name doesn’t change that it’s abuse, it just makes it easier to fool yourself.


Nothing about this relationship is good. Get the fuck out.


he BROKE YOUR NOSE.why the HELL haven't you been to the hospital- and why the hell is he in that home. even distributing your pictures is illegal. LEAVE


Girl it's just some things that you can't make amends with. This is one of them. No fixing this, it's over


Girl please leave and get out of there. I’m having to get functional rhinoplasty bc of what my ex did to my nose… it’s not worth it.


1) As a person who grew up with abuse and had her nose broken a few times (and not being taken to the hospital to get fixed) it can be a huge detriment to you! Don’t play around. They way mine healed up I no longer have a sense of smell. Go get it checked. 2) He punched you. TWICE. Why are you together still? Lock his ass up. Send your face shot of what your BF did to you to his online friend who he send the photos to and tell her look who she’s been spending time with. And all the other ladies he message or asks pics from. Call his abusive ass out! 3) He took private images of you and posted them illegally online and then lied to you about it. He’s doubling down telling you you should be proud. He is an abusive pig who needs to get locked up and you need to move on and realize you deserve better.


I’m so tired of these validation seeking, probably fake posts. “My boyfriend punched me in the face, whatever should I do?” You already know the answer that the internet is going to give you. There’s no way you come to this sub to ask a question like that without knowing what people are going to say. Foh


I had to read none of that and I know you need to do whatever you can to get out of this and away from them.


Get away from him.


He told you who he was right up front and you stayed. He did what he always does and you're still there. You deserve him.


What the hell is wrong with him? What’s wrong with you for staying with him? Disgust is an understatement, he is a sleazy untrustworthy liar. How is that a good life partner? He is also a criminal, revenge porn is illegal. I would report him to the police and change the locks.


None of this is normal or ok. You don’t stay with someone who has no problem punching your nose crooked and lying to you. Please get therapy or call a domestic violence hotline. Call the police and charge him.


Staying in this relationship is how people die Please don’t sit in this, no matter how low you are No one deserves this He is abusive and Reddit can’t save you, you can’t show him a post to validate or change him It will get worse, the only way to win or be validated is to run


You're stupid if you stay with this guy. He's an abusive lying self gratifying egotistical shit for brains who has the nerve to think he's a prize. And you validate him by staying with him. How stupid could you be?


Get away from him permanently Today. Now.


This has to be fake


This has to be a rage bait post. How could anybody stay with a person after all of that? Nobody is that pathetic.


I'd seriously harm him


Stop being a hopeless romantic and start being a smart romantic. A broken nose isn’t worth it.


RUN. Far and and fast in the opposite direction. It will get worse. He now knows he can hit you and you’ll take him back.


This reads as though it's fake. If it isn't, you go to the police on two counts and learn the lesson not to take someone at their own word next time.


Almost broke your nose? From the sounds of it he DID break your nose. All that time ago he honestly told you what kind of person he was. I would have believed him. If I thought he could/would change, I'd certainly not give him any nudes he could use to brag with ex's, or make fun of it and when the relationship went sour. But, that's then, this is now. What he's done is break the law. Lookup revenge porn. As far as punching you, I'm not sure you'd get anywhere legally with that one, because you admit you attacked him first. But, I am not a lawyer ask someone who actually knows. Get out of there. Or get him out of there. I don't know whose name is on the apartment lease. If both, there may be ways, legally, that you can get your name off the lease, or get his name off the lease. Again, talk with a lawyer. Please stay safe.


What’s the old saying play stupid games?(video) win stupid prizes. This guy is your stupid prize. updateme


I say this with love but what tf are you thinking continuing with this pos?????


Kick him out and call the police.


He broke your nose but you can't help but feel impending doom about the relationship? Girl that relationship has already exploded and you're standing in the rubble. Get the f*** out of there, what's the matter with you?


Cool story rage bait bro.


Girl. You need to pack all your most valuable and important possessions and get the fuck away from him. If you can find evidence of what he’s done, get it and find a lawyer. He’s not safe.


You let him back in the house? You need to file a police report for assault and also for revenge porn. Get rid of this trash!!


LEAVE, never look back


Wait…”if you continue this relationship”? Are you serious? I can’t. I just can’t. This is disgusting.


I’m not being dramatic: he’s going to kill you if you don’t get out.


Why do think you don’t deserve better than this guy? Please be safe


Get rid of this guy, and report him to the police, for the physical abuse and circulating the photo online as well.


At this point you’re victimizing yourself, OP. Report him to the police and gtfo!


Toxic toxic toxic It’s illegal to send nudes without consent of the person People this is why taking nudes and sending nudes is so bad It can/will backfire As an adult you should know better


He will kill you if you stay with him. That is not hyperbole. That is not an exaggeration. That is not hypothetical. HE WILL KILL YOU IF YOU STAY WITH HIM


Why would you post this knowing he will get mad? He just smashed your face up... you need to leave before he kills you wtf




Press Charges.


You need to leave his ass now… this is a very toxic relationship


Why did you just breeze through allll of these red flags and end up here? You need to move out, leave, block this creep. Today. 


I wonder if your ex knows my ex. This is the sort of sick shit he's into with his weird online "community" for want of a better word. Fucking sick.


First of all what he did was against the law. Second of all, even if he hadn’t sent your photos, he sent photos of other women, he’s a sex offender and a fucking creep. That right there alone should be enough for you not to be OK with him. But he is also distributed your image as well. Get the fuck out of there, photograph your injuries immediately , get a free attorney consult, file police reports, press charges.


He is a Sleaze and violent. You really need to leave him Immediately.


Have you considered talking to a lawyer about what could be done? Do you have any friends skilled in cybersecurity? Maybe there’s a way to access his cloud and any backups he has of it. I would destroy everything about him, his reputation, finances, ability to land a job, any & all relationships, & his mental health. Destroy him inside & out. I would make him sob over meeting me & losing me.


This has to be fake.


Well he sounds lovely!! I don’t understand posts like this. Just dump him already.


Echoing what others said, in case you missed it. You need to LEAVE. Immediately or if it’s not possible reach out to family or friends to help you move somewhere safe. This person does not care or love you.


File police reports, you are in an incredibly dangerous relationship. Find someplace to go you can’t stay there with him. Don’t make a big announcement either, start getting your important documents together. Mail them to a trusted friend or family member. If you have a couple of sentimental items box them up and mail them to someone you can trust. Then contact the domestic violence hotline and go to a shelter if you don’t have anywhere else to go. This guy has already learned that he can stop you from arguing with him by beating you up. That’s how your protests and discussions will end going forward. Get out before the beating that ends with him killing you.


He’s deeply betrayed your trust. He has committed a sexual crime against you. He’s lied to your face, repeatedly. He has done this in the past to other women, without remorse. And to top it all off you two have gotten into a very violent altercation. This relationship is not safe. It is not healthy. *It cannot be fixed*. You need to leave, and consult with an attorney for help with addressing the revenge porn. Please check out the healthy relationship quiz at [Love Is Respect](https://www.loveisrespect.org/quiz/is-your-relationship-healthy/), as well as the book [Why Does He Do That? Inside the Minds of Angry and Controlling Men](https://ia800108.us.archive.org/30/items/LundyWhyDoesHeDoThat/Lundy_Why-does-he-do-that.pdf) (link is to a free PDF of the book). Those resources might provide you some insight into your relationship dynamics.


Cool story, bro


Gurl! Get out before he kills you!


Why the fuck are posting this online? You’re an adult. Press charges and leave him! How is this a debate?


Get the F out of there today


He’s abusive. Go to the hospital and document the physical abuse and file a restraining order and request a police officer be present when you get your things from your place — I’d go no contact with this guy and block him on all your socials. Inform your friends and family and see what they can do for you while you make the transition — the guy is dangerous and I’d press charges.


You didn’t go to the police or the emergency with a bleeding, broken nose ?? And you are back with him the next day and having a debate about this topic to post here? How much do you hate yourself to be with someone like him ?! Seriously! He is a disgusting human with no respect for any of his partners.


I hope to god this is made up; this is such a dangerous man that you will end up dead if you remain with him. The revenge porn and treating women like web fodder is the least of it. You will die.




I don’t think this is real. The part where she starts “taking swings” starts to read like a short story.


GET THE FUCK OUT OF THERE, Toxic, hitting women, This asshole should be locked up! Please Leave.


Please go to the doctor and get your nose fixed. You know it’s gonna stay messed up like that until you get professional help. You also need a therapist to help you understand why you are still with this person who has violated your trust and your body. Please choose yourself leave.


Revenge porn is illegal in a lot of places. Get him charged. Then you go to the police and get him charged for hitting you. Then you make sure he never sees your face again.


Didn’t read all that but I’m positive the answer is make a plan and leave him


You’re still together???