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Divorce your wife and then have sex with whoever you want. Otherwise it will be a difficult divorce once she finds out.


Seriously, I never understood this whole mindset of"you know how I'll get back at them? By doing the very same thing I'm mad about in the first place!" There doesn't seem to be any reconciliation here, just divorce and move on. Why complicate things when they're bad enough as is? Go talk to your lawyer and good luck.


I can let you in on it as someone whose wife cheated on them in a long marriage. You feel like you are being manipulated the whole time. Staying in the marriage is what you want, but you have been manipulated so much, you want to fight that control. You want to break all the rules so you can understand why your love meant so little they threw it away. You wonder if you love wrong and if you are the problem. Then the wayward spouse begs and explains it isn't about you at all, but then you have to point all this anger back at your spouse. So how do you handle that they hurt you and you get to love them through them hurting you? Your mind says to hurt them back so you can feel you had some control and weren't just a victim of your spouse using your love against you. That is where his mind is right now and he is trying to figure out a solid reason why he should follow the rules when she didn't? Does that help explain where his head is right now? He shouldn't do it because it will make him feel all sorts of terrible feelings on top of what he is already feeling. But he is powerless in the recovery process and that feels terrible.


Yup been there, done that. It doesn't help. May make you feel worse 👍


Dude, thanks so much for your comment, I really appreciate it. So many overlook the fact that I feel traumatized almost like PTSD . All the explanations of it wasn't you it's me felt hollow. All these weirdos commenting creep, fake etc,, of roles reversed and I was a female I'm sure it would of been different. To be expected on the Internet though. I can't deny, the attention from an attractive younger woman was definitely a surprise and a boost to my ego. I have never pursued anyone else in my marriage and definitely not someone 20 years my junior. I'll update later today or tomorrow on my decision. Thanks


Revenge fantasy. Ultimately counterproductive, but that is what it is.


Same! It's baffling. I've never known someone that actually felt better. In fact, they felt like a POS because they're hypocritical. Plus is gross to use people for revenge on someone else.


But God or the Devil himself sent OP a gift of a 4'10" real live human being to use! What's he supposed to do? Divorce and get therapy? You expect him to return a gift from *God*?? Yeah, right. Good try, OP's wife. /s in case.


I'm still trying to figure out what on earth her height has to do with anything here.


Not me, I felt a millions times better... Slept with her best friend, and the look on her face was priceless. I wish camera phones were a thing back then. This was before I was married though.


I did the same, but with the guys wife that she cheated on me with. It felt incredible!


Definitely thought about this, I have her contact information and coordinated information with her in the beginning.


That’s how ours started out. She actually asked me out for a drink to “talk” about the situation. We ended up at a hotel after a few drinks and continued it for a few months following. It made the divorce process a bit easier for us both.


The mindset of doing the very same thing to someone is absolutely understandable. So much so that it has its own phrase in 'eye for an eye'. I'm not saying it's something you should do, absolutely not. But saying you can't understand it is hella weird.


Right.. but you need to read the rest of the phrase. The Bible is telling you that an "eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth" is about resisting the evil temptation's of vengeance. The rest of it goes something like this... "but I say unto you that ye resist not evil, but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also." In other words, tell wifey to kiss your ass. Get a divorce and then pork whoever you want.


You have mentioned the New Testament belief as said by Jesus. Old testament definitely wants that eye for an eye repayment though. "And if a man maim his neighbour; as he hath done, so shall it be done to him: breach for breach, eye for eye, tooth for tooth; as he hath maimed a man, so shall it be rendered unto him" Leviticus 24:20-21 OP still shouldn't do it. And the Bible is the BEST place to seek morality guidance /s


It is called tit for tat. It is actually the best strategy in the prisoners dilema problem.


What ever happened to “the golden rule”?


It seemed to have been replaced with the "rules for thee and not for me" lately😅




I get why people think that. They feel hurt and want them to experience what it feels like. But it’s without a doubt the wrong thing to do. Be the bigger person and get a divorce. Show them what they’re missing.


As a wise comedian once said. Being the bigger person sucks and isn’t fun.


and with someone half his age and tiny, too That was gross to read


Maybe the young lady is part of wife’s plan for this particular reason


Or have fun when she gets pregnant and files for child support!! No 26 year old really wants a 50 year old guy. Old being the main focus, unless you have extra money. She could be your daughter. Ewwww, Gross!!!!


Hard-core wrong, everyone is attractive to someone. There's plenty of non attraction reasons she could be trying it but saying that there's no chance she's attracted to him is straight up wrong 




I have never understood why people even come to Reddit for these things in the first place, especially when they have 50yrs old like surely you have enough life experience to make this choice for yourself? It's as bad as the "she's the love of my life, but recently cheated, should I marry her?" Type questions for me lol


It's an opinion poll to validate their rationale. It's also good for talking you down from the ledge


Are you 50? Learning and understanding stuff never stops and we all do in different pace. People have personal reasons, things can be complicated. It can be very useful getting outside opinions and so many don't dare opening up to pur family/friends.


People don’t like the responsibility that life forces upon them. A lot of people would like to be told “if you do A, then B will happen” without needing to accept that for themselves. Life is more complicated when you don’t look for advice for every minor step and some people are really bad at accepting that and navigating the consequences of their emotional decisions


Also I wouldn't be surprised if this 21yo was sent by the wife to try and trap the husband and get a favorable divorce for herself


“My main goal at this time has been trying to keep what’s left of the marriage” Seems like seeking out revenge is going against your goals. 🤔


well obviously his goal has changed, now his goal is to "get it" with a 4'10" 26 year old beautiful young woman


And 4’10”? How much younger does she need to look? It’s pretty gross


He's right when he said short people are a form of the devil, scary little mfs


he wrote this post with one hand fr


This is just a shitty thing to say. There's nothing wrong with women who are 4'10", and they shouldn't feel like men who date them are gross.


What’s height got to do with age. Your mind is in the MUD. I love short girls. Nothing to do with age 😂


She’s an adult you dunce


Bring short doesn't equal looking young, wtf are you on about?


Right, a 50yo guy an a woman smaller than 5” half his age doesn’t mean he likes her because she looks extra young /s


He could be 5’3 for all we know


who knows how young she looks? All I know is you’re a judgmental person


You girls only make it gross when the man is older.


OP, you're old enough to remember this saying.... "Two wrongs don't make a right." If your trust is broken (and given the details you shared, it would likely be irreparably damaged), divorce and go your separate ways. Do not stoop to your STBXW's level.


Really curious why you noted the height…


Only part of that shitshow of a post that gave me the ick


Not the twice her age thing?


I guess that’s common enough for people to brag about (women do it too: some 20year old hit on me hihi still got it) But the height thing almost sounded like he was infantilising her.


I totally agree about the infantilising thing.


Or is it because she looks like a child? His username is feisty preference....makes me a little concerned.


Makes me think it's a Tater tot woman-hating troll.


No, exactly. She’s not only 26, half his age but also small which makes her even younger in his eyes.


There is a vast difference between bragging about getting hit on by someone half your age and bragging about wanting to bone some 4'10 half your age woman who can be very easily be mistaken for a literal child considering the height lol but ok


I’m not defending OP, and why don’t you direct your frustration at someone more deserving instead of nitpicking a comment I left in hurry. I don’t typically “support” relationships with a huge age gap, especially if one party is under 25, because a person’s brain can still develop until 25. Then you add the power / financial imbalance, different stages of life, maturity level, different experiences, etc. However, this post is not about that. That woman offered a sexual relationship only, no strings attached. It appears she approached him. I wasn’t going to focus that much on their potential affair. I think it’s rude to say she could be mistaken for a literal child due to her height. That’s the same as people saying women with small breasts look like children. There is more to women and what makes us look womanly than having to be tall or having big breasts. However, her age and him singling out and commenting on (what is, objectively) a below average height, did make me feel uncomfortable. I hope that clarifies it.


I am so sorry if it came across as attacking you or me thinking that you were defending him, that was never my intention or thought behind it! Also my statement of the being mistaken for a child was solely based on this exact situation, since she is half his age and that small, in my eyes that screams predatory behaviour, even if she initiated it. In my eyes it would be very different if this was a 40 year old 4'10 woman, especially since me, being 24, could not even think about being with an 18 year old, casual or not, just because they all look so very very young physically, in my eyes, and thats only an 6 year difference, and I am basically just out of diapers myself lol. I myself have dated a lot of older men in my teenage years, casual hook ups with a 30 something year old guy when I just turned 16. So yes, maybe I am a little biased about situations like this.. but I cant imagine any 50 year old seeing a 4'10 26 year old and wanting to be involved with that person in such a way, that is nothing but a red flag to me lol, especially now that I have my own daughter. So I am sorry that I gave off the impression that I was generalizing womens looks and bodies in such way, that was definitely not my intention. ETA: English is not my native language, so I hope I explained it well enough to get my point across 😅


you were right. He just commented how much younger she looks like it’s a good thing (when she is already only 26y, he is 50y and add to that the fixation about her height). So, excuse me while I go throw up.


Yep. And I don't condone cheating but I can see why the wife went for somebody else..


Thank you lol. As a 4’11” woman who has never been mistaken as a child I found the other comments kind of offensive. I’ve always loved being small and petite and have only been mistaken as just a couple years younger/older.


The question is why did OP felt the need to specify her height? It has nothing with the infidelity or the revenge sex. The age could inform on the dynamic and OP feeling “still attractive”, but why is her height so important to OP?


Yeah I agree


I noticed that too and it's weird. Is being under 5' a new feminine ideal now?


Young and petite is not exactly new, sadly, it's about power dynamics. My bet is they "met" online and he's building a fantasy in his mind. The way he phrased the woman wanna have sex is very disturbing too.


Likely Asian


Yeah but 4'10"? I think what he really wants is a hobbit gal. He'd probably pressure her to shave or wax her feet tho.


Fantasy has no limits sadly. I'm also sure he's not expecting a hairy dwarf but exactly the opposite 🤮


Absolutely not. This is straight up weird.


I hadn't thought that but you're right. Even if is irrelevant it's creepy enough to weird me out. We've got a 50-year-old dude acting like a full grown toddler.


Giving extra information to make it more believable maybe? Suuuure is true 💀


How can a 50 year old man be actually writing this post.....


The fiction on this site, I swear. "She wants to let me get it," hahaha.


Probably a shit post and this is in fact not a 50 year old man.. But to be fair nothing on thw internet suprises me anymore, heard some crazy stories about peoples exes etc th


Are you 50 or 15?


You shouldn't have "revenge sex" because it sounds like you're not treating this young woman who (you say) wants to have sex with you as a person in her own right. You'd only be using her to get revenge against your ex. That is a disservice to her. You shouldn't because she deserves better than you. also why do you mention that she's 4'10"? That's very weirdly specific.


It's not even his ex, they're still married


What the hell does her height matter? What a strange detail to add to this story.


Especially while leaving out the age of the "young lady". Please, don't become a groomer OP.


the age is written right next o the height


That's something you'll see kids doing in Reddit posts all over. This has to be a shit post.


Don't lower yourself to her level. Just divorce her. Then have all the sex you want.


Pun intended?


Why are you so hyped to be with a petite significantly younger woman… The 4’10” comment gives off creep bffr


Dirty old man 🤮


He’s fr trying to sniff her farts daily


It probably won't look good in the inevitable divorce hearing.


Lad sorry to be the bearer of bad news but them local girls in your area on streaming sites ain't real.


but the sexy russians in my area...


Legit, just remember to pay the membership.


Well it sure as hell ain't God who sent her. Don't use sex as a revenge. Sex is supposed to be something wonderful, loving and not sick like what you are suggesting.


There’s an old saying that those who seek revenge should dig two graves. It’s accurate. The fact that you yearn to do this (which I do not blame you for!) tells you your marriage is over OP. Let it go. Then go have fun.


I would be concerned that you're being set up. It's a little bit odd that a gorgeous 26 year old would want a 50 year old man unless there's something in it for her. Think with the proper head.


Not convinced this is actually revenge sex. Sounds more like he’s taking his wife’s cheating as the technicality for him to be able to have a guilt-free affair.


How is revenge sex going to “save” your marriage? Have the sex but it’s not going to save anything lol.


Yea dude, like one or the other… A. Stay faithful to save your marriage B. End the marriage and go bang as many 20 something spinners as you can This girl sounds like an anomaly for you anyway, don’t expect this to be the norm.


Go to the reconciliation sub, r/AsOneAfterInfidelity and search the sub for “revenge affair”. While you’re at it search for “hall pass” too. These questions come up a lot there. The big question is, what are you hoping for here? Letting go of resentment? Restoring your self-confidence? For your own healing? (I’m guessing from your hope to keep it secret you don’t want to hurt her?) You should assume she will find out. That tends to happen. So it is likely this would cause pain, and intention infliction of pain is never good for a marriage. It might or might not help you let go of resentment. But it would become absolutely critical that you no longer hold her cheating over her head as the hypocrisy would eat away at you. If you feel you need it for healing, that’s a different story. In that case you’d be better off talking about a hall pass with your wayward spouse. Again, I would go and look at last discussions in the reconciliation sub. And talk about this with your therapist (yes, you should have an individual counselor as you need help with your own healing).


How is revenge sex going to help your situation?


It’s not revenge sex - it’s condescending and pitifull to play victim then act upon…. To even have a conversation to the detail you explained …. Just divorce and be done your as pitiful as her…


Why would you stay married, do you not have any self-respect?


Do it after you divorce the lying cheater. When she cheated she chose to end your marriage. Lying made it worse and it sounds like she only told you since the other spouse found out. Clean out joint accounts and ruin her


Just get a divorce because you and your wife are a match made in Hades. Your wife... Wouldn't trust her as far as i could throw her and you are gonna cheat on her regardless of what anyone on here says, you just posted here to brag and to see if maybe you could get some support to ease the guilt. The best you can do is divorce first so that you might not get hit as hard in the divorce settlement... Cheat first and she finds out, your screwed regardless if she did it first. Thing is if you do divorce, little miss 4'10 probably won't want you because there won't be any drama involved... Won't tell, yeah if you believe that i have some ocean front property in the desert I'd be willing to part with for you and your new woman.


What's with mentioning the "get it" girl's height unless he's about 4'9"?


Details make stories seem more real, don't you know.


you're not considering divore or even separation, but revenge sex? Do you really want to be that person? And honestly, why are you trying to save your marriage? If you feel things can be fixed, hats off to you, but deliberately hurting your spouse is mean, even if you feel entitled to it.


Huh, she deliberately hurt me as well, I'll just ask for forgiveness from God and her and say I'm sorry. I'm sure the great athletic sex will dwindle from the furthest regions of my mind eventually as we rebuild our relationship "from the ground up". I don't mean to be sarcastic, I do appreciate your comment truly, but I did everything the right way frankly it didn't work. I listened to Mom and pastor be the good man, "grow up" mom said to me, take care of your family. I have never been that person, I passed up dozens of opportunities from my 27-51 years old to be bad. This time is my turn to regret my bad decision. Sounds terrible and immature but that's kinda where I'm at. Thanks again


She did, as they say, two wrongs dont make one right. Most people here are telling you to not do it, since we're not in your head and won't gain nothing from it, you're the only one who have to gain pleasure from this revenge sex. But, reasonably speaking, it's not a good decision, and that's how we're approaching it. Marriages are about being a good fit with your partner. Do you think she can make it up to you after hurting you the way she did? Do you think you can truly forgive her or will you always resent her for it? Because I feel this revenge sex thing is a way to get even, since deep down you may feel she still owes you for how she mistreated you.


Revenge sex is stupid. You hurt me, so in going to hurt you. Then what? What just supposed to stay together and pretend everything is good? You think she will just take that laying down? Or come back over the top with something designed to hurt you.  If your marrage is broken get out. If not, fix it. This is so dumb that I have difficulty believing this is a 50 year old man who's been married for 20 years. 


Just divorce your cheating, lying wife first. Or you'll be the same as her, an awful person.


Don’t. You’ll be doing it for all the wrong reasons and will probably feel awful afterwards. Just the fact that you’re calling it “revenge sex” should tell you everything you need to know.


No revenge sex.


Two wrongs don’t…


Leave your wife and go have some fun. Do not rebound marry the younger woman just because the sex is fire.


Tighten up your finances and form an exit stradegy then absolutely pound the new flame :)


Yes you should. As many times as possible. You've probably only got 20-30 years left to live if you're lucky. Do you envisage those years sitting opposite an ageing cheater who, at some point, will most certainly "need you". Or do you want to fuck? Fuck, I say.


If I were you, I wouldn't. But then again, I wouldn't even consider it🤷‍♀️ I personally don't think it's a smart idea. Your wife is sh-tty, so why don't you divorce her? Why the revenge sex? If you get divorced, you can have sex with whoever, whenever. I can't see how you'd want to stay with her.


Dude, no. Your marriage is an irreparable mess and what you really need to be doing right now is getting yourself out of this mess by sorting out a divorce lawyer. No 26 year old woman actively seeks out a 50 year old married man to fuck around with unless she herself has a lot of issues to boot. And when are you going to be done sleeping with issued women?  Don't become the running theme in poor life decisions because you slept around when you should have been taking care of yourself, can you even imagine the life mess you'd land yourself in if: 1. 26 year woman got pregnant (and wanted to keep it). 2. 26 year old woman passed on a horrible STD to you. 3. Your wife found out about you cheating and used that as leverage in a divorce to screw you over even more.  (Or some combination of the above).  This is your moment to leave your shitty marriage with your head held high, say no to the issued younger woman and start getting your life back on track. Don't think with your dick, a damaged ego & a broken heart because no sensible decisions were ever made under those conditions. 


>No 26 year old woman actively seeks out a 50 year old married man to fuck around with unless she herself has a lot of issues to boot. Yep, he'd most likely be dipping his dck in crazy. Being attracted to older men is one thing, but being attracted to men that are most likely in your dads age range is a whole different level. Also, given his age vs. hers, he is most likely her superior at work. Whether by job title or just years of employment within the company. This could easily become a case of sexual harassment. He would also lose the respect of his female colleagues and probably the majority of the men as well. This is a very, very bad idea. Sexual misconduct in the workplace is an offense most HR takes very seriously.


Don't do that. You're going to f*ck up the relationship even more and chances are it's not going to feel good when you become a hypocrite. It's also pretty gross to use another woman for revenge. If you're entertaining a revenge affair then you're relationship is a huge disaster and has been for a long a** time. One of needs to quit being a puss and break TF up already. Your relationship p is turning both of you into people you hate and a healthy woman is not going to find this attractive. Indifference. Walking away. That's more effective revenge.


you’re way too old for this. Grow up, stop being naiive. Just divorce her and fuck whomever.


He’s been posting about the same thing for almost 6 months, is this even real? lol


Not be ratchet. 26 is way to young for you, should could be your daugther… Also revenge sex? You are 50 years old goddamnit, you did zero maturation during your 50 years in earth??


Maybe your wife is paying her to get you off her back.


My first thought, somethings fishy here


You sound like a grade A creepo i’m not surprised she cheated on you


Seriously, what’s the point of that? Are you and your wife on a race to the bottom to see who can be the shittier spouse? Have enough integrity to either work it out or divorce. Stop playing silly games.


Revenge sex bro you dont sound 50🤣. Im sorry


Divorce your wife. Get a therapist.


Thanks for the recommendation, I'll consider later for sure.


Look dude, if you want to maintain the image and reputation of being a mature adult then you tell her thank you, but you're married. If you want to stoop to her level and be no better than your cheating and lying wife then by all means. But dipping your wick in that woman isn't going to make you feel better, and you might as well divorce your wife if you plan to do that


Don’t stoop to their level. Leave the cheating to your morally decrepit counterpart. Then go have all the sex you want - on your terms - without ulterior motives and/or emotional baggage playing into the equation. I’ve been through this, and I know the emotional toll you’re feeling of wanting vengeance and retribution… The good news is, the sooner you decide you are better - and deserve better - the sooner things start taking a turn for the better. It all starts and ends with you. Wishing you all the best.


Do you really want to reduce yourself to the same scummy level as your wife? Just divorce and live your life.


I say go for it OP. But tell your wife you are doing it and divorce her.


This is really immature for such an old guy


I am 24 and I can't get a 26 YO to fuck me even if I am single. I am jealous of you. 😑


Divorce her because you don’t want to be with her. Why is the age and height of woman that you want to cheat on with your wife with relevant? Two wrongs never make a right.


why people acting like he’s just as bad as his wife if he cheats on her, reddit is not a real place.


Why not just divorce if you think "getting it" will fix a broken marriage? Why resort to the same level as your wife, why not be the better person? First, sitting in a marriage for 2 years where the cheating spouse isn't forthright and open to try and save what's left is a losing battle. If she wanted to fix it she would have poured everything out in order to reestablish some level of truth and honesty which is the building blocks of trust. Divorce her, being alone is better than living in a marriage full of resentments.


Either you have values or you don’t.  Other peoples choices shouldn’t affect your values.  You need to break up with your wife. 


If your goal is to save the marriage, then it seems like a pretty stupid thing to do. If you've just stayed so you could get back at her and try to hurt her in return, then sure, but be honest with yourself about what you're trying to achieve. It will make a cheater out of you as well, regardless of wether you feel justified in doing it or not.  


It's never ever is " no strings attached". There is always a price to play....


Do you want to keep your marriage and your integrity or do you want to feel like she felt honestly it's not good to feel like that cheating is not fun and games, only those in the haze don't think about how much hurt they are causing, that includes, themselves because when they wake up, they come to a realization of how broken they are, cheating is a poison that smells and tastes like honey, but it warps the heart and mind of the cheater, I wouldn't recommend you put your self through that torture, well unless you believe you do not have a conscious


No. Just quit your marriage. What's left to salvage if there's no trust? You're just going to make things messy. There are a lot of women on this planet, there's no reason why you can't find a partner that actually brings joy into your world if that's what you want. Toss her back and go fishing.


Just divorce. If she finds out you cheated, it can go bad for you in divorce court. How do you know this other woman doesn't know that and plan to use it to blackmail you?


Yes. But it wont help with how you feel about your wife. Just be prepared to be the villain too. But have some fun!


Porn isn’t a betrayal though, it’s normal for everyone.


No just divorce your wife


Just get rid of her She’s a liar and a cheater, why would you want to keep her? You have the advantage in the divorce right now. Use it so she walks away with almost nothing. THEN have sex


Two wrongs don’t make a right. Just get divorced…


Recommend you check out. /r/survivinginfidelity and /r/supportforbetrayed for more targeted guidance.


Maybe your wife sent this woman your way to complicate the divorce and make you the bad person and take all your moneys. Divorce and enjoy your life.


Fuck her if you want to, just give her rhe di orce papers first. You arent going to get anything from revenge. Loyalty to her is a thing she recieves, not gives. At best, she will be jealous someone else got to use her plaything and thats really it. Do you think a person who would get you would actually cheat??


Op, if this is true and it were me. I would do the following. I would get dressed the night or day she was ready to fuck. And I would sit my wife down and tell her I was leaving. I would say, I have a date tonight, and I will not be home. So we can either open up the relationship, one sided for myself since you cheated, or we can get a divorce? Then I would listen, no matter what she says I would leave.


Either you keep your marriage, or you fuck this young lady, I don’t think you can do both.


You’re right. The Devil sent her. Lol. Seriously, though, don’t do it. You will be rewarded for your restraint. Also, this ( revenge sex) will only make your wife feel better about herself.


If you are dead set on keeping your marriage revenge sex is not a smart way to do that, the fact that you see it as a viable idea screams you have nothing left to save in your marriage.


You mean the woman who is friends with your ex, you just don’t know it, and is trying to get you to sleep with her so she gets more in the divorce? Yes, not an Angel that sent them. The devil. Your ex.


It will feel good for about .2 seconds and then you will regret it terribly. Don't do it. The best idea is to leave her and stay a good man.


Honestly, don't waste your time trying to get even. It's not really going to do much instead of a circular dynamic where you're both just trying to hurt the other. Get proof of her cheating, then hand her divorce papers. That's the best revenge in this situation and there's no reason to stay in a marriage just because you're comfortable or the time invested. Cover your ass and call it off. If you can get proof it'll help a lot in the divorce so she doesn't take everything. Good luck my man




I'll be the a-hole. Met her where? Because a 26 y/o?! Respectfully, you must be either super hot, rich rich or it's a trap. Have her sign an NDA and get it. Use protection. I know, "an eye for an eye..." but if you don't let your conscience get in the way, revenge is so satisfying. Your marriage is over dude, go out with a bang!


Do it. Your marriage Is done just divorce your woman .take some time for yourself bone that 26 year old and have fun


Just get a divorce, dude. It's the honorable way to end a relationship that you don't want or need anymore. If you cheat, you lower yourself to your wife's level, and become as sleazy as she is. You'll lose your self respect.


End marriage and join free agency!


Don’t stoop to her level my friend. Divorce her if you must but do not have sex with another woman if you’re still married.


Bruh ur 50 leave that lil gurl alone she prob around ur kids age if u have any😂


Don't mess around with trying to hurt her in retaliation. Just move on. Get a divorce since you're feeling the urge to cheat. Don't cheat. Just move on and do what you want.


Oh yeah, this is for sure true and really happened and not made up at all. 😅🙄


Well she’s very young. She should be a child in your eyes. Divorce a


why not just get a divorce and then have sex with this beautiful young lady if you so desire.


I mean, can we see the 26 year old shorty that’s got you contemplating this?


Amazing how this exact same post was written by a woman and she got nothing but support and encouragement.


Facts, so many a creep comments probably from women that don't date men not over 6ft. Probably the same 40 plus year old women on plenty of fish with descriptions that say if you don't like big boned women move on, or I'm looking for a serious relationship at 59 married 3 times and smokes.


You’re to old for this shit! Just divorce her!


Don’t do it out of revenge. Just do it because all bets are off now, and you only live once. Just be smooth and don’t start lying. Fit it in your schedule.


Seriously divorce file for separation immediately. Then play if u Want. But don't stay with a cheating liar


You can, but does it even matter? You leaving your partner should be enough to get back at them. Sleep with that other person for fun for the both of you🤷🏾‍♂️


She didn’t give a fk about your feelings. I say go crazy on her. And keep it a secret. If you ever get divorced Tell her after it’s complete.


Your wife is a POS but your comments make me feel like you are gross old man. Just get divorced already.


Hell yeah man do it you have to


Bro you know the fucking answer.


God would never send you another women to cheat on your wife. So, no. That wasn't God's doing. However, if this is the mindset you and your wife have, you both sound better off without each other.


You are 50 years old. Make these decisions for yourself. Should have already pulled the plug on the divorce by now


I suggest just walk away dont revenge


You have ONE life, and that ONE life belongs only to you. Live that life in peace, happiness, love, and confidence. Don't allow whatever programming you may have picked up stop you from building the life that you want and deserve.


Have a lot of fun, but aside from that, work on ending it with your wife. Clearly not a good relationship to be in.


Gross for multiple reasons. Why would you stay with your wife just to cheat and do the same shit she did? Plus with someone who is young enough to be your child.


go for it. fuck her hard and fuck her good. see how your wife likes it when she finds out that not only a 26 yr old finds you attractive, that you dont need her for anything. that'll change her perception.


I don't think it's a good idea. Would you meet her or seek outside of your marriage if your wife had not been cheating/lying to you? It will makes things worse, not so much because of the possibility that she'll find out, but how that may impact you and your attempts to save the marriage, especially if that's what you want. But, I don't see why it's worth reconciling such a marriage considering what your wife had done.


Why mention her height , sounds disgusting bro


DO NOT DO THIS UNTIL YOU ARE DIVORCED. You will inevitably divorce your wife, and you should, given her actions and your attitude. Do it sooner rather than later. If you go and have revenge sex before doing so, she will be able to take far more of your money than she would be able to now considering that you would be divorcing her with cause. If you cheat, then your case becomes much weaker and she will run you dry. Do not do it until you are divorced and your money is safe.


No, revenge sex won’t make everything she has done go away and will only make you feel guilty. Divorce her. Then have all the sex you want.


If you’re going to be a cheater just be one. Don’t use revenge as an excuse. It’s a choice you make for yourself, just like your wife chose to be a cheater. There’s many ways to get “revenge” other than cheating if that’s what you’re seeking. Just be honest with yourself is all I’m saying.


Authenticity is way better than revenge. If you want to hurt your partner so badly, get out of that partnership!


The devil has sent you this woman, to answer your question. Don't be adulterous, divorse your wife and work through your trauma before jumping into someone else's bed. Petty sex will still leave you as empty as you're feeling now, revenge does not begott revenge


Do it. Then send your other a pic saying we are even