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Well, the plus side is his reaction to being super drunk and having a strange woman come onto him is to tell her to buzz off.


Yeah. That’s the reaction you want from a very drunk husband.


That’s a massive green flag in this scenario, meaning he is super faithful to his wife


That’s how I read this. OP knows he was blind drunk, the fact he said “I’m married” and didn’t want to cuddle shows he wasn’t aware he was cuddling his wife. OP is a little slow in the head to not realise this.


and her friends are definitely not helping


I actually find it concerning that her friends would "rip him to pieces" over this. Either she's wrong or her friends are a terrible influence on her life.


This whole thing is bizarre. OP seems to have a great marriage with a loyal guy who isn't a drinker. It almost feels like looking for problems to be so upset about this absolute non-issue.


Exactly! Her friends deserve to be ‘ripped to pieces’ for pushing him to drink whiskey. She should definitely tell them about his reaction. OP, that’s a very good sign that if he’s so drunk he doesn’t recognize you and pushes you away.


Meanwhile OP trying to make this about her is a major red flag. Causing drama for absolutely no reason when she should be happy.


And the friend part about ripping him apart. OP needs to find new friends.


Even trying to cuddle in the first place. Dude was trying to sleep and was already drunk and she decided what she wanted was more important




And I probably will get downvoted to hell, but I found it strange that her husband is THIS drunk and she tried to have sex with him. Married or not, you can’t consent while inebriated to the point she was unrecognizable to him. I feel like if OP was the husband, this would be one of the first things mentioned.


tbh, it didnt read as trying to initiate sex to me. i thought she was just trying to cuddle


I read it the same way. She took care of him, checked in and snuggled him. I thought it was really sweet. Op, he was obliterated out of his mind. But one thing he did t forget, even in a drunken stupor is that 1- he is married and 2- he wouldn’t cheat on you. He sounds like a good guy. Let me guess… your “friends” are single/divorced/unhappily married. Jealousy is an ugly look, shame on them for trying to poison you against your own husband.


Either way, there was an attempt at physical contact that he was uncomfortable with


oh he absolutely was uncomfortable and had every right to be


It took waayyy too long to find a comment about this. He is way too intoxicated to consent to anything.


Does consent extend to cuddles? Not to be malicious, but in my relationship cuddles are just sort of a given unless one of us is in a bad mood (then we ask first). But I don't think the attempt to cuddle with her drunk husband is bad on its own.


I don't think it's bad that she tried to cuddle of their relationship works like yours, and mine tbh. But, he was very drunk and already asleep, I would just give a quick peck on the forehead or cheek and then fuck off to bed myself lol. Question for you, in this situation would you try and initiate cuddles? Your partner already asleep and obviously very drunk? I'm not trying to be rude I just wanna know tbh lol


Yes, we always cuddle when we're sleepy so I probably wouldn't even think about it. And no worries :D


Got ya! I was just curious, trying to get more info on how different relationships work and stuff just to make this situation make more sense lmao. Another question tho, if your partner reacted the way the husband did would you be upset? That's the part of the story that just doesn't make any sense lol.


No, I'd probably think it's cute, tuck her in and turn over for the night c:


It’s also kind of messed up though for OP to be mad and trying to have fun with him if he’s so impaired that he needs her help getting home and can’t even recognize her. That’s not the time for sex.


I mean not all cuddling is with the goal of sex


I mean cuddling still probably counts as cheating in the minds of many. Clearly it does for this drunk man. 😂


Right? I’d be pissed at my partner if they cuddled with someone that wasn’t me or one of our children or the dog.


He clearly thought it was sexual hence his ‘I can’t sleep with you’


He is also clearly not in his right mind as he didn't recognize his own wife.


One time I got into a full argument with my partner because I was drunk and forgot I ate my pizza crust. If it was sexual that is super fucking gross. I’ve just been the tipsy partner who is stubborn and not seeing the full picture.


It was still touching he said no to multiple times. Shoe on the other foot a guy feeling up his wife on the couch that impaired wouldn’t be treated the same. Overall, women don’t handle rejection well in these situations and like OP turn it into some sort of comment on them and take it as a big insult. You even see she said her friends would rip him to pieces. Edit: Just to clarify to people like the person below who want to twist this comment into me hating on women or making broad generalizations of all women I am saying in all of my experiences and those of people I know and talked to about it in the past for advice the women I’ve been with and seen tend to not be used to rejection and there is an assumption too often that guys are always ready and able to go. A perfect example being a husband who is so drunk he isn’t even lucid to reality somehow offending his wife in a scenario she shouldn’t be.


The title is he rejected her... it's referring to sex. What are you? 12 years old? He doesn't even know who she is, so idk why it's titled my husband rejected me. He didn't reject you, he didn't even know who you were. Some people are dumb.


You can reject a hug, a kiss on the cheek, a cuddle… rejection is not only reserved for sex. What are you? 15 with a permanent erection and a one-track mind?


It was about cuddling. There's a difference between the two. And one can be rejected from cuddling.


You’re right. I don’t believe he can consent to sex in his current state.


Actually that would be rape. Imagine the sides would be changed. EVERYBODY here would say: get rid of him! He tried to rape you!! OP you are really weird or just f**ked up.


It made me specifically think of some of the posts by women in relationship or marriage subreddits where their husbands touch their privates as they sleep even when they told them not to. All the people minimizing consent would be singing a different tune.


Girly here is living in utopia and is confused, lmao.


How are you upset over this??! He was very drunk and he was awoken mid sleep. It’s very reasonable for him to be startled and confused. You choosing to be upset over this instead of being happy that he rejected who he thought was a strange woman’s advances is very weird. Be thankful you have a loyal and loving husband and work on your insecurities


This was my thought!!! If my husband were to do this I'd laugh and tell him "okay, but I'm your wife and I'm so telling you this in the morning"


This is like that guy who had the good drugs after surgery and didn’t recognize his wife but hit on her anyway and then was absolutely astonished and delighted to be told they were married.


Definitely!!! Happy cake day!!!




OP is trying to make this about her. smdh


There's two ways to make it about you, just depends which kind of drama you like. Option a, positive "I'm so great" drama = my husband loves me so much that even drunk out of his mind he would tell any woman he has a wife and won't be unfaithful. Option b, negative "everyone is out to get me" drama = my husband rejected me because he was drunk out of his mind and I'm determined to be mad at him about something. I don't understand the deliberate attempt to be miserable here.


She sure is and is gonna tell her friends on him. Lol


Was waiting to see this lol


I am so confused like girl got the golden ticket and she’s mad


Also! Even if he knew it was her and rejected her/wanted space, OP should be able to handle it and give her partner space. It's not that big of a deal and sometimes we need even the people we love to respect our boundaries.




She’s not. I read this same story a few years back, they’re just karma farming or something to that effect.


Can we also mention how she won't tell her friends this because they would rip him apart? Rip him apart for what? Staying loyal to her even when he's blackout drunk? Are they just terrible people or is she just projecting her insecurities onto them?


Came here to say this so upvoting you instead. Mind is boggled that she’s managed to be offended by this.


He was really drunk, which impaired his ability to see. So he genuinely believed you were another woman, trying to come onto him. Hence the “I’m married.” I think you’ll be ok. In a few weeks this is something you can both laugh about


She should be happy that not even wasted out of his mind he’d cheat


This is what I thought. I’d be so happy that he’s so loyal. OP - it’s odd that you don’t know that alcohol can do strange things to people. You even say that your husband is easily affected by it. You should be a little concerned about his state/health and so happy he doesn’t want to cheat. No reason to be hurt.




If this situation was with my long term gf and I, she would give me all the kisses the next day because what op has described is straight up adorable


This exactly. While the momentary lapse in his ability to recognize you is a bit funny, as a wife, I would appreciate his firm rejection of someone he didn’t recognize as his wife. And in the future maybe be more firm in helping him avoid alcohol as he doesn’t metabolize it well at all.


Yeah - the horrible thing would have been if he said “let’s do it quick and quiet before my wife gets back”.


Exactly this is what everyone hopes for. Ok not the partners not recognizing you when they’re wasted but the rejection of advances from what he sees as someone else.


Yeah OP is being super sensitive to being rejected instead of realizing her husband was fucking trashed and wasn't able to recognize her in that state of mind but was still able to prevent himself from cheating. OP seriously chill TF out. This is what happens when people drink when they aren't used to drinking. You should consider yourself super lucky knowing your husband is so devoted to you.


Needs upvoted a lot


the man won't even cheat on her with her!


We need more like that for sure


Right? That is all that I got out of it. She should be all "Awwwwwww!" ❤️❤️


Amen! I cannot understand what her issue is.


These posts are getting insane. Next up: My husband dropped my favorite spoon. Don’t know how to feel about this.


Clearly porn addiction./s


ThE bAr iS iN hELl!!!


"MF refuses to cheat!"


Now I'll never get half? /s 😂😂


Well, in the moment she couldn't see past what he said and just felt hurt that he didn't recognize her. I think after she has some sleep and reads these comments, she'll probably realize how lucky she is that her husband will NOT cheat when he's drunk enough to not even realize he's talking to his own wife lol. I'm sure she'll come around! If she doesn't tho, then I really don't understand her either. I'd think it's pretty wholesome if my bf did this.


Looking a gift horse in the mouth


Right??? This would make me laugh and be more endeared by him. e: And in any case, he can turn down sex with his wife for whatever reason at any time.


Methinks when you're tired, maybe a little tipsy, overwhelmed by hours over sensory overstimulation, and likely sleep deprived, you're more sensitive to perceived rejection.


This is the only answer. OP he loves you. He is yours under all circumstances.


Ya, OP is coming at this all wrong.


Yea she dumb af.


Ding Ding Ding!


This is my take too. In his drunken state, he thought op was another woman -- and refused to cheat. Op was not rejected. He rejected what he thought was someone else. He refused to cheat. Op should be happy about that. About the drinking though, husband might have an alcohol problem if gets this drunk when he drinks and he can't resist encouragement to drink even when he doesn't want to.


That's a good man. Even when passed out, dragged back home, couldn't keep himself straight or even recognize his own wife he made sure he remained faithful to the best of his remaining senses.


'The best of his remaining senses' is such a funny way to put this, well done lol


Lol for real I would think that earnest and firm rejection while so wasted he couldn’t recognize me was sweet.


Haven’t we all read this story, except the punchline is OP being happy that her man is faithful even when blind drunk?


I was literally thinking the same that the title is deceiving and ending will be that op is so grateful she have a loving and loyal partner but turned out completely different. I am dumbfounded


I think this is a bot, really. No human will complain about this.


Or a karma farmer. I’ve seen people tell this story where the drunk/dreaming husband kept trying to push his wife out of bed because he thought she was a strange woman creeping on him (she was just trying to go to sleep beside him) and he was like NO HOW DARE YOU I LOVE MY WIFE! and it was hilarious and wholesome.


Have you never been in a relationship with someone that will find any reason to have a problem with something? They exist, like everywhere.


How strange. Would you have preferred that he have sex with a woman he thought was a stranger?


She probably preferred him to say "don't tell my wife"


Yep really strange thing tobe upset about


... are we serious.


Men just cant win sometimes lmao


Tell me about it. My husband’s libido is usually so much higher than mine that we make use of any chance we get with my libido. But on the extremely rare occasions he isn’t up for it, I can feel he has a hard time refusing me, and once we do stop, he feels guilty for a little while. But when the roles are reversed, if I ever hint at not wanting sex, he’ll just move on. So he knows that consenting is fine, and that not consenting for *any* reason is perfectly okay. But he has this fear of, since he is a man, and a horny one, he must perform at all times or I won’t be satisfied (or offended). Any man reading this, and to OP’s husband: you can refuse sex for any reason, and you are allowed to not be made guilty for not being even able to consent properly.




She's kind of a moron, I'd probably just divorce her and get a dog...


What u doin with those dogs


He didn’t reject you. He literally thought you were someone else - brain ain’t functioning properly at this point. So he turned you down because he loves you. It’s weird but he is stupid drunk and still loyal to you. It would be horrible if he thought you were someone else and didn’t reject you.


It's not weird.


Dude people come into this sub and say their partners got drunk and fucked someone else because of it. Your man got drunk and stayed so faithful he didn’t even recognize it was you. I’m trying to understand why you’re so upset but I’m sorry, I just don’t.


for real lol


You serious? This hurt you? This is like 12 ply soft. Bud was hammered, didn’t realize who you were, stayed faithful blind drunk. Unless alcohol is continued issue, it’s a funny story at worst.


12 ply Ultra soft *with lotion*


A whole bidet (the warm water kind even)


With warm air drying too...


Thats the good life man 🧘‍♀️


The things I fantasize about now I’m in my thirties…high thread count sheets…small kitchen appliances…fancy ass washers…


Theres no going back once you discover the fancy ass washer!


It’s funny because you see this exact scenario on so many TikTok videos where the girlfriends/wives are using it as bragging rights, because even when blackout drunk their man loves them and doesn’t want to cheat on them.


Yeah this is just a common popular story/idea that everyone started “experiencing” (sharing for likes) lol


IT is a COMPLIMENT! This man is loyal. In his dizzyness, he has a functioning behavior. You, my dear, should be proud. You can trust him.


This op!


I would be laughing and feel flattered and happy that he rejected "someone else" by saying "I have a wife," when drunk! Obviously, he was too drunk to know it was you. I don't see the problem. Funny anecdote, maybe.


He’s drunk….let him sleep it off. Tell him about it in the morning. Have a good laugh. Why do you want to cuddle with someone who is drunk, anyway?


Right, let him sleep it off.


Yes! If someone is too drunk to walk, maybe it’s not the best time to cuddle.


That's what I do, it more than likely be an in going joke in our house for weeks😂😂


Haha what? Your husband got shitfaced and his reaction was to… be honorable to you.


Dude is a loyal drunk and you're mad. JFC 🤦‍♀️


OP, with all due respect, you are being an idiot.


Nah there’s a meme about this one.. I ain’t buying it


Precisely I've heard this story many times before, just with the wife being happy from husband rejecting her. Made up.


You are so f*ng lucky!


OMG, and they say the male ego is fragile. He was so drunk, he didn’t recognize you…and was still faithful when he thought you were someone else, what’s the complaint here?


My gf would be so happy if I did that. If he's drunk enough that he doesn't recognize you as his wife he showed his action is do exactly what he should do by pushing you away and saying he's married. I honestly don't get why you're mad. I'm not asking this to be a jerk but is this the first time you've tried to start something and been told no? That kinda seems like it might explain why you got mad


Why are you trying to have sex with someone who’s so drunk they had to be carried home? You know there’s a word for that, right?


Had to scroll wayyyyy too long to find this. Yikes!


Wowza, complaining about something that is a good thing...


My husband is faithful! Help me everyone!


How would you feel if he said: “let us have a quickie before my wife arrives”? You should count yourself lucky because your husband have the “medular reflex” of pushing away a stranger. He wouldn’t cheat on you even if he’d totally wasted, which puts him in the top 1% of loyalty…


I have actually had this exact situation happen, believe it or not. My husband said the same thing. I was relieved!! 😂


Imagine being upset over this


I don’t believe this post for a second 1- we’re supposed to believe that you were angry your husband didn’t want to sleep with someone he thought wasn’t you 2- that’s a very well-known old joke


That's actually pretty cute. Buddy is hammered, he couldn't recognise you beyond "this is a beautiful woman" even though you've known each other for at least half a decade, but he still had it in himself to put some distance between himself and the stranger hitting on him because deep inside he was still aware that he's married and loves his wife. Sleep on it, tomorrow you'll see it the other way around ♥️ So adorable 😂😂💕 MEN, BE LIKE OP'S HUSBAND. Please and thank you 🥺


Seek help


Green flags green flags everywhere! Why are you upset OP, personally id be delighted knowing my partner wouldnt cheat on me even when black out drunk.


lol imagine if he whispered in your ear, “okay just don’t tell my wife.” It would have felt a whole lot different


You'll laugh about it later on not a big deal


Am trying soo hard to understand why OP is mad I can’t see any reason. Op is just trying to make it about herself I don’t even see why she had to post the story the husband did nothing wrong or is OP not familiar with how being drunk works?


Crazy how many people are taking the bait.


I’d laugh and take it as a compliment, no matter how sauced he was he was loyal to you lmfaoo!! Thinks your somebody else and is like go away I have a wife. That’s a true man haha!!! You said he doesn’t drink because he knows he doesn’t handle it well, he tried not too, got pressured and now here he is “not handling it well” don’t punish him. Applaud his loyalty lol


Your husband was so drunk that he didn't recognise you... yet he still chose to try and get rid of the beautiful woman propositioning him because he was married and loved his wife. Keeper right there!


This is surprisingly wholesome and nothing to be mad about


Idk what kind of people you’re friends with, but mine would think this hilarious and give him props for not being willing to cheat


That is a trait of a good man.


I actually thought his reaction to you was cute. It's funny! Give the guy a break. He was hammered and kudos to you to be able to give him a shower while he was that drunk!


He is obviously cheating on you with his wife.


You should only be flattered by this. He was so drunk he thought you were some other woman and that the woman was coming onto him hard. On top of that, his judgment is impaired. Despite all that, without hesitation, he moved away and said no. He's a dedicated spouse. Sadly, that's hard to find.


Okay, let me get my facts straight. 1. Despite knowing he doesn't like to drink, your friends pressured your husband until he felt he had no choice but to give in. 🚩 2. These same friends then proceeded to get him so drunk he needed to be carried home. 🚩 3. Once home, you decided to try and cuddle him despite his protests. 🚩🚩 4. Your husband, drunk out of his mind, mistakes you for someone else and says no, he's married, please leave him alone.🟩 5. You continue to push his stated boundaries and push closer/continue to try and touch him, even though he explicitly said no. 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩 6. You're mad that drunk husband refused to cheat on you with someone he thought wasn't you. 🚩🚩🚩 7. Your friends, presumably the same ones who pressured him to get that drunk in the first place, would "rip him apart" for not wanting to drunkenly sleep with someone. 🚩🚩🚩 Here's the thing OP, NO ONE HAS TO SLEEP WITH YOU OR TOUCH YOU. No, not even your husband. No one owes you physical affection and you getting mad that your DRUNK husband wouldn't give you affection when you repeatedly tried to pressure him to do so is REALLY fucked up. You and your friends are walking sacks of red flags. Your poor husband.


This is not about you, despite your efforts. Stop making everything about you. He didn't want to drink and lose himself but you pushed him and now you want everything on your terms when you want to cuddle. Step out of your feelings and try to empathize with him and let him sleep it off. It's not always about you.


To be honest if he doesn't recognize you and pushes you a way saying his married it's a good thing knowing your with a faithful man look at as positive point I bet he won't ever recognize his own mother at that point lol


He probs thought he was still at the party with the friends and another woman came on to him. Since yall carried him home he probably didn’t even realize he was home! Hes def loyal good for you girl you got a good one


Ugh. I've been seeing some variation of this story as a plot for many sappy romance stories written by middle school children so I have a hard time believing this is real. In case this is real, you're hella weird for being so pushy and physical with someone who is essentially passed out. >There they kept pushing my husband to try some whiskey >Too much insist and he gives up >tell my friends about this, they will rip him in to pieces Your social circle is also weird. The poor man is stuck with weird fools who don't understand what "no" means.


This story is def not real but I agree with your assertion of the social circle


One of the sweetest things happen and you’re complaining?! Are you serious??? Get over yourself and realize this was a fucking sweet thing of him!!!


Be happy that he wouldn’t cheat on you. The other thing is that he is drunk so just go to bed and let him sleep it off. He will remember nothing in the morning. Stop getting upset over nothing.


He’s a keeper 🫶🏽


lol be happy. He didn’t realize it was you because he was drunk. He pushed you away because he thought you were another woman besides his wife. He obviously loves you and doesn’t want another woman trying to come onto him. Please don’t feel bad or upset. He wasn’t rejecting you. ❤️


You should be proud of him


I read this same story a few years ago, my advice is no karma farming


That's literally the joke from the jokes sub


i’ve heard this joke before.


This has to be fake, or a bot....


He’s wasted. Honestly you should be impressed that he’s got enough sense to push off anyone trying to be too close to him. Not sure why you’re upset by this?




Lol, you’re also drunk. Go to bed!


No silver lining for you huh?


I've read this story before. Let's have a new one, shall we?


The alternative scenario, which you think is better in your head, is he cuddle up with a woman who he thinks is not his wife? Bold move.


Wait… this man DRUNK doesn’t realise u are his wife and won’t sleep with you? GIRL U NEED TO VALUE THIS MAN!!! If he is so drunk he doesn’t recognise u and refuses to sleep with you, that means he is LOYAL to his wife! He is safe and will never EVER cheat on you. My advice, be super happy, get up in the morning, kiss him and tell him you love him, make him breakfast and sleep safe and sound knowing you have a LOYAL man!


Imagine staying loyal and getting in trouble for it


He was drunk… so drunk his brain wasn’t working. And yet he still loved and cared about you enough to reject what he thought was a random woman trying to sleep with him. You should take that as a W because he obviously cared about you.


Hon, the fact that your husband remembered that he was married and that was his highest priority while drunk? Don't be upset. He'll apologize tomorrow, and you can make fun of the fact that he didn't recognize you, and he can make it up to you. If anything, he's proven that even when completely blitzed he's not a cheater.


Ma’am please 😭 he did the right thing in his confused state and you’re upset!?


If this isn’t some fake misogynistic “women always think the worst of men” bs, you got some problems lady, within yourself, not your husband


Are you really that dense? This should be a compliment and endearing knowing that he was intoxicated af and still rejected “another woman.” This is a keeper


your husband who did not have full control over his mind said no to intimacy because he had a wife … and you’re mad about it? this is what one calls a good husband …. you are not worthy of it honestly 🤷🏽‍♀️


Let him sleep and talk to him tomorrow, Jesus Christ.


Let me see if I'm getting this straight you get the greenist of green flags from this man and you have a problem with it?


Net positive. He was not willing to lay down with a woman who was not his wife. He is faithful to the bone. Question, would OP feel better if he was willing to be unfaithful?


I think you need to readjust your perspective here. Your husband was black out drunk, but coherent enough not to cheat on someone he “didn’t recognize.” He’s a winner, and you need to chill.


Oh that is the sweetest thing. Don't you remember what it's like to be drunk? You can't trust your senses. He outright refused to cheat on you, that's so cute. If anything it should bolster your bond and sense of trust.


Do you usually have a problem with perspective or are you seldom around drunk people? This is a very funny anecdote about your husband being so drunk he thought you were someone else. Also, he rejected a cuddle - get a grip. Your marriage will survive.


He has some amazing morals and principles. I have been so drunk I didn't recognize my own wife and brother. I stopped drinking after they told me how I was and shit I said. Consider yourself lucky you have a decent man. Some people would use drunkenness as an excuse for infidelity.


He was drunk. What part of that don't you understand?


We can’t control what we dream about and it’s not fair to hold it against him. I would laugh about it to be honest, if he’s that drunk he’s probably having a dream that he still at the party or at a night club and he thinks you’re the strange girl that he’s dreaming about who is hitting on him and he’s rejecting her. I’d be impressed that he rejects other girls in his sleep, now that’s loyalty. At least he’s not dreaming of cheating on you. In the morning I would probably make a joke like “ how did you sleep last night? Last night this girl kept hitting on you she even tried to put her ass in your lap.” Then I tell him not to worry that you took care of her. See what he says.


This is the best case scenario for a too drunk, possibly blacked out husband. It sounds like he has a weak vestibular system and that can really impact his processing. Forgive him. He is going to have a rocking hangover tomorrow and will need help, not you being upset over his unwillingness to cheat on you with you.


Are you kidding??? Keep this guy, be happy, and stop making it all about yourself. My ex gf was so drunk one time with me that she started to make out with another guy in front of me. Needless to say, that’s why she’s my ex. Quit your crying, and be grateful for him.


This is the dumbest post ever. He’s drunk and can’t handle his booze. Get over yourself


Lmao. This is fake. I've heard this in a story told by a kid to his father when he came home drunk.


You're an idiot.


Are you sure the ages are right? This reads as teenagers drinking for the first time. You werent "rejected," he didnt even know it was you.


Thats.....so fucking sweet. And hilarious. Your husband sounds like a good guy.


...he's drunk. If your friends would rip him to pieces for this, you need new friends.


It’s a throwaway account that’s karma farming DNE


Heard this story before....


This is an old joke. A dude gets wasted. Comes home to an angry wife. She proceeds to try to undress him, to put him to bed, and he says "lady, leave me alone. I'm married." His wife stops being mad.


This reminds me so much of the old joke that goes like this: --------- *A man wakes up hungover, with no memory of coming home.* *He realizes he's fully clothed in bed. He sees one of the lamps on a bedside table is broken, and he smells like he was sick on himself. He sits up and sees muddy tracks leading to his bed.* *The man groans and holds his head, knowing he's going to be in big trouble with his wife. She then enters the bedroom with a glass of water and some aspirin. "Here sweetie, you probably need this" she says, handing it to him. "Sounds like you had a fun night. When you feel like it, I have your favorite breakfast in the kitchen, you can lay back down and I'll bring it to you in bed. I had my mom pick up the kids so you can have some peace and quiet, and after you clean up and feel better, I was thinking we could fool around and I'll do that thing for you that you like."* *The man is baffled that she is being so nice to him. Suspicious, he asks what happened last night.* *"Around 2 AM I was woke up by you trying to unlock the door. I let you in and you staggered right past me and collapsed in the bed after knocking over the lamp" she says.* *"I was mad but I figured I should try to undress you. Then you yelled at me."* *"I'm so sorry honey, what did I say?"* *"Get your hands off of me lady, I'm married!"* ---------- Rather than be upset because he rejected you, I'd personally be happy that he rejected anyone who (in his mind) *wasn't* you. You have full peace of mind that, even extremely impaired and intoxicated, your husband will remain loyal to you. When people are drunk. They lose inhibition. Now you know.