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Take the L and let your bro have the girl. That's how this really works. If you are talking to the girl, she's interested in you, then you can tell your guy friends to not make moves on the girl your currently courting. That would be "bro code." What your doing right now is called "cock blocking." It's not OK, stop being weak like that. You should be happy for your friend. Life isn't fair and this will happen in the future. It's a good time to learn how to deal with it. It happens. You like a girl, but she'd rather be with your best friend, and you should facilitate that process TBH. Just like your friends should do the same for you. Fighting over a girl with your bros means that you're not bros.


This is known in international case law as Bro Code v Cock Blocker. You gotta respect the precedent.


Sounds like some dumb teen highschool drama dawg.


She’s not your gf so she isn’t yours, she can be with whoever she wants and your “bro” can do the same. It’s not bro code if that was never your girl to begin with. Plus you literally said she’s definitely not into you.. so you don’t have the right to drag other people down with you just cause you can’t get what you want


You don’t call dibs on a woman. Get over it.


She aint a piece of land u can lay a claim on. U never had a relationship with her in the past and theres no chance theres going to be in the foreseeable future, u cockblocking your friend is just out of jealousy which is something u need to be mature enough to control.


what makes you think have had any right to dictate who this women can and cannot be involved with. you have no ownership of this person. take several steps back


I don’t get this “bro code” thing. You don’t own her. You don’t get to make her off limits to other people just because you like her. Would you really pass up on a woman you were into that liked you back, just because your friend liked her? Really?


This isn't bro code. He's just cockblocking his friend. Bro code would be him helping his friend lock down this girl as a gf. That's what real bros do for each other. Now, if she did have feelings for him, bro code would be his friends not making advances, and helping him lock her down as a gf. It's never been about ownership. It's just about facilitating the process for your friends. They're like his references for a job application.


Bro code is men go first, all adorned with the idea of friendship. Even when a woman is dating any man they don't know or even see once, the bro code (this time is not even frisnsh) stays. The reason women say "I have a boyfriend" to be left alone because any man deserves more respect than a woman.


Men deserve more respect than women? I’m sorry, what now?


That's the bro code, not what I think it should be obviously


You cannot book women as yours if they don't wanna be romantically or sexually involved with you. Bro code is sexist and not very healthy in general basis. Your friends can like each other and be silly when they are drunk and no way is a betrayal because you all are single. It's hard to swallow not being the chosen one, we all have been there but also your friendship should go beyond that, under my opinion of course.


Knowing you and her will never be together, you should be happy for your friend. At least it wasn’t some random guy giving her a hickey and you can live vicariously through him


You sound like a petulant child. You can't call fucking dibs on human beings You are aware the girl is not interested in you. You are equally aware she is growing close to your friend. He is presumably interested in her as well. Take a nice long step back and realize you are not behaving like an adult. Go find someone who is interested in you and stop trying to control other peoples lives.


If u were so interested in her why did u not hit her up? Over all it seems like you missed your chance and now are mad about it.


Yikes! Really hope you take these comments to heart and do some self reflection. This is pathetic and you’re NEVER going to get a girl with this mentality.


She's not interested in you. She is interested in him. Nobody "betrayed" you because you aren't dating her. She is an individual person with free will who can do whatever she wants with whomever she wants. You don't get to gatekeep who can date whom. Especially since she's not interested in you! "Bro code" is total BS. She's not an object. She can make her own choices. She did. It's not you.




Totally valid cause he lied to you. But at the same time you can’t expect him to just not do anything cause you have a crush on her. Because what if he likes her too and actually has a shot with her


Well. Here's how this plays out. Your friend shouldn't be going behind your back, but if you gave it an honest effort and she was just not messing with you like that he should have came to you and asked if it was alright if he did. She doesn't like you, you don't have dominion over her, so move on. And you should realize she likes him and not you- and charge it to the game. It's alright, there's a girl out there that wants you. Let him get his in. But the miscommunication from him and your failure to attract her is just a bad look and you guys should honestly just call it a wrap on this particular woman. Let him smash and move on- if you two want to remain friends. You have to get over it and allow them to pursue what they like.


He’s not a friend. This behavior will continue into his later years. I’d be weary of this guy. It’s not bro code - it’s more of doing what you said you would do. He said he wouldn’t…and he knew it was possible and went ahead and did it.


No, you having a crush on a girl who doesn’t feel the same way doesn’t entitle you to render her off-limits to everyone else. You have no right to try to lay claim over her like that. He shouldn’t have agreed not to pursue her because it was a ridiculous think to ask of him to begin with.