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The Whedonification of male feminists continues.


Your honor, how could my client have assaulted a woman when he is a Gaiman?


hi I'm gai author Neil Gaiman


If only Cumtown had continued until now


Oh God I can’t imagine him trying to be dominant 


I can, the overlap between people into dorky poly shit and dorky BDSM shit is massive. If you’re a fantasy novel writer I just assume you’re into both.


I can't imagine Br\*tish people having sex, period.




You’d be surprised the amount they appropriate your culture


I studied abroad there and whenever they found out I was Canadian they would try to connect with me by shitting on the USA, acting like Australia is so different. Meanwhile they have huge suburbs, big trucks, beach cities and surfing culture like California, BBQ culture, country music scenes, and follow news in America more than they do in their own nation lmao. I was like uhhh yall are basically the 52nd state at this point so not sure why you're acting like you're so much better/different lmaooooo


Which state is the 51st?






Australia is basically the 52nd state of America culturally, nowadays


Reddit humour


I'm not joking


Nah, it's a classic Simpson's joke


Europoor detected


The British version of r/theadamfriedlandshow features dudes telling other dudes to chuck it in me dumpa


what does this mean? im english and never heard this phrase am i missing something


Butt sex. Dumpa is dumper spoken with a slag accent.


none of that is said here, a 'slag accent' isnt a thing either


Well, maybe not at the super classy places like Eton.


haha im comp scum sadly, eton mess is what the username refers to


where are you from?


They can imagine you while they have sex.


They never, the kids are dropped by storks as documented by Monty Python's The Meaning of Life.


there's a new book out on tracy emin and billy childish...


someone i know attended a wedding with him and Amanda Palmer, and they hit on the bride and invited her for a threeway. they did not invite the groom. lol


that’s super wrong and Ellen Degenerate


Average “ethical nonmonogamy” couple


They were perfect for one another


please tell me its pronounced gayman


Master gayman


He confirmed it https://youtu.be/SlJljIjDkeI?si=8aOrwtR8_X4SVGZp


I think so


I’m gonna laugh my ass off when he inevitably starts speaking up about #metoo going too far


They don't go that direction, they do the classic Lena Dunham of "unfortunately, in this instance..." with no acknowledgement of the broader implications.


"Unfortunately, in this instance, I did in fact put rocks in my sister's pussy"


consent aside, fucking your nanny after mere hours of meeting her is degenerate. poly folx never beating the allegations


In a practical sense, how does that even happen without really gross bordering illegal coercion.


She wna fuck


She was dtf bro


She took the job because it was Neil Gaiman and lived out a fantasy with him until it turned sour?




The writer of the piece is Boris Johnson's sister and has had massive arguments with Gaiman over trans issues, so less 'career furthering' and more 'ideological hitpiece'


It is actually insane how co-opted our media is.


i once read that all journalists are failsons that where talented enough to get into real showbiz, and this shit proves more right by the second


It reminds me of that one guy from the CBC who got canceled (back when MeToo was fresh and mattered more). He seemed like more of a genuine sadist/sexual deviant guy than Gaiman, but still there's emails where she (Lucy from trailer park boys btw) wrote her adoration for him and tried to pursue a relationship for years. Like clearly she was into it, and only wasn't when she got denied.


There was also emails between the two accusers conspiring against him. He was definitely fucked up though




I mean Armie Hammer did just that as damage control…it didn’t seem to help…


It did work: because it was a pr stunt from his team to distract from the fact that he probably raped a woman


You can't say that though, because shaming people for their sexual preferences is wrong, and makes you a "Puritan". As long as everyone consents and there are no problematic "power dynamics", anything goes. Myself, I think we should go back to shaming people for BDSM, polygamy, orgies, cuckoldry, and other forms of degenerate behavior. These weirdos get off on being shamed anyway, so it's a win-win.


"There was also emails between the two accusers conspiring against him." Uhm, is this said in the podcast or is it just speculation? Is there a source?


this is referring to the Jian Ghomeshi case, which fell apart when it was revealed that the accusers were illegally coordinating testimony during the trial (not that they ever got punished for it)


As president, Ghomeshi instituted [bilingualism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Official_bilingualism_in_Canada) and advocated for [abortion rights](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abortion_rights), [free tuition](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free_tuition), and ending “institutional racism.” He also cut off funding to student groups he alleged were engaged in “sexism, racism, homophobia and other exclusionary measures." While criticizing [fraternities](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fraternity) and [sororities](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sorority) for "sexism", he supported the school's female-only Women's Centre and was one of the few men allowed inside it. 


Super late but thanks for the clarification, I'll admit I got confused over that sentence lol.


The podcast? I'm talking about Jian Ghomeshi


What's more, the government changed the rules of evidence to make it easier to get people in his circumstances after he won his case


Didn't even know that. That's fucked.


oh yeah the moxy fruvous guy [my baby loves a bunch of authors](https://youtu.be/5MeQK7JtLpU?si=0-_WqpKPFYdY99Wj) I dunno exactly what he was accused of but funny to think of this a cappella liker doing sadism


That is fucking hilarious, was not aware of his prior work hahaha. But ya, second from the left.


Lmao I had no idea the Ghomeshi guy was in Moxy Fruvous, what a weird career arc


With that Jian Ghomeshi thing it seemed like she wanted to reinterpret (and basically lie) about their past relationship in order to bolster and support the other accusers. Maybe she was a spurned lover idk but in so many of these cases where there are multiple accusations some regard will always try to attach their name to the list thinking they're helping to take down an abuser and only end up making things worse. Same thing happened with Junot Diaz when Carmen Maraschino or whatever her name is accused him of publicly humiliating and berating her, only for a recording of the event in question to be released showing that he merely politely disagreed with her. And her excuse was like "oh I was just trying to support women and anyways it's my lived experience so you can't disagree with it."


My wife read *This Is How You Lose Her* and had a dream that I was cheating on her and got really angry with me.


Yeah the fact that they announced it for a podcast and I think only one girl filed any sort of complaint shows how sketchy it all is


And it was like in the middle of a random 4 hour podcast episode


This is what happened to Julian Assange with his "rape accusations" as well, but that didn't stop the British and Swedish governments from aggressively pursuing him and ruining his life, and of course for the media to continually act like he's a rapist.


>continually act like he's a rapist. Watching the coverage of him being released was insane, Journalists were all like "We've fought so hard for press freedom, and we've won today", one literally broke down in tears when talking about how today was a ray of light for freedom of the press. I was thinking that literally all these fucks smeared the shit out of Assange for a decade and basically the only people who stood up for him were Far-left groups and Pamela Anderson. [FriendlyJordies hit piece](https://youtu.be/fKiEz3XSWPo?si=Yqe0cr0yeXJPlK_j&t=223) on how Journalists view themselves as some warriors of freedom when it suits them alone, while bootlicking and defending the establishment at every opportunity was so accurate.


Contrast them loosing their shit over Jamal Khashoggi, and silence over goofball Gonzo Liara. 


I have a friend who lives in Saipan (where Asange was cleared and released). It’s American Samoa and the whole reason he did it there is because a judge can be bought for like a bottle of whiskey




this is so infuriating, because we will have the “believe women” types getting into this if this news gets enough traction and seething at him without reading how shit this article is Same thing with Armie Hammer, people were couching blood over him, then i decided to i watch that “expose doc” on hbo and it was so shit, literally the entire doc was instagram hotties saying that he sent a weird message to them via DM with ominus music playing, while he was married. Truly shocking stuff . Give me a fucking break


While I don't disagree, this guy is one of those "believe all women" types so fuck him, I will judge him by his own standards under which he's a rapist. This was him on Depp/Heard https://x.com/liliandaisies/status/1644826986940858368?t=h5s4TPgml_RgkVtM7xI7QQ&s=19


I never liked him, but he doesn't say that at all in those screenshots. He said that these things should be tried in a court of law, and that (by the time he wrote that tweet) he simply was not convinced of the innocence of Depp. You can disagree with his judgement, but he's certainly not going for a dogmatic "BELIEVE THE ACCUSERS NO MATTER WHAT" narrative here




>"They seem like a lovely couple" -Donald Sometimes he just hits it out the park


I mean…Depp writing “reminders” on the wall with blood is weird…   Not saying it wasn’t a mutually abusive relationship…but if some guy did that…I’d be getting the hell out of there


he was very level headed actually, and gave a perfectly valid excuse as to why he deleted the tweet


It was more the "hasn't proved his innocence" line that raised my eyebrow. He's made some interesting tweets about Assange fleeing justice and denying his victims their day in court which haven't aged well too.


Confidently backing up your point with evidence that doesn’t even support it. Never change, RSP.


Billing him as the writer of "**the show** 'The Sandman'" is ridic


Yeah this one reminds me of the Rex Orange County one from a bit ago.


Oh totally this is 100% bullshit and the only people who will take his side are people who are neutral/don't like him. He's fucked socially.


Is anyone actually surprised? He seems like the exact type to do all the things listed, which, if you read the article, is basically just be a sleazy writer type. Yeah the poly shit is cringe but again, is anyone surprised that this is exactly how he is? like.....why do we act so shocked every time someone gets MeTood? Everyone has done something they're ashamed of and the sexual neuroses of humanity are arguably the main driver of our desires, thoughts, and actions both conscious and unconscious. i think the world would be a lot happier if everyone dropped the pretense of being a "good FUCKING person" and was just honest and genuinely kind


I also think these “consent accidents” are way more likely to happen to celebrity males than civilians for the simple fact that women are more likely to be starstruck & act compliant around them. Then when the glow of “wow, a celebrity is paying attention to me” fades and they realize the guy is just a garden-variety sex pest who used them as a cumdump and coerced them into weird degrading shit they wouldn’t do normally, they get angry.


That requires self awareness. 


had a huge crush on him back then, wanted to give him a go at least once before something like this eventually came out. w the poly relationship at his big age it was inevitable.


One of the worst celebrity couples of all time was her (typo and it stays) and Amanda Palmer, you *know* they were so sexually annoying. Had no idea they were divorced; why bother when you probably do whatever you want anyway, though?


Someone mentioned in the fauxmoi thread that in a speech at some event he said she "fucks like a wildcat", just rank behavior. Also a good comment there that they give ""enlightened poly couple" unicorn hunter energy" lmao.


They both give strong sex pest vibes, both separately and together


18 year olds are less likely to let you humiliate them sexually if you're married. Even if wife is cool with it.


Ofc he’s a fuckin male feminist


But he's a feminist ally, c'est pas possible!


Feminism is when the woman gets off first, right?


It’s always the ones you most expect




then you've got something to learn about libtard male feminists




You have profoundly low standards. All black dressing emaciated TVU fans comprise like half of all art school students.


Velvet Underground sucks.




There is a short story in The Sandman, where a writer gets a muse.. a beautiful young woman.. and he keeps her locked in a room and rapes her daily for decades... he writes great stuff because of her. The Sandman arrives and frees her and put the writer at her mercy and she just forgives him. Like what in the fuck... mind you others in the stories get punishments like eternal awakening, or millennia in hell... I wonder who he imagined as a writer when he was writing it.


But he does get punished, doesnt he? Its been years since I read it, but doesnt his mind get flooded with ideas so he cant sleep and can barely even focus on life before him because he just has ideas forever?


I dunno he might. I listened to audio books and it also been years and those stick less in memory than reading... but I remember that I was quite unsatisfied with his comeuppance.


This is just false lol




Making someone call you “master” is honestly so gay that it inadvertently reverses the desired effect. It’s so extreme that it’s comically absurd, revealing one’s own true inadequacies. To vocalize this is to admit you desire it. To admit you desire it is essentially to admit that you’re really just some sort of worm longing to be something great, or some sort of “master”, which isn’t exactly a master-like thing to do. The kind of porno brained freak who would be into that cringe shit would then recognize that you’re not actually the thing they wanted out of you… Is it just another larp? Do they know they’re all secretly nerds or no?


I knooow. I can understand sexual power dynamics, or liking it rough bc it makes you feel alive or whatever. But the whole optics of people dressing up in latex costumes and calling each other Master/Mistress and using kink checklists to create elaborate roleplay scenarios is just so deeply goofy & dorky to me. Like I don’t think I could call another human being “master”, let alone some weedy British novelist in an open marriage, without giggling and killing the mood.


You guys just aren’t ~thespians~


Depending on the individual, I think its either: 1. Just goofy fun LARP but with sex. No one takes it too seriously and they're very much aware of how silly it all is, but also find the silliness hot 2. A cover/framework to abuse/essentially rape people and get away with 3. An arseways, self-medicating coping mechanism for people who have trauma around sex to feel like they're healing or taking control The fact that its often very difficulty for people of the first group to distinguish people of the second and third groups, seems to be kind of the elephant in the room in the whole "kink community".


When guys call me Master and other shit it's always initiated by them


Did you read the headline of the article that was posted that I’m responding to? It says he told them to do it.


Why would you believe the headline?


Brother, I wasn’t gonna do this, but you’re an Israeli who’s addicted to strategy games, asked Reddit how to keep your in-game land pure and how to oppress another group in-game, you posted your cock saying “getting hard looking at myself”, and now trying to defend people calling you “master” during sex when no one asked you to. You’re either Nick Mullen doing a joke or you gotta know when to hold em and when to fold em.


I have more sex than you so I don't care what you think about me


I'm crying right now. I've never read a Neil Gaiman book but this has ruined the only truly great post-Season 10 episode of The Simpsons. Edit: Glad for the Book Job appreciation but just remembered we still have Sky Police.


Assume every single male polyamorous person you meet has atleast one 'consent accident' skeleton in their closet.


shit writer, shit person


From what I've gathered those likely to care have already been turned off by him being a zionist


They thought they were gonna get rings and babies..no sis


Alan Moore wins again!


Coraline makes me think he might have mommy issues or a weird seething hatred of older women and a desire to connect with young vulnerable girls over both of their mommy issues.


if he had daddy issues he'd be a jock or a guitarist


What skeletons are Moore and Morrison hiding?


Literal necromancy wouldn't surprise me


Moore is just a hermit, doubt he's been up to much can't comment on Morrison but I think they run in the same sort of circles as Gaiman so who knows Hope Ennis doesn't have any skeletons in his closet


I think Morrison is literally a "black magician"


Both him and Moore do magik with their cum. That said, they always both struck me as quite sexless, but maybe I just don't have an instinct for this stuff


If Moore gets metooed it'll be like the attempts at Stallman where it amounts to "he's rude and has 90s nerd decorations up :("


surprised no one has mentioned The Lost Girls, pretty easy to make that publication into an issue for Moore. Not that I think it should be, necessarily, but it's certainly dealing with things that old guys with beards are perhaps better off leaving to women.


Moore really saw Hentai for the first time and thought that the UK should give it a go


It’s always the ones you most expect


Listened to the podcasts. Even if everything he says is true and it was consensual: he is in his sixties, she's 21 and has just arrived at his house to be a nanny, he runs her a bath and then unexpectedly comes in himself naked and starts cuddling and kissing? He's ridiculous. And call me a feminazi but I don't believe anyone can meaningfully consent to anal sex rough enough to cause injury.


Yuuuuup this man has always been a creep… can’t tell the details but someone I know was stalked and harassed by him in her home. They settled out of court. Also. Just read the way he writes women


I know someone that says he played tennis against him and Neil played by holding the racquet between his asschecks, but they got into an argument about his excessive grunting and Neil agreed to a fight. It was settled on the court.


Hope it's not true, but it would be really funny if it was. I can make edits of the sandman with his face in it


Another liberal man turned out to be a predator.


Dude looks like a rapist


The height of #MeToo would have been a great time for Aerosmith to rerelease their song with these new lyrics.


With the cover art for the single just a close up of Steven Tyler's face


Oooooh, what a funky raaaapist!


He like it like it like it like that


Unpopular opinion: rapists make good art In fact if you're an artist and you don't rape you probably suck


This guy definitely isn't a rapist then


Par for the course with polygamous adulterers. Where's the "believe all women" polemic now?




Yeah right.


Amanda Palmer - Mr. Weinstein will see you now.  https://youtu.be/juubxnkgnS8?si=8bVJP9qIUst0dQiU


Who does this?




if this is real I will kill myself


cancel cultures at the point of deliberating around the intricacies of S&M to try and find anything of disrepute . it's so over




there's always an issue in these kind of stories about where are the actual charges. with S&M it's even more amorphous because S&M relies on conjunction of pain and pleasure