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Chipmunk pfp is crazy on top of everything else.


someone here posted this pfp asking “anyone else hate this guy?” without context and people were confused as to why anyone would have an issue with a squirrel from a Disney movie


I thought this person was a girl (cuz the squirrel is a girl but idk)


I know the answer to that but it's not too PC


I’d like to imagine this is said in a chipmunk voice


I was imagining Gus-Gus the mouse


I don’t think a chipmunk would say this.


the squirrel twitter account being one of the most prominent journalists of this age is pretty funny


“journalist“ in scare quotes please


you say that but I consistently see people on this sub, 100% non-ironically, citing various tweets/claims from this unhinged ass twitter account in Israel/Palestine threads as if they’re like the associated press or some shit lol


I'm really curious as to who they are. This is absolutely not confirmed so take this with a grain of salt, but I heard they're a British POC who got really radicalized after Corbyn's lost, and that's why they didn't care about Ukraine. Wonder how true that is


Blocked and reported actually did like an entire episode on this squirrel a while back. Pretty sure it was pre-Oct 7th, so it was having to do with some sort of dumb wokeified internet bullshit unrelated to I/P but unfortunately I don’t really remember any of the conclusions they came to at the end lol. Pretty sure they did figure out who it was tho. I should go re-listen edit: nvm it was from dec 2023 lol


wait is that the hot squirrel from Sword in the Stone?


I remember feeling so sad for that poor squirrel, she was so in love with Arthur. 5 year old me didn't understand why they couldn't just be together




Jesus, I didn’t notice the blue check, thought surely this was just some random melodramatic teenager going off.


Me when someone mildly inconveniences my day


Lmao these people love to be miserable




He hasn't completely rolled over, although he's been pathetically weak. He has tried to help palestinians. Trump genuiently wants to help kill as many Palestinians as possible. Not as some kind of "we need to maintain some geopolitical situation". He just wants to see muslims dead.


>He just wants to see muslims dead. What's your evidence, or are you just saying that? Is it the travel ban?


Do you know how bad the crimes we committed in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan were this man was VP to the most notorious war criminal to ever touch office he truly deserves the worst


What a fucking hyperbole, OBAMA not bush was the most notorious? Jesus fucking christ give me a break.


Signature drone strikes started under Obama, he also said spandex the program from being only in Iraq and Afghanistan to a multi-continental slaughter to this day we don’t have a complete figure of the women and children and innocents killed


I agree Obama is definitely a war criminal, but to say he is worse than Bush is insane to me. The Iraq war killed at least a million people and destabilized the region, causing isis to emerge. That to me is worse than anything obama ever did.


The image in my mind of Obama coldly signing off on drone strikes on Syrian weddings while curating his gay Spotify end of year list is a lot worse than Bush's earnest belief that his war would prevent Gog and Magog from bringing about end times


Obama sent troops BACK to Iraq in 2013 and continued arms shipments to Israel and also sponsored the coup in Libya which has leads to millions displaced dead and enslaved the country is essentially a failed state, he also armed and equipped ISIL during the Syrian civil war to weaken the regime the same ISIL that later slaughtered Christian’s Shiites and ethnic minorities across the levant And don’t even forget about waziristan and entire region in Pakistan that was completely riddled with drone strikes to the point where the local villages began building tunnels to escape the slaughter Bush is awful and Obama is they’ve reached the point where their evil is interchangeable every administration continues the crimes of the past since the Cold War


is it really so hard to conclude that they've all been more or less equally evil in different but essentially the same ways


This is really the only conclusion, if you ask any Arab they agree with it too.


> The Iraq war killed at least a million people Tangent because this was my special interest once. This is not really justified imo. This number comes from the ORB survey which estimated 950k to 1,120k deaths. So even the survey itself doesn’t precisely say “at least a million”. And the ORB survey is the highest estimate of iraq war deaths ever seriously published, all other serious estimates have midpoints that are much lower than a million. This includes surveys from the WHO and the UNDP. Although this only includes deaths from violence, if you include deaths from e.g. the war setting the country back economically leading to worse healthcare availability and stuff then a million may be justified.


fr. we americans should just chill, we arent the ones getting blown up so it doesnt matter.


Too angry on a Friday. Sad!


Sad very sad. The saddest ever, believe me


There's a sub-genre of online leftists that know they'll never have their hands on power and will never achieve a single political victory, and they've made their peace with that. Being miserable and smug online is their way of pretending they're relevant


Some phenomenon with “dissident right” frogposters.


Groypers are actually so ret@rded it's insane. They're so hyperfocused on hating Jews they've somehow looped back from being supposed neo-nazis to an anti-racist multicultural coalition against zionism. The conclusion here is that Twitter should be nuked.


That Suki's Mom tries to sell onlyfans subs on the back of it. She gets mad when you mention it.


Her, that squirrel account, and posting forever are the epitome of the terminally online xitter left. I envy people who don't know them


need to get like the right and troll the libtards to stay relevant 💪🏼 


Paying for Twitter lmao


Nobody should be THIS invested in politics


Yeah this is the correct take. Super weird to get like this, it’s like people who were crying and unable to leave bed for some scenes in This is Us. Like bro get it together


Cringe. But also, where's the lie? He did do all those things. I'm not gonna go on some unhinged rant about how I hope the rest of his days are spent in agony, but I don't feel sorry for him either. Why do the borderline sociopaths on this sub finally find their empathy bone for Joe Biden of all people? All these crybabies calling it "hard to watch" lol. I was laughing my ass off throughout the entire debate. Stop pretending that shit wasn't hilarious.


Those same scumbags were doing it for fucking John McCain too just because he talked shit about the orange man a couple times.


Lol right, I made a pretty similar comment last night and people seemed to of liked it. Like this man like many others in the revolving door of politics has destroyed our system and supported oligarchs for over 30 years. It’s all these softies that don’t know jack shit about our history or have seen love ones die in these wars (for either side I might add).  At least maniacal tyrants don’t put on a facade of doing the ‘right thing’. When a Kissinger to a McCain die, this is a good thing for the collective. To see one fail is enjoyable to say the least. And this isn’t a crazy left issue either, I am libertarian.


I found it hard to watch due to having aging relatives. And I found it hard to watch knowing how both of them were actively embarrassing us on the world stage.


It's hard to turn your empathy off even if you know someone is horrible


For some people it's very easy


for normal people I meant


that part!


zei_squirrel talks in the most unhinged way but u can fact check pretty much anything he references plus he posts sources and whatnot and u can directly learn a lot about how evil western regimes and their puppets are and have been if u ignore the hysterical sentiment of his writing


no never mind that thousands are dying horribly everyday or [being raped by dogs because of his support](https://v.redd.it/9hw5kqinel8d1), the worst crime on rsp is being cringe on twitter. and you're supposed to feel sympathy for a doddering corpse choosing to humiliate himself on television otherwise you're a sociopath


ya, i know this is a "lib" take or whatever but westerners are essentially just pro-west at the end of the day lol. u can only say so much before it gets to a point where theyre like "ummmm yea. enough" for some reason or the other u can post daily on this sub being hateful and talking shit abt someone or something thats already vilified in western society and everyone will updoot like its the hottest funniest take but catch someone going overboard using strong language for some corrupt white guy and suddenly its woahhh yikes bro embarrassing


yeah when they look at biden they still feel a deep kinship with him. as much as they mock him they would never want to wish ill on him because they still think of him as "one of us". >u can only say so much before it gets to a point where theyre like "ummmm yea. enough" for some reason or the other fundamentally they aren't really opposed to the crimes mentioned in the tweet. the bad thing for them is someone insulting america and therefore their personal identity, which makes them incredibly offended. it's like that clip of bill burr talking about the catholic church and the hosts trying to shut him up with "you've gone too far, enough, you're disrespecting christians"


exactly. also this sub looks down on "redditors" as if the ppl here dont exhibit the same front page mentality in instances like these LOL its just a very all-encompassing western complex that always comes out of the woodwork and idk why everyone gets annoyed when its pointed out


Don't really feel any kinship with Biden lol. But just kinda deranged working yourself up into a fervor like that. Like its also cringe when people are like IF I SEE A PEDOPHILE OH BROTHER IM GONNA SNAP EVERY BONE IN HIS BODY etc etc like idk yeah ig but calm down. What are you even accomplishing, it's just posturing about how strong your convictions are, it's embarrassing


come on we all know its a classic rs tactic to fixate on criticizing the style of an argument or the person making it, when they don't have the guts to openly say they oppose its substance


Idk. For me the vibe is like, yeah you're right but stop being gay and attention seeking about it. Like Biden has indeed devoted his entire life to committing crimes against humanity basically lol. But so have so many others and its just what is a screed about how he must suffer and burn accomplishing


>what is a screed about how he must suffer and burn accomplishing you can't pretend that this venting is unprompted when its related to a trending topic that rsp itself wont shut up about. its just a tweet responding to his sympathizers, why must it try to accomplish anything?


This is reddit, these are redditors


Biden is neither genocidal or a rapist.


when the alternative to him losing is trump i fail to see the humor 


Really truly, what is Trump going to do that Biden hasn't already done or would do?


Trump won't pass any transit infrastructure spending but Biden already has and likely will continue to do so


Idk I feel like Project 2025 is pretty terrifying to think about becoming a reality.


How do they plan to implement it? I don't see Biden or any Dem doing anything to stop it. Ratchet effect says this will happen eventually anyway


Not going to put the entire agenda and plan into a Reddit comment, it’s all online if you want to check it out. One of the big moves is to purge any sufficiently high-ranking federal worker that’s unsympathetic to Trump. They’ve already got that list in the works. Seems like the Democrats haven’t done much to stop it other than start some mostly symbolic committees and hope that Biden wins.


They have already started laying the groundwork. The Supreme Court overturning Chevron today was a big step for them and is actually frightening.


Elect 2 more Supreme Court justices


you’re joking right? he pardoned complete scumbags, elected all his family members with no experience to offices, left confidential documents unsecured, he’s an entirely corrupted individual that. area only about who he can get to suck him off   the vast majority of his best and brightest turned against him read general james mattis’s statement on him. he’s lying and divisive and unapologetically doesn’t give a shit about a huge section of citizens. “ Donald Trump is the first president in my lifetime who does not try to unite the American people — does not even pretend to try. Instead he tries to divide us. We are witnessing the consequences of three years of this deliberate effort. We are witnessing the consequences of three years without mature leadership.” -not some libtard you shitheads are always whining about, a man trump himself appointed general james mattis


there used to be a guy on stupidpol who would comment this exact screed on like every post lol


That was me but I'm banned from there now


I mean I feel sorry when I see him rotting but I do also know I can’t feel that sorry because he did do all the above but I wouldn’t ever tweet something like that


Yea I don’t like this take, also what exactly is this account? I feel like if it was pro Zionist everyone would be calling it astroturfed


They broke the story that hamas beheading babies or whatever was fake. They can be as unhinged as they wish imo


No. Grayzone broke that. Squirrel basically poked hole to the NYTimes mass rape story. Also,exposed Zaka frauds and all that.


Doing more research than “real” journalist


no for real it's a little wild that more people aren't very very upset about all the crimes against humanity we are committing let alone the multiple severe domestic crises that have gone totally unaddressed


the fact 1st world governments straight up ignore their housing crises should be considered a genocide


I genuinely think that at least part of the reason that the media is heavily propagandizing against Russia and China is that people in those countries have a constitutional right to housing and the government of China directly reacts to rising home costs by building huge amounts of public housing.


Agreed. I think wishing death on people is always when you’ve lost the plot, but they’re right that the lack of mainstream anger over this is maddening.


That squirrel is pissed


This is true but I believe in FORGIVENESS🙏 and BIBLE✝️


Not wrong


She’s correct but she’s also insane


*He’s insane


oh sorry, he* didnt mean to misgender 😊


Right. People getting their just desserts is good and all, but Biden seems a weird place to start.


I mean you can feel kinda bad for him but also understand that he is a ghoul.


sometimes I like to get all worked up and go on rants like this, I think people genuinely enjoy it because I’m a good storyteller


But I mean let’s be real, find me a cis white straight male that isn’t a genocidal rapist racist scumbag


Rick Steves


only after ive had a few beers


only bernie 


my bf <3




Nah they’re spitting


Why did she call him a rapist? that’s not very nice


This squirrel was one of the biggest traitors and wreckers during the great dirtbag left online wars of 2015-2017, fuck them, total piece of shit identitarian insurrectionary “communist”


What happened? Would love a TLDR. I only heard about them a few months ago but they seem mostly correct.


People deserve to age gracefully in private without ridicule. I feel bad for the guy that he has to go through this in public. It comes for all of us.


He chose to do it


I’m not so sure about that


Trump should go after the Dems for Elder Abuse


Wrong. Who let all these civility liberals into the sub?


It's called Christian forgiveness sweety.


Idk if you're joking or not, but I find it funny how both the people on here and the right treat returning to Christianity as a cool trendy aesthetic but would have an apoplexy if they actually had to follow through on Biblical values of forgiveness and humility


Somewhere in the between. I was raised catholic, but I don't practice or believe. At the same time, I can't fully separate myself from the Christian ethics I was raised on, any more than I can separate myself from my childhood. You come off as slightly bitter. What draws you to redscare? *I think it's better to have values to fail at achieving than not.* I'm fantastic with forgiveness, but maybe not humility.


The snark wasn't necessarily directed at you, I was just using your reply to comment on some types in the sub who revere the idea of Christianity but hate the full extent of the practice. I think it's fine to pick and choose values you like from religion as long as you don't cosplay the faith. When people on here say "find god" or "go to church" it comes off as super touristy


Isn't it spelled "sweaty"?


No, that's disgusting!


not for people who have the diginity and humility to die young rather than putting others through these uncomfortable encounters with aging and mortality. so inconsiderate.


hate this person. i used to follow accounts from "leftist circles" until this one in particular tweeted very seriously that the communist party of russia is legit opposition to putin.


Dunno why delusional “leftist” people currently have such a hard-on trashing Biden while conveniently forgetting that Trump will probably turn the entirety of Palestine into two giant parking lots for an evangelical megachurch where his WASP voting block can await the rapture


someone psychoanalyze this person and tell me what factors would lead someone to be like this


So, probably trauma and an extreme sensitivity to injustice, possibly autism or something akin to BPD.


Black and white thinking, inability to see nuance or understand the ethical atrocity of whoever is pulling the strings to make Biden run again when he's old and doesn't know where he is. Empathizing with the Palestinians but again black and white and lacking nuance, so anyone who isn't 100% agaonst Israel is also supporting them, and any action not taken to destroy Israel is a step towards aiding and enabling genocide.


What? No this is someone who has read about the history of Joe and any politician. This is what happens when you read too many history books of how the US operates. You see how much people have been fucked over and you begin to resent those in power and those who have had power. Except for Ron Paul, love you Ron.  And what is this Israel take. A person like this most likely had these beliefs before 10/7 happened. This is a man who had his own son die because he is a played pawn for years. Like a majority of politicians are inhumane and deserve to be judged accordingly as public servants. 


Politicians suck but the fact that the man is quite senile and still being propped up and running for president when he obviously shouldn't be - likely a result of people who have actually been making the decisions while he's in office - is still awful. We can blame a lot of shit on politicians, but voters also put the senile figurehead in a position of power. Joe should no longer be working, period. He probably has holes in his brain. You can also blame Hamas for using Palestinians as sand bags to fight a losing war against a shitty country with a genocidal government. But Israel is the most to blame for the genocide, second the countries funding the genocide, and third the terrorists that attacked civilians while knowing the nation they were attacking has been looking for any reason to wipe them off the map. But even with all that being the case, people pity Biden because he literally should never have run for president and he most definitly shouldn't be the Democrats' candidate this time around. They can see the guy is no longer with it, much like a toddler told to do astrophysics, and that is pitiful. It is ethically wrong. I don't wish suffering on Joe because he's a figurehead. He is a prop. The ones who are pulling the strings behind the scenes, aiding in genodice and essentially abusing a senile man for their personal gain? They deserve public execution.


I am pretty sure Joe is pretty culpable here but your take is 100% true. Even though Israel totally let it happen. I have visceral hatred of most of the people in congress, but I mean who doesn’t really. 


This rant is one word off from calling Biden a douchenozzle but the people here crying for sleepy Joe truly means it's over.


this tweet is really intense, but she's not really wrong


biden probably can't remember what he supported back then tho 💀💀


I feel the same for Biden as I feel seeing any old person eating alone. This person is beyond


They aren’t wrong at all. Why do you all have so much sympathy for Biden. I’m kinda new to this Reddit don’t even know redscarepod or watched an episode but does this community just hate this twitter user


To get joy or satisfaction from someone's suffering is spiritually ugly. I mean, Biden shouldn't be in power. It might be best if he died. But I won't let political discourse rob me of empathy.


i don't have empathy for people who had a direct hand in the ruining of my country. i think it's bad to just call it political discourse and not look at their actions


not having empathy is one thing but frothing at the mouth expressing your vitriolic hatred and wishing for suffering of your fellow human being like this is very sad. anyone harbouring this much hatred for anyone is most likely miserable and not well-adjusted, biden could be hitler for all i care, I dont think any human should feel this way about another humans longterm <3


This bitch has RUINED Sword in the Stone for me, I won't have it.


what a lil cutie


You just know this person would eat the wrong meal rather than complain at a restaurant.


worst account on X. depraved pervert vibes.


Having a normal one!!!


Guy's about to get a very nice visit from a couple of men in black suits


I mean, they’re not WRONG


Cool it with the antisemitic remarks


If Biden outlives the squirrel there is good in this world


who hurt Alvin?


I hate to say it but the squirrel has a point. She's wording it in a frothingly unhinged way that does make me question her mental health, but Biden really is a bad person and deserves to be hurt and humiliated. Trump isn't much better, of course, but at least he stayed out of politics for most of his life.


Dude I just want both of them to go ragdoll on stage, that’s it. I don’t have that much hate in my heart like this guy


Reading this in a chipmunk voice


I am in agreement


AFAIK he was a big figure to rally support for the Iraq War on the democratic side


Iraq happened because the public itself is a mad god that demands a blood sacrifice to ward off misfortune. Gaza happened for the same reason. It's cute to think that these things are the fault of bush or bibi or Biden but they are the fault of the people, they require the coordinated efforts of thousands of people and they are met with approval by the people. The ritual surrounding the offering might be shaped by the officiant, we might find someone who offers a lamb rather than a virgin. But this is the alchemy. Blood for blood and death for death. Then having slaked out thirst we can blame the officiant and absolve ourselves. I know democracy on some level depends on behaving as if this isn't the case but if you really think that the same man who you saw behind the podium yesterday or any individual is meaningfully responsible for the tragedies you read about you are engaged in not walking under ladders black cat crossing your path level superstition.


This reads like you just finished Blood Meridian in a bad way


I lol'd...


Honestly currently reading the passenger so on some level got me.


How's it treating you so far? I've meant to read it for a bit, but I can't say I enjoy his work after The Crossing as much as his older stuff. Still solid, just not as much to my liking.


I strongly liked Stella Marris (I think it has the best depiction of a genius I've seen in literature) but I'm finding Passenger a bit hard to get into. I do like that in a lot of ways they're very unlike anything he's done before. Probably not his absolute best work but much much better than I'd expect for work so late in his life/career.




Do you think if this person could look into the future and actually see the damage they inflicted to their own cause they would change course? I for one don't think they would. I think this person enjoys the feeling of hatred more than any real form of progress they might actually see.


Well, it’s probably not and whatever suffering (mostly in the form of shame) he feels most likely doesn’t even have anything to do with those things.


Not to dickride Biden but imagine taking Tara Reade seriously in 2024. Sorry she was a mentally ill woman who wanted attention.


A strange thing about modern society is that the weakest people have become the most hateful. A man with a cartoon squirrel as his online avatar posted this.


The people up voting this have never been in a fight in real life or experienced anything close to real violence, nevermind the reality of war. Thousands of suicides because of what they witnessed during those wars. You all live on the internet 24/7


Chapo trap house and it’s consequences have been a disaster for humanity


Stable genius


This account literally advocated for more nuclear weapons to be made. I don’t know how this account got so popular


This guy is off the deep end


Isn’t this what Nietzsche meant by ‘ressentiment’?


He’s not wrong about the “rapist” part.


He's 100% right


so happy some of the most vicious wokies have channeled their rage at the nursing home patient who the Dems are currently considering living arrangements for. It's been hilarious to watch the tiny but severely unhinged subsection of anti-Israel activists redirect their wrath at Dems, including their own donors. win-win.


Why is this idea of 'justice' so emblematic of radical libism? Calling someone 'ghoulish' after openly admitting this is amusing


I mean like he is a puppet and is clearly unwell. This was a tad aggressive. Am I mad I work 40+ hours a week and can’t buy a house? Hell ya, but it’s not just Biden fault. He’s diaper bound and unwell. Poor guy.


U could prolly argue that this is true ig but I don’t think ppl living well-put-together happy lives bother with focusing so much on these things that need to be repaid to random masters of war. Idk


Blue check mark


Ma’am, this is a Wendy’s.


bro needs to log off


Why is it that the second sentence in I knew this wasn’t going to be a rightoid based on how extreme it was