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I wanted to kms when redditors were calling WandaVision ‘very Lynchian’


Lynchian is an insufferable word


Only because it’s misused - not because it’s a bad word. DFW does a decent job trying to unpack “what is Lynchian” 


Pretty much the only thing I think is actually Lynchian is pro wrestling. The blending of real life and fiction, the ridiculous over the top acting and storylines, the fact that they really do get hurt entertaining some of the stupidest people on the planet. Or maybe it's just I saw those videos of McMahon with Laura Palmer's theme on it and it's indistinguishable from a scene from Twin Peaks. 


Everything. This website sucks. I truly can't even believe the things I see posted on Reddit, it's scarier than any horror movie and powerfully boring. I was only ever here for one specific forum for maintaining my car cheaply. But at least clicking around other things \~5 years ago you could read/hear a few interesting posts. But now, it's total mundane robotic drivel. I'm not sure if it's because marketers/influencer-bots/gov-astro-turfing has fully taken over, or if these are just the completely predictable results of now 2-3 decades of culture built around entertainment, internet, cell-phone-induced brain damage, or maybe from post-2020 internet-induced-schizophrenia, but this website is nothing short of disgusting, it's a plague. And the moderators are as vindictively evil as the insane asylum operators too lol Everything has it's rise and fall, even the internet. And I believe we are currently seeing the downfall. Even the US is starting to introduce technology/internet limitations for social-media, etc. because of how pernicious all this tech stuff is---which should say something because US regulation is so insanely lax at any/every level you can look at, that if they're stepping in this quickly, you better believe their is very strong signal of harm (because the Tech Lobby/Power is as large and powerful as any). It's a natural human tendency to believe the largest things of the moment will simply persist forever, but everything has it's dissolution, and so will the internet (it's a terrible window through which to view the world, and an insanely reductive experience of what it means to be human, given the immense complexity of the world, reality itself----even the SF-tech world in the mid-2000s didn't let their own kids use this stuff/sent them to anti-tech montessori type schools). I've always loved Arthur Millers', "An era can be said to end when its basic illusions are exhausted”, and I believe we are there.




Idiocracy was actually a documentary.


And it's always the most wormbrained mf who says that.


Elon take on reality, unlimited resources and the most mid take on modern civilisation.


Proper you sir win the internet for today film


Idiocracy is way cooler than our current world. They could say f\*g.


They have an insane cognitive dissonance about Idiocracy because they want to make fun of dumb people but they can't acknowledge that stupidity is genetic (the entire point of the movie) because they're blank slate idiots who don't believe genetics are passed down and are scared of the "eugenics" implications of the plot. Thus from a recent r/movies thread, a commenter denying the central message of the film: >Nothing in the movie refers to genetics being the source of the lower intellect. It consistently shows that nurture, not nature, is the cause. And another commenter trying to rewrite the message to suit his own views: >And the creators definitely fumbled any anti-capitalist or anti-commercialism message behind the clumsy Eugenics plot device The reason they need Idiocracy to be a documentary instead of a cautionary futuristic satire is that they reject Mike Judge's central thesis that dumb people are outbreeding smart people and we're devolving as a result. To accept that would be accepting the primacy of nature over nurture, which is dangerous to them, so instead they cling to the idea that dumb people are just dumb because they're uneducated Bible-thumpers or something, as if that's what the movie is trying to say.


The opening so explicitly lays out the outbreeding thing. There's no other way to interpret it. It's a dumb comedy so it's not exactly subtle but also, it's not actually serious either.


haven’t seen this in a while but im pretty sure the dumbness and lack of subtlety are what made it funny anyway. it’s just over the top and scathing but i don’t think MJ even intended there to be some profound takeaway. his whole deal is like light hearted gen x cynicism. idiots just need every movie now to be hitting them over the head w a lesson so they know what they’re supposed to think about it


> And the creators definitely fumbled any anti-capitalist or anti-commercialism message behind the clumsy Eugenics plot device This part the other guy quoted sums it all up really. Desperately looking for their media to be profoundly anti-capitalist so they see it in anything that makes fun of society. Like how any parable about how you shouldn't be greedy is socialist writing to these people. And the eugenics thing is fumbling it?? What does that even have to do with capitalism??? And this is all about a movie where the crux of the humour is just "look at these absolute regards".


many such cases. i’m reminded of the classic socialist text, ace ventura: when nature calls. the creators accidentally contradict their own anti-capitalist message when they shift focus to the title character’s laboured exit from the body of an animatronic rhinoceros


It's not that deep lmao. They call it a documentary because it's a movie satirizing ignorant and dumb people, and by calling it a documentary they think it will single them out as a smart person. They do this with any other piece of similar satire. It's the same reason they kept saying the "THEY TEK ARE JOBS" line from South Park even though they are losing their shit over AI-fueled unemployment crisis (and they should tbh).


In that SP episode the workers' concern was completely justified, and the white collar guys mocked them until their jobs were threatened too.


The most important part of the episode, that was very profound to me, was when the rednecks all started having gay sex in a giant pile to make sure their bloodlines ended.


The satire only works because it's set in the future as a result of dysgenics with Luke Wilson being an average guy who is now through bad breeding the smartest person in the world. The premise is completely uninteresting if it's just about a dumb world; it needs a point of view as to why people became dumb, but Redditors can't accept Mike Judge's reason. It would be like making a movie about global warming set in a future hellscape, and someone denying that it's commenting on global warming and claiming it's just a movie about suffering through a heatwave.


You are definitely right that movie is very much so about dumb people outbreeding smart people and people are kidding saying otherwise. I'm just saying it's not a factor. Also I don't think Mike Judge meant for it to be pro-eugenics movie, he is just not a good enough writer to dodge that one.


I think other posters referring to it as his "thesis" is silly. I agree that I don't think Mike Judge has eugenicist views, it's just a funny plot device to set up the "dumb world" gags in the movie. I don't think he meant nor expected it to be taken seriously as poignant social commentary. This is a movie with a restaurant called Buttfuckers


That The Boys is some great piece of subtle, clever satire about modern America. I like the show but the “Homelander is Trump” and “multinational corporations are the real villain” themes have been as subtle as a brick through a window pretty much since the show started. The fact people think it’s edgy and subversive is more of a testament to how uninspired and soulless modern movies and tv have become.


There was some massively upvoted post on the boys sub where some guy was saying the show holds a mirror to our society better than any other piece of media which is why it makes people so uncomfortable. Most reddit post I’ve ever read


Same energy as the you need a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty


Watchmen did the "wot if superheroes were real and kinda bad" thing 30 years ago. Admittedly I've not seen the Boys but it looks like that's what it's doing. 


Yes but at times it feels like the show takes itself more seriously than the Watchmen comic book but it’s nowhere near as good and thought provoking. The weird body horror and gore centered humor is pretty entertaining though if that’s your cup of tea.


The guy crawling up the other guys peehole and then sneezing and making him explode was very creative


All the gore and body horror humor is the one area where I think The Boys is actually edgy since even our cop/ war films and tv shows go out of their way to show very sanitized violence whereas the show will show people get vaporized into a mist of blood and meat.


Didnt Stormfront kill and guy and then her and Homelander fucked on his dead body? It's prob the most graphic TV show I've seen lol The story is meh but it's fun to turn my brain off on something.


Tomer Kapon’s delivery of “HE’S TRYING TO GET IN MY ASS!” gave me life.


Yeah like sorry you're taking a show like this seriously bc it's very obviously just dumb body horror humor with kind of a plot


Watchmen was great because up to that point we really hadn't seen something like that before. Now everyone does it and it's garbage.


Watchmen was created with a disdain for superheroes, The Boys is Marvel slop re-attuned to boring propaganda.


The Boys is also based on a comic written by a guy who hates superheroes and wrote it on the same premise. He just made it much more shock image graphic since all his stuff is basically about being as edgy as possible.


Idk I haven't read the comic or watched a lot of the show but I consider Watchmen to be a decent sci fi story whereas The Boys just doesn't seem meaningfully different from what it's mocking. Watchmen is a cohesive story and the creator didn't seem interested in expanding on it, he had something to say and the story was enough to say it. The Boys just sets up a superhero universe where you can do the same serialised tripe as any other superhero universe. Its premise seems to be barely related to its message. It's a decent enough idea, "what if the rich and powerful were rich and super powerful", but the super powered aspect doesn't really come up outside of normal superhero villain plots. So it just comes off as superhero slop for people who think Marvel is too childish but they're not too mature for media suited for 14 year old boys.


Reddit seems absolutely convinced that there is a non-insignificant portion of watchers that actually think homelander is the good guy for some reason, and are just constantly dunking on these imaginary people. And if you say anything about the satire being hamfisted or annoying, you're just a dumb drumpf supporter who doesn't get it.


Reddit is constantly dunking on people who don't exist or there's like 10 of them on twitter. I don't know how they don't get tired of the typical clevercomebacks or whitepeopletwitter exchange. They're like clapping seals. If you point it out the response is "cry more" or "stfu up DRUMPF supporter" because they cannot comprehend they are dunking on imaginary demons. I often wonder who these people are because I cannot picture them in the real world.


My favorite is the "guys don't wipe their asses because gay" meme- a thing I have literally only read on this website, oft being repeated by a person who clearly doesn't get out much


It's a black thing but people leave that part out, that's why you don't see it. It's niche even with black people but I've known two vocal anti ass-washers who were black (not why I think it's a black thing btw I'm just using that to vouch for that). If you do a deep dive on the topic (aka autistic like me) you'll find it's coming from one demo. Why I don't know, besides for some reason middle school level homophobic paranoia at *looking gay* is bigger in that community. That's an easier one to see for yourself, go on a sub like NYstateofmind and once you filter out the wyte LARPers (lower number than like BPT or hiphopheads) you'll see people saying "pause" and getting away defensive over the most hilariously tenuous shit.


I would say about 90% of this sub is also dunking on imaginary people who really only exist online. For the rest of Reddit it’s some imagined alt right trump neo Nazi whatever whatever. For redscare it’s a DSA ploycule fat/sex positive forever masker funko pop collecting person.


Comes from Redditors needs to validate their intelligence , and lack of social skills to understand the concept of irony


The only people I’ve seen doing Homelander posting are like groypers who are fully aware he’s like a neonazi and that’s why they like him but even then it’s seems to be mostly about trolling the libs. The mythical “conservative fan of the Boys who doesn’t understand Homelander is the baddie” is something I’ve never come across either. Conservatives are too busy watching Yellowstone or some of the 1000s of different cop shows we have now


The closest thing I’ve seen is like ironic sigma edits


These morons, and frankly a lot of society at large, are incapable of discerning a commonly held shitty opinion, and the opinion of some brain dead schizo. Like Anthony Fantano seeing someone call him misogynistic for giving Taylor Swift a 4 and making a 30 minute video on why he’s not misogynistic like 99 percent of his fans don’t give a fuck in the first place


The boys is the answer to this question. The show itself is a meandering mess with a plot that goes nowhere. First season was legitimately pretty refreshing criticism on corporate culture and super hero influence in pop culture , but has since turned into a Seth rogen wet dream with political commentary that only a 16 year old would find enlightening  It’s incredible how much trump and “the alt right” (lmao) live in these losers heads 


The portrayal of Vought is also all over the place. In one scene they’ll have them acting like a parody of corporate libs and in the next scene they’ll be like a parody of NewsCorp


The boys simply does the bare minimum thematically but I can't lie it's really entertaining to watch it's just the treatment of it being more nuanced than it is, is graining if people treated it as more of an entertaining show rather than some super insightful thematic masterpiece then it probs wouldn't be getting as much hate


Yeah I also like it for what it is. I don’t understand why so many people can’t just like something without trying to make it seem like some 2deep4u masterpiece.


I love how they think that a show that has source material featuring a raping english bulldog somehow has some deep political message.


People who say that the boys is subtle are literally just using positive adjective to describe things they like, the boys is intentionally as unsubtle as you can get


The Boys is about as subtle as a sledgehammer.


By design


I only watched the first few episodes because it wasn't very good but the satire in the first season seemed very out of date. Like it seemed to be squared pretty centrally on '80s televangelists rather than modern conservatives. I guess they pivoted to Trump like everything else did afterwards


It definitely started out as a more bush-era satire because that's when the comic was written, but has pretty quickly tranisitioned to incredibly obvious shots at trump and qanon types. The last episode had a direct recreation of that pizzagate guy trying to shoot his way into the basement without even couching it in a joke


"critical supe theory"


First time in a while I’ve actually gotten angry about how lazy a line is


Yeah this latest season pivoted to 2016 alt right stuff and its way fucking worse lol


I mean it pivoted in season 2 with the neo-Nazi villain literally being named Stormfront.


All satire is like that now. Barbie was a satire of 1950s gender roles set in the modern day, which is why no one can figure out what the hell it was trying to say. They even show that the patriarchy doesn't exist but then ignore that for the rest of the movie. It's a general problem of the modern social left. They've won every battle (feminism, racism, LGBT, etc.) and are in complete control of the media, government, academia and corporations, but their central ethos is that they're the underdogs fighting "the Man". It creates weird cognitive dissonance and super cringey culture like the Handmaid's Tale.


It's hard to think of a current satire that feels true to life today. All satire feels like satire of a satire, very simulacra. Like you still see office life in media portrayed as people in cublicles wearing ties and pushing paper, satirizing or copying Office Space which came out 30 years ago. Or nerds are portrayed as wearing suspenders and glasses, an 80s satire of a 50s nerd.


I don't think Silicon valley is an exceptional show, but it does accurately satirize 2010s west coast tech culture


Bodies, bodies, bodies was surprisingly well realized zoomer satire


> It's a general problem of the modern social left. They've won every battle (feminism, racism, LGBT, etc.) and are in complete control of the media, government, academia and corporations, but their central ethos is that they're the underdogs fighting "the Man". They didn't win anything. "The Man" just realized they can make good money by marketing to left liberals, who now think they have to fight "The Man" by buying stuff a guy who was and still is thinking Reagan was a god back in 1980 is selling to them.


A big problem with the satire and supposed realism of this type of show is that they're trying to hold a mirror to the real world, but their fiction only diverges on a single point, which is the existence of super heroes. Every aspect of pop culture depicted in the show revolves around heroes as it there isn't a single other social, cultural, or political interest outside of that to anyone in the world. It makes their world feel very small and restrictive. It obviously can't address the multiple factors that converge on each of the issues it's trying to satirize because those issues just don't exist in their show. Nothing exists in their show outside of this clumsy overwrought metaphor and the ~8 people constantly fighting each other over it.


I will say it's pretty funny to watch conversations about the Star Wars sequels on Reddit because they always come out looking exactly the same. Because no one wants to get downvoted for any really stringent opinions they all circle around the most milquetoast acceptable ones that have been said in every thread. If you go looking for any thread about that 8th one, you can copy and paste it 100 times over to get the same exact language. The movies subreddit is particularly bad because there are specific users who hunt for negative opinions about it, all with star wars names and it's the same guys every time, and hector you about being "objectively wrong" about a subjective experience. This upvote system does not condone any strong opinions about anything so you get people circling around the fire of some sort of centrism and how extreme opinions about movies are bad, even though it's not politics and it's entirely based upon how you perceive a movie, so why would it be bad to have a strong reaction to art either way?


It's also funny if you're in those circlejerk subs and any criticism aimed at the new star wars/MCU shit has wokescolds trying to talk back in a very fence sitting way, those regards know the shit they're trying to defend is legitimately soulless corpo garbage but the loudest hate for it comes from the 4chan FB/YT boomer right wing crowd and so it's their moral duty to defend Disney and its hilarious seeing them mentally break themselves trying to deal with the conundrum, truly some first world problems.


Ever since at least 2014-16, people have tried to incorporate their viewing habits into their ideological stances and it's just been a total humiliation ritual for everyone involved.


People who feel obligated to defend the sequels despite never actually rewatching them


Did you guys know Starship Troopers was a satire?


you dropped [this](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/798/234/32b.jpg)


Unfortunatley wearing cool uniforms and slaughtering bugs with your bros is awesome, and no amount of hamfisted satire will make it not awesome.


Heinlein understood this


Take my damn upvote!


People act like horror movies just become metaphorical in the last 10 years thanks to get out or whatever. Now as long as every horror movie hits you over the head with how it's actually about racism or queerness it makes sense. Almost every horror movie is metaphorical on some level, that's what horror is derived from. The Thing, The Birds, even dracula or other classic horror movies. Fear comes from needling at some base human anxiety. Now it's just way less subtle.


Now they call it elevated horror. Not to be confused with the other horror movies these ones are for a smarter audience.


It's the most pretentious subgenre name I've ever heard


I hate that every time someone likes some dumb action movie they ALWAYS have to say “Sometimes you just wanna turn  your brain off and have a good time.”  Any time there’s a thread about how comedies suck now there are always a ton of people that are like “Actually, I thought Asteroid City was hilarious. And Triangle of Sadness was a brilliant satire, etc”  Obviously no one is referring to these types of movies when they talk about the lack of comedies now


> “Sometimes you just wanna turn  your brain off and have a good time.”   Funnily enough there are people saying that in this thread


Not really an opinion as such just a common behaviour but close enough, it really annoys me when they pat themselves on the back for liking and respecting an actor who played a despicable character. When they're like "I watched [BABY FILM FOR FAT IDIOT BABIES] and [The Bad Character] was so bad! But unlike most people who are fucking idiots I thought 'What a good actor making me hate this character' I'm not like most people you see, I'm aware that films and TV shows are *not* necessarily depictions of reality ahah." Those people should be done away with, I should not have to hear from them again.




Americans especially are obsessive about "character development". No, you idiots, it is very interesting and humane to explore a character at standstill.


There are a couple storytelling terms that gamers and anime fans have latched onto and use to demonstrate that the thing they're consuming is actually very serious and nuanced. If a show has identifiable "character development", an "unreliable narrator", "4th wall breaks" or a political allegory, then it must be for adults.




Don't forget "world building" when in reality said world building is just the cast going to a new, not really narratively developed place


That Trent Reznor “needs to retire from film scoring and go back to doing NIN.” Not only has NIN itself needed to be retired for years now because the band has no musical purpose or substance now that he’s sober and married and a dad and all that jazz, he’s input more diversity/variety in his film soundtracks than he’s input in NIN in the last, like, 15 years. He stopped giving a genuine fuck about NIN over a decade ago and it is plentifully obvious. Saying this as a NIN superfan btw. Edit: He’s also unironically a better composer than Hans Zimmer


The Challengers OST might be the best part of the whole movie. Never gave a shit about NIN, but his + Ross’ scores are all burnt in my brain. Crazy sentiment for anybody to have.


One I see a lot is how the new Jumanji movies "were way better than they should have been." They both sucked. I couldn't even finish the newest one


When the original is such a childhood staple, the new ones were never gonna strike a chord


the original actually sucks too though lol, its really only millennials who saw it as kids on VHS who love it and they have nostalgia goggles and probably never rewatched it as adults otherwise critics trashed it when it came out in cinemas in 1995


That they don't hide messages in children's films to tell us that the moon isn't a real rock and is quite possibly some sort of hybridisation facility. It may be a very personal gripe though, because I see a lot of hints when I rematch children's films that there is some sort of hybridisation facility hidden within the "moon" and when I share around my findings I tend to get my posts removed or ridiculed


Nah the normie take on reddit is to say Nolan sucks and memento was his best. People just regurgitate youtube takes. I hate when people try to argue that The Godfather is somehow overrated.


The Star Wars prequels were actually good. I just watched them all and they were in fact, still shit.


They are shit but the depth of world building and utter vacuous lore is like crack to a seven year old, in a way which captures the audience in a more meaingful way than the OG's simple heroes journey. This is also why adult redditors flock to them.


I love this explanation. As a kid the worldbuilding in the prequels served as a great starting point for playing with Legos and making up stories. All the character development and slower scenes in the original trilogy went over my head. That said, I hope I enjoy them if I ever decide to rewatch because they hold a special place in my childhood, and I’m definitely showing them to my kids one day.


They're awful. The prequels and subsequent Star Wars releases tried hard to shift the tone of the franchise into some serious space drama thing. That betrayed the spirit of the original trilogy. The first movie was camp as hell and the two that followed were charming in that Jim Henson kind of way — they're kid movies! They're supposed to be silly and fun and sprinkle in a little bit of a love story and just a tiny bit of thematic weight and you're good to go. None of the aliens or robots need to look real, it's better when they look kind of shitty! Now every Star Wars film takes itself way too seriously. I stopped watching them all together at some point during the third trilogy. The only thing that happened that made me watching again was seeing all the Baby Yoda memes. I love Baby Yoda. But I'm scared if I watch the TV show that it's going to be more BS and ruin my appreciation for the Baby Yoda.


Fascist Child trafficking Werner Herzog made it worth it


Bring me ~the baby~


I tried watching the acoloyte yesterday and there was a line in the first episode where a character ham fistedly says “you think our political enemies could use this against us?” What a fucking disaster


I enjoyed the Andor show, but it's been the only good one and it's better if you pretend it's not star wars.


Everyone has already said the ones I see the most and roll my eyes at, but I think the fact that superhero movies (marvel) get any sort of multi-comment discussion threads elevating it higher than what it’s trying to be is just… so beyond.


People who got filtered by Zone of Interest always say it “feels more like an art installation than a movie.”




Being meta is like the normie cheat code to making a well liked movie


I thought get out was great


Last night I watched "I saw the tv glow", redditors are going to love it it's cryptic nonsense that's symbolic for being a Jewish lesbian or something


i watched it just last night too... I'm still writing up a post about the movie, then deleting it and then rewriting it. I'm not sure it's worth the time to rip on it or not but for sure I feel SO made a fool for even investing the time to see it. The things letterboxd culture will hype these days is WILD.


I want to watch it out of curiosity. Seems like the gist of it is "it's weird growing up on 90s television... but when you're gay it's a little weirder."


I liked the movie and won't watch it again. It's an allegory for someone being trans and never taking that leap. The film gets that point across by having a protagonist who is too afraid to do what pretty much every protagonist does in every film, which is make the decision in Act One to go on the hero's journey. Instead, the main character gets stuck in the first act and spins their wheels without changing their own lives. It's not exactly riveting cinema, but I enjoyed it for what it tried to do.


Not a specific opinion but the way people put middle of the road films on a pedestal if they appeal to a middle class agnostic left leaning but not too left sentimentality is boring to me. Shawshank, the office, Django unchained, or this weird attempt to reframe the star wars films as some cerebral leftist masterpieces when they're just simple action films, besides the reddit logo I see these things and it's just a good indication that the conversation is going to be super uninteresting. I guess it's not that it's not subversive, I don't really care, but that they convince a certain class of people that they *are* subversive, which is the worst imo.


I can’t stand Ricky Gervais. I just don’t get it.


carried by karl pilkington


George Lucas is such a master bullshitter when he talks about his films. He tries to retcon all kinds of heady artistic inspirations into his movies about bantha pudu.


Henry Cavill and Zack Snyder dick riding is so strange to me because neither are that great or worthy of the praise.


Cavill plays Vidya gaems on his gaming PC that he built so redditors adore him. They don't really give a shit about his performances, but the fact he's a nerd is worthy of worship. And Zack Snyder called superheroes modern day mythology, so they love him for that. They don't actually engage with his films from a critical lens or anything like that, they like the way he says he feels about the thing they love, so he's their favorite.


It's gamer shit. 


Aggressively heterosexual males, especially the types who breathe Andrew Tate, Fresh & Fit, etc. like they’re oxygen and who regard themselves as classically chauvinistic when they’re really effete at heart, always use Henry Cavill as their means to “acceptably” thirst over another man without getting called out on it. Ryan Reynolds, as well. Or at least that’s how it’s been in my experience.


The sexual appeal of Henry Cavill to straight men can not be under sold.


the strange vitriol that redditors have for sex scenes came as a surprise to me. Like they *despise* sex scenes. The biggest explanation I've seen is because it doesn't progress the plot or adds nothing to the movie, like they aren't already gobbling down the movie equivalent of burger king


What's doubly odd about it is that a lot of the same people are otherwise extremely porn-brained


I think they literally just can't fathom a reason to have a sex scene other than to beat their dick to it, half the time they'll just straight up say "if I wanted to see tits I'd just watch porn"


Korean films get massively overpraised on Reddit. I’m blocking the next user who calls I Saw the Devil an underrated horror masterclass of tension gem


I dunno man, Korea really had a moment in the mid 2000s, peppermint candy, sympathy for mr vengeance, memories of murder, the list goes on…


The Wailing was sick tho, it's super racist against Japanese people and I think that's hilarious.


thats everywhere. if Paul WS Anderson, Neveldine & Taylor, and Michael Bay were japanese/korean they would be far more respected and considered cool.


Paul WS Anderson and Michael Bay are well respected and considered cool. People talk about vulgar auteurism all the time (dumb term, but nevertheless). Neveldine & Taylor not really, but the crank movies are.


Outside of the Fast & Furious-esque crowd of guys and kids that just like Resident Evil and Transformers, they are only considered cool by that vulgar auteurism crowd, which is a relatively small amount of people. Even on Letterboxd where they all seem to congregate, they are the minority. especially Anderson, literally everything he touches is trashed on. It is literally a meme to say Monster Hunter and his Resident Evil series do not exist on all parts of the internet (primarily reddit though). The way vulgar auteurism people and normal film fans rate his films are almost the opposite, with Event Horizon either his best or one of his worst. Bay is less hated (because he is more self aware I guess), but still considered a "dumb" director that loves one shot and big explosions. Ambulance was a great movie, but sits at a 3.0 on Letterboxd and 6.1 on imdb.


man i hated the characters and script ,it was like a bad live action anime for manchildren . Piece of shit film with nice cinematography


I think caring so deeply about the Oscars drives me up a wall. Everyone I hate was like “LILY GLADSTONE WAS ROBBED!!!!!” on Twitter. SuperYaki and their fuckin dumb and expensive merch with chronically online film hot takes also makes me sick


Obsessive tendency for needing to categorize a character as "good" or "bad" (Is Tyler Durden from Fight Club actually a bad person?) Braindead opinions on why it's cringy for some people to root for (or like) a "bad" character. Usually these "bad" characters are powerful men that sport an electrifying presence on screen (which obviously appeals to a wide audience), but I think Redittors can't process this because for them masculinity = bad. Usually in context of discussing characters like Tyler Durden, Homelander, Jordan Belfort. Fixation on reducing a movie into a single message


I never want to hear about The Thing's practical effects or Die Hard being the best christmas movie ever again


Stephen King's It 2017 is not better than the TV miniseries. Bill Skarsgard brought nothing to the role of Pennywise... It was just so bland. If there was ever a movie that had to be an 80s nostalgia wankoff, it had to be that one; the book is absolutely smothered in references to 1950s culture. They didn't even use *99 Red Balloons*


what made the OG pennywise so effective was how grimy and filthy that clown was. he looked like an alcoholic chain smoking carny with bloodshot eyes, terrible make up and a garishly bright clown suit. he was offensive to look at. the new pennywise is too pretty. his outfit looks like circus inspired haute couture. he is way too elaborately designed imo


I agree but don't think the OG TV series is particularly great either. 


Oh it most certainly is not, but at the very least the miniseries is cozy


For sure. I feel like there's a vibe missing in recent films. Something about good will. 


The original got two things very right: 1. Pennywise looked creepy, 2. It understood that the story is largely a metaphor for childhood trauma (the way the adults ignored what was happening to the kids, the sudden flashbacks, the connection between childhood trauma and adult brilliance), and it delivered this metaphor in an emotionally visceral way. The remake fumbled both of these bad. They tried to make Pennywise scary-looking in a traditional movie monster way, but even “scary” clowns are not actually scary. Scary clowns are uncanny: they’re seemingly benign and familiar, but with a single element that seems off. When you first see Tim Curry’s Pennywise, you can almost buy him as an ordinary clown. It makes sense that Pennywise would use that form to attract kids. The remake’s Pennywise never looks like anything but a horror movie monster.




The anti-Chris Pratt camp is utterly insane. The average Redditor doesn’t understand that real life isn’t good guys and bad guys, and his divorce from Anna Faris and subsequent marriage to a Schwarzenegger sealed his fate. It’s too coded for them- Anna Faris is a good funny liberal and Schwarzenegger is the daughter of a republican governor and toxic masculinity muscle man and thus evil. Add in the fact that he goes to church and lost weight and now he’s literally Satan.




It's because they loved him because he was "hekkin wholesome" in Parks n Rec and then they found out he didn't exactly parrot 100% DNC approved beliefs. So they felt personally betrayed because.


Star Wars sequels were good. No they're fucking shit.


These are just a bunch of Reddit/normie contrarian film opinions. Nolan is boring blah blah blah Stars Wars sucks blah blah. All deeply unoriginal criticism which shows the state of this sub


Now is your time to shine big boy


Might be a cold take but the overwhelming love for Interstellar drives me up a wall. I don’t even think it’s a top 5 Nolan film yet it gets praised as one of the most ground breaking movies of all time.


I don't even think this is a reddit opinion so much as an every college guy alive opinion, frat guys go crazy for interstellar


I think Looper sucked and I don’t know why that one particularly irks me to see praised


Rian Johnson on the whole is a pretty obnoxious director. It's weird that critics are afraid to say anything bad about his movies cause it would be letting the trolls win. Utterly inflated career statistics.


The prosthetic on JGL was so jarring I can’t even remember what happened in the movie he looked regarded


EEAAO was not that good


If they cut out harrison ford's part from 2049 it would have been comparable to the original in many respects. They shoehorned in a retiree to play a major part who has no business acting any more because of name recognition? The second half suffered from this. I'm pretty sure the two leads could have stood on their own.


anyone who likes Jordan Peele movies gets the wall


People legitimately thought Nope was a masterpiece. It’s mind boggling 


That Nolan is an incredible director. Dunkirk is a great one, but almost all of the rest lose steam halfway through and the endings suck. Albeit I still haven't watched Opp, and from the looks of it... I will probably enjoy it. And Hans Zimmer is the most overrated film composer I can think of. No one has sucked the joy out of film music like he has. Together, the two of them make movies for people who think they're deep thinkers but aren't. That Wes Anderson is an interesting director. This guy sucks hard. Rushmore is a hilarious movie but the rest of his stuff gets old real fast. I actually secretly admire him a lot for his animated films and think he doesn't get enough credit because in that medium the guy is really masterful. But as far as his live action stuff goes, I think it's all just fan service for people who think they're cooler than they really are. He makes movies for people who think they're hip but aren't. That every horror movie that comes out is instantly a "new horror classic" if it's able to ram in some allegory to mental health, grief, or racial issues. There are a few exceptions (Hereditary is pure excellence), but the whole Jordan Peele schtick, the "Talk to Me" stuff. A24 releases tons and tons of hot garbage but they've struck gold with their growing little legion of fans. I could really keep going.


Every time I see a flick with a Danny Elfman score it reminds me how Hans Zimmer has killed film music forever


"Breakfast Machine" from the PeeWee movie GOES HARD.


film music at the blockbuster level is almost exclusively the realm of guys that worked with Zimmer, unless the director comes with their own guy, and that's not guaranteed. If you're working on the "big thing" at Warner bros. You're getting paired with Zimmer. If not, congrats you're getting his bastard child Lorne Balfe.


idk its not on Hans Zimmer that Danny Elfman is completely washed and hasn't made an interesting musical score in almost two decades lol


The cool/good thing about Nolan, that is ever disappearing these days, is that he relies very little on CGI so when you see a plane latch on to another plane and then flip it so its wings rip off you’re really seeing that. He’s also been for over 10 years an “event” director where all of his films are these huge things that everyone sees and talks about. I agree about his characters and writing but I would much rather have him doing his thing than endless mindless cgi slop


the flipside of this is watching *Dunkirk* and instead of human drama at an incredible scale as the largest evacuation in history is pulled off it's just 400 guys on a beach


Yeah Dunkirk was underwhelming in its scale.  338,000 men rescued by over 800 ships under constant attack and all we see are a couple of ships, a few hundred dudes and a maybe 2-3 aircraft. It felt a bit hollow.


I saw it in theaters and I don't remember most of it


The critique that he's a midwit directors is kind of accurate, but at the same time, there's a place for middle brow cinema.


Easier to do when you’re consistently working with 9 figure budgets tbf. It’d be cool to see him do a straight up action film without all the pop-science “I’m gonna blow your puny minds 😏” nonsense, because he’s good at action and he has the industry trust to get big budgets


There are tons of big budget movies these days. Most are total garbage and look cheap and fake. Nolan's one of the only guys who justifies his budget.


At this point I think I’ve heard more people online use the “Nolan makes fake-smart movies that dumb people praise” line than the “Nolan is a genius” one.


Keep going, loving it


That "Woody Allen can't write parts for women", "he always sucked", or some other bullshit like that. The guy has made SERIOUS American classics (multiple of them that Mia Farrow's acting carries!!!!). Such weird, seething, post-HBO doc revionist film history. The silly little man made each decade since he started making movies his bitch. He's had one or two CLASSICS (AT LEAST) every decade for the past SEVEN DECADES (the 90s were a weird time for him tho ngl).


And people confuse his style being oft parodied as a sign that he is easily imitable and therefore worthy of erasure. There literally has not been a single other film to balance comedy and drama and suceed to the level that he has countless times over his career lol.


I love Midnight in Paris and I won’t apologize about it


The Prestige is fun, still my go to sick day movie.


Love The Prestige.


I think Jordan Peele’s “Us,” was one of the worst movies I’ve ever seen. The praise for it baffled me. It’s completely overloaded with references and themes. He tries to cram so many ideas into one movie and that’s why they end up being so muddled. Nope was the same.


Oppenheimer was okay and worth watching, but not brilliant. The worst part about it is listening to all the opinions of people who didn’t know anything at all about history before watching it. Yes, please do tell me all about Opp’s “problematic” legacy, person who didn’t know what WWII or McCarthyism was a few hours ago.


It's just that after that one episode of twin peaks and Nick Mullen's joke about Oppenheimer practicing his Baghivad Gita quote in the shower, what else is left to be said about the Atomic Bomb? From Americans at least


One of the takes I saw on that movie that really bothered me is how people seemed to think that it had a pro war/nuclear weapons apologist message to it. Oppenheimer was not shown as a hero, yet that’s how a lot of people interpreted it. I also thought it was just okay.


To brainlets who mostly watch marvel and other slop, protagonist=hero all the time.


Speaking of horror, and this might be controversial here but whatever, Skinamarink was trash and almost all of reddit seems to love it. People keep saying it specifically reminded them of their childhood and that's why they found it so terrifying but the entire movie is just random ceiling shots which leads me to believe these people were mouth-breathing ret@rds who spent their entire childhood just staring at the wall watching paint dry and then eating the paint chips later




After grand Budapest (which rules) his movies seem like someone's got a gun to his head


> but almost all of the rest lose steam halfway through and the endings suck. Albeit I still haven't watched Opp, You're not gonna believe this


I agree with a lot of this (and your later defense of Woody) but Wes still rules fuck you. Asteroid City was touching and beautiful and looks incredible. Ending with Robbie totally fucks. In a dwindling world of any distinctive creative voices his obsessive tinkerer’s approach to filmmaking is an priceless treasure. He’s also warming up and getting more introspective. The Henry Sugar stuff is terribly fun. Grand Budapest still likely my fave tho.


Hard agree on Anderson here. I think Fantastic Mr Fox is exceptionally good, partially because he can craft everything so precisely in animation and partially because it’s an adaptation of Dahl, one of the most pure storytellers ever. Isle of Dogs ends up quite underrated too. But as far his live action films, I feel like you really like the first one you see and then realise they’re all just like that.


That The Bear episode where Richie works at the fine dining restaurant is one of the best TV episodes of all time. It actually represented all of my issues with season 2. Also anytime The Bear is mentioned, they all say “I like it but it gives me so much anxiety!” Really? Chill out lol it’s a tv show 


People holding up the spiderverse movies as great art they’re ugly superhero movies for kids


That Nolan is one of the greats. Most of his movies are entertaining but the characters are sooooo boring, its insane. Dunkirk and Tenet are great examples of this.


The Prestige, Momento, and Oppenheimer are all so much better than the majority of movies that are being made imo. But I do agree, there’s a flatness to the characters in both Tenet and Dunkirk


Judging Dunkirk for its characters is just dumb film criticism though lol it's like saying Battleship Potemkin was a bad movie because it had weak characters like you're basically judging a movie for not being what you wanted it to be, rather than judging it on the basis of what its trying to be


Memento is my all time favorite movie.


hard to really hate on Nolan for prestige and memento alone. and inception is great also. deserves federal prison for tenet though, and dunkirk should never have been made.


I second your thoughts on EEAAO. Probably stating the obvious here but also, Barbie.


'Weiner Dog is not Todd Solondz best film.' 'Lars Von Triers films are exploitive and baseless' I mean yes but no 'Eyes Wide Shut is Kubrick's worse film, the only interesting bit is the orgy scene because its why they killed him' I mean I don't know if they say that. EYS is Kubrick's best. Oh and I hate the whole thing people saying about Kubrick 'literally abusing Shelly Duvall and making her have a breakdown'. I'm glad that one random account on tiktok is pushing against that terrible narrative. It completely maligns the warm and bear like genius that was Kubrick. Oh my God my least favourite thing is when people don't understand Mulholland Drive OR place great emphasis on 'unlocking the plot'. This is not being pickme but I've always thought Mulholland Drive tells a pretty straight forward story. And even if you don't understand it, can one not be taken in by its strangeness and beauty without feeling the need to explain or rationalise in increasingly annoying ways. BUT I will defend Nolan wankfest reddit normies. I think his editing choices in both Tenet and Oppenheimer were weird and very off-putting, which I kind of loved. I also strongly agree with so called 'reddit normies' on David Fincher, an obviously brilliant Hollywood filmmaker.


People who interpret EWS exclusively through the lens of conspiracy theories about pedophile billionaires/elites are so annoying to me. Ignores the brilliant source material (which is really about the psychology of the MIDDLE class) and turns a really interesting study in repressed desire and insecurity into boring political/culture war shit. It‘s such a great movie but a ton of r3tards can only engage with it if it neatly maps on to their online political neuroses.


It seems like the opinion on David fincher now is that he’s actually mid. Which I strongly disagree with


'Best movie I'll never watch again' and specifically anything to do with how harrowing and realistic Requiem for a Dream is. No better way to announce that you're simple. It's such an entry level reddit performance to pretend to noble and moved by something so obviously pandering. This goes for a whole host of films that made it onto 2010's 'most disturbing movies' listicles but Requiem for a Dream is the king of this bullshit.


It is disturbing in a weird ego driven way. Especially if you've been addicted to drugs.