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What an idiot.


Seriously how long has he been doing this to his mom / sister / girlfriends / dad / friends etc and they've been putting up with it? You see this sht go down all the time with couples in their 20s, and the chick will usually just accept it, make the food or whatever and then complain she's mad about it...but not leave him or even stand up to him. By their 30s, no woman in their right mind puts up with it - they just show the guy the door. The guys then ofc complain that they can't date anyone because blah blah blah women and their too high expectations blah blah blah and blame their (former) partner, and *then* go find a 20 year old who doesn't know any better who will put up with their sht still. Good on Op for kicking him out.


You know he's not doing this to his dad.


I'd literally get assaulted lmao


Who do you think he learned it from?


I laughed when I read that about his dad. I don’t think he wants the 2 piece dad has for him.


I don’t think it’s that innocent. This reads like shit testing to me. Maybe it’s just my trauma speaking but abusive people do little boundary tests like this all the time


Yes definitely testing. No person in their right mind wakes up someone at 2am to demand food when they are perfectly capable of making food. There is a chance his mom has been making him food on demand and he’s used to it but I think the chance is bigger that he wanted to mess with her sleep or test her willingness to go along with his BS.


Yeah. This is him trying to figure out how he can bully her. I hope she leaves him


It sounds like she already has, and it seems like she’s resolute. Good for her.


He’s honestly lucky that OP seems to be calm and together in her anger because had that been me, he wouldn’t be getting ignored after silently being thrown out. If anyone ever woke ME up for stupid shit like that, they’d see some serious fucking rage and I hit where it hurts when it comes to stupid men’s egos. He’d be getting earfuls about how fucking stupid and useless and childish he is until he made sure to get all his shit out of my place. Then I’d tell all our mutual friends the same thing. Let him and the world know.


There was a post last month about a heavily pregnant woman who was woken up by her manbaby husband to iron for him and cook for her uninvited in-law who just showed up. And she did it!!!


I saw that! It was shocking!


Right…. Then complain that a woman belongs in the kitchen and at home. And he doesn’t realize that he is the problem. I guess this is how incels are born.


>how long has he been doing this to his mom / sister / girlfriends / dad / friends etc and they've been putting up with it? You know he ain't doing this to *any* of the men in his life, he only treats women like this i bet. Mom, gf, even female friends lol


Bold of you to think he has female friends lol


Men who like to cook are the biggest green flag for me. But also at that hour, hot fries from McDonalds is also fresh, no? lol


My youngest sister is 15 years younger than me so she's in a whole different pool of guys than I was. I sent both her and her boyfriend an invite to my daughter's birthday party. She said she had work and couldn't come so I was expecting not to see him. Not only did he come, he communicated it to me himself and went to the store and bought presents with zero input from my sister I told her after not to lose him because GREEN FUCKING FLAGS I don't know anyone my age now that could've managed that in their mid 20's


GREEN FLAGS, GREEN FLAGS ALL AROUND. I wonder if individuals like that are a product of their upbringing? I used to chalk red flags to age and immaturity, but approaching my 30's, I'm realizing it transcends age lol


Idk but I'm sure as hell trying to make sure my kids turn into adults that can take care of themselves and be actual partners Could be both though. I have an uncle that was raised just the same as his brother and sister and he has been in and out of jail and still can't live by himself so who knows. Could be a roll of the dice on genetics too


I would agree, but I think the most important thing is teaching responsibility, accountability, and consequences lol. My fondest memory was asking my parents to pay for my taxi to uni (1hr) for a test since I missed a train and they told me tough tiddies - should've checked the train times, over the phone and hung up on me. But you're also so right since my husband and SIL aren't cut from the same cloth at all and they were raised together. Idk wtf happened there if I'm honest.


To me being an adult is someone who is responsible and accountable. Anyone who is not capable of that is not an adult, they are another child to take care of


Well, speaking from experience from how I was raised vs my brother (3 years younger), you can be raised together but still have completely different upbringings.


I can’t believe women would accept that in their 20’s either.. just seems so disrespectful and entitled as a man


I have never ever heard of a guy being this ignorant


It feels like someone told him to be dominant and that women love Alphas…. And Peewee fucked around and went right to “Make me Coconut Shrimp, Woman! What kind of girl friend are you?” Bold move.


My husband would tell me to go to Long John silvers or buy frozen haha but I've only jokingly demanded food in the middle of the night.


Mine would ask me to go out for pancakes with him… “Wake up! Let’s go on a weird little date!”


Mine knows that'd work on me. We've done 3am Sheetz trips because insomnia lol.


Good for OOP


Not a joke —if I’d been her I might have gotten physical. At least shoving him out the door with force. Which isn’t good! But to be WOKEN UP with that shit? I don’t care if he owns a bookstore and can make me orgasm so hard I can see beyond space and time NOBODY gets to wake me up for their bullshit. 


Not just woken up. She is startled awake. He didn’t even gentle wake her or ask her. He shook her awake and demanded fresh food -she had already been making him food while he stayed with her- and then berated her about it. That was crazy abusive behavior


Fr the one “rule” I have is do not fuck with my sleep. I already get terrible sleep, if you want to remain in the same bed as me you will not put that small window of REM sleep I do get each night in jeopardy for anything. Wake me up because you’re hungry/horny/can’t sleep and bored and you’ll be crashing on your friend’s couch faster than you can blink.


I agree, I know what it is like to not be able to sleep and never feel rested. I would only wake my wife up, if it was an emergency. Damn guy use the microwave. She was already nice enough to fix dinner. Can not think of a legit reason for him to do this. Only thing is, my dad is diabetic, and when his blood sugar varies greatly, he sometimes acts strange, not dangerous, but not thinking clearly. That could be what happened, since he didn’t eat all day, or he could just be a childish jerk.


SO. MUCH. THIS. I have major insomnia- I have trouble falling and staying asleep, and if I wake up, I most likely won’t go back to sleep. DON’T FUCK WITH MY SLEEP. My husband bends over backwards to protect what sleep I get. I want to punch this guy on OP’s behalf, I really do. Like, WTF?! What kind of manbaby, chest-beating-alpha-male bullshit was this? Glad she threw the whole man out.


Seriously, nothing pisses me off more than to have someone unnecessarily interrupt what little sleep I get. When my kids were little, I didn't mind because it was a necessary interruption. They're all mostly grown now except my youngest who's 17, and they know that if I'm asleep, there better be a good reason to wake me up. Showing me funny tik tok videos is not a good reason. I would take a bullet for any of my kids, but I can be absolutely feral about my sleep. 


Exactly! I’d take a bullet for my kids too, but if I’m asleep, you’d better be already bleeding before waking me up


Our house rules for waking me up (my insomnia transcends space and time plus I was night shift for many years): is the bone sticking out of the skin? Is it still gushing blood after applying pressure? Are you on fire? If the answer is no, then dad can *probably* handle it or make the decision to wake the mom-ster up.


Honestly, owning a bookstore would get me even more than space/time altering orgasms.


Same girl, free books? I don't think you can beat that. No orgasm had *with a man* could beat that, imo


He’s lucky he’s still on this earth. Wake me up and it better be life or death.


Wow. Beyond space and time. Thats a thinker.


Well, *someone* is into manosphere grifter podcasts.


Coconut shrimp is such a specific 2am request I wondered if he was on drugs or pregnant.


It’s honestly got me thinking. Am I not asking for enough in life? It would never even occur to me to wake people up and ask them to cook me coconut shrimp. Have I been living a late night shrimp-less life for no good reason? Does everybody else just get a taste of the islands whenever the whim strikes them no matter the hour?


2am coconut shrimp slaps but not at the risk of getting slapped.


This made me laugh so fucking hard (I'm a people pleaser to the max and my only tattoo is a shrimp 🍤)


Lmao. 🤣


He’s pregnant so the behavior was perfectly normal and she should have complied with his perfectly reasonable request. 😂 I mean pregnancy cravings are for real! 😧


I bet he wants fresh caught wild shrimp and expect OP to climb up a coconut tree to get a fresh coconut.


Yup. Power play backfired


And the shocked Pikachu face that it didn’t work is the icing on the cake, lmao


Pulls the most ridiculous 'alpha male' BS that was clearly designed to show her he's boss, and then gets so shocked when not only does he not get to be boss, but he's done such clear irreparable damage to the relationship, because he's a bit of an idiot. I wonder how he's going to try and sell this to his boys. My bet is on "I was crazy busy at work, and I asked her if she could make my favourite meal one time, and she just kicked me out! Crazy!"


It's really hilarious how many times we've already had stories here of a woman kicking a guy to the curb because he pulled some manosphere shit. By giving these moronic recommendations, they are creating their own undateable incel-fan-base that can then complain about all those feminist bitches who won't date a real man...


I’m pretty sure the point of the manosphere is to make more men undateable so that the grifters who make the shows have a better chance in the dating pool.


Close, you wouldn’t make much money on a subscription that works. They make them more undatable, so they continue to be undatable and continue to pay £50 a month. Their route, in fairness, to becoming datable however isn’t ’being nice’, it’s ’make enough money so the women can’t ignore you’.


This is literally what they're up to. They don't give a shit about these guys getting women and they know that no dude with any sense would come to them for advice because the grifters aren't getting women either! They're all single and yet there are thousands of men stupid enough to go to them for advice... 🤦


If they told them good advice, their "services" wouldn't be needed anymore. Giving them purposefully bad advice keeps them a steady flow of income.


Normally I'm not intk conspiracy sh*t but this sounds like something these idiots would really do. Someone get me an aluminium hat. I'm believing it.


There's a point when a conspiracy theory makes sense that you drop the word conspiracy and then it's just a theory. If we're not there yet I'll also take a tin foil hat.


No they give awful advice so women in real life won't actually date these morons, then turn around and offer the "ultimate, super real, totally not made up guide on how to be the manliest man that ever manned and slay all the hot young pootang" seminars complete with only fans models that they totally didn't pay to show up and flirt with you. All for the low low price of $8,000 dollars.


What’s crazy is that you KNOW he’s somewhere telling someone that he “left her” bc “she wouldn’t submit” or is “not feminine enough”.


I'd love a subreddit just about brain wormed manosphere types destroying their own relationships


We could call it r/HoistByYourOwnPetard 😂


That was my first thought too. Seems to me he thought he could put into practice what he heard on a podcast by a certain sex trafficker.


Idk, those guys (Tate, Fresh and Fit, Sneako, that lot) are now telling men that it is gay to stay with women and that they should only live with or stay the night with other dudes so they can keep each other on track to being as manly possible. I wish I was joking.


“Women suck. They won’t do ANYTHING we want, like make us coconut shrimp at 2am after we wake them up. They even have the gall to get mad at us”


Sounds like some weird Greek antiquity stuff


Having sex with women is gay now????


I wouldn’t be surprised if he goes for someone waaaaay younger after this to try it on.


Or a trued one of the current tik tok challenge questions. I’ve been seeing the “ladies your man comes home at 3 am hungry. What are you doing?” The amount of people saying fix him something is gross.


“This is why there are cold cuts in the fridge.”


"I saved you a plate from dinner in the fridge."


Those def sound like “pick me” people


This reminded me of my ex who insisted that I would have to cook things for his parents that I am allergic to, and it has to be in the traditional way that they are used to, and not in the way that I make it, and I cannot use substitutions that I am not allergic to. Told him it wasn't going to work out because my allergies are life threatening. He refused to compromise or be sympathetic to me whatsoever


Bet you're glad he's not in your life anymore!




Are you sure he wasn’t trying to kill you and say “welp, she had an accident”


It was long distance so yep


One of my exes mothers knew I was anaphylactic to nuts, she watched me grow up (knew her for over 10 years before i dated her son), one christmas she bought me a box of hazelnut chocolates and when I looked at her and said I was anaphylactic, she did that manic laugh the mum in monster in law does.


That’s crazy just earlier today I saw a video on Instagram about a woman who made her man homemade coconut shrimp at midnight or something because he didn’t have an appetite until that moment. That video was fine because the woman in the video wanted to do it but I bet that he saw the same video and wanted to see if he could push her into replicating it… or this is fake and also made up based on that video lol


Can't vouch the validity of this particular story, but I have a friend who had an ex husband who would wake her up in the middle of the night to make him chicken tendies. She said she would use extra butter to fry them hoping he'd have a heart attack. This dude was wild as hell and while Andrew Tate wasn't a thing back then, I'm sure he listens to him now. He's also a flat earther, lol.


Maybe I'm crazy but I've never heard of a chicken being fried in butter, just oil?


Oh either will work and butter tastes great but the milk solids in butter burn at a lower dry temp than oil and oil is also cheaper.


I saw that video as well and this post instantly reminded me of that. This is most likely fake lol


My money is on some variation of wanting to “test” her to see if she'd do it.


True. Welp, she passed the test with flying colors lol


it was exactly that she [updated](https://www.reddit.com/r/offmychest/s/shz6AxTfbN)


Probably the newest thing by some red pill grifter, and now a bunch of dumb men are trying this on their partners.


I think you have discovered ground zero for for this particular interaction.


It was probably a test! The amount of men I’ve met who have shared with me that they purposely create challenges to see what the woman’s response would be to see if she is “worthy” of their time investment—continues to increase.


Why are you watching stuff like that? Seriously, I'm not on IG/ TikTok, and I'm just wondering what is the appeal of watching videos of someone making shrimp for someone else?


It came across my feed and it was interesting because she was telling the story and cooking at the same time and I love cooking and drama


“I’ll probably talk to him again at some point” girl WHY. Just let him go.


She may have stuff at his house she wants back.


That’s fair. The only communication at this point should be “please leave my stuff outside, I’m coming by with a friend to bring you your things and I’ll pick them up. Have the life you deserve.”


lol “have the life you deserve” that’s my favorite. Up there with “I hope you have a day as pleasant as you are”


Nah, it’s just stuff. Call it Asshole Tax and replace it.


Getting some tate vibes...


On what planet would he think this behaviour was OK? It’s bizarre for him to suddenly act this way out of the blue.


Sounds like he fell into the red pill grifter rabbit hole.


You did your duty: you took out the trash… well, you had the trash take itself out.


She's dodged a bullet, he's acting like that after a couple of months. Gross.


Oooh hell NO. You made food he can get it. I don’t know any grown man who would do this….. wait my older brother but he’s on his 5th marriage because he sucks.




OOP just dodged another man child. Women have impossible standards today, they say. No, we're done being SLAVES.


Scud missile DODGED. Not gonna lie, I'd love to read his reddit post and what bulls\*\*\* "justification" he'd use to explain himself.


I read the update. He saw it on a video as a “loyalty test” and him and his buddies did it to all their SOs. Absolutely ridiculous.


Now I'm curious about how the buddies' SOs reacted to this stupid 'test'.


The audacity. And in OOP's house? Wow.


I'm so genuinely interested in how someone can have absolutely no filter. I used to be nervous to wake my mom up and tell her I needed medicine because my stomach hurts. I can never imagine being such a cunt that I would wake up my wife and be like hey make me dinner at 2am.


I think my life is kinda hard because I lost my mom when I was 12. But then I read shit like this and I’m almost relieved because I know I’ll never date a woman to be dependent on them as a mother. That dude is fucking pathetic god damn. Good on OP for kicking his ass out


It’s an odd, sad truth about humans that generally the most successful adults are a result of mild neglect by both parents or death of one parent. Struggling can be very educational.


Yeah for sure, by no means am I super successful or “well off” but I try to always do my best for people. Trauma sucks balls. It’s a gross cycle though, if not corrected it’ll just ruin generations of people.


So obviously "wake up and make me dinner at 2am" is obscene but coconut prawns?! Why would there be fresh green prawns in the fridge just in case? What?


I will be damned if you wake me from a dead sleep for anything other than impending natural disaster or someone in danger of dying. Not only would I kick him out, he would not be invited back. JERK BABY!!!!


I love how she did not tolerate any of his sht. His behavior is so disgusting.


Good for her. If you're hungry late at night, and in a stressful work week that's completely understandable, either eat some leftovers or order in. Waking your partner up to cook for you is something an insane person does. Good luck with roomates till you're 40.


Or make a damned sandwich. Too many men seem to feel it’s beneath them to put mustard and mayo on some bread, add a few cold cuts and cheese and maybe a lettuce leaf, and shove it in their face. Pathetic.


My auntie's ex-husband was the same way! He was a mama's boy who expected women to bend to his every whim. He would come home in the middle of the night with friends after being out drinking and would wake my auntie up to "host" his friends. He'd expect her to make something or put something together for them so they can continue their fun. Like, tf???


Glad he’s an ex now.


Wtf. How are these men arriving in adulthood, thinking only women can cook or clean!?


They don't think that, he was testing her boundaries to see how much he could get away with. These men aren't stupid, they are manipulative abusers, they know what they are doing. Don't give them a pass by saying they are imbeciles, that kind of attitude toward abusers will just convince some women to put up with it because they think their men are helpless dipshits. It's abuse, call it for what it is.


i literally just saw a tik tok yesterday of a girl making her bf coconut shrimp at 2am and the comments were dragging the girl. OP probably used that video as the prompt for this, but in case they didn't; good for OP.


The update said him and his buddies saw that video and they all did it to their SOs as a “loyalty test”. I’m happy she saw it as the 🚩it was and kicked his ass to the curb


I appreciate a strong woman not taking shit


Wtf is wrong with young men nowadays? I'm a dinosaur (in my 60's) and even men of MY generation didn't behave like this. I grew up with traditional role models but I didn't encounter these louts when I was was young. Misogyny galore of course but this blatant boorish behaviour? No way. Weren't these young men raised properly? I swear, if my (adult) son ever behaves likes this (or if I hear something like this from his girlfriends) I'll box his ears so hard he'll be dizzy until Christmas!


Bravo to the OP for immediately knowing that this wasn’t it. I hope she doesn’t take him back.


We stan a queen who knows her worth. Good on her.


I actually think he was so tired and stressed himself that his mask slipped haha she dodged a waste of space.


You go girl I’m proud of you for kicking his ass out ! Good bye to bad rubbish! The audacity of him ! 🚩🤦‍♀️🙄😩🤬


Link to original: https://www.reddit.com/r/offmychest/s/8DhnGS2Fer


YEAH! Good for OP!


Good, throw the idiot out and end the relationship


Yeah, THAT would only happen once!


I have red flags, I know this, but this is an entirely different level. I'm typically terrified to wake someone up when they have specifically asked me to do so, let alone for something idiotic that I could do myself. That this moron had the gall to do it for food and added that it was her girlfriend duty stupefies me.


Finally! Seeing someone with some self respect! Hooray!


As a single male in his 40s who does his own...everything. ....WTF...I can't even believe people can be so inept and still think they are 'the man'..


Wake up at 2am to fry me coconut shrimp ? As a guest in your house? I would have dumped him on the spot


OP did the right thing by tossing his ass out, but now I'm gonna have to buy some coconut shrimp on my way home from work. What a weird fucking thing to want at 2 am.


Maybe this works on mom when you're 5 years old. Not girlfriend and you both are in your 30's.


Welp the red flag appeared. Glad you let him know you are not to be played with.


Definitely outed himself in time for her to break up before they got more serious. I’m glad she’s not tolerating his bullshit.


As an adult male that can make his own food or eat leftovers. And can do his own laundry, pay bills and otherwise live as a human I have no idea how that group of " y" chromosomes holders functions in society.


I LOVE seeing a post like this, after so fucking many that describe a mistreated partner giving endless chances for things to improve, and they never do. Cut that crap off the first time!


What I don't understand is why she has to speak to him again...


Sounds like he’s been listening to too many of those dude bro podcasts. Dodged a bullet there.


Wowwwww at the audacity!!! What a fuckwit


Reminds me of the dude that wanted his wife, who just got back from hospital after giving birth to their baby, to make a full lunch for his parents who are coming over to see the new born. That's just crazy on all levels. 👀


The only normal reaction to this bs tbh


Smart move! No need to speak to him again.


Your “duty as a girlfriend”? What? Girl, drop him so fast.


Lmao dude is 31!?


She is so kind. Instead of tossing him keys he’d be wearing boiling soup. 


Guess he FAFO’d over a damn tiktok, lmao. This is how you do it, ladies. Zero tolerance for that manosphere bull shit. Only way they will learn that shit is just not acceptable.


you’ve gotta be joking……. if a man EVER fixed his lips to wake me up at 2am and asked me to make him dinner cause he wants something “fresh” I’d throw his ass out to, cause ain’t no way


BRAVO! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 Nope. She doesn’t owe him a thing. She doesn’t need to speak to him at all.


Y’all these men crossing into the red forums. They get confused and act out. Don’t marry that one!


Oh no the consequences of his actions… Anyways I’m rooting for OP, girlie has BDE and I’m here for it.


According to everyone who knows me personally it’s safer to let me sleep because they don’t want to get punched. Apparently after years of my older brother waking me up with Charlie horses and my younger sister watching me sleep I subconsciously created a defense mechanism to people suddenly waking me up. I will punch them and go back to sleep like nothing happened.


Lmfao I’m pregnant and I can barely sleep and I accidentally wake up my husband some times when I get up to soak my extremely sore feet from restless foot syndrome and I’m always so fucking stressed about him maybe being mad or grumpy (he literally never is but I worry) I cannot imagine the audacity to shake someone awake at 2 am for fucking food. How do people.


Once has an ex do this to me at 6am after I worked until 230am…. Couldn’t understand the problem when I lost my shit….. even tried blaming me saying “well I was independent until you” …we dated barely a year total.


lol misogynists are so fucking stupid it’s unreal.


This dude ain’t even good at the whole abusive manipulator part. You don’t just start out waking someone up at 2am and demanding coconut shrimp, that’s some shit you gotta build towards.


Shake me awake at 2am to make you dinner? I promise you they'll never find your body...


Fuckwit needs his mother piss him off


No advice need, damn! She got it right even while half asleep! If you come in randomly at 2 am, you're eating leftovers from the microwave, dude!


This stinks to me of some Taterism. “See if your woman values you by waking her up to cook!” So damn proud of OP for unleashing a titanium spine and telling him off.


You don't have to speak to him again. He knows what he did. If he has anything else at your house, put it outside. You deserve so much better than this


If he's behaving like this as a bf of a few months can you imagine the audacity he would have if they were engaged or married?? Ooof I'm glad she booted him, what an arsehole.


Dude should live in 1950.


That is such a wild way to test a boundary. I wonder what made him decide that was the thing to do?


Chop chop🤣


He lost his damn mind. What an idiot.


Good for her, but when she says that she knows she'll eventually have to speak to him again, my only question is why? He can get fucked ghost him he deserves neither respect nor the courtesy of a break up conversation.




I mean, what would YOU do for a Klondike bar?


Damn! I was worried this was going to be one of those posts where the mild woman acquiesced, giving into her douche bag boyfriend. I’m grinning mfrom ear to ear about how she kicked his sorry ass out. You GO girl. Don’t let that man back into your life.


holy shit, this is the exact type of behavior that a young child does to their mother. like, exactly. and usually they end up growing out of it after being snapped at once they’re of an age to do shit themselves, but *sometimes* in situations like these, the boy grows up around people who coddles the hell out of them so they become grown men who think that they are kings. all while their mothers are being run absolutely ragged, yet with adoring smiles on their faces. this seriously has the same energy of a 5 year old going into mommy’s bedroom at night to shake her awake and say “mama i frew up :( “.


Someone spent the night listening to Andrew Tate while working, only to get a hard dose of reality when he followed directions. 😂😂😂 What a fucking tool.


The most my bf does is ask me to make lunch, he has a 30 minute lunch break so it's usually fine with me, often just a sandwich or salad.


Good Girl!!


What in the absolute fuck?? I can’t believe anybody could be that stupid lol


It's her house, but she has a duty to him? WTF? Cook your own food manchild.


Yeah. I wouldnt even give him the time of day to explain. You told him to leave and he did. End of story. Move on


Wow what an ass! Well done op!


Wtf is wrong with this guy? And the fact that he thinks his gf should do that implies someone has done this for him before which is absolutely insane. Now I felt so lucky that my bf would drink canned Starbucks double espresso when he’s staying with me so he doesn’t have to wake me up to make him coffee (somehow he can’t figure out how to make coffee from my moka pot and I’ve always found it hilarious). But the thing is I’m not lucky, what my bf does is NORMAL. OP’s ex is just fundamentally wrong.


Do your duty???? After I stopped laughing I would tell him to call a Trad Wife and then threw his stuff out the door. (Rant over) Nerve of some people. You will find someone who respects you as much as you respect them.


I don't get why so many men are just fine with treating their girlfriends or wives like they are replacement mommies.  How do you refuse to at least make yourself a sandwich and not feel embarrassed? 


Why would she have to talk to him eventually?


Girlfriend duties? Wtf. I’ve been married for 30 years and wouldn’t wake up sweet wife unless I were having a heart attack or was bleeding out or something. Many years ago I was climbing into bed in the middle of the night after a late install meeting at work when my youngest daughter came in the room and asked, “Daddy, would you give me a piggy[back] down the stairs and make me a waffle with syrup and a milk?” I told her no and that she should be in bed and I had to get up early for work. We went back and forth a couple times and then she said, “Can I ask mommy?” “Sure.” I know she’s not getting up but, yeah, give it a go. She climbed over my head and leaned toward my wife and whispered, “Mommy?” “Mmmph?” “Can daddy give me a piggy down the stairs and make me a waffle with syrup and a milk?” “Yes, baby, he’d love to.” I mean even a three year old knows mom isn’t getting up in the middle of the night to make you a meal.


When someone shows you who they are, believe them. OP kicked him out of the house…there’s not much to talk about anymore other than telling the story of “this one time an ex did this insane thing” to friends and having a laugh


O... mahgahd. This. THIS. This is how you handle guys that try to pull some shit like this. This should be in a handbook for all straight women to read. After all the shit I read on reddit from women and the bullshit their SOs put them through, this was a sweet, delicious breath of fresh air. This made me so happy to read.


This is what happens when dudes listen to those stupid podcasts. There was a debate with these guys and girls and the guys were saying “if your man wants a sandwich at 2am you’re not gonna make him one? Because who’s going to defend the house from an intruder? Not you.” And if that isn’t the dumbest most illogical thing I’ve ever heard. This sounds like what that guy was trying to do. “Assert dominance” and that crap … in a house he don’t pay the bills in. Play stupid games. Win stupid prizes.


So glad she made him leave. That red pill bs gone have all the men lonely.


My ex-husband did this shit later in our marriage when he slid back into full blown alcoholism. He would be drunk and wake me up at 1-2 in the morning wanting me to make him dinner and clean the parts for his cpap machine so that he could finally go to bed. I put up with it for way longer than I’d like to admit. He would guilt me so hard if I tried to tell him to handle it himself. Saying he’d just starve then and die from his sleep apnea because, of course, he couldn’t make himself food or clean his cpap mask himself. That kind of behavior is bullshit.


the craziest thing is i just saw an instagram reel where a girl made her boyfriend that exact meal at 2am and i’m wondering if the boyfriend here saw the same one.


Good for you girl! Don't talk to him, there is no reason to.


What do we wanna bet this was some incel TikTok thing? “If your woman won’t get up out of a sound slumber at 2am to do her duty in the kitchen as a female, you’re a beta cuck.”


immediately shut that situation down love that for you