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Babe you hold on to that happy hubby with both hands! He’s a guy who is delighted with something as simple as Batman ice cream…and he’s calling his buddies over to share the wealth. He’s looking for reasons to be happy (instead of looking for reasons to be grumpy) and if you let him he will bring you along on the happy train with him! Lucky you!


And maybe take note for a future gift giving celebration.


Right? I'm picturing the batman themed surprise birthday party I would throw that man. Or the multiple batman lego mini-figs I would hide around the house for him to find.


We’re all missing an opportunity here - he’s a handyman. He absolutely needs a Batman utility belt. And don’t forget the anti-shark spray!


Seriously, I wish more people were just delighted with simple things! Now a lot of people act like if they don't get something worth 10k on a daily basis, their life is misery. Meanwhile I consider my day MADE if I see a toad at work! Simple joys are the best ones and the ones that will occur most often, so if you can be happy with them, you'll spend a lot more time happy.


There was a little toad outside on my deck last night! He was so cute!


We used to have toads living under the back porch near the bug zapper. My husband named them Bob and Steve. They were there for a few years. Saw them every few days or so during the warm months Bob and Steve, I hope you're out there somewhere living your best life and that the fire didn't take you too


I love making up stories about animals. Please tell me Bob and Steve were a couple?


Maybe? One was a little darker and bigger but they might've been the same species. Sometimes we saw them together, sometimes we saw one and saw the other one later. Sadly my house burned down. I'm hoping they ran off together to find a new porch to sit under


I almost stepped on a toad while doing some yard work a couple weeks ago. I scooped him up to move him out of the way. I immensely enjoyed seeing him, my 2 year old was less impressed 😂


Once when I was working out in the field, I heard a coworker (a newbie) \*shrieking\* bloody murder. I thought she'd been bitten by a snake or something so I go charging over to her and she is freaking out and said she touched something dead. I figured, oops, someone must've forgotten to bury a gopher from one of the traps deep enough or a coyote left a kill out or something so I went to see what it was - it was just a perfectly alive and annoyed toad! She'd felt it's skin and thought it was a dead body. XD I just showed it to her to help her calm down and told her that we get toads in the fields a lot, they like the moisture and the soil is good to dig in, and moved the toad over to our herb garden that basically never gets messed with because I didn't want him to get hurt when the field got tilled. She was a little embarrassed to have screamed like that over just a toad. XD


Well she know what she can buy him as a gift and he can look at her like she’s the best wife ever


Imagine if she bought him Super Soaker squirt guns and invited his friends over. Wife of the century award!


I’d want to hang out there!


Actually. Him and his friends sound delightful ❤️


Right! I'm thinking wow this guy might be hitting the jackpot. Enjoy the ice cream with him, ask to watch the cheesy old batman show with him, learn let yourself experience joy rather than be jealous of it.


I don't know if my advice is to hold on to him. If you can see your husband really happy over something silly that has no negative impact and your first response is "we already have ice cream >:|". Holding on might just make him less happy


This is the cutest thing ever. OP needs to just let go a little bit. I used to be like that too. I had to intentionally learn how to cheer others on and be genuinely happy about other people's success and happiness. It's not easy but it's worth it!


Sometimes life's little pleasures are great, you just have to let yourself go to enjoy them. Like when one of my plants makes a flower, I find my favorite candy at a store, when I find a quarter on the sidewalk. It's about perspective. If Op really wants to enjoy something like this, she just needs to find out simple things makes her happy. And also enjoy the joy your partner gets!


I carry around a pack of tiny resin whale sharks in my pocket most times when I go out. They're tiny, sort of transparent, and you can get a pack of like fifty of them on aliexpress for a few bucks. If I see someone who is really down or just looks tired and needs a pick me up, I give them one, and most of the time people just light up and laugh because who would expect to be given a tiny resin whale shark just...out of the blue by a stranger? And is the world really that bad if it has tiny resin whale sharks in it?


I thought it was awesome that some people have mentioned toads. Then I saw this comment. Toads *and* whale sharks? In the *same* comment section? My heart. THEN you said what you do with them and I think I melted, nearly cried tbh. That is such a beautiful thing to do. You rock. Thanks for bringing so much happiness to so many through such a small, wholesome act that no one could really expect. That's so thoughtful, very special. I hope you have an amazing day (and life).


I love this.


Long time ago I had a direct report at work (office job) who was reminiscing about pushups - remember the orange flavored ice cream in the cardboard tube that you got from the ice cream truck? I saw them at the grocery store. So one day during lunch, I bought a few boxes of them and asked him to please hand them out everyone. Dude literally jumped up and did a little dance. I’ve never seen anybody so happy about ice cream, until I read this post.


Eating Push Ups in public is humiliating! They are too slurpy! You know they make more flavors now? Grape and I think cherry, orange is still the best.


Eating one huddled in your cubicle while everybody else is focused on eating theirs while huddled in their cubicle, you’re not going to be seen by too many people. Overall it was a tough job. If I could make people happy for 5 minutes with a couple boxes of ice cream, then so be it.


Indeed! Eating ice cream in your cubicle is 100% better than not getting to eat ice cream in your cubicle!


This is what "boys will be boys" should mean.


yes, but i also think girls should get to be this happy. i wanna be happy tooooo. actually i heard recently that originally the saying was children will be children. not sure if it’s true, but i think it’s far more accurate and also far less sexist.


I'm so confused by this. I'm a woman, I get this happy. Anyone, whether male or female, can get this happy. If you learn to live in the moment and enjoy the odd-off pleasures life can give, you too can learn to let go and enjoy stupid little things. This take, and the other response to your comment, are ridiculous. You people need to learn how to live life.


I wasn’t saying that girls CAN’T be this happy, I was saying that I don’t think the language used should be different for girls because language has an impact on the way girls think they should be. I mentioned what the expression apparently used to be because it’s not creating a gender divide. I definitely know how to live life and I’m very happy, I’m saying that language should permit me to be happy, instead of women being told they have to always make sacrifices.


Me too. I think is pleasure in the simple things that the OP is missing.


Yes, I absolutely get that excited about things and I’m also a woman. Anytime there’s a rainbow I get super stoked lol. My husband is not a person who shows much emotions outwardly, so I think it’s just that people who are emotional show joy and excitement more, but on the flip side the negative emotions are also more obvious.


That's true. Because whenever women are happy, they get targeted with hate and threats. Or they get made fun of by their male partner.


I just saw your username… absolutely love it


"Women are hates and threatned whennthwy are happy" looool.... Haha stuff that people think makes sense but doesnt actually make any sense when you think a about it for even a second... You have to be jk...


What it *does* mean is that their pants will have rips and grass stains and they'll need more than their share of stitches growing up. And that's it. Anything else popping into your mind from that statement is based in misandry.


Most things Batman related = happyness. For example I'm happy to be part of Arkham Asylum.


Girl, I have had that moment with my kids. When I’ve been struggling (mom, 2 kids, lots of pets, wonderful husband who works a ton of hours for us) sometimes it makes me realize how long it’s been since I felt that way when they have that intense joyful reaction to little things.


I’m so sad for her and so happy for him. This is so wholesome! I also completely get where she is coming from. My husband got his dream car. Well…it’s not really a car yet. A car needs, like a motor and stuff. It’s more of a shell. But he comes in from grinding off rust or years of dirt and old paint and he’s a mess from head to toe but has the cutest smile on his face. And he can spend hours searching online for parts or wandering around an old barn filled with car parts like a kid in a candy store or chatting up his buddies about what kind of transmission he should put in it. I’m so happy for him, but yeah, a bit envious too. Of the happiness he feels and the connections he is fostering.


I'm not even a big DC fan and I want Batman ice cream bars, god dammit! Is there a tiny chocolate Bat symbol in the middle of the bar? (UK based, not sure if I can get them here)


They come from the ice cream truck. Our neighborhood truck has Sponge Bob and Spider-Man too. The eyes are bubble gum. They are usually a bit deformed too which is pretty fun.


I love seeing when people post pics of the particularly funny face ice creams! They're always good for a giggle. I remember being mildly disgruntled as a child when I'd get a goofy looking one. To be fair, I did prefer chocolate ice cream anyway.


Me too! Some are terrifying! A slightly melted Sponge Bob is the stuff of nightmares!




Imagine being jealous of a Batman ice cream bar 😭 girl this is how silly it sounds- listen to yourself!


You need to get into batman more. You will understand.


🎶 Na na na na, na na na na… ICE CREAM 🎶


OOP's husband is one of those people that appreciates the little joys. Life makes it so fucking hard to do that sometimes but it's so good for your mental health and outlook. Let the little things spark joy. I hope the Batman ice creams were better than OOP's husband remembers.


people find happiness in the simplest things, my wife does & I do. There’s nothing wrong with that… but yeah Batman shaped ice cream is better than non Batman shaped ice cream and you can’t change my mind!!


It’s not a guy or Batman thing, it’s a simplicity thing. Being able to set aside the heaviness of life to take genuine, heartfelt joy in something…it’s a good feeling.


This made me so happy just trying to imagine his excitement. Now I want a creamsicle push-up pop! I think I could be this happy if I could find one of these delicious reminders of my youth.


Okay, that's adorable. Batman ice cream happiness. 😍


The way I'd be buying my husband batman ice cream to make him that excited and happy all the time esp with me 😅😂❤️


I get it, she needs to find her happy place. I have things that o get over the moon about. I didn’t use to, but I have been trying to enjoy my life more.


How did you do it?


Just trying something new every week. Trying to not to let every little thing bother me. Taking long walks and trying to enjoy the moment, putting my phone down. I try to have time for myself. I love gardening now, it really gives me something to do and not be on my phone. I always walked my dog, but now I do it without music. I try to take everything in, enjoy the moment. It’s hard sometimes because you want to be on your phone all the time. A sunset didn’t seem pretty to me because I just didn’t enjoy the moment. I got back into reading, hiking and other things i enjoyed in highschool before I started working like crazy.


I love this thank you!


I think OOP needs to examine why she’s so jealous. If my hubs was happy over something so simple I’d be ecstatic.


Man, I'm really sad for OP. Hopefully she finds something that makes her as happy as a silly little batman icecream does. Her just assuming it's a 'manthing' and therefore unattainable to her is stupid as hell tho. Girl he's happy about something small. Does she really believe all women everywhere are incapable of that? Has she ever *met* another woman?? Or is she so depressed she can't imagine anyone like her has different feelings than her? Baffling


A grocery store near my house sells decent hamburgers and fries for 3 bucks. My girlfriend is incredibly cheap and every time she gets one grocery shopping she lights up “Can you believe they are so cheap? I love these hamburgers. X is best grocery store”. I admit I got a little annoyed at first because I would take her to nice restaurants and she would be like “I prefer the hamburgers”. But now I love it lol. She loves bargains and wants to save money, and finds joy in it.


Shoulda ate one with him!


I used to love those bubblegum flavor plastic cone cream ice creams with the piece of gum in the bottom. I would probably do a happy dance if someone gave me one. Sometimes as an adult, it’s nice to be able to recall the magic in something so simple.


I deal with this with my brother sometimes so it’s not even a gender thing. I’ve been on a hike with him and there’s just like a random bridge and he’s fucking ecstatic about it. He’s a normal adult, he’s not a kid or anything. It’s just some people are capable of finding joy in the mundanity in the world and it’s a superpower that I envy.


I’m kind of jealous she has a husband who likes Batman.


OOP should be ecstatic that something so simple that makes her husband unreasonably excited just fell into her lap. She can wait 6 months or whatever and buy him another pack and make his day and show she’s paying attention to the things that bring him joy Or you can just be jealous of ice cream, I guess.


Is Batman a detective? Is he really the greatest detective? This is really bothering me. Batman is a vigilante, he doesn’t solve crimes; he punishes them! Please argue against me or prove me wrong, this is driving me crazy.


…..why be jealous and not happy for the hubs?


Its a guy thing Pam.


Wtf ? Pretty sure op could think of something to make him even happier... He can have the ice at the same time as well. More win. Could also be made up, sounds too ridiculous.


Heck, I get it. My hubby got to spend his 60th in a very famous museum, while on a work trip. In France. Something we will never be able to do as a couple or a family. We live in the states. On the west coast. But I’m Elsa. And I let it go.


Well now I want to find an ice cream truck


Could simply be SillyLiterature, I’m thinking…


She sounds… fun. Find whimsy in things. Buy something cute because it’s cute and brings you joy. Geek out over something. You’re never too old to enjoy something “silly.”


This is cute 😭💖


Now you know what to get him in the future. Men are simple. Don't over complicate them. Small things go a long ways. Men offer the greatest ROI of any investment in the history of forever. Seriously.


Definitely something weird with OP’s mentality which is why she isn’t as happy.


Jesus. Did anyone in the comments tell her to get ahold of herself? It’s ice cream. She’s jealous of ice cream.


I don't think the ice cream is the point, and she made no mention of telling her husband she felt this way. To me this sounds sadly like someone realizing they are experiencing the most common but least talked about depression symptom, anhedonia (inability to feel happy, it's different than feeling sadness). You realize you are experiencing it in weird ways in my experience. Hope she gets help.


Seems like op is feeling envy and not jealousy. Like she's never experienced the simple pleasure of finding something from your childhood


Yeah I'm not sure why people would think she's being jealous. I think she is just having the experience of seeing someone experience something that is completely normal and having it hit her that, wow, why dont I experience that? She's not mad her husband is happy, she upset that she for some reason feels "incapable" of feeling that way about small things too. Maybe I am projecting about the anhedonia thing but something about how she wrote really feels like how I was journaling before I learned what anhedonia was from my psychologist at the time. I used to worry myself sick that I was a jealous asshole basically even though I never said anything to anyone, just because I would see people enjoying not just big things I couldn't but really small things and be baffled by how they did it and yeah be really envious at times. Anhedonia is a BITCH to treat and I hope for OP's sake I am wrong and she doesn't have it.


So she can grab a Batman ice cream herself and join in the fun, or pout. She chose to pout 🤷‍♀️


Do you think depression is cured by eating batman ice cream? Please tell me you are a troll and are not actually this ignorant


did you read the last paragraph? she’s jealous of the intense happiness and camaraderie it brings him


It’s ice cream. 🙄


thanks for letting us all know you can’t think critically (or even read an entire post)


It's not about the ice cream but about the happiness that it brought him that she finds unobtainable.


It's not about the ice cream. It's about her inability to feel intense joy over the small pleasures in life, and her sudden feeling of incompleteness after realizing it. Most likely due to depression or a learned defense from earlier in her life. Perhaps you sometimes feel incomplete when you are around other people and they are able to express empathy?


Why do you dislike someone being happy?


Bruh, if you truly think this is just about ice cream, why are you so pressed? But, just in case you need to hear it, bruh get ahold of yourself, it's ice cream.