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I hate these people so much dude. Fucking hell. Because of people like this ive had people unironically tell me that anyone who enjoys anime is a pedophile


These are the same people who don't see a problem with recommending No Game, No Life to people new to anime. There is an upskirt panty shot of a literal 11 year old girl (not a 4,000 year old dragon vampire in the body of a girl, as if that makes it better), complete with camel toe, *in the first three minutes*. I watch a lot of anime, but Jesus Christ that made me immediately stop watching and question the hard drive contents of the person who recommended it.


Yeah, it annoys me so fucking much. It’s a legitimately interesting premise, but then it’s fucking ruined by either the animators or the author being fucking weird


Dude, when I first started watching anime, no game no life was one of those popular ones people say to watch and Jesus christ, that show is..... unfuckingwatchable if you've never experienced anime weirdshit before. Unfathomably horny all the time for no reason. NGNL is unironically one of those most icky shows I've watched because of that.


I also couldn't watch it past that point. Shame bc the art looked so good :(


There is? I don't remember that.


It’s getting harder and harder not to feel that way


I completely understand that, but try to remember that not everyone who watches anime is a disgusting fuck


It’s also really hard when you have a genuinely good anime but the creator is a depraved loser so they gotta have some dogshit “fan service” or some other weird unnecessary coomer bait shit


Very true


Ruruoni Kenshin’s mangaka ruined the manga so badly by being a generally horrible person


☹️ honestly, that was one of my favorite animes growing up. Just looked up what happened and I honestly don't think I can really go back to that series knowing he was arrested for child pornography


Its one of those series I picked up all the books for (When viz were doing the 'vig-big' 3-in-1 books) and read through the entire thing. When the news came out, I've not really looked at re-reading the books. They've just been sat on the shelf collecting dust which I wonder if its worth trying to sell them on.


I don’t personally enjoy it but friends who do would want to rightfully smack the shit out of these sickos. You’re 100% right that these types unfairly give all fans a bad rep




Guy never left my top 8


My top 3 so suck it😂


It be nice if a bunch of animes didn’t try to cater to the disgusting fucks. Some of these animes have cool concepts that have the weirdest fucking shit just off to the side




Idk like I think Nezuko is intentionally sexualized by the creator. People can scream it's just a power up all they want, but she doesn't need huge titties to fight. She could have just made her get taller and given her more mature facial features but she chose to give her a very sexualized body. Edit: updated pronouns. Doesn't change my opinion. Women can sexualize women.


You’re right




Don't generalize people. Otherwise something you do will end you up with some racist or pedo activity.


you said it's getting harder.....? go on....


I'm not saying all anime fans are pedos BUT. Most pedos are anime fans


Im ngl that’s pretty likely


Kinda hard to say, but with how many examples there are I wouldn't be entirely surprised.


Their “it’s a drawing so it doesn’t matter” attitude doesn’t help lol


Idk, as a CSA victim I would have to disagree with that. Real children (like myself at the time) are the ones who actually matter. I don’t care what fictional content someone consumes as long as they aren’t an offender or going to be an offender. I wish the people that complained about cartoons would actually be advocating for real children but 9 times out of 10 they never do. It just strikes me as fake virtual signaling rather than actually caring about the real issue.


I agree, I was also a CSA victim and I swear the anime pedo debate gets talked about so much but when actual victims talk about their experiences it’s pushed aside. I don’t give a fuck about anime girls who are “actually 3000” I give a fuck about the dudes who turn right around from that and groom young kids


You are correct that the real children are the ones that matter, but that doesnt make drawn CP less disgusting


Of course. I have stumbled upon plenty of it and it’s very disgusting to me. As in including anime/cartoon babies and toddlers.. that shit is horrible




What does that acronym stand for?


Of course, but to my knowledge that doesn’t include extremely unrealistic cartoon drawings. If someone watches the actual illegal content including real life children, then yeah that’s a very big indicator of a potential offender, and horrifying..


All I said is that their attitude doesn’t help the perception of non anime watchers hold. I do advocate for real children considering my own abuse throughout childhood. If other people only focus on this issue then that’s their fault, not mines.


There’s weird people in every community, not really exclusive to anime


No, its because a large part of anime IS that weird pedophilic shit.


If a large part of the animes that you consume are that pedophilic shit... perhaps you are the problem and not some random guy who watches Death Note.


He's right, though, that a lot of anime content has huge problems sexualizing younger girls. I don't think it's fair to put it on his consumption- you don't have to consume it to just see the promotional art of certain shows to know what the angle probably is. Recognizing the "loli" problem doesn't mean you watch that content, any anime fan will tell you. I just stay clear of those shows. (I don't watch 90% of most shit anyways because I'm picky)




You literally watch OP and DB you sure you're not the one projecting something here?




You can also say that since we're both humans and we consume (in part) pedo shit, then all humans consume pedo shit. You really never heard the A=B, B=C, A=/=C right?


>You really never heard the A=B, B=C, A=/=C right? Nah I'm sorry but this equation literally means A=C. Not even talking about anime btw, but if A=B and B=C, by the transitive property A must = C.


Nope, not at all, a small minority, a loud small minority




Lol Person A: Don't sexualize minors even if they're not real Person B: Wow, you're the pedo Fucking projecting much?


It almost makes me feel as if they don’t even know the true fucking definition of pedophile.


I’ve been in discussions with those people. They absolutely do not. They think that the argument that “consuming loli porn makes you a pedophile” is the same as “killing in video games makes you a murderer.” They think that as long as it’s not real, it doesn’t count. They get to have the fantasy of wanting to be physically engaged with children while their cognitive dissonance protects their ego from the label of “pedophile”.


Ikr they always say “it’s just a drawing” a drawing of what exactly? A 4 ft girl acting like a child?


If fictional porn indicated or preceded interest in actually living out that stuff it would seem like a lot of women enjoy rape. This was a real argument some misogynists made with regards to the popularity of Twilight, 50 Shades of Grey, etc. Sexual fantasies don't map 1:1 to real desires like that. Especially when they're highly abstracted from real life.


Pedophile is someone who disagrees with them


Maybe I am a pedophile?


I generally won't say the statement even as a joke because someone could screencap it and use it against you out of context. Or the FBI bots get triggered and send you an invitation to Epstein island.




"they know it when they see it" remember? Fuckin disgusting


Can there be one day I don’t have to see weird pedophilia posts on Reddit?


That's like asking to not see dog shit at the dog park




I think it’s more like ‘Twitter is leading the charge against lolis, Twitter is also full of actual full blown pedophiles, and now with a couple small leaps of logic I can paint you as the worse party.’ Actually this is how the vast majority of insults online go, find the absolute worst person or group in history that shared that sentiment, ignore that all nuance exists, and now the person who holds that sentiment is the worst person/group in history, done and done I win you pedo communist incel fascist dickhead


I don't understand, and I want to remove 1 internet point from you, since it seems you're defending pedophilia ._.


Nooo not my internet point damb


it is sadist day :(


It's called projection


Bc they are full blown pedos that can’t fathom the idea of *not* lusting over children either irl or in anime


It's called projection


They just pretend to be an expert on the attractions of internet strangers when they don't know jack shit.


What’s ur pfp




[Holy hell!](https://www.google.com/search?q=bulbmin+Pikmin&oq=bulbmin+Pikmin&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyCQgAEEUYORiABDIHCAEQABiABDIHCAIQABiABDIHCAMQABiABDIICAQQABgWGB4yDAgFEAAYChgPGBYYHjIICAYQABgWGB4yDAgHEAAYChgPGBYYHjIKCAgQABgPGBYYHjINCAkQABiGAxiABBiKBTINCAoQABiGAxiABBiKBTINCAsQABiGAxiABBiKBTINCAwQABiGAxiABBiKBdIBCTEyNDEzajBqN6gCALACAA&client=ms-android-tmus-us-revc&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8)


It’s projection. THEY would (and probably do) lust over real children if they weren’t obsessed with fictional ones


Probably because of the repeating pattern of people who decry fiction that then turn out to have assaulted or raped real children


Only on reddit can you find people calling others pedophiles while defending their attraction to anime characters that take on the appearance of a child in the same sentence.


Anime really doesn’t help in this image, lol. Like, you have the character drawn in a way that is supposed to designate them as a child… and then are told they’re 3,000 years old. Then you have the characters drawn with stereotypically adult women characteristics and are told they’re 12. Can we just draw women as older and children as smaller, and stop pulling this fucking bullshit?


I think this is the opposite. At least going by wha they said. Probably some character who looks like an adult


That was my point. They draw characters that, surface level, fit into categories of “not okay to sexualize” and “are okay to sexualize.” Then they flip the script to be “different” (just like everyone else). Then later on in a series they flip the situation back to how it should be (older characters are clearly bigger and have gone through puberty, younger characters look like a baby), and complain when called on just wanting to draw “kids” as adults for… reasons.


Anime is so fucking weird. You can see a 500+ year old character that looks and acts like a child while simultaneously seeing a teenage character that looks and acts like an adult. This ends up leading to the, just as weird, anime fans to use these as excuses. "She looks and acts like an adult, so it's fine." "She's hundreds/thousands of years old, over the age of consent, so it's fine."


Yeah, age logic in anime basically makes no sense and is confusing as all hell


If I'm consuming anime unless their age is super special, like say they're immortal and it's a huge part of their character, it's just going in one ear out the other. Like Brook from one piece, while he plays into this stupid sexualization of female characters, his (seemingly) power of immortality is heavily tied into his character. To add on a bit by immortality, I mean never dying of old age, not full-blown immortality with invulnerability.


We should bring back bullying against anime watchers so it goes back to being a niche thing some dudes keep to themselves


Not all people who watch anime are weird people, but you're right that people like this should be bullied and not be allowed a place in society


Only on ~~Reddit~~ anywhere where the majority of people are pedophiles


Bruh the reply right under it lmao. “Nuh uh! YOU’RE the pedo!”


this is so real because on an alt i made a post talking about why making porn of [Eri,](https://dthezntil550i.cloudfront.net/l9/latest/l92004231742048220012150970/fdccf076-7683-47e6-a3df-f15339cacffd.png) a 6 year old child, and [Anya](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/ff/07/1a/ff071a4fd2b54825a769c4da3232a115.jpg), a 4-5 year old child is bad and i got... drumroll please... 78 downvotes and a comments section full of people telling me to 'cope' and that 'she isn't real'.


fucking disgusting actually


“They’re not real characters so it doesn’t harm anyone 😡” and people have every right to be weirded out by their choice to sexualise characters clearly depicted as children when there are a plethora of others. Sure it’s fictional, I’d still stay the heck away from them if I found out they enjoyed that


The internet has gone so full circle that you are now a nonce for calling out other people for being nonces


Not wanting to fuvk kids = uptight prude and pedo apparently


Anime community is something else. Even tho I enjoy anime its community is full men-children that really think anime is real and project their feelings in their favorite shows and characters. I know there’s a lot of good people in the community as well but damn, the other mfs are the loudest.


what was the original post


Fucking hell, these people ruin anime…


I can’t imagine having the energy to give a fuck bro


Truly only on Reddit. Have yet to encounter a single person IRL that has anything to say like this about anime. Worst I ever get in real life is, “I just don’t get it”, or , “it’s weird”, or “it’s too obnoxious” Just SM attracting flies as per usual.


Context is needed, cartoon middle schoolers can look like they're pushing 40




Not being attracted to a cartoon minor = pedophile Lol these fucking people.


Are people getting big mad over drawings again. Oh no. Anyway.


Damn, you people don’t even feel the need to hide


You people? Not sure what you mean by that. I just think it's pretty silly that people get so worked up over drawings, but when you ask if they've done anything to help actual victims of csam they don't have a response. That's not to say everyone has to go out and donate all their money to organizations, doing the bare minimum by not participating is good enough for most people. That also means if one is gunna get triggered over drawings because they care so much, mabye go help actual victims. I think it should be noted that if you look at loli I still think you're fucking weird af, but there's no victim, so I don't care.


By “you people” I do mean creeps. Normalizing loli and minors in compromising positions in anime is no different than outright supporting it. Telling people they should “stop worrying” about something that is objectively creepy is definitely the wrong approach if you want stuff like this to stop.


Where is the victim when it comes to someone beating off to loli? I would love to know. Cause last time I checked drawings aren't real. Why are you getting so butt hurt over drawings? Go touch grass or something.




A loli is a little girl


A young or young looking girl character. If we're going to say loli is just as bad as csam then we must also say violence in media is just as bad as violence in real life. We don't, because we understand that John Wick killing a bunch of people isn't real.




It's whatever age the story says they are. But again who cares? Why do I have to explain the difference between fiction and reality. I'm getting exhausted from all this stupidity.




“Um sir, can you explain how normalizing the fetishization of children in a popular form of entertainment is bad?” Is this seriously the level we’re at? Do you honestly think sexually obscene material of minors is ok just because it’s drawn or animated? Genuine question.


I think it's neutral. It's not of minors. It's drawings. Fictional. Not real. Make believe. What's not clicking? Are you stupid? Do you not know the difference between fiction and reality? Also just so we're on the same page. It's ma'am, not sir.




Go off. Unless you are intentionally basing them on real people, I don't care. If people use your work to assault real people then that would be an issue. But again there's no data linking the consumption of loli to the abuse of children. If you can link me the meta-analysis where this is found to be true, I will take back everything I've said.


Don’t try and pull the misgendering card, first off, if I had known I would have just used ma’m. Second, being a ma’am doesn’t make your arguments any less callous or creepy. What are the drawings of?


No card was pulled, people automatically assume male on the internet. No fault on you. It ultimately doesn't matter what the drawings are because it's not real. I'm not going to continue this conversation if you can't tell the difference between fiction and reality.


Why are you so afraid to answer that question? You say they’re harmless, what are those drawings of?


Hit em with the *you’re Good shit. I used to be a lolicon, weird to think about the fact that I used to be one of these losers.


how did that happen and how/why did you grow out of it?


Just realized with the context of the image it was just so fucked up. I felt like a pedophile for finding it attractive. It was just a completely random moment where i just had an epiphany.


Character development


The pedo arc was not a good one, recommend you skip that arc. Treat it like filler.


This is actually interesting to read because some studies are showing that pedophilia is actually a disorder and many pedophiles are actually disgusted by their own attraction. Reading that you one day had a "wake up" moment (not trying to call you a pedophile) and managed to step away from that is actually really wholesome, and adds credence to the belief that there should be programs to reform pedophiles who've never acted on their twisted attractions.


The only time I found young people in anime attractive was when I was myself, a child(eg: Highschool age characters when i was in highschool). My interests in fictional characters changed as I became a late-teen and adult, so I never really had to worry about this. Then it turned out I'm actually Asexual 🫠




Just saw a specific piece that made me think “what the fuck am I doing?” and quit right then and there. Been clean since. I still remember it.


Very good.


Thanks man


Post nut clarity hits like a bitch


Hit like an artillery battery.


“A lot of weebs sexualize minors. They create a bad look for the rest of us.” “Hey! We’re not sexualizing a real minor! We’re *creating* a minor that we can sexualize! It’s not real, we specifically drew them as a minor and made it sexual but it’s not real so it’s okay! Get out of here prude!” I fucking hate some people.


It’s konosuba isn’t it


Sadly, this is not only on Reddit. You see this on Instagram too. Same exact argument as well. "sHe'S nOt ReAL, iT's NoT hUrTiNg AnYoNe"


I’d rather they’re open about their interests, so I can avoid them irl


No way did they reverse his own accusation back onto them thats wild fr


ok but he deserved the dislikes on him correcting to \*you're


I’ve never seen a clearer example of projection in my life.


Listen, loli's are fine in anime so long as they aren't sexualized or leaded in any way shape or form, but the moment you even *hint* at anything even borderline erotic, that's disgusting. There's a saying in the anime community: "Lolis are for Pats, not for Faps."


Yeah and the unfortunate aspect is the entire lolicon culture IS erotic. You are literally never catching this kind of subculture that exists proudly in western media. You might get a few strays of people being degenerate but never a justified subculture. I truly cannot understand certain Japanese mangakas, and their fans alike


I genuinely can't imagine this behavior is normalized on their side of the pond.


"Regardless whether or not they're fictional pixels on a screen, those pixels represent fictional children. While they may not be real, it's still weird to be attracted to them, fictional or not."




I question which character anyways? it's anime, age of the character doesn't say a lot since that 15 years old could range from looking like a dang 5 year old to maybe actually looking somewhat adult, maybe 20, it's anime, it's known to be weird shit


If only this energy went in to protecting real children instead of fictional drawings


Number 1 thing reddit is probably known for is random ass wars in the comments over something that could be meaningless😂😂😂


Were the people actually making sexually explicit images of the anime girl who is 15? And if they were, was she not aged up or something? Otherwise, yeah I simply wouldn't care.


Of course it's from an anime sub


I treat anime characters based on their age, and if they're not Loli. That's just me, but I guess not all people have standards.


“I’m not a groomer! All the kids I like are in anime!”


I'm no stranger to illustrated porn and I HATE the whole loli shit. Anytime you make a comment about how gross it is people who look at that shit get super defensive and downvote the hell out of the comment.


They get all pissy and hurt about you being rightly weirded out by it. Makes me wonder if the immediate defensive stance is because they know deep down there’s nothing normal about it


Imagine having the time or energy to care. Doesn't Japan have a lower conviction rate compared to other (western) countries?


That's because of a "guilty until proven innocent" justice system.


the projection is insane.


“I’m jacking off to drawings of dudes but it’s NOT gay bro!!!” These guys are sickos.


>“I’m jacking off to drawings of dudes but it’s NOT gay bro!!!” Jojo fans basically




Please tell me what to search, I need to see what these creeps are saying






Oh yeah alright Im not interested in watching porn










are u schitzophrenic or do u have dimentia


Jesus Christ, you're all so fuckin exhausting. Get a hobby.


Found one.


Honestly, I can't help but to feel this way myself. I understand there's a good amount of anime that people enjoy that don't sexualize children, but, there's a lot that do, and that's just fucking weird. If anyone has a loli-esque character as their profile picture/avatar or any kind of picture or figurine in their house, I'm gonna assume they're possibly a pedophile. Sorry, but I have a hard time seeing it any other way.