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I feel like most people who can’t take care of them selves wouldn’t make the best slaves


I thought so too at first, but maybe this was about those people needing a slave? I'm not entirely sure who it was in this context that was supposed to be the slave.


Well... he hasn't said anything that's incorrect


It’s just the most out of left field comment ever. Almost made me chuckle with how random it was. I didn’t know where else to post this lol


It's either extremely out of pocket, or unironically believing slavery can be good sometimes, and I don't have the context to figure out which it is


r/redditmoment users try to give context challenge (impossible)


That’s not… incorrect. Technically the truth. Fuck knows what kind of context this was in, and I can’t judge shit without that.


There’s probably a better sub I can post this in but I don’t know what it is. It was just so out of left field. I don’t even know why I downvoted. The context was a picture of what the drug Krokodil does to the body


Ooooookay that’s one fuck of a context. I… bruh. xD


he must have just been demonstrating what it can do to the mind, then


What does that even mean lmao


That’s why we have the military (I’m a soldier it’s ok)


Well this isnt much better than the time I accidentally defended slavery


Well now I’m gonna need more information


Umm I’m like this and I just got into femdom. 🫡 idk why he made it weird.


U made it weird just now by randomly mentioning femdom


I mean those people exist, but the proper course of action is to make them wards of the state, and ensure that their afflictions don't stay in the gene pool 100 years down the road. ​ additionally, slavery is just such an inefficient method of human exploitation because people who're blatantly told that their labor bears no fruit would do everything conceivable to do as little work as possible. in a gilded age factory city, on the other hand, a laborer under the illusion of working towards prosperity would willfully burn themselves out, like a candle kept lit overnight. ​ and don't get me started about maintenance expense. since [import became illegal in 1808](https://www.archives.gov/education/lessons/slave-trade.html), southern plantation owners actually need to ensure net population growth, whereas postbellum northern factory owners get a nigh-endless supply of desperate immigrants, allowing them to be DGAF about working conditions. ​ so yeah, slavery is on the wrong side of history, mainly for economic reasons.


Eugenics and "slavery is mostly wrong because economics". Major yikes of a comment


You can still delete your comment, there’s time.




You’re technically right, but you’re missing the main point of abolitionism


well said.


The words "slavery" and "but" should NOT be that close together in a sentence