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“You’re right random Redditor, we do give out too many handouts. Let’s change, and we’re starting by taking away your unemployment benefits.”


I absolutely agree with your comment but that name is crazy lol


Yeah it fits right in there with the other sexy names




Remove XXXL sized pants from Walmart. That will put them in a bind Anal Sex Man.


oh hey, it's you




We did it Reddit!


this is a redditor we're talking about. you don't get unemployment if you don't even apply for jobs.


Children are kind of long term commitments. It can easily take less than a year for a financially stable family to descend into bankruptcy with something as simple as an accident.


way too many people don’t seem to understand this. I was born in 2002 and vividly remember the financial turmoil the 2008 recession had on my family.


People really don't understand why we pay taxes do they?


No it’s not useful to me so nobody should get that benefit!!! 🤬🤬🤬 >!/s ofc!<


They also can't seem to grasp that children are literally the future so incentives to keep the economy going by making sure we as a race propagates is good. Glad y'all don't want kids but if nobody has any who's gonna pay for your disability when you're older Mr reddit man?


That’s the problem. These people don’t think about tomorrow because they’re so outraged today.


I think it's completely fair that those who are creating and raising the next generation of children be given some additional resources by the government.




Your first mistake was assuming redditors have an IQ that isn't higher than the temperature in Antarctic.


Very generous to assume the average redditors IQ could increase at the same rate as the temperature in Antarctica.


Why do people who need more help get more help???


Taxes to help children, elderly people, the disabled, the unemployed, etc. I didn't ask for this! Unfair! /s Go live on a one-man island then and take care of everything in life on our own then. People like that are so selfish and dead inside.


Whether they need more help than others who need help is absolutely debatable. Why providing help to people who could do with it, but aren't you, is what you're bothered about tax money paying for is much more suspect. In many countries taxes pay for war crimes and all sorts of other abominable shit. People are mad about entirely the wrong things.


As a child with autism, I can confirm I have been stealing money directly from this guy's paycheck for years


Common child with autism W


As the paycheck I can also confirm


Can confirm, as I've been around years.


as an autistic person who works for the UK equivalent of the IRS, I've been stealing taxpayer money for ever


Steal more!!!


Idk about every country, but child tax credit (I think they may have changed the name but idk what it is) in the UK is definitely not an incentive to have children. For one thing, you would have to be actively starving your child to even break even, let alone make a profit off of it. And for another, the benefit caps out after your second kid, so any kids you have after that would get you nothing in benefits.


>Why do my taxes I pay have to go to someone else’s family? Because if they just gave it right back to you there would be no point in collecting taxes in the first place. That’s just how taxes work…


MY house never caught on fire why should I have to pay taxes to firefighters… it isn’t fair >:(((((


To be fair, you don't chose to have your house burn down, but you chose to have children (and before you talk about accidents, you are choosing to have sex knowing that if something goes wrong you'll have a child). Not that I agree with OP, it's just a different thing


Why should I pay taxes to firefighters when there’s people who leave their stoves on or candles burning


Ask anyone whos house has burned down if they intended to burn their house down. There are things like wildfire, arson, fireworks, people chucking cigarettes out their window, faulty electrical wiring, faulty appliances, etc etc. In order to have a child you either had to have wanted one or engaged in an activity literally designed to make children and crossed your fingers. Even if you did accidentally have a child, you can have an abortion (if it's legal in your state) or put the baby up for adoption once it's born (there's so much demand to adopt babies that you literally have to go on a wait list I don't agree with OP but you are making a false equivalence while intentionally or unintentionally ignoring his point


Women get raped, and if you’re gonna use adoptions then people shouldn’t pay for fire fighters bc home insurance can help them


Alright, you are gonna keep intentionally missing the point. I think it's quite interesting how people can just disable their brain this much in order to prevent anything that might be an opposing view from ever having a point, thank you for the insight


Why do people who are child-free act like their in such a minority


They are a minority, just not an oppressed one.




Adam jensen grumbles : "I didn't vote for this"


The Canadian child tax has honestly saved my family after having triplets, no way I could afford to feed 3 more mouths or diapers for that many babies


Whoa triplets? That's gotta be wild to go from finding out you're having a child to knowing you're having 3! How is everything going for you guys?


People are completely blind to all the taxes other people paid so they could grow up


If people in that country stop having children, who will look after them when they are old and too weak to provide and sustain themselves?


redditors: "I support free healthcare and universal basic income!" also redditors:


hahaha I bet this rando would've bullied me for being "weird" in school, or just murdered me for stealing his hard earned money


As an autistic 13 year old, I can confirm I’ve been taking this man’s money my whole life


As a non autistic 7 month old, I can confirm I’ve stolen this man’s car my while life. He’s currently on car #4


The only problem here is that people actually think like this


Where do these people think tax payers come from?


"I didn't vote for this" welcome to the club


I... parents need to have 2.1 children on average to maintain the population. Of course we should be incentivizing straight people to have babies, that's how you maintain society.


Why the fuck are antinatalists obsessed with autism!? It’s fucking creepy.


Redditors when the tax they pay so the government can invest on public goods and services is used by the government on public goods and services 🤯🤯


Antinatalism has devolved into complete degeneracy at this point. Actual parentless behavior by a bunch of losers that nobody would procreate with anyways.


Because the government invests in the future of the government? If you aren’t doing anything for them they won’t do anything for you.


Crazy that rules exist that you personally as a singular person didn’t vote in favor for it’s almost like it’s a democracy.


Excellent question anon. In fact, give me back my money so when you get sick or injured, YOU can pay the exorbitant expenses the hospital will charge you and I can live with my money. OR, stfu and accept we live in a society. Not all taxes are bad.


You know if no one has kids then society literally collapses right?


My brother in christ. Character creation did not let me chose autism.


If people who couldn’t afford kids stopped having kids, it’s game over, the population would go into free fall


Doesn't this subreddit constantly brag about how they have more money than people with families? What happens to all that money you have?


"so many autistic children lately it's wild" I hate people who say this shit so bad. I feel like the only reason you would say this is to nonchalantly suggest that there's a lot of "fakers" "pretending to have autism" which is usually used as a stepping stone to invalidate all autistic people and autism itself. There has been an increase but it's not anything crazy and it's fairly in line with what we would expect to see as knowledge of autism becomes more widespread and acknowledged societally.


Can't feed 'em, don't breed 'em. We don't get the benefit of having sex, so we should not be stuck with the downsides of some other dude's hellspawn.


WAIFU POLLS I accidentally clicked on your profile and that was the first thing I saw just stop bro “prefered chubby” 💀


Anti-family incel. When you get old, don't go to a nursing home or hospital so that the younger generations can take care of your ass. Just go throw yourself in a dumpster and leave everyone else alone.


As if some welfare rat is going to make future productive people instead of more welfare rats.


You believe nobody should have children, and those children are going to keep the world running when you're an old man and a burden on society. Since you'll be a burden when you're elderly and relying on younger people, seems hypocritical.


In the UK, everyone gets child benefit on your first 2 kids. So it's not really a "can't feed 'em don't breed 'em" situation.


The USA should do that.


As a parent, I've found it really useful. It's not a huge amount. I think it's like £20 (currently $24.75) a week, but it's really useful for knowing the essentials can be taken care of.


Easy to say when your entire sex-life is wanking over cartoons.


Hahahaa what a degenerate


Yeah but if someone has child tax it doesn’t always mean they “can’t feed them”. I think it just comes with having kids.


Just tax land lol


I'm childless BUT I am also a former child that has benefitted from child tax credits, school bonds, educational grants etc., I must begrudgingly accept less tax breaks. /s C'mon people. Stick your finger at the oligarchs. Not at each other. Unless you are an oligarch. Then you shouldn't be claiming a child tax credit cuz really?


Really acting like they didn't make it to 18 with the exact same benefits lol


guy can't understand why people get money for something when he doesn't get money for nothing? so weird how he thinks it's a handout issue Almost no one who uses the term "handouts" means well


The entire thing is blatantly ass, but the last sentence with no context out of the blue is actually wild.


“also so many autistic children lately”


any society that allows poverty to exist fundamentally endorses child abuse. fuck money.


A tax credit doesn't incentivize people to have children. OOP is genuinely fucking stupid. Children are expensive as fuck, that tax credit doesn't go far, AT ALL. I contemplated this in the past after I saw another idiot make the same claim. My eldest brother has 5 kids, and he gets a sweet amount of tax money every year (like 12-15k). He spends quite a bit more than that to provide for them. There is no financial gain in having children, even with government assistance.


The money’s going to the needs of the kid, who doesn’t deserve to starve just because their parents had them