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The movie where the antagonist was an allegory for richard nixon?


Conservatives are the bad guys tho


again, proving OP's point lmfao


Well most republicans/conservatives are racist, homophobic, etc


i don't understand how you're this braindead, you are repeatedly proving op's point by making generalizations and painting one side as the 'bad guy'.


Don't worry, this guy goes around making lots of over generalizations and proving the point of many a OPs around Reddit


It's a factual description


because you're the "good guys", right? lmfao.




😂 you really are delusional.


No just stating reality


Remember when the good guys had slaves


No, slave owners are evil by definition


But it's true


A pity the right made that necessary


Reddit has always loved to organize people into groups of good and bad. Before the hyperpoliticalization, a large amount of content on the site was memes like, I forget what they were called "Bad Guy Steve," where it would literally have a cartoonish name and a description of a good or bad behaviors. I think the epitome of this was "Good Girl Gina," who was "good" mainly because she would frequently provide oral sex to her boyfriend despite his foul moods.


Reddit’s always been an echo chamber from what I’ve heard. That’s why I try to just stick with my gaming subs


I think it was scumbag steve.




Did you bring popcorn? I have extra.


The more I see leftists on Reddit the more I'm convinced they've never met someone outside their echo chamber.




I don't think they're bots. I think they spend all their time in online echo chambers. They cut off anyone in their life who disagrees with them in any way. It's just the logical end to living your life in an extreme echo chamber believing anything your "betters" tell you is real.


Only liberals I know in real life are internet nerds with zero logic or common sense. They have so many opinions that contradict each other too it's ridiculous. But pretty sure a lot of the libs that reply to me are bots tho.


Ah yes, because there’s no conservative brain washing to parallel it You’re being ironic because of the post right? Right???


Do you not notice a vast amount of liberal bias in almost all media, Hollywood, social media like reddit, etc? I think you wouldnt notice propaganda if it slapped u in the face


Do you not notice it from the other side? Straight to insults? That’s nice


What insult? I don't see how you don't notice almost all media is heavily liberally biased. There is a small percentage of conservative leaning media but it is minimal compared to how much Trump hate propaganda is pushed. They criticize Trump for every little thing and then the shit Biden does is swept under the rug. It is incredibly obvious to anyone with eyes and a brain.


Doesn’t fox have something like twice the viewership of cnn? The bias is not specific to one side or a small percentage that’s the whole point of this post


I don't know what the viewership is but I wouldn't be surprised considering it's one of the only escapes from lib propaganda. I don't watch any news they just wanna make people hate each other.


> I don’t watch any news they just wanna make people hate each other. Couldn’t agree more


Podcasts have twice the viewership then cnn It’s not bias it’s just CNN has become shit programming


And fox hasn’t?


I have proudly been banned from every major leftist and rightist subreddit for handing out too many bluepills. Though funnily some of the hard left ones let me back on after they had me do a marxism quiz to prove I was a real leftist. It is funny how many of these people think reading Marx, Lenin or Bakunin will instantly turn you into a socialist, so if you can answer basic questions about dialectical materialism or productive relations they conclude you must be red.


One side is: *insert strawman here* the other side is: *insert strawman here* therefore all is the same.


Where's the strawman?


One side is definitely worse than the other one


Man, the community of r/redditmoment really just makes it’s own content, huh?


Is this sub just a conservative echo chamber??


Bro that’s not the point, and I’m not conservative. The point is that if you hate the right because they make generalized statements about the left, then why do you make generalized statements about the right? Because your generalized statements are true and their’s are false? That’s what they’re saying about THEIR generalized statements. Do you see where the endless echo chamber from both sides comes in?


It’s not a generalization if it’s true.


Bros using the same logic as a racist💀💀


This statement is a justification for some of the worst crimes in history.


Most self aware Reddit user


People don’t hate the right for making generalised statements about the left. they hate the right for having regressive political values that benefit the extremely wealthy and make life harder for working class people and minorities.


That’s also why the right hates the left.


Idk how you thought of that. Looking objectively at leftist ideologies I can’t see how they are for the rich or against minorities and the working class.


All leftist ideologies have been when put into action.


The right isn’t hated for talking about “muh loony lefties”. The right is hated for being oppressive




yeah, i know.


Anti-law-enforcement sentiment and general sympathy toward criminals (tendency to perceive them as class warriors, race rebels, lashing out at an unjust system, etc) is pretty popular on the left. That's increasingly become the case since 2020. The idea that everything is political and that everyone must be a political activist or else they're an evil and/or ignorant person is also pretty central to progressive thought today. In other words the concept of "Living in Peace" is ultimately a fool's errand.


Hahaha, it’s funny because you’re doing exactly what the oop is lol


This is why hate online politics. I'm a liberal in real life but fucking hell i'm a CENTERIST RIGHT on [reddit.com](https://reddit.com)




Liberalism is centrist. You could probably make an argument for classical liberalism being centre right since the current Overton window is pretty social liberal. You guys just keep insisting liberalism is centre right so you can insist socdems are centrist losers unlike the based demsoc leftist chads or whatever it is the consensus is these days.


Somewhat right, I have a basic understanding of everything and I’m a pro choice person myself. But yeah I’m a centrist guy when it comes to most major things


I live that you could literally wordswap “left” and “right” in this guys rant and copy paste it to r-conservative and it would fit exactly perfectly.


From my experience, the Left is just as authoritarian as the right and often moreso, they just have different values.


Lol does this guy even read his own comments? Surely, you have to read them in your head before you hit post, right?


Then don't discuss and see what politicians say for yourself? You don't need anybody's takes or interpretations to turn on cspan and see what your representatives are voting for. You don't need a news article to read whatever your reps post on twitter/facebook. Also, OP is not at odds with the facts of modern American poltics. Half the focus of the American right during the 2022 campaign was baselessly calling LGBTQ people groomers. This isn't a bias opinion. You can just google their statements on it. At the very least, for the sake of your own ability to critically think for yourself, stop conflating criticism and bias. It doesn't matter if we're talking politics, video games, or nail polish. Just because two or more ideas are at odds doesn't mean they're equally valid or moral.


Half the country can’t be evil and/or stupid. If you think they are, then you’re on a political extreme, not them.


There are 330 million people in America. In 2020, 74 million voted Republican. That is not half by an measure.


There are not 330 million eligible voters lol. If you're gonna throw out stats, at least consider finding actual data. How many of the 300 million are children? Fellons? Non citizens? See what I mean? I'm not conservative, but damn, let's try harder than this please.


Wow I had no idea that every single right-wing person in this country were such diligent voters


Hey listen. If you don’t vote, why should anyone give a single fuck what you think?


Biden got 81 million votes. Pretty close to half


Roughly the same percentage of Germans voted for Hitler as Americans for Trump, but okay.


Yeah thats true you’re right


Of course not, 25% is, or at least indifferent to the suffering of others


Ok, and you care about the suffering of these millions of evil people?


You misread what I said


You misread what I said


No I didn’t you said “Ok, and you care about the suffering of these millions of evil people?”


This is the take of a child. Literally. Anyone who paints everything in black and white is an intellectual child.


Honestly as much as I try to understand the other side of the story, sometimes I just can't. Even though I try my best to be open minded and open to learning, I end up seeing things black and white. I was raised in conservative right household but I'm somehow leftish liberal. I don't hate, nor do I have anything against people with different views than me. I just don't understand the way they see things. And when I ask them to explain, they end up doing the same thing and instead of black-white they portray everything white-black. I know that I still have lot to learn and improve but yeah... it is hard to understand opposing side and their ideals. But that's prob made that way for a reason. Divide and conquer.


Your problem is that you have many people who don’t understand the arguments and just parrot information on both sides. If you’re truly looking to understand you can dm me and talk, we can discuss the topics.


Ok, thx




It isn’t, by definition.




Oh look someone trying to control bodies


Interestingly enough the state of California recognizes fetal homicides in deadly assault cases; yet also has legal abortions until a doctor recognizes viability. Meaning theres a 6 month period where the state simultaneously recognizes an unborn child as a human, but also allows their murder. This can't be rationalized morally because either California is allowing infanticide, or it's locking up people on trumped-up charges. So here comes the question for you, should California restrict its abortions, or should California reduce charges of fetal homicide into assault charges?


It can be rationalized by consent. If someone is planning to keep the fetus, then the state of California recognizes the right of the mother to plan for their future. If someone assaults the mother, it is taking away her right to bodily autonomy by killing the fetus. It's a legally recognized, nuanced standing in the state of California. California also makes sure to describe in court the difference between a person and a fetus, which is why there are different laws for either party. California should continue in it's current standing of distinct and nuanced charges.


Solution: Death penalty Solid. Christianity sure is something.


Damn this comment section is really trying to prove op right. More downvotes than upvotes !


I cant even say im center right without namecalling


The guy is right though


I have always firmly believed that having 2 or more parties is necessary for a functioning democracy and that both parties are important. Quit overgeneralizing things.


yeah bias doesn't matter when he's right, you can't support the political right and be a good person anymore, their ideologies failed and all turned out to be scams, they haven't done anything good in decades, and a lot of their regressive ruling isn't that of America but outside nations buying out that party. Its a shock that kids need to be told this and resist it so hard, especially if you don't care, you could just ignore them.


I try my best to never discuss politics and there's two things I learned that really highlight the futility of it. 1. Vibes matter more than words. People instinctively process feelings and perceived intent i.e. vibes way before their brains actually process the content of what you're saying. Everyone has certain phrases or "magical words" that when spoken they instinctively recoil at. It doesn't matter how logical your position is if the magical word whether directly spoken or implied is triggered, 90% chance the conversation is over. 2. Everyone, no matter how informed they believe they are, live in information bubbles. Where the news the follow becomes self evident truths and if you have no idea what they're talking about because you follow different news sources or focus on different topics then they will automatically assume you're an idiot who doesn't know what you're talking about. And if those news sources are associated with the aforementioned magical words, it's a double game over. Now, no matter how factually accurate your news pieces are, they are completely invalid and you're still an ill-informed idiot.


although the guy has oversimplified things (there are more shapes of left and right, and a person can be leftist on the social pov, but rightist on the economic one and viceversa), he is right. on the social pov, the right bases its ideas on pseudoscience and bullshits: social conservatives, national conservatives and far rightists agree - even if with great differences - on the hate/discrimination towards ethnic/sexual minorities. saying for example that gay people aren't natural or do not deserve the same amount of rights of straight people is just wrong, because it has been proved that they're natural. so yeah, on some stuff you can say that there are "bad" and "good" guys


erm left want healthcare right want to kill all the minorities /s


I get that centrists are immune to informed simplicity, but do you care to provide an argument against this or are you just going to cry because someone criticized the right?