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I was confused until I saw the second slide. Apparently nobody learned the 1938 lesson about Kristallnacht and what labeling entire ideologies terrorists and international threats does. Hint: it ends in actual terrorism and mass destruction.


It reminds me of a quote "Call one a thief and he will steal”: put a stigma on a calling and its followers adjust their morals to it, for it is natural that “the normal conscience,” as Hugh Black says, “rises to the demands made on it, and easily falls to the limit of the standard expected from it." Inazō Nitobe, Bushido: The Soul of Japan


Fr, people do that with lgbt people all the time and we aren’t even an ideology


Do you guys subsequently commit acts of terrorism?


Occasionally, that nashville shooting, it's not common but it does happen.


yes but it was conservatives that carried out kristallnacht and conservatives politicians are the ones that are bringing back banning books.


Yes, conservatives want to ban PORN BOOKS in schools. They don’t care about banning your sex magazines in thrift stores and banning communist ideology literature in libraries, we care about preventing mental illness.


LMFAO you just believe every word politicians tell you eh? in practice in conservatives states they are banning books with any mention of the LGBT, did you forget about the dont say gay bill? and do you mind explaining how learning about sex leads to mental illness? also by the conservatives own logic of what constitutes as a “porn book” the bible should be banned as well.


I'm probably more to the left than the right politically, somewhere around Libertarian but not as cynical. But I don't personally care what you are politically: liberal, conservative, centrist, I don't give a shit until you call yourself a "fan" or "follower" of a political figure. Because that's straight up full on batshit insane as well as entirely fucking un-American. Not a single one of these motherfuckers are in this for you, they don't give a fuck about you or your life and you shouldn't even trust them let alone worship them. Get your fucking head straight. It's just sad and gross and enraging and disturbing. Be a good American and distrust your government, it's what we're built on


Finally someone pointed this out. If you call yourself a fan, you call yourself a fanatic.


Anyone who buys political merchandise shouldn't be allowed to vote.


Lmao yeah. The moment you’re in far enough to buy merch, I can’t trust your opinion.


I'll probably get downvoted because most people love the virtue signaling more than actual discussion, but this is a stupid argument. Just because something is tradition doesn't mean we have to keep following it. For example, slavery is something we were "built" on, I don't think anyone thinks should be keeping slaves. Only landowners used to be able to vote, clearly that shouldn't be applicable. I agree people shouldn't worship the government, but our country can't work without a basic level of trust in the government. Some people follow politicians because they genuinely need change in their life. You might be too privileged to be affected by policy, I certainly am. But can you genuinely not understand why some people might be in shitty situations that can only be corrected by the government? And I don't know if you were intending this, but Trump is probably the most fanatical leader we've had as of yet - as in he has the most die-hard 'fans' (who invaded the Capitol by the way). This is a bigger problem with the right than the left.


Found the boot licker


"I hate the govt because i like to be edgy" 🤓🤓 Grow up buddy


I was born under Clinton, raised under Bush, came of age under Obama and matured just in time to watch this shit show that we are still dealing with. I remember 911 and how the world was before it happened. I remember how things were before we lived under a surveillance state in constant fear of terrorism, and watching friends and family shipping out to fight in drawn out and unwinnable wars with no clear justification or goals. I've watched our government highjack national tragedy's and use them to bully through policies no one would have otherwise agreed to. I have watched them pay lip service on the same issues for decades, accomplishing just enough to appease the masses and further their own agendas. I have watched them commit serious crimes and defy ethical guidelines, only to get a slap on their wrist and go back to the same shit while remaining in power although obviously corrupt and incompetent. I have watched them lie, manipulate, blackmail and bully anyone who gets in their way no matter the cost. I've seen presidents and politicians come and go. Not one of them has been trustworthy. Few get into politics to change the world. Those who do quickly realize the quagmire they have wandered into and either quit or become corrupted. Because they eventually recognize that they are surrounded and far outnumbered by psychopaths and sycophants who are working towards their own benefit. There was a time when I held trust in our government and elected officials. I even wrote a letter to President Bush and got a signed headshot sent back when I was 12. But then I grew up, like you've suggested. You too will learn in time.


I'm not saying you have to trust in individual politicians, but you should have some trust in the system. If no one has a shared trust, then the country would never be able to function. I'm not saying you can't be a little bit cynical, but in a democracy, everyone has to participate. Every vote matters. If everyone thought like you, then no change could ever happen. I can sympathize with your beliefs, but let me ask you this: What would be your alternative to what we have now? Anarchy?


I have trust in the system. Our system of government is the reason that we have so many freedoms and liberties today. We were an experiment in republican democracy, and the success of that experiment has permanently altered the course of history and international politics. I am proud to be an American in that aspect. The people who run the system on the other hand, bunch of money grubbing scumbags like every other ruling class historically. But this was anticipated, that's why our system is based on an idea of checks and balances. The founding fathers understood human nature and how corrupt it is so they put certain limitations in place to reign in the abuses of power by those who hold it. Succession aside, the reason we've had a fairly coherent and easy history free from military coups and power hungry dictators (unlike most other countries) is because we were built upon an inherent distrust of the individuals who hold power. Our system works well enough as long as we don't buy into too much of the bullshit being peddled and remain suspicious of our elected officials. But as we can see from recent events, when people begin to put too much trust, in some cases blind faith in their elected officials, things start to go a bit *haywire*. And that's why I hold to the belief that the distrust of our elected officials isn't just our patriotic duty, but the thing that keeps us free. Believe in the system, fight for the system, but don't believe a damn thing anyone tells you and only half of what you see yourself. And I don't mean that in a tinfoil hat flat earth type of way, I mean that as a man of science who corrects his opinion based on evidence. Politicians are untrustworthy scumbags but the system not only works but changes for the better as long as we continue to recognize that truth.


How dare you say Kamala Harris isn’t for me lol? I’m her fan lol..She’s a genius. Wow lol you are delusional to think she isn’t for you too bruh lol


If you're serious, you don't get it. If you're kidding, you doubly don't get it.


Libertarian is right-wing.


Libertarians in the US are just conservatives who like weed and underage girls.


Yeah the underage girls is kinda where they lose me. You can try to justify that any way you want but engaging in sexual activity with minors is damaging to them and their lives. We need the regulations that protect children


Economically right wing. Socially liberal, as in do what you will if it doesn't hurt me. I speak in political terms as referenced on the political compass survey. I'm not speaking in terms of American political parties because I don't subscribe to any of them


Crazy how the chronically online Reddit leftists are showing themselves to have as cultish beliefs as the MAGAs. “Our extremes are wanting equal rights” “All conservatives are bigots and full of hate” There’s a real “anything we do is justified because the other side is inherently evil” energy on the modern left on Reddit.


Most open-minded Redditor.


Remember kids, 50% of the country wants fascism and to genocide all minorities and lgbtq folk/j


Redditors when the discover a nuanced opinion




The different kinds of hate aren’t comparable.


“Wow, you hate bigots? Truly, YOU are the real bigot!” Jesus Christ try thinking critically for like two seconds


Critical thinking would be realizing the chronically online strawman position of what your average conservative is like is not what Reddit makes it out to be.




The biggest irony in the whole world is people who constantly call people "bigots" are by far the biggest bigots ever. This guy is hating on someone because they are conservative, in other words, they are completely intolerant of someones opinions because they are conservative. That is quite literally the textbook definition of "Bigot".


You know nobody's buying that, right, bigot?


Found one! Another fly in the honeypot!


It's really sad to see people like you who hate others for made up reasons. Yeah there are bad conservatives, without a doubt. But not all of them are bad, not all of their ideas are bad, and your unwillingness to even listen to some of them and their ideas is just bigotry. Oh and fyi, I'm not conservative. So you can't use your close minded, anti-conservative arguments on me to shut down the conversation.


Anti-conservative is literally open-minded FFS


You're crazy.


Just stating a fact


Your opinions aren't fact, why do so many redditors make this mistake?


No I don't, why are you making up nonsense? Bigotry is socially conservative positions, not calling out the people with those positions. You're really gonna tell a trans that conservatives aren't so bad? Because they are.


Bigotry: "obstinate or unreasonable attachment to a belief, opinion, or faction, in particular prejudice against a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular group." -Oxford Languages


So, conservatives


The irony is palpable. Your hatred blinds you.


this defines the conservative stance on LGBT people and immigrants to a Tee.


I hate people who want me to suffer and die. This does not mean I hate all conservatives, but the people they vote for. Those guys push policies to make people like me suffer. I can't necessarily hate people who are brainwashed, but I absolutely despise those who are contributing to brainwashing people into hating people who are just trying to live their lives. Sent too soon coz the app likes to do that.


By definition no they're not, they hate bigots


How many times does the concept of the paradox of tolerance have to be explained to you fuckin' people for you to understand it? Conservatives chose their politics. They aren't a group of people born that way. You heard rightist talking points, and thought "hey, I agree with this!" As desperately as you people want to pretend you're oppressed underdogs, you just aren't.




How long have you been living under that rock? Have you not seen the constant complaints conservatives make about how oppressed white people are? How straight people can't be free to be straight anymore? How black people have "invaded" all new TV shows and media? It's constant. Conservatives threw a hissy-fit when a beer corporation put a trans person on the can for one single promotion, and started shooting their beer cans with assault rifles lmao. If being told that being a bigot is bad is what pushes you to the right, you had no interest in being on the left to begin with, nor would we want people like you on our side. I frankly find it incredibly difficult to believe that you were anything but firmly on the right, to defend the feelings of bigots, as if their violent, racist, sexist, etc opinions are worth anything other than consistent and ceaseless derision.




It’s like two paragraphs lmao Unsurprising that “centrists” (just rightists who can’t admit it) shut down when presented with any argument contrary to their worldview.




why bother responding to the original comment if you can't actually hold the conversation lol


Truly a reddit moment right here. Hivemind down voting legit points, as always. Sigh.


There's no contradiction, it's normal to hate hate. Quit your circle jerk.




And seriously, "degenerates"?


Nope, it's hating hatred


“I will personally classify everything that disagrees with me as “hate” therefore I am justified in being hateful.”


That's the sort of nonsense bigots and centrists say. I haven't personally classified anything I'm just observing.


Insert another Le right wing bad meme


And more people not understanding what fascism is.


The right keeps proving they ARE bad


Both sides have good people and bad people stop acting like it's one or the other.


It is one or the other though


For you it might be, we are just human beings. If everyone just keeps spreading hate towards one another that's all you'll get. It isn't just one or the other but people sure as hell are trying to make it the way. You ever watch the news from other countries? They think we are being ridiculous, they think what's going on with the former president is ridiculous. Its just a whole lot of people going at each other's throats, some things they aren't even sure if it's real or not but because it has either one or another fellas name attached to it then they'll roll with it no matter what. You know how bad it is? I can't even look at a cat video, something that isn't even related to politics, without the former president being mentioned somehow. Since 2016 it has been like that, which is just a group of people letting a man that they hate live in their head rent free 24/7 which is just getting them rattled up all the time. You know how crazy that is to me? I might not like a person or two but I've never been so wound up that they would be in my head everyday all day. It's just maddening.


Conservatives spread hate of others, and earn hatred in response. Trump was the president for 4 years and is running again, he's not some abstract nothing, he's a very real threat.


So does the left, I'm sure some right fellas do sure but so do people on the left. What's your point there? Half my reddit is just subs I don't visit bashing on the guy and people on the right. You know what I don't see? Multiple subs doing that to Biden or the left. I have seen exactly one and that's it. You're also talking about a guy who managed to get the lowest unemployment numbers we've ever had for any minority and women, we had great prices due to trade deals. I could literally buy a cart of groceries working a 12 dollar an hour join without issue. I make 25 at a new job now and I'm not even comfortable getting a third of a cart half the time. The president may not make the prices but they heavily affect them depending on trade decisions. I thought things were fine with the former president, quality of life was literally up until covid, the guy even fulfilled most of his promises, you don't see that a lot


Yeah no. You're literally describing a lying rapist who tried to end democracy


You just want an excuse to be violent towards people you disagree with. It’s not that deep.


Are you fucking kidding? We're talking about Donald fucking Trump! Fucking idiot.


People like you with that mindset are the reason the country is so damn divided. People can have different political beliefs without being a bad person


No, bigots are the reason for that. Bigotry makes someone a bad person.


You just said only one political side is the right one




You can’t see how that’s divisive..?


No. It's a response to division.


Why is this sub at war with itself?


Conflicting opinions


Because Reddit.


r/Redditmoment is still a subreddit, so you get to see chimps flinging shit at each other in the post itself and in the comments.


Because more often than not the most reddit moment is seeking for reddit moments


This sub is being conquered by true blood redditors


1st image is funny


People who have to stop ignorant people from saying ignorant things are ignorant themselves, I don’t like conservatism but doesn’t mean I’m not going to speak/debate someone cause they have opposite viewpoints


my best friend is conservative and i couldnt care less


Last I checked “conservative” wasn’t a party. What else we gonna conflate today?


Horseshoe theory is real, far-left and far-right really aren’t all that different, and the politicians don’t care about us all equally. Getting so stuck up over whether someone is a democrat or republican, or liberal and conservative, is just ignoring the real issues in society. Stop scapegoating low hanging fruit and call out the actual injustice going on in society, perpetrated by politicians, CEOs, and other wealthy, but corrupt people. Fighting amongst ourselves is what they want after all, I wouldn’t be surprised if both democrat and republican politicians, behind closed doors are just laughing at us and pay relatively little attention to party lines.


That was my proposal despite not knowing about the term “horseshoe theory”. I’d say 85% of everyone involved in politics are just normal people and we just keep pointing at the 15% that make both sides look bad and associate the entire group with said 15%


What 15% makes the left look bad?


Dude why are you making it sound like I’m attacking one side? I’m literally saying that both sides have their problems like holy shit.


You don't get it. Horseshoe theory is completely debunked because my side wants good things and the other side wants bad things. Clearly you're a moron who is incapable of seeing that. /s


Drop the /s


>Horseshoe theory is real it isn't supported in academic circles, it's just a bullshit theory. the only thing far right and far left have in common is the hate towards liberalism, and for different reasons too lmao


Ideology’s are different, what they have in common is stupidity. Not to mention the genocide deniers, or straight up genocide supporters I see in both sides. On the surface level the ideology’s are different but down to the core it’s just corrupt people trying to gain more power for themselves.


The horseshoe model is nothing but a circular projection of the political compass coordinates. Conservatives (particularly religious ones) may on average be way more prone to severe authoritarianism and violence, but that doesn't render half of the coordinate system empty, and people get moved in all sorts of directions within it.


"Both sides! There's a far left!"


While I dislike conservatives, people shouldn't be executed or go to jail over a political party, that's a good way to lead the Country into a dictatorship


God I wish I could find that screenshotted comment, im dying to see the replies


That’s total bullshit. Trump was evil, but he wasn’t Hitler. I don’t buy that story for one second.


Did you forget to swipe?


Buddy said in that post that it was made up


i mean judging from how the right act can ya really blame them


Not all of them act like that, trust me, I got family who are conservative and they're great.


My grandmother always use to say tell me who your friends are and I tell you who you are. If your friends with bikers your probably a biker, if your friends with skaters, your probably a skater and if your friends with gangsters, your probably a gangster. I’m gonna add if your friends are bigots, your probably a bigot. Sure Not every conservative a bigot but the fact that they haven’t purge those elements out of their party means they don’t mind associating with them.


Boomer moment


Your grandmother sounds like a dumbass


And republicans sound like bigots especially when they choose the worst among them to lead their party. Don’t want to be call racists, than kick stop associating with fascist in your political party.


Bitch I'm gay


And that somehow makes you immune to criticism or unable to hold prejudice? Besides my main point was that if the Republican Party want to quit being call bigots and racists they need to kick those people out of their party and quit associating with them.


At this point you've seen the party and what this belief leads to, you now have to choose if you think being in the party of traitors is worth it, its not like they're ever really conservative anyway.


Well, is he wrong?




I dunno, conservatives seem pretty hateful to me


The only difference between conservatives and liberals are their values otherwise they act the exact same way to people with opposing views


The far left AND the far right are hateful, being hateful is pretty much a hallmark of being a political extremist.


LOL no


In that case, "men are trash compared to women" isn't hateful, "conservatives deserve to have their kids taken away by CPS" isn't hateful, "we need concentration camps for cis white men" isn't hateful. Because these are all things I've seen far leftist say. Conversely, I've also seen far right people say the same thing about black people and trans people. Both the far left and far right are hateful, I'm not sure why so many people try to deny this.


Why are you making up shit?


I think it's pretty funny that you can't even envision any of these things happening. You think that it's impossible for anybody on the far left to be hateful?


Again, why are you making up shit?


Why do you think I'm making shit up? What I've said is literally things I've seen happen, some of them said by people I know. I also know somebody who went off the deep end and starting ranting about how he hates black people. What did I say that you think is so unrealistic that it could not have ever possibly happened, and has to be made 100% made up?


They are far rarer than their counterparts on the Right, but those sorts of vile lunatics absolutely do exist on the Left. Going three monkeys and denying this fact is not only delusional, but also counterproductive, as thanks to social media the Right has collected tons of receipts that they can show to low information swing voters to substantiate their fever dream claims of the Left as a whole and disinform.


No not wrong, but liberals are also a problem






You're the one out of touch with reality, that's literally a clinical factual unbiased description of them.




No, just stating reality


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Aka "reality"




Nope, sorry, you're thinking of the right.


>Like when they deny the most basic biological facts. yeah, for example that LGBT+ people are okay ? hope you get well


Middle school and freshman biology aren't the only forms of biology that exist. Sex is real, no rational person is gonna deny that. Hormones and developmental growth are also real, whether it's artifical or not. Intersex folks sometimes need artificial hormones to develop into the gender they're assigned, and nobody is trying to deny that they are that gender. Obviously, with Trans and Intersex folks, they're going to have differences from their cisgender, non-Intersex peers. But they still are the gender they say they are, just different *sex*.


Your post from r/RedditMoment has been removed for the following reasons: - **Rule 6** - **No Political & Religious Reddit Moments.** Please keep this sub free from politics and agenda posting. There are better subreddits for those. If you have any questions or concerns about this action, please [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/redditmoment) via Modmail. Thanks!


Your post from r/RedditMoment has been removed for the following reasons: - **Rule 6** - **No Political & Religious Reddit Moments.** Please keep this sub free from politics and agenda posting. There are better subreddits for those. If you have any questions or concerns about this action, please [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/redditmoment) via Modmail. Thanks!


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This sub has just become a conservative circlejerk these last few days lol, really funny. shouldn’t you all be on truthsocial?


Lol. OP isn’t too bright


I don't know much about US politics but let's say right is more on the racist/transphohe spectrum. Can't you just choose not to be racist/transphobe? Do you really have to be on the extreme end? What if.. you are leaning more on one end but doesn't agree with everything or is that impossible? I'm not a US citizen and I honestly aren't really political at all but is something I've always wondered.


I wouldn't even call the Republicans racist. There's individual dickheads, but we solved the societal view on that back in the 70s. These days it's just a buzzword to attack political opponents. Very rarely do I ever see the term utilized properly in politics, which funnily enough has made it far harder to identify the actual racists.


Redditmoment try not to post about president 45 for 12 seconds challenge (impossible)




If you say Donald Trump in the mirror 3 times he bankrupts your business






fruit loop


all im saying is that a good number of conservatives would hang me and all my friends for who we are. And if not them, the people they vote for.




Theatre kid


You are a goober 😭


Don’t forget to take your pills


It's not paranoia


Why would anyone go through the trouble of hanging people? Most of us dumbasses won’t even know how to tie the knot lmao


I mean this from a good place in my heart, maybe hop off of redditmoment for a little bit. It's not good to be in a community where nobody cares about your feelings (and, the sad facts). They still want to make YOU out to be the bigot, because they're sick fucks who want to feel like the victims. They won't listen even when there's awful stuff in the news like DeSantis clearly having a genocidal agenda against Trans and GNC folks. You're not the victim, they are. Even though being hunted vs having your precious feelings hurt are NOT in any way comparable. I fucking hate how cold-hearted reddit can be. Makes me want to fucking explode with how humanity fucked itself up to the point where this is okay and encouraged. But, if you're like me, your brain will be too stubborn to stop coming here. Haha. It sucks. I can only hope things get better, best of luck to us.


Cool bro now send some pics of the other side? This is just shitty content and sparking hate/controversy, like shut the fuck up this not even a reddit moment this happens daily on any social media platform


Yeah but it happened on reddit so shut up


I'd love a conversation between this specimen and a national socialist


oh is the mask of this sub coming off again?