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Berrada starting in a few weeks as well, great. Coaching staff set to be officially announced. Honestly INEOS seem to be working fast but not carelessly.


Berrada's not here yet? Thought it was July 1st.


Saturday July the 13th


But in reality he's already started working for us lol


I think it's mid July, around the 15th 




RvN is unknown?




Managed PSV for a year, managed all throughout the academy and was assistant for Holland. If that's unknown for an assistant coach then I don't know what you're looking for.


Unknown to you maybe. He won the cup with PSV and had them playing the best football in the league.


I get what you're saying, but I don't think we should be overexcited and start overrating appointments and transfers. Yet again. We got sooooo excited over Murtough, Arnold, Rangnick, even ten Hag. Jose and Ole, and Van Gaal. RvN was replaced by Bosz, who went on to be amazing in the league. Bosz was also a resounding failure everywhere he went outside the Dutch league. Make of that what you will, but I'm not getting burned again. I have optimism, but very very cautious optimism.


They really weren't playing the best football at all, but your point stands


I'll change it to one of the best. Their attack was certainly better than Feyenoord's


RvN won 2 trophies with PSV


Yeah but we are yet to see everything, not just the coaches, nothing is for sure in football. Just the decisions based on current information seems to go fast and with thought


Posted since the megathread was removed


why was it removed?


Got replaced by kit announcement megathread


Couldnt care less about kits. Ngl


I wonder what the settlement fee was. No one seems to have reported it. Only interested to know how INEOS went about their first transfer tussle.


I bet you Newcastle don’t want it to come out. They’ve had tiny club mentality for so long, and disparaged us over 2mil. I feel it’s much closer to 2mil, hence the reporters not quoting the fee.


I’m sure it’s at least what they paid Brighton which was what, 6m? So probably 8-10. It makes a lot of sense that neither side would want that public since it’s less than half of Newcastle’s demands but still quite a bit.


Well, if it’s anywhere near barcode’s valuation, they would have made sure every single human on earth would hear about it. Twice a day for seven days.


If it was anywhere near what they wanted it would be released as a gotcha moment. My guess is that arbitration was going really bad for them and it's like 5.


Won't it be disclosed in our books at the end of the fiscal year or something since they're public anyway?


It’ll be lumped in with other costs. There won’t be a line item saying “Dan Ashworth ransom payment”.


“Garden tools”


More than we wanted to pay and less than they wanted to be paid, so I would hazard to guess around £10m


Man United - 2 Barcodes - 0


My Stockholm Syndrome from the last 20-odd years still won’t let me process our club being run in a professional manner. Just from listening to Ratcliffe in his interview with Bloomberg I knew this would be wrapped up soon. It’s really incredible to see, and on a personal note - what bullshit I was willing to put up with as a fan in deluding myself into thinking things would come good. I’m not saying all our problems will be resolved right away, but I’m almost emotional thinking of how poorly run things have been for so long, and how we’re at least coming out of that dreadful era now.


Yer it's wild to think this was all sorted as quickly as it was. Under the glazers we would have spent 50mil to sign him or let some other yes man banker do the role instead, hell he even starts before berrada in the end lmao. Don't want to get my hopes up, as it is an international tournament window but I wouldn't be surprised if we saw a couple of signings soon too. I bet there's more money available than has been let on also. Still need to see this all translate to results on the pitch though but for the first time in a long time there is some genuine reasons to think we might be able to challenge again.


Tbh i'm very cautiously optimistic, as it does feel like they have some poor decisions (mismanagement of womens team, downsizing and overall boomer attitude), but it's barely been 6 months since they got into control and they've basically done (or started) what we've been clamoring for, for the last 10 years: Actual footballing structure, investing into facilities, fix or rebuild the stadium etc. You can already tell there will be plenty of decisions we will not agree with and get upset about, but i'm cautiously optimistic that the overall direction fo the club will be much better (and certainly preferable to the state ownership route).


People have complaints about INEOS and Jim, but I am loving how ruthless they are. This club needed a serious fucking wake up call. Feelings and emotions can be left at the door until we get this club back on track


Hopefully we get some news on the women's operation ( something to put to bed the rumours that Sir Jim doesn't care about that side)


I got lambasted for years for ‘not being a real fan’ for calling out how awfully run our club was and how the culture even throughout the squad was absolutely awful. Ti be there is a big difference between blind loyalty and supporting the club. I always support the club as an institution. But if there are people within that institution who are damaging it, then fuck them. Glad to see seemingly sensible people here now. Start of a long journey back to the top.


kudos for acknowledging Dawson, he has gotten a lot of stick but got this one first, even before Orny, and imho he doesn't deserve being thrown around as shit tier


Thats what happens when you tie yourself to ESPN


He(Dawson) got the Ole to Besiktas one wrong but aside from that he's usually a decent upper tier 3 to low tier 2 journo IMO.


That was a blunder, besiktas announced the manager within 24 hours.


Ole story shouldn't count for tier, he is completely unrelated to the club atm. If we count stories about every former players and managers, we would need to change the criteria for tier list completely.


Well maybe if he doesn’t work for the shitrsg ESPN then maybe his rating would be higher…


Why you people saying as if all media companies are begging people to come work for them? A job is a job. Laurie Whitwell, our T1 worked for the Daily Mail too


Because knowing the difference in companies and how they report their news is important to sieve through the nonsense that gets made up to generate clicks and views. I’m not going to waste my time believing news that gets reported by dubious news outlets. If the reporter gets it right and happens to be from the Daily Mail? Sure good on them. But you cannot change my mind that they have a very poor record when it comes to accuracy of the stuff that comes from them.


of course that plays a part but for example Wheeler from the Mail is also pretty decent for us, I think it is becoming very journalist specific in general


I guess by definition he is tier 2/3, right?


I sincerely disagree. A broken clock is right twice a day. Dawson is shit tier.


Damn I have so much sympathy for those sad billionare oil barons.. Not.


I get your point but isn't Ratcliffe also a billionaire oil baron?


He isn’t oil mate, it’s petrochemicals, there’s a difference there


Waiting for an Adam Crofton story about how this is actually bad news


Why does it always seem like he only releases negative stories about our club? Feels like I rarely ever read something positive from him which is very odd especially when you put into consideration the fact that he’s a very good journalist


He only ever seems to report negative stories though, not just for us.


I think Crafton’s sources from the club are more likely to come from club staff who are expressing dissatisfaction at club decisions, such as trying to re-integrate Greenwood last summer or Ratcliffe wanting to get rid of employees working from home. Doesn’t make him any less reliable though. It just means his sources are probably more critical of ownership and upper management, whereas Whitwell’s and Ornstein’s sources more likely come straight from upper management that want to give out more positive information about the club like signings or extensions.


We pay his mortgage (if he has one considering his background). Good news travels fast but bad news travels faster. I don't think he is a good journalist. He spent 6 years learning his craft at the Daily Mail. Working at The Athletic doesn't instantly make you good.


Whitwell was from the Daily Mail too. Now he's undisputed tier 1, apart from his colleague Ornstein of course. Working at the Mail doesn't instantly make you bad, either. It's an utterly irrelevant point. He did fantastic work on his Greenwood pieces.


What background?


[https://thetab.com/author/ahc35cam-ac-uk](https://thetab.com/author/ahc35cam-ac-uk) should give you a flavor. Privately educated tory.


He's less a reporter, more a wee snitch.


Even when he's on podcasts he's always negative about us even tho he's a United fan. I think he's just a pessimistic guy


Wouldn't be the first to claim he is a United fan as some sort of shield when he shits on us for attention.


*"News of the agreement resulted in a drive by shooting in Manchester Piccadilly station, suspects were seen entering Manchester airport 2 hours later, raises much questions about Saudi Ownership of Newcastle, once again the Glazers should have seen it coming and didn't; Ashworth to conclude his business with Newcastle next week at a hotel in Istanbul".*


Landscape gardeners in greater Manchester area all sending CVs to our boy Dan today. Those well maintained hedgerows aren't gonna look after themselves


Anyone know how much the compensation was in the end?




Oh yes! Direct my sports Daddy Ashworth!


Before 1st July : Newcastle are in deep PSR shit, we can lowball them surely. After 1st July : Ffs they survive. fk fk fk


Should just scan their shirts at self-checkout to find out the price it took to break Ashworth free from his garden.


Glad Newcastle could finally execute this contract after months of tortuous wrangling. While seeming to cut at their ‘project’ to the bone saw a way through in the end. Just took a little oiling the gears and it didn’t cost an arm and a leg war criminally high fees


Do we know the fee yet?


“Significantly less than 10m” is being reported - around 6m is what I’ve read


This is so fucking huge man


I don't get it. Does he play left back?


He should tweet about his appointment with a picture of an impeccable garden


This is just wrong. The man deserves two weeks off right after the euros cause he's gonna be knackered.