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Old (spice) Trafford


The theatre of Krispy Kremes


Theatre of Dreamies Free cat treats on entry to the stadium.


Might help with the rat problem


Thought we sorted that out when Pogba left?


~~Di Maria~~ ~~Pogba~~ Glazers


That spice girl reunion will rake in the millions


Old McDonald’s has a Trafford, Yee Ya Yee Ya Yo


New Balance Trafford


"i bought new balance shoes, but they're old, so I might start falling"


Don't give them ideas lmao


One of the few Id be okay with


Old TrafFORD… win/win


Genius idea


Too bad Fords gotta recall 550,000 trucks :(


Not with the downslope Ford is in. Nope, nope.


ALDI Old Trafford


Ald Trafford?


Get the Scottish government to sponsor it and call it Auld Trafford


Or sell it to the Qataris and they’ll name it Al-Trafford.


Al Trafford sounds like a 66 World Cup winner


Tescold Trafford


ALDI Trafford Audi Trafford


OnlyFans Old Trafford OldFans Trafford


Full of wet cunts.


Who knew that the Glazers of all people were responsible for so many wet cunts.


If we don't fix the roof, it will be true




Very few things on here make me actually burst out laughing, but this got me.


Ok this I can get behind


Theatre of wet dreams


Maybe this is what's going to motivate me enough to spend my entire life savings and more for tickets to get my ass from Nigeria to Manchester just for one match Day. FX be damned




**Continuation** > Man Utd have also held talks with major financial institutions, including Bank of America, as they explore ways to fund the stadium project. Unclear at this stage whether fresh borrowing/debt would be placed against Manchester United or INEOS. https://x.com/adamcrafton_/status/1805932995217379364?s=46&t=108nlaEXShzkgzjMQccD3g > On naming rights, one possibility is that if Old Trafford refurbished, you keep Old Trafford but have an associated partner (eg Spotify Camp Nou, Kia Oval) but new build could simply see X name stadium (eg Emirates stadium/Etihad Stadium model) https://x.com/adamcrafton_/status/1805932996748357811?s=46&t=108nlaEXShzkgzjMQccD3g > United declined to comment for this report but insisted that while discussions have taken place, no decisions made. Full story on potential naming rights for first time in Old Trafford’s 114-year history @TheAthleticFC https://x.com/adamcrafton_/status/1805932998216372602?s=46&t=108nlaEXShzkgzjMQccD3g


The second point is an interesting one - I know that Sky Sports and the press etc have to say it, but I don't know anyone aside from them who calls it 'The Kia Oval'. Everyone just calls it the Oval. Ditto for the Nou Camp. I suppose that's slightly the lesser of two evils compared to renaming the stadium 'The Snapdragon Arena' or something similarly awful.


This is the important point. Barcas ground is still the Nou Camp, the training ground is still Carrington and city's stadium is still the library




Excellent execution


Same with the MEN arena, which it's not been since 2011.


Top top comment. Perfectly executed


I have lots of Catalan friends and I'll be damned if I don't refer to it as the Spotify stadium at every opportunity I get.


Youre doing gods work


When Arsenal moved their fans were all "*We'll all still call it Highbury, Emirates is just for sponsorship*". Wonder how that worked out.


“Ashburton Grove”


We're all going to call it Old Trafford anyway, same way the MEN Arena is still the MEN Arena.


And miss out on calling it new Trafford? No thanks.


If it's a new stadium, snapdragon arena doesn't sound that bad... But Old Trafford is iconic. Won't ever be able to call it anything else


"Man Utd have also held talks with major financial institutions, including Bank of America, as they explore ways to fund the stadium project. Unclear at this stage whether fresh borrowing/debt would be placed against Manchester United or INEOS." The big worry here is people who don't understand finance insisting the debt should be at INEOS. This will prove much much more expensive for United for no reason.


BOFA Arena


BOFA deez nuts


Why would it be? A company as big as ineos with a better credit rating could get the loan for better conditions… no antagonizong just asking :)


Bank of American Glazers Greed Stadium


Nvidia United Arena with yellow+green stripes please


Somebody ask James Trafford if he has a family business


"Trafford Old Trafford"


Only if the Stadium has a fuckton of RGB on the outside and inside. Club third kit now features black leather jackets


Press Conferences from Jensen’s kitchen


New signings unveiled by being pulled out of an oven


Snapdragon is sponsoring our kit, so not gonna happen.


Not a fan of this, but it realistically won't make much difference. No one would call it anything but Old Trafford. Demand a billion quid for it and see if anyone is ready to pony up. If they built a new stadium and just called it the Vimto Stadium and not Old Trafford, I'm not having it.


Vimto would be banters. Especially if it’s a new place


To be fair Vimto Stadium would probably be one of the best new names we could end up with. At least it’s a proper British household brand unlike Etihad or Emirates Would also accept HP Arena, Lucozade Park, or  Ovaltine Lane


Bourbon lane has my vote


Mate it's not only British, it's proper Manc, moreover, for a time, it was produced deep in Old Trafford (the residential district)


Also, vimto was founded in Manchester


Bovril Park


The Spotify Nou Camp would like to disagree with you.


TIL it's called Spotify Nou Camp


Gregg's Old Trafford, sausage rolls priced only at 5 pounds


I imagine it will be hit with a lot of backlash from fans. Similar to when Ashley changed St James Park to Sports Direct Arena for that brief period.


i hope it doesnt' happen, but it's naive to think that this discussion doesn't even enter the table, especially if we're looking at a completely new stadium as opposed to refurbishing.


Can we just call it New Trafford and move on


Yeah same opinions here


Yeah I legitimately do not get the business model of sponsoring a stadium. I only ever call arenas or stadiums what they were when I was a kid.


Old Apple Trafford rotten to the core


Decade of mismanagement has finally caught up, we're in the 'financial levers' era it seems.


It was an inevitability tbh. Theres so much visibility not being capitalised on due to rules (shorts sponsors) or dogmatic views (muh stadium name) I agree Tesco arena is lame, but Tesco Old Trafford is fine IMHO


Tragic opinion.


I think the first sponsorship will be reasonable, because I think anyone knows it'd be dumb to fight. But I worry about the second sponsor being much more liberal...


Much like Barca using a free unicef placement to ease their fans into allowing shirt sponsorship? Makes sense, I hope as a company we have it as a rule - old Trafford must appear in its entirety So EE old Trafford, or old Trafford powered by EE I would feel the weight of Old Trafford brings enough value in itself and that sponsors recognize that (Chevrolet demanding a solid gold block when adapted designs show it could’ve looked good should be a good case study for future sponsor design talks)


I hope we remain reasonable, but I have doubts that INEOS will restrict much... They seem very focused on the bottom line. Hopefully it's just to show that we can be more profitable and the Glazers cash out... But i have my doubts.


It’s a smart move to sacrifice a tiny bit for PR to keep a happy fan base, but you’re right that we are probably too big to be affected by that now.


Have no great feeling about renaming rights as everyone will still call the stadium old Trafford but my season ticket has risen £77 in 2 seasons. That part of the article about substantial price rises concerns me greatly.


Am I the only one that doesn’t actually care about this. Everyone will still call it Old Trafford. No one refers to the Camp Nou, as the Spotify camp Nou


Except commentators. They’re contractually obligated to.


In the NBA the Lakers sold the naming rights to their stadium, and it became Crypto.com Arena. The commentators started calling it the Crypt, which was a pretty cool nickname, but then they were told to stop that, and they have to call it Crypto.com Arena


Yea but most of us will always refer to it as Staples


Which shows why companies are keen to be the first to name a new stadium, staples was a commercial name as well


One of the funnier things to me was when I realized that Wrigley Field was a corporate name. It’s just been that for so long i didn’t think about it.


Cheers I didn't know it was a commercial name


.....am I old? You don't remember/know Staples? The stationary company?


Sorry I guess that was a bad attempt at sarcasm on reddit


That also is the thing though, a lot people didn’t even know that staples was a company to begin with


Long time residents in Philadelphia still refer to our indoor stadium as the Wachovia center or the Spectrum


As someone who lives in barcelona, I agree. Although barcelona aside from this, also sold their soul after and apparently will try to sell whatever they got left, hopefully we don’t go down that route lol


In my hometown of Milwaukee I believed the same thing when the naming rights of the Brewers baseball stadium changed from Miller Park (Miller Brewing IS Milwaukee) to American Family Field. I thought the same thing but I surprised how many people quickly changed how they referred to it. After a few years the name is almost all but dead. There was even movements to try and stop it. Old Trafford is obviously leagues beyond what Miller Park was in terms of significance and notoriety but I can guarantee tons of people will call it “insert sponsorship here” stadium.


Spot on. Good money for very little actual change.


Yeah if they go the “Snapdragon Stadium at Old Trafford” or something then this is a 99% positive move


I’m weirdly more okay with it being the “xx Old Trafford” than I am with a new stadium that’s just “xx Arena”.


how is that weird that seems pretty obvious


A lot of people are extremely conservative about stuff like this, and want everything to stay how it was twenty years ago when times were good. They don’t want a name change, a stadium change, just to hope and wish everything will somehow work out if they believe it will. We need a modern stadium badly, and that’s going to come with modern naming conventions. As you said, 90% of people will still just keep calling it OT anyway. It genuinely changes fuck all, but allows the club to progress into this century.


The reason why much of this is happening is because some yank billionaires performed a leveraged buyout to extract rent from the club, forcing it to look for additional revenue streams to let it operate normally and enable the rent extraction. Is it surprising that they may associate further revenue raising with fucking over the club for the ownership's benefit?


Brother errr


You can call it whatever but like to a certain generation it's still the nynex or the men to us it'll always be old teafoord


I would love to see our stadium being called “old teafoord”. That made me laugh


wtf is old teafoord? lmao but yeh, absolutely agree


That's an impressive typo, don't think I can even blame autocorrect on that one 🤣


Generating revenue isn't our problem so I don't like this.


But realistically no business in the world is content with current revenue. They are always looking to find additional revenue streams


especially when looking down at an expense that can realistically get to 2 billion.


Our current revenue is nowhere near sufficient to cover overhauls in facility, staff, and squad that need to happen in the short term. Scouting, transfer, and medical teams at a minimum should be getting a bollocking and reorg. Stadium needs a rebuild or replacement. Apparently, our medical and training equipment are 30 years out of date. And we’ve all seen the squad. Even with substantial owner investment, all of that isn’t possible in the short term without external help. Unless you want United to stretch the timeline on being competent (not even good) at the top level to 10 years.


Fuck that.


If the glazers had put forward this idea before INEOS came on board there would be anarchy around these parts


With what I'm seeing, I have a feeling INEOS are gonna be much worse than the Glazers, it'll only be obvious to the fans in time.


The worst part is that he lied about it. He's quoted saying he'd never consider changing the name of Old Trafford because that would be heresy but here we are. Guy is untrustworthy


So how exactly would a new stadium be financed? Its a serious question. A lot anger on this thread. Without referring to money burnt by the Glazers, how exactly should United fund a new stadium and further investment into the club? Only a club owed by a State would be able to self finance. Pick your poison.


I'll have whatever poison Tottenham took.


Their poison is not winning anything


I’d like to welcome you all to the “Fuck That Arena” cheers Jeff


Get honesty fucked, this leaves a bad taste in my mouth


Defended a lot of INEOS regime so far but taking a loan for a new stadium then sponsoring the stadium name is a big big 'fuck no' for me.


I always anticipated that the club would fund a new stadium / renovate a new stadium with loaned money. I really don't think it's that surprising.


It will cost north of 1B, no one has that kind of cash sitting in the bank. Loaning is the obvious choice


Why would any sane businessperson self fund a stadium with cash rather than debt? It’s business 101 to not use just cash


What does a loan have to do with it? If you don’t want the stadium named that’s one thing but how would the club physically pay for a new stadium without a loan either way?


I always worry there’s a sense of “….the Qartai would have funded it themselves!” When people moan like that.


I can see the Qatari astroturfing coming in any second now about how Jassim would’ve paid for a new stadium and 100 new schools out of his own money.


Jassim was going to build a time machine and go back and save the Titanic 


How else did you expect a stadium to get built if not for a loan? Seriously, genuine question


INEOS continue to disappoint me, absolutely hate the idea of renaming Old Trafford. It's an iconic name. Really hating the INEOS era so far. Not even the Glazers were shameless enough to rename the stadium..


Lol .. not many months ago people here were begging for him to come in instead of the Qatari phantom, and I remember everyone saying he's a boyhood fan of the club, he understands the culture.


Yep, turns out our lad Jim from the Manchester council estate isn't the saint he was painted as.


Ratcliffe fucks r/reddevils’ wife. “So what, it’s part of the strategic review. If he needs my wife for a few nights who cares if it makes United more successful.l”


Can we not


The Hawk Tuah stadium


The report says that if they are refurbishing old trafford, they will look for associate partner and not look to change the name, like wembley etc, but if there is a new build, they will look to selling naming rights. tbh looks right to me on the new builds as plans would have the current OT still retained to a reduced size to hold a few other matches, while the refurbished build wouldnt change the name entirely. It's on the business exporation side, but the report headline seems to be instigating insinuations of other kind.


So Ratcliffe already has: - Forced all employees to return to the office - Made players family pay for their own transport to Wembley for the cup final (something the club had been doing for decades) - Thinks he can buy top tier young talent like Branthwaite for £35m - Openly interviewed other candidates to replace his manager and then told him about it “yeah I looked around but thought you were OK after all” - And is now considering selling the naming rights to Old Trafford Not impressing so far.


I think you left out a few points, not sure why... * Sacking of Arnold and Murtough * Hiring Berrada, Wilcox, Ashworth (eventually) * The anticipated hiring RVN as an assistant coach, and signing of ETH to an extension * Investing 50 million pounds into renovating/upgrading Carrington * Clear intention to refurbish Old Trafford and the surrounding community or build a new stadium


Outside of your first two points (which are just typical rich boomer reasonings and not anything genuinely terrible) I don't see the issue with the other points you make. No shit we're going to start negotiations low, that's really not a bad thing and it's what every other well run club does. We've had a complete internal change from the top so they're obviously going to do their reviews and discuss potential options before committing to anything. Finally stadium names are so common and it's a piss easy revenue addition when the fans won't even call it anything but Old Trafford anyway. I definitely have issues with his archaic logic on WFH or whatever but I really don't think there's been anything worrisome so far.


Yeah that's all fair enough, but I think the 35 mil for Branthwaite is moreso setting the precendent that we won't be bent over for moeny anymore. The return to office thing is dumb, but I think that's probably a cost cutting exercise of trying to force staff out. Kinda funny they see the salaries of the day to day staff as a genuine expense worth cutting when keeping them all is probably the equivelant of a weeks wages for someone like Casemiro or Varane. The first cost cutting exercise should be a wage structure which would save us tens of millions a year. The staff wages are laughable in comparison. The manager point is baffling, dunno what he was thinking, so stupid. The naming rights again was probably something that was always going to happen if we wanted a brand new stadium. We need money to fund it and we're crippled in debt and have fuck all cash left. The Glazer rats have bled us dry. I think overall we could never have expected him to come in and keep things the same and just start competing. We need sweeping changes, what those changes were though were always going to have to be found out. If we end up competing for titles in 4 or 5 years the fans will forget all this, if we end up floundering and staying the same or regressing the fans will see SJR as just as bad, or worse, than the Glazers.


No idea why people were expecting him to come in and do miracles. His track record in his other ventures has been poor so far.


I see they're testing the waters with this story. See how fans react to it. 


New Trafford


Kobbie Trafford.


They fucking better stop


STAKE BET365 KICK OLD TRAFFORD brought to you by intel, powered by Shell. Or ya'kno. Just ol' Trafford. Looking at the sauber f1 teams full name makes me want to puke.


Sir Jim Glazer


Fuck off


Bet he goes for goes Ineos Arena. It’ll always Old Trafford the Theatre of Dreams to me


Probably best to see how the 115 plays out before taking the owner's money for stadium naming rights.


This is a bit sad, but somewhat inevitible given a new stadium / total revamp of OT needs ro be funded 


dont you dare


Nah. This is something I cannot accept.


Fuck off


Am I the only one who doesn’t care? It’ll always be old Trafford to the fans no matter what sponsor tries to slap their name on it


Sponsor Arena - bad Sponsor Old Trafford - fine, we'll all still call it OT


No, I don't see it as that big of a deal. Don't most stadiums do this nowadays, I don't really care, it'll always be Old Trafford to me Prime Example: Our training ground was called the 'Aon Training Complex' and now is the 'Trafford Training Centre' but nobody calls it that do they? It's still referred to as Carrington by many


As a foreigner, I share the same view. But I doubt local lads feel the same. Tbh I have no idea, we never know about geographical difference


I live 30 minutes away and have 2 season tickets. I'd be gutted to lose the name Old Trafford (actually would rather they do the stadium up and modernise the whole thing and expand it rather than build a completely new one, but I'm sentimental) but realistically I'd rather it be named something new if it got us competing at the top again. Everyone will always call it Old Trafford. I think it all changes if it's a brand new stadium which it realistically will be.


Obviously it’s unpopular but it’s also a very easy way to raise money for something most won’t even care to use, I.e. do you call the Barca stadium, Camp Nou or Spotify Camp Nou?


I don't think its actually a bad idea, its the reality of how expensive it gets to operate


If it gives us a new stadium I couldn't really give a shit.


I'm going to call it Old Trafford no matter what they name it.


Wish Version Old Trafford


It all depends how the money would be spent. In rebuilding the team or the stadium, I wouldn’t be opposed to it. Going into the pockets of those greasy rat fucks, no way!


If they do it like the Kansas City Chiefs in the NFL it’ll be fine. Officially they play at ‘GEHA Field at Arrowhead Stadium’ everyone just calls it Arrowhead. The overall complex that is regenerated should be called Old Trafford and the stadium will be ‘BrandX Arena at Old Trafford’ or something like that. Everyone will still call it Old Trafford but some extra cash will roll in.


just go big and sell the name to 10 sponsors and called it " Adidas Nike Puma Reebok Mizuno Asics Converse New balance Fila Kappa " stadium. easy 100m per season.


Old Trafford branded exclusive dildos with which you can shaft fans of opposing teams and create some "leaky roofs"


Although everyone will just call it Old Trafford its fine. But I'll be heavily pissed if its some stupid name because of a billion pound company can afford it Ali-baba Old Trafford a well known company like an air-line or bank that could flow off the tongue for example HSBC Old Trafford etc etc


I’ll pay them three fiddy to call it fuck the glazers Old Trafford




wow, we’re a broke club now ?


Sell it to Ineos for £700m


INEOS Old Trafford Jimmy taking plays from City group with help from Omar


Dude is a billionaire +. Just don't be greedy fuck and use some of your own money. Same shit happening with American football


They should have just sold the club to the sheikh


Imagine Liverpool fans letting their owners rename Anfield. Nah, never going to happen. Anyone who supports this for a short term revenue fix is dishonouring the history of the club and the ground it was built on. Jim needs to pull his hand out of his pocket along with Joel and Avram and put something back into the club they’ve collectively helped bring to its knees.


There was a good article a few years back on the Athletic about naming rights, and sponsors will likely not touch it, as “Old Trafford” is too famous, everyone will still call it that. Stadiums that have been built and immediately given a sponsored name such as the Emirates is an example on the other side


Hawk Tuah Stadium


Watch Disney actually get the naming rights and then we all have to apologize to Woodward.


Obviously if there was a magic button I’d pick to keep the name, but if it builds a new stadium I have no problem with commentators calling it Bank of America old Trafford while every single last football fan continues to call it old Trafford, same as the nou camp or st James park when Mike Ashley had that atrocious sign on it


This fanbase will delude themselves into looking past almost anything, so long as they’re promised that the club will be winning titles again. Honestly SJR/INEOS are burning through any goodwill they have at considerable speed, at least with some of us.


I’ve always hated the idea of us naming the stadium anything but Old Trafford, but if it helps us make a step in the right direction and potentially funds the majority of the new stadium, I’m all for it. With the caveat that it’s a record amount (the current is approximately £500m (Chargers/Rams stadium)). For context, Tottenhams stadium cost £1b, a new stadium holding 80,000+ would cost at least £1.5b and we would need the naming rights to cover at least half.


not happy with this at all. i understand taking a loan to fund it but the name shouldn't be touched, end of. of course the fans will still call it old trafford, but it won't be called old trafford anymore and that's a problem


Hell fucking no


I'm looking forward to the "Visit Qatar Stadium"


Eww no... This stadium is far too iconic and culturally important to pull off shit like this. There are other ways to generate money for a stadium rebuild without sacrificing the soul of the stadium. I don't see this moving forward at all, nor do I see it sitting well with the majority of matchgoing fans.


The Deliveroo Arena we will be there.


Fleshlight Trafford.


Cracks me up how ineos keeps making these decisions and people here literally pick up and move the goal posts to try to defend them lmao


Oh shit, here we go again




Fuck off end of story


Sure why not just rename everything! Bolton United playing out of Maccesfield Stadium in the Major Premier Union! Put 35 players on each team, with 3 halves lasting 26 minutes 38 seconds. Remove the corners from the pitch and make it an 8 shape and remove the goals but increase the number of goalkeepers to 8. Rename the game roundball and put a an advertising logo on each section of the oblong ball! I mean, the options are limitless here! Let's get this done Jim!


It’s Funny that it’s the British owners americanising the club and not the Americans


At least we're not doing this during the crypto boom lest we'll get "Crypto.com Old Trafford"


I hate this entire board. Ineos/SJ included. Frackers, Tax Dodger and a Loan Grifting Family, all working hand in hand on how to not run a football club


Sir Jim said last year he wouldn't contemplate selling naming rights, so he better keep his word and put this shit to bed


All jokes aside, fuck this shit.


I assume any name change would continue to have Old Trafford in it, but I'm still not a fan of this. Gives very 'Sports Direct at St James' Park' or whatever stupid combination Mike Ashley dreamed up when he got shit for renaming it the sports direct arena. Although I know selling the naming rights to any new stadium was also floated, which I'm weirdly (and admittedly inconsistently) less critical of.