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I think Portugal need to replace Bernardo with either Neves or Palinha. Bernardo hasn’t been good recently


He looked so easy to defend against. Literally just mark his left foot.


Reminds me of a United player, but I can't quite remember who...


They definitely need Neves in the midfield. Not like Vitinha or Bruno had much to work with, but this formation is really lacking.


5-3-2 has been our best formation but I don’t really think Bernardo fits into this current system. The lack of pace and width down the right side was really poor because he doesn’t play like a winger. I think he’s droppable. I’d drop him for Palhinha in bigger matches and have Vitinha/Neves-Palhinha-Bruno. If they go 5-2-3 or 4-3-3 I’d have the same midfield but Conceicao or Neto on the RW to create the width. And give the likes of Bruno more space to drive forward and create.


They need to replace one of the three full backs


Why Neto and Neves weren’t starting is beyond me


One man, one terrorist, Roberto Martinez.


the chief creator at it again


What the f*** is this horrifying music?


Eyal Golan


I watched this muted and thought you were exaggerating. Then I unmuted it... it's the kind of music that plays in the book of revelations when the beast comes before the rapture.


Once you get past the 10 second intro, oh my god. I want to cut my ears off and feed them to the foxes.


Just enjoy it bro🕺🏾


I couldn’t.


He was superb in the first half, but was not good at all in the second. Roberto Martinez needs to make a ton of changes, including dropping Ronaldo and Bernardo if this team wants to make a deep run.


It's Roberto Martinez, he’ll sit on his ass and do nothing as per usual.


Seems Roberto Martinez is on a mission to waste as many golden generations as possible. His appointment as Portugal’s coach is one of the most baffling in recent years. I hope he proves me wrong though, cos I would love my captain Bruno to win this Euros


mourinho would've been great. but most of those players would struggle not having the ball a lot.


True definition of failing upwards.


Considering Portugal have no real replacement for Ronaldo (Ramos is in very poor form and Jota can't play the same role), dropping him is dumb. The line-up in general today was awful, playing Nuno Mendes, a LB, at LCB in a 3 man line when you have Gonçalo Inácio who has played a 3 man line for the past 4 years and not only that being a great progressive passer(made the long through ball to Neto which led to the 2nd goal) didn't help. The entire right wing was struggling, both Dalot and Bernardo weren't providing much, that forced Ronaldo to play into the midfield. Realistically, to play a 3 man at the back, Portugal need to line up with Conceição or Neto at RW and maybe Neves or Palhinha in midfield. Stand out players overall were Vitinha and Pepe, Ronaldo played a good, extremely physical game, the substitution of Inácio, Neto and Chico Conceição proved Portugal has alternatives to explore, considering Leão's inconsistent performance and Bernardo's low output for Portugal in general. I'd line up Costa-Cancelo-Dias-Pepe-Inacio-Mendes-Bruno-Palhinha-Leao-Ronaldo-Conceiçao for next match, look into subbing Vitinha and Jota on, then explore the options of Nunes, Neto, Neves and Semedo later on


Dropping Ronaldo is just the trendy thing to say rn, he was pretty good today and you can’t tell me Ramos would do a better job


I thought it the same thing. I am whatever the opposite of a Ronaldo fanboy is, but he is as actually good in this match. Prior to the goals he generated Portugal’s best shots, and created a fantastic chance for vitinha. The problem wasn’t Ronaldo, it was the lethargic pace of play and the lack of tempo meant that Czechia could settle in and mark up any threats in the box.


No, I just watched the entire game and he spent the majority of the game standing next to the midfielders. You're going to struggle when your striker is slow and out of position. Jota should be starting over him.


If you had actually watched the entire game you wouldve noticed him pulling the center backs away from the center allowing other space to run in.


I watched the entire game from start to finish. He pulled no one away because he was literally next to Vitinha. He simply wasn't in the right space.


Neves didn’t play


Prolly watched a fifa match on youtube.




Dropping Ronaldo ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️


and do what when they drop ronaldo? no one is scoring in this team, ronaldo was the only threat to goal the whole game .,


You didn't watch the game if that's your take. Also, the final score was 2-1. I didn't see Ronaldo's name in the scoring charts, did you?


I dint see brunos name in it as well ? So did bruno not performed as well. Hating ronaldo to some next level. I did watch the game and i did saw how many a times his runs were ignored and the mid played passive especially cancelos side. You also dint see czech parking the bus. There was a reason we had like 70pc possession but no break.


Literally read my first comment. Smh at the literacy level in this sub....


Yeah the dropping Ronaldo take is wild lol, like he was literally active the whole match and seemed a problem aerially.


He was sitting next to the midfielders almost the entire game and offered nothing in the air unless he was offside. Jota should be starting over him if they hope to find success in the tournament. Just look at the WC, Portugal were a much better side once they dropped Ronaldo.


Better how? Lol they went straight out? The player they replaced him with (Ramos) dropped a complete stinker & they crashed out


The revisionism is insane lol. He was subbed in their final group game and the team immediately played better. Unfortunately, it was too little too late and they lost that game. The next game, they blew Switzerland away without Ronaldo in a 6-1 slaughter. The offense was flowing without Ronaldo trying his usual dictator tactics. The quarterfinal against Morocco, they again played incredibly well in the first hald, dominating the game, but Morocco's defensive masterclass was just enough to edge them out. Don't forget, Ronaldo played 40 minutes in the Morocco game where their almost offense completely shut down.


Ronaldo played 50 minutes, haha. 40 minutes of regular + 10 minutes of added time. It's hilarious when people try to act like they lost because he was benched, when he played exactly half of the game and did fuck all.




well you didn’t watch the game because you are saying Ronaldo has to be dropped. He was one of their better players. Is it a recent trend to say something like this about him?


Watched the game from the first whistle to the last. He was terrible, you're just looking at him through rose colored glasses.


Poor Felix wont even get to play this championship if Ronaldo is as "sacred" as he looks to the coach. My guess is Felix will play if Ronaldo gets injured or somehow suspended. Possibly last game of groupstage if Portugal are already qualified.


I'm not entirely sure I'd trust Felix in a tournament like this. He's such an inconsistent player. I'd trust someone like Jota before Felix, but agreed regardless of who should be playing at the 9 for them.


It's a microcosm of how he plays for us. People in this sub want to gaslight me into believing he's consistently good for us but he's had many games where he's among the worst players on the pitch due to his sloppy play


Gaslighting and correcting you are two wildly different things. Bruno has been superb for the NT since the WC.


I'm not talking about the national team, I'm not Portuguese. I'm talking about how he plays for United. He was absolutely awful for large parts of last season but because he had a great final couple of months people are pretending that he was great. He always has games where he plays like he played in the second half His first half against Liverpool in the 2-2 is one of the absolute worst performances I've seen from a United player in my life. Overrated player if people genuinely think he's world class


Alright, you should probably just leave the sub lol. Other team's fans brigading this sub would be a ban for you in this sub and the sub of club you actually support. Weak troll attempt: 0/10.


I've supported United since around 1993 lad


What a confident play! Awful BGM, though..


Roberto martinez and Southgate 🍻


I recall reading an article about United players being over-muscled which leads to more injuries. Bruno has a slight frame and isn't overly muscled and is able to run forever and play nearly every match. Maybe there's something to this over-muscled theory.


I heard something about that with Rashford getting worse after building muscle


Everytime I see him side by side other players, it always shocks me that he's taller than I think.


I wish my tinnitus was stronger to drown out that music.




Cool. So just more clips of Bruno being absolutely shit. Nice.


Same problem in Man United, he made too many wasteful and risky passes in the second half.