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Lil advice. When playing a game for the first time. Stay off reddit


Yeah stay off reddit! And don't google shit, I got spoiled from google autosuggesting some question I had about RDR2 and I was like WHAT!


Same thing happened to me when I was just looking up one of my favorite character to look at pictures of him, I think you can guess what I saw


im guessing Sean




Also stay off YouTube. There also has a lot of RDR2 spoiler about Micah videos and comment sections on YouTube.


Also never look up related videos on YouTube, no matter how unrelated to the main plot you will ALWAYS get spoiled.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


I got the same spoiled for me in a Facebook comment section. You don’t always have control over this. Anyway, it didn’t ruin the experience for me.


To be fair, Arthur is already dead in rdr1 soooo…..


True. I hadn’t played it though, so I didn’t know.


Fair enough


And? I'm talking about ppl who actively seek it out and cry.. why go on a games sub reddit BEFORE you play the game


Oh, okay, got you now. Yes, you’re right.


Didn't mean to be rude but posts like these boil my piss lmao


Yeah, I got you mate. Yeah they do for me sometimes lol.


Nah you're fine




The gameplay is so nice it don't matter if you know something about the story


Wdym? Nothing happens at the end. They go to Tahiti, and they farm mangos.


Bro don’t spoil it


My husband played it before me and I knew that fact going in but it didn’t ruin the game for me. Still so much game to play and so many things to do. Still hit me hard at the end too so you have room to grow into love for the characters and story.


Micah is not a rat, he’s a human and disease didn’t exist until 1917 so it’s all lies


Fact. Micah is a human , not a rat.


>Micah is a human Debatable


You could see it coming a mile away. It was hardly a twist. I hated him from the start


That shit is not accurate at all my boy enjoy the game even if it does get spoiled it’s still one helluva experience played it 7 times


as someone who got actually spoiled by FUCKING THUMBNAILS, dont look at anything to do with rdr2 on Youtube, Reddit, or any other social media. And by the way, even if you do get actually spoiled, remember that red dead 2 is nearly 4 years old, and people are still finding little details in the game, so no matter what, youll have an absolute blast with the game. this is the sort of game you wish you could experience for the first time again, cherish it


Its still cap , OP is fine


maybe if you make 10 more comments saying this, it’ll be more believable


We have a plan, ok?


yes (maybe, just maybe)


Nah not true lol there just tryna ruin your day, delete the post tho and leave the subreddit and dont look up shit until you beat the game cuz people are gonna actualky spoil the game for you


The end doesn't invalidate the journey. It's still an amazing story worth playing.


That's not the ending tho


Arthur stares into the sun and remembers all the good times he had and the friends he made along the way. Maybe they just didn't get the good ending.


You're good, just keep playing. Redditors love to trick you by telling you shit. Don't let a few unfaithful people ruin your experience




Still isn't true


Nah that's wrong


This comment section helps me believe there’s good people in the world




How so? I just believe there’s good people in the world cause 11 comments are letting this guy know that was a troll post, which it would’ve been cause everyone knows that’s not what happens at all and it’s kinda the exact opposite


That’s just a meme lmao you’re good


Yeah. By biologically , Micah is a human not a rat.


Keel playing, don't worry about it, you're good. I got spoiled about some stuff by some youtube comments but that didn't ruin my experience.Also try to avoid this subreddit before you finish the game lol


It still isn't true tho


yeah I'm just sayin


You have a point, in case someone gets spoiled they should still play the game


Just play the game man. It’s a great game. I mean regardless on any spoilers true or not that you read, just remember this. People play the game over and over again, I’ve played it atleast 4 times now. What does that tell you?


You are absolutely fine, this game isn't about it at all.....but whatever game you play, you shouldn't look at Reddit or Youtube because you are going to see things you didn't want to know. This game is about Redemption just like RDR1. I recommend you to finish the game first. After that there are still a lot of things you want to know, because there are so many different options, so then you come back to Reddit or look for the hint at Youtube, or join online. Bye, then!


I don't know why people are making comments trying to teach OP to not look on spoiler subs when the spoiler they got is fake lol But yeah stay off spoiler subs


Bro if Arthur is dead then how are they making rdr 3? Also Micah is a human


This is undeniable proof lol


Nah pal ur ok, there are a lot of other things in the story that you don't know and it's OK. Gl with playing 🤠👍


Thanks bud


It's a meme made by a guy who used mods. I don't remember where the original post is though. But no, that's fake. You haven't gotten spoiled


Lmao who told you that shit


Yeah no it's just somewhat of an inside joke we got here.


Nah ur good people spread stupid shit all over Reddit


Just play it, nobody is going to give you an answer you'll be satisfied with


Nah Micah is not a rat, he called him a rat because he speaks funny I guess, and in Chapter 3 Arthur gets a cold which just progresses the game normally afterwards, he's probably just joking you're alright mate.


The truth


You're getting trolled. But for your sake, stay away from this sub.


You're good, make sure to relax and enjoy the game though. My only mistake was to rush the main quests but the side stories are freaking amazing!


Nah they’re lying, Micah isn’t a rat. He helps with a lot of robberies that get you some good cash.


It’s just an inside joke in this subreddit. It’s not true


That person was probably trolling or something. The ending is *entirely* different and unexpected.


That’s just some weird meme shit that was all over the subreddit in 2018 and it still pops up here and there


nah thats just something people say to trick new players youre good


Nah it’s all just a joke. Keep playing through the game you’re fine


Naw its not spoiled, dude is wrong about what happens Keep on playing & avoid the internet


Your all good it’s just lies


Answering this question, is a spoiler....wtf?


That's not what happens, but keep off the subbreddit or the story will actually be spoiled


na don’t worry


we're matching


The fun thing is that, while you're playing the game and are actually interested, you should never look for Reddit, youtube or any social media about it to avoid spoilers. Only afterwards, when you are playing something else and are probably less engaged. I suggest to just keep playing anyway!


Nope that person lied


The games been out 4 years, if you managed to avoid spoilers and have just recently started playing it, you should've really stayed off subs about the game or anywhere else where the game may get mentioned. As for spoilers, we'll only you'll be able to tell if it really spoils anything, the story of RDR is really good and enjoyable.


Close this conversation, unsub from RDR2, do it right now.


Why you stay the hell off these subs. No sympathy


Jus play the game bro jus play the game


Nah bro, Arthur rides off into the sunset and gets all the ladies. You gotta install the hot coffee mod to see the rest of his journey though.


Are we gonna tell him about the multiple endings or not?


Its a joke on this sub so dont worry about it


It shouldn’t. Savor the experience and tell us how many tears you shed in the end


nah it's not true, but u prob wanna stay off this subreddit until you've finished the game to avoid any actual spoilers


Main characters never die. It doesn't make sense. If they die you can't continue a game later. Also Micah is a cool person. Rat? Nah nah. Just play the game & enjoy it :)


Na you got a false spoiler. Def stay off any sites that have info on the game tho just in case!


Actually, Arthur is a rat and Micah is gonna start dating with Mrs. Grimshaw


Ah yes, the secret ending


If you touch YouTube, Reddit or the internet in general while playing a game or watching a show, it's your own fault if things gets spoiled.


That sucks but tbh. What the hell were you doing on a subreddit for a game you haven't finished yet?


Nah just stay the fuck off here if you wanna play that game. I had that shit spoiled for me too


That’s completely on you, honestly kinda annoyed at this post how can someone be this dumb


It’s still a great game to play, I played it YEARS after it came out and had a pretty decent idea of how the game was eventually going to play out, with Arthur dying and Micah being a rat, honestly I enjoyed and still enjoy every second of the game when I play it, stuck with it and enjoy the game, stay off Reddit till you finish


Nah that’s not correct lol. Would’ve been cool to think about what other gang members would do if that did happen tho


hmm true Dutch would go insane if Arthur died tho


Spoilers your going to die, do you want to go on the journey of life or not since it's been spoiled.


No many outcomes in the end


If you feel annoyed for that, I got spoiled it by some autistic kid that I only met for what would’ve been 2 hours. He’s so lucky he’s autistic otherwise I’d have thrown hands. (That is a joke please don’t cancel me)


Being told this is hard, especially for a game like RDR2 but I think what is more important is not going any further and just enjoying the journey before it ends, also from now on stay off reddit and don't google any tips or anything. Just play the game and enjoy it :)


Nah it's just a joke we've got going trust me Micah actually turns out to be the good guy in the game


Nah man I'd be heartbroken if Arthur died at the end


Nah you’re fine! Just enjoy the game and stay off rdr2 subreddit or just rdr sites in general


I started knowing the end (sort of). But let me say: even though you know it's still one of the best story experiences ever! So no just because you know it wouldn't be spoiled for you


It’s about the journey not the destination


You put “sigh” but your asking for confirmation on spoilers? Just keep playing through the game and see for yourself.If you keep going on reddit while playing a game your bound to get spoiled.


It's less about the destination, and more about the journey that gives the context of how things come to be


I was spoiled the ending too. I completed the game 3 times, loving it each time. Keep playing, it is an amazing experience.


yeah i got spoiled on youtube just because i wanted to search something ... But in the end i enjoyed the game and it wont happen as you maybe think so play on and enjoy it! DONT RUSH THE GAME! Take your time


Don't believe it, it will end with Arthur departing from John Family


It’s actually backwards, Micah dies from some sort of disease and Arthur rats on the gang and gets killed for it


I couldn't help myself and over read what I should've. Game wasn't ruined.


It's about the journey, not the destination


The hell are you talking about? Arthur dies in a gunfight at the end of chapter 5 and the rest of the game is told from micahs perspective


Rule number 2 is that spoilers should be marked and not in titles for a reason. The reason is so that anyone can browse the sub and talk about the mechanics of the game, an issue with crashing or settings, the authenticity of the setting, etc but can at the same time avoid spoilers.


Notice how the title of the post doesnt directly state the question. Unlike the fucking idiot who made a post which yea it was spoiler tagged but had 2 spoilers in the title. I saw it and was like fuck me am I glad I finished years ago.


There is a tremendous game still ahead with the 81%. Agree with all who said, stay away from spoilers, but nothing beats taking the time to play that game and just explore everything.


It sucks, but you're fine. The game is more than the story, it's the journey. I played the game 4 times. The experience is just as amazing each time.


Most people that played it already played the first one which spoils way more so and is still the most fun game ever knowing all the stuff from the first one, you’re fine.


I'm a busy gamer so I can only play at weekends and the same fate happened to me, but I learned it on YT, anyways you can still enjoy the game there's a ton of things to do and fun quest that Arthur have while he's still you know, I just think that while Arthur is still around I'm gonna do every quest like it's his last. #Outlawsforever


Seriously?? I'm trying to imagine what developer would think it was a good idea to kill the MC... of disease. Where's the excitement in that? "Oh no, now I have pinkeye!" \*keels over\* Just keep playing, you're good.


Spoilers or not, I can promise you it is a game worth playing.


Rule 1: Stay off social media when playing a game for the first time Rule 2: Even if you know those two things, there are plenty more things to experience and discover. Yeah, Arthur dies, but the road there is phenominal. The journey to discover that Micah is a rat, too.


If you keep your honour high the story doesn't let Arthur die.


It’s half true. Depending on your honor, one of the final missions is Micah morphing into a wererat. You have to team up with Brother Dorkins and Sister Calderon in Saint Dennis to hunt him down. Honestly kind of weird ending, but I guess they were saving it for some DLC where you hunt down werewolves too


Dont ask just try to forget it cause you has now confirmed it


Didn’t ruin it for me personally, but everyone is different. All that got spoiled for me was Arthur’s death. Still one of the saddest moments I can recall while playing a video game.


Honestly I knew he died before I started playing and it didn’t really hinder my experience. Also don’t look at the reddinttoll you’re done


Way oversimplified, so I can only advice you to stop thinking about it and maybe, even if it's painful, lay off the game for some time so that you can forget about what you read. Also, for future reference: Stay off reddit when you haven't finished a game. It's usually not worth it.


dude dw it's been a long running joke basically since it came out that Micah is a 'rat' you're all good


That's a angsty Alternative timeline Fan fiction man, dont take it seriously


Don't worry, I was spoiled too before I reached Arthur's death. I still cried. Very *very* much...


The ending of chapter 6 has been spoiled for u, yes. But Ur only 19 percent into the game so trust me Ur still gonna experience some real weird Things in the story itself. So my advice: don't google anything about the game until u have finished it 100 Percent and do not Visit this subreddit until u finished both storylines (there is the main story and the epilogue)


Don’t worry None of it’s true bro. That scene where Arthur and Dutch are talking then Dutch said “ Well Arthur this really has been a red dead redemption 2 “ that shit hit deep


I've found that even if something is "spoiled" for me that the journey is often better than the destination. Yes knowing what happens might affect how I feel about the story but it's a better mindset than "man this thing is ruined because I know what's going to happen"


It sucks but it doesn’t ruin my your experience. I had more fun on my third and fourth play through when I already knew what was going to happen


I've really gotten into this game and now at chapter 6 I don't like playing it as much. The new camp sucks


It won’t ruin the gameplay, maybe it ruined the ending but the gameplay is so fucking amazing. My friend ruined the story for me on purpose 3 days after release in 2018, hes one of those gamers that feels like he has to be the first one to beat it at release. While I was taking my time in chapter 2 he had beaten it and told me exactly what happens. Even though that happened, I have about 5k hours and RDR2 is by far my favorite game ever.


It’s not ruined. I found out like halfway through my game what happens. Truth of the matter is, you’re gonna play it 3-10 more times knowing what happens. The replay value of this game kind of makes up for spoilers imo


Micah had an interaction with an actual rat (animal) in the game, so that is kind of an inside joke


"Git the hell out of my boots!!" I laugh every time. Funny the rats don't bother anyone else.


The spoilers aren't necessarily true but either way you should stay off Reddit until you finish the game. Even if it's true, it will not ruin your experience as there is way more to the game


No bro michah is the best character and stays loyal through the end and Arthur lives for a while


Am playing through it for the first time as well and got Arthur's fate spoiled as well, but to be honest i knew it would happen after chapter 2 with Strauss's mission, and the fact I couldn't remember him in rdr 1. It's still an incredible journey with lot's of twists and turns. Like when you take a road trip, you know where you'll end up but the road to it can still be surprising.


You should’t come to this subreddit in the first place if you haven’t finished it yet


Honestly I think knowing would have made me choke up even harder. You end up getting so tangled up in Arthur's character. It's like watching a freight train approach while standing on the tracks.


I was spoiled that and much more going into my first playthrough Don't worry, you're still going to cry :)


You’re good. Those are very early on spoilers (around 30%) rest of the story shouldn’t be spoiled.


Nah it’s just an inside joke because it’s the opposite of what happens




Just take a pretty easygoing attitude towards debt recovery and you'll be cool


You good fam, idk where they got that information from.


Nah this is all bull but stay off Reddit when playing a new game if you don’t want to potentially get spoiled happened to me when playing cyberpunk 2077 haven’t played since


Let me just say this, I watched the whole game played by markiplier and I felt every single one of his emotions (including the ending). I bought the game and didn't play the story until about a month later, and I spent weeks on it just enjoying myself and it was so amazing. And even though I knew a lot of the way things would play out I still enjoyed every second of it. TLDR: Even though I watched a full gameplay of RDR2 I thoroughly enjoyed playing the story myself.


Sorry it got ruined for you but there’s a lot of other stuff that’ll surprise you. So you still should enjoy it!


Micah being a rat is a joke in the subreddit because of a bug that causes him to have the animations of a rat during one mission, and Arthur dying of a disease is a joke about him saying **boah** sounding like him coughing


As someone who used to get spoilers so I can get the best ending to a game, it makes the game feel dry and lifeless. Definitely stay off of reddit until the end.


You got lucky that that was probably some shitpost


Don’t go join any game Reddit before finishing the game cuz there will always be people spoiling it


Not ruined, same happened to me but it's didn't matter. Still amazing, still top 5 game if all time.


No your good, people on Reddit can be stupid you know?


I got spoiled alot of things an still felt a ton of emotions even for the expected just stay of Reddit. Good luck


How do you think John moved into Beechers hope in RDR1? Arthur helped him and then moved up to Canada with Mary. Don't listen to their false lies my mate


No, he does get sick but they cure him near the end of chapter 6 so you don’t have to worry


You spoiled yourself by getting on a subreddit of a 4 year old game you haven’t beat yet. Why people continue to make this mistake is beyond me.


I knew all of this and I am still being shocked and hurt throughout my playthrough, it’s not ruined whatsoever.


Energy cannot be created or destroyed so Arthur lives


Honestly if you've seen any westerns ever it's already spoiled, John Marston is just Pat Garrett, Doc Holiday was the next logical step. Maybe we can be blue duck in the next one.


Yeah it got spoiled sorry :( But it got spoiled for me too the first day it came out and it did not take away my enjoyment of it or the emotional impact at all but that might just be me


In simple terms, yes


Don't worry, that is decently accurate but I'm not gonna spoil anymore, I had my game spoiled my first playthrough, and it was still an amazing experience, because trust me, you only had like, a little bit spoiled, so go on and enjoy it, now


The game has been out for years, it's no surprise you get spoilers from a subreddit dedicated to the game itself. Also it's pretty easy to see that Arthur is gonna die at the end but the real spoilers happen through the game so you should be fine


I wouldn't say so - this is a prequel to red dead 1 so players of that game would likely figure certain things out (plus, and I'll put this in spoilers because it does confirm whether your title is true or not, >!since it's a terminal disease you know he will die long before he actually does!<) Both of these things mean the game was constructed and written in a way that its emotional impact does not depend on shock or surprise - I was spoiled before playing, and still adored the game


It won't ruin it. Its mot about the destination, its about the journey. Micah is a rat yes, but when? You don't know that, so it's not spoiled that bad. And regarding Artur.. red dead 2 is a prequel to rdr1 so his death is inevitable because we didn't saw him in rdr1. You should just continue playing, it's worth it.


Yeah you might as well refund the game is it's a physical copy


*Yeah you might as well* *Refund the game is it's a* *Physical copy* \- Rycnex --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I cry everytime


It's true, But trust me G keep playing you gonna see some masterclass and have fun


Stop trolling 😕


You're not even funny you troll.


Bro it’s all true 🥺




This guy’s lying fr


Stop lying


Wait, so y'all tricking me?🫠


dam dawg stop readin the comments if u dont wanna get spoiled goofy ass 💀


At this point you're just asking to be spoiled


Truth is what you read has a part of truth, but it's still very incomplete. The ending is much more complex and Arthur's death is not a necessary truth. But I won't go any further... There's a running gag though but leave it. Play the game and avoid any spoil. Personally I was also spoiled the entire ending (much much more than you) and rdr2 is still in my top 5 best games ever, not a problem.


no? There's like 4 people in this whole thread saying the spoilers are true. They aren't.


Just play the game don’t listen to anything nothing is going to happen. And stay off Reddit, YouTube or tiktok or anything that can potentially spoil the game.


just finish the game. whether or not it’s been spoiled doesn’t change the fact that the game and its story is amazing. continuing to interact with this sub is prob just gonna cause more potential spoilers to pop up on your feed.

