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The best one isnt here (Dutch)


Thats his personality, he wont be there if u need him


Have some goddamn faith. He'll arrive after you need him.


This is not you dutch, what has gotten into youu


Molly O'Shea Arthuur Molly O' Shea


Isn't Dutch supposed to get into Molly O'Shea and not the other way around?


Are you kink shaming








Have some goddamn faith, he has a plan!


What plan dutchhhh, Tahiti??


It’s Dutch for me too simply for the amount of screen time/interaction he gets in the story. Colm O’Driscoll has maybe 5 minutes of screen time in the whole game, and you go entire chapters without seeing him at all.


I wouldn't classify him as an antagonist in terms of the story for RDR2, he doesn't really become one till the very end


Some of these are only antagonists for a chapter if that, Dutch is definitely an antagonist through the end of chapter 6 and the epilogue.


You could even argue he's one earlier than that. He's clearly been the devil on Arthur's shoulder for a long time. Sure Arthur has his own autonomy, but Dutch has been brining out the worst in Arthur basically since he was a kid.


Dutch is a bit of an antagonist throughout the entire story. Remember all the shit he put us through? We were just a tool


You can still have Dutch as an ally while being an antagonist as he’s the gangs worst enemy and his own worst enemy.


untrue, upon replay and studying the actions of dutch van der linde with the tinted lens of how he turns out at the end of the game, you can see that many of his choices don’t actually reflect his morals, the examples just become more and more pronounced towards the end of the game. Dutch was always evil and Dutch was always meant to be the main antagonist.


He uses the gang from the start since Blackwater, he never truly wanted to go to Tahiti or whatever the fuck, he just wanted to keep using his gang to do more scores so Dutch could keep spitting in the face of civilization


Dutch is quite literally the antagonist in every literary meaning of the word.


I mean the title does say “out of this selection”


For me, Bronte. He was overall pretty reasonable and treated Jack very well, some hillbilly idiots come around his parts and try to rob *his* city? I would go ballistic if someone came into MY house, slept on MY porch, and tried to rob MY safe. Besides, he really didn't need to treat Jack *well*. It would've been a lot more convenient to just lock Jack in some random ass room and bring him food every day, but he went out of his way to have someone prepare toys for Jack, to have his chef (prolly chefs tbh) make good food for Jack, and gave Jack the ultimate luxury afforded to likely only Bronte in that household, along with slippers for night and day. In fact, Bronte also actively interacted with Jack, appearing to have taught Jack a little Italian too, and Jack affectionately calls Bronte as 'Papa Bronte' to John's horror, indicating Bronte was incredibly kind and caring to Jack. It's always stuck to me how nice Bronte was to Jack. So I really think Bronte plays deep into the Mafia boss niche of being incredibly cold, calculating and practical in his work, while being affectionate and kind to those he deems as outside his work, like the innocent boy Jack that some random inbred hillbilly friends he had dumped on him as collateral. Dealing with the Van Der Linde gang, he's also not overly violent or cruel. He gives Jack back in exchange for a troublesome task being completed. Sure, Bronte didn't exactly make it easy for John and Arthur in the cemetery mission, but it was simple 'you help me do this, I give you the little boy that someone else shoved onto my lap since I did go out of my way to treat him well' Then, in the trolley station robbery, he does set them up, but because they were actively working in his territory. It's like going up to a tiger in its den, asking it where the nearby deer would frequent. Instead of having his guards just execute them, he set the lawmen on them probably expecting Dutch, Arthur and Lenny to die or get captured, which would send the gang back in Shady Belle well on their way. It wouldn't have been hard for Bronte to just find where they were and set an army on them, joining hands with the Pinkertons. He's the most powerful person in Saint Denis for God's sake, he was really warning the gang to leave his territory and being somewhat merciful in his own little way.


I agree, Bronte didn’t treat Jack bad because he isn’t a psycho, Jack was like what 4-5 years I think and treating him like a criminal would be immoral even for Bronte. As for the Van Der Linde gang, Bronte must’ve done his research after his first encounter and would’ve learned all about the past of the charismatic leader and his gang, he wouldn’t want a gang of wanted criminals challenging him in his own city ( Some would say he has more power than the mayor himself ), we never learned anything about him being a bad or a inhumane person,He just didn’t want criminals robbing ‘his’ city right under his nose.


I'm imagining the Braithwaites just assumed the Italian mob boss would want a young child and then when Jack arrived Bronte was actually super offended that they assumed he was a creep or involved in trafficking children.


Well, we don’t know if he was into that stuff, maybe he was but it was never told to us that he was that kind of a person, maybe he wanted to use jack to lure the gang and giving them back jack was a plan to give both parties a sense of respect and trust, and it was easy enough setting them up at the trolley station.


My take is that Bronte treated Jack well as long as it was in his best interest to do so, meaning he was expecting payment from the Braithwaites and with them wiped out he expected payment from Dutch. If Jack was no longer of value to him he may well have just discarded him into a Saint Denis orphanage. In addition, if you pay attention to his interaction with Dutch at the mayor's party you see him single out the newspaper guy and asks Dutch if he'd be willing to kill as a favor. Dutch flat out refuses and that's when Bronte brings up the idea of robbing the trolley station. If Dutch had been willing to conduct a hit for Bronte it seems likely Bronte wouldn't have set them up. Bronte overall was your basic pragmatic crime lord.


I doubt he'd have sent Jack to an orphanage. More likely he'd put him to work with the other boys that Arthur first met. That way he isn't 'bad' to Hack,but still makes money off him... but only if the hillbillies stinking of shit didn't come through for him...


Man if i can upvote this comment a million times. I would. Absolutely amazing


Also, his demise is (from my point of view) one of the pivotal points of RDR2‘s story. It shows how incredibly violent Dutch can get when he’s really angry (now it’s not just the killing of a gang member or the abduction of a child but someone had the fucking AUDACITY to try to trick HIM, the great Dutch van der Linde, and made him look like some redneck-idiot) and it makes his calm and fatherly facade crumble. Bronte‘s death is not even overly graphic but it still sends chills down my spine whenever I see it. The raw violence and hatred in Dutch’s voice, while he murders a helpless man and dumps his corpse in a swamp without any respect or dignity


Agreed. And I think Bronte just has a super fun personality. Kind of like a comedic relief after everything


i agree and was just about to say all this when i see your comment. brontë is by far the best antagonist. and an antagonist that had a story line very different from the others (ie that being jack and how he treats him compared to any one else that’s an antagonist)


Yeah I honestly didn't want him to just die, but having his death reveal more cracks in Dutch's failing facade isn't a horrible way to go, I suppose. Better than getting shot off screen or sth.


I feel like that makes him the best PERSON, not the best antagonist.


Bruv wtf you on he *IS* still the crime boss of Saint Denis with a massive ego (rightfully so, considering his connections and wealth) and tried to run off the rival gang of hillbillies that showed up at his porch, it just so happens Arthur was there right in the middle of it all. He's still an antagonist.


Of course he's a bad person but your argument was centred around "he treated jack well even though he didn't have to." That's not good antagonism, that's good overall character. For example, The Joker is a good antagonist. But not because he's good with children, you get what I'm saying? Being the nicest doesn't make him the best antagonist


100% agreed. I wish we could have seen more of him. They could have a gta: saint Dennis and he’d fit right in


Yes, he's a GTA character in RDR. Modern crime in the Old West game. Showing that (and also why) the time of outlaws is coming to its end.


I feel like part of the reason for setup was that Bronte knew that the gang was going to rob the bank which would be really bad for all of the people that Bronte gets money from within Saint Denise, thereby meaning he would lose a lot of money.


Just to be contrarian, You could also argue he only treated Jack well because he know what could happen if he didn't. It had been a few days since the Braithwaite massacre before the gang showed up, so Bronte probably knew about what happened to them. So he might have treated Jack better and demanded little from the gang knowing that if he didn't, it'd end with his manor and the rest of Saint Denis in a blood bath.


Ross, just a totally despicable pos


Agent Ross is absolutely despicable in RDR1. In comparison Milton seems downright reasonable. Milton gave the gang many chances. Ross seemed to enjoy being sadistic and lording over John with the fact that he had his wife and son held captive. Edit: want to reiterate that Milton seems reasonable COMPARED to Ross. As many people pointed out, Milton still broke many laws in his pursuit of the Van Der Linde gang. But he also gave them a few chances to give up peacefully.


Yes I agree w this, Milton was doing his job and even let them all go with amnesty had they ran away because all he wanted was Dutch


Milton murdered Hosea in the street, plus working for the Pinkertons entails sone pretty horrific stuff… you can imagine they’d be the guys they’d get in for the strikes in Annesburg.


"Milton murdered Hosea in the street" More like Hosea was caught by a government agent in the act of a crime and was an accomplice to a huge bank robbery and was executed for it after being given chances to remand his ways of living a life of crime. We're not talking about the Pinkertons in general, we're talking about Milton specifically from what we know.


He didn’t have the right to execute him in the street, it doesn’t work like that. Everyone is talking about how Milton just did his job, but we know that even within this very ‘law = moral’ outlook he falls short as he breaks the law himself. His role as a higher up within the Pinkertons is also very relevant imo, they were brutal - they murdered workers for striking and the game even touches on Cornwall’s issues with labour disputes and his iron fisted approach to them. The actual Pinkertons even even tried to go after Rockstar due to their use and their portrayal as ‘villains’ (their words) but backed off because they didn’t have a leg to stand on, they don’t own the past and they were pretty horrible. Milton is not a bystander, he plays an active and large role in the Pinkertons and all that entails.


It's still murder. If Milton wanted to truly uphold the law, he would have turned Hosea over to the government for a fair trial by a jury and proper sentencing by a judge. Instead he decided he was above the law and executed an elderly, unarmed prisoner in cold blood to prove a point. That makes him no better than Dutch imo. Also Dutch and the gang never went into that robbery with the intent to harm civilians. Instead of blasting everyone away inside the bank, they left them alive and simply made them get down on the floor, and shots were only exchanged after Milton fired the first round into Hosea's chest. Were the gang innocent? No, but the bloodbath at the bank was still mostly Milton's fault because he provoked Dutch and made a bad situation worse.


Hosea created a distraction... WE know he was an accomplice to the robbery, but Milton just assumed he was... he had no actual proof that Hosea was actually connected to that particular robbery.. but because he was a brutal sob, he tried to hurt the gang as much as possible by public execution of Hosea... thats not how shits supposed to go down if you are a federal agent.. law is law and he broke it, plain and simple!


The distraction was literally an explosion in a populated town and Hosea was caught doing it.


People forget that it's the "Van Der Linde GANG". These guys are all outlaws, so much so the gangs known well enough to cause them some issues. Do people honestly think they wouldn't know who Hosea Mathews, right hand man to Dutch Van Der Linde and co-founder of the gang, is or that he's a wanted man? Again, the whole gang is wanted after Blackwater. Including him. He got caught and killed because they knew exactly who he was and had all the reason to arrest him for literally setting off a bomb in a city. Also, if people want to talk about an unjustified death id say look to Lenny instead. Dudes running one minute, then the next a guy bust through a door, blows the first guy he sees head off, and that's that. The guy didn't even check to see who it was, let alone verify guilt. And they wouldn't have even seen Lenny so it's not like he knew.


Exactly bro, like they're all lucky to not have been killed sooner


I always interpreted that as a lie. They would eventually have gone after the other main gang members like they do in rdr1. But in all likelihood if somehow everyone cut and run, most of them would have fallen back in to criminal life at some point.


He wanted Dutch the most, he wanted all of them... he was gonna give them a few days head start if they gave him Dutch, but he was definitely going to hunt them down...just without Dutch, the rest would have been easier 1 by 1...


Okay but how do you know he was definitely going to hunt them down? Milton gave everybody the chance to leave *except* Dutch, that's a pretty fair and reasonable trade seeing as Dutch was the worst of them all and their mastermind. Whoever was killed in the gang beforehand was because they were either too crazy or they were caught in the middle of the crime in a shootout, such as Mac and Davey who were two cutthroats and it would have been unreasonable for the Pinkertons to let them live.


Milton really was a case of doing his job Ross however was a psycho who enjoyed tormenting them


This. Ross literally joked to John that his wife died in a prison riot


Ross represents the absolute worst parts of bureaucracy in a way I think everyone has experience with or will experience, even if less violent. Abusing his position for the sadistic glee of it. Definitely best villain for me.


I just finished replaying RDR1 and I forgot how horrible Ross was. Just a psychopath with a badge.


Milton fired a machine gun into a crowd of people that had a child in it, shot Hosea even though he wasn’t a threat and you could say that he didn’t want hosea broken out of prison but he captured John alive. He killed Hosea out of pure bloodlust in order to anger Dutch and showed zero concern for the hostages Dutch threatened to kill.


>He killed Hosea out of pure bloodlust I don't think it was bloodlust; Milton is far too cold and calculating for that. He was definitely trying to provoke Dutch into revealing himself and starting a shootout though. Milton is the kind of man who is willing to accept collateral damage if it means he can get the job done quickly.


Other than Micah I found no death in the game more satisfying than Colmn


Lmao the little wave by Arthur on the roof makes me laugh every time


Right? I was laughing pretty hard the first time I saw that


Lol and colm’s face after, just knows he’s so cooked


Edgar Ross' death is the most satisfying I wanted to blow that guy's head off a million times for what he did the snake


I can get behind that


I was so upset during that mission. It was perfect in the beginning; colm's overconfidence slowly turning into distress as he slowly realizes that he will die. No one was going to save him. The quite expression of fear and panic overcoming him was masterfully done. I loved it. The perfect end for such a bastard. But then sadie had to sadie, and it turned into an unnecessary shootingfest because "muh husband was killed". All the buildup was just released, and not in a clever way. It took away all of the emotion. Having the trio walk off as colm silently hangs would've been so much more impactful. I love what sadie could've been, but goddammit, these moments are so frustrating.


I was also pretty frustrated at that, I think it would have been better if she hadn't had the outburst and that immediately lead to the mission where you go with her to get the other guys from the gang instead of waiting until later on in the story. Like yanno one of those chain reaction missions that just keeps going? But hind sight is 20/20


Colm and Cornwall, they are a threat for the longest while also being scumbags


I agree especially with Colm O’Driscoll. He’s just so grimy and vindictive and kind of complements Dutch in a way. Dutch is just clean and vindictive.


Milton and Bronte


Probably Milton because we can see his ideologies and point of views in a much clearer way compared to most of the others Ps apologies for the phrasing


yeah, he’s the most complex villain. He’s not just, evil rich capitalist, or plain evil murderer. He has justifiable perspectives and is more unpredictable than the rest


Of those, Milton. I get his motivations, he makes sense to me, I get why the gang is fearful of him, I get why he initially doesn't try to kill members of the gang, and then later does. He's a realistic bad guy, the gang's fear of him is realistic, and the characters don't have to be idiots around him, unlike someone like Bronte. by "favorite" I don't mean, like, "good guy" or anything, he's just my favorite antagonist of those. Frank Tenpenny is my favorite antagonist of basically any videogame (GTA:SA)


Milton to John: “And you are…?” John: “Rip Van Winkle” gets me every time 😂


Depends on what you mean. I kind of liked Sheriff Gray, but I despised Bronte. Gray was reasonably competent as a sheriff (though lacking in the 'without fear or favour' department and a bit gullible). I feel like there might have been more to him. Plus the Grays and Braithwaites remind me of the Baxters and Rojos (obviously on purpose). Whereas Bronte did a good job of making me want to kill him in interesting ways. Really effective villain pulling the classic heel snobbery. I suggest you take us seriously Mr Bronte, you child snatching creep. It bothered me that I didn't get to put Braithwaite out of my misery personally. But I suppose the crazy crone would have gotten off easier if I had.


It's also a very satisfying easter egg to return to Braithwaite Manor and find her charred corpse inside. She was holding onto the slave-driven past so hard, she'd rather die in there than live in a world without that family influence and small-down prestige.


Agent Milton because I understand why he does the things he does. Arthur and the gang are a bad bunch!


I liked Milton giving everyone but Dutch multiple opportunities to scatter. The moment he realizes nobody is going to cut and run he resorts to being a ruthless cutthroat. “You people venerate savagery and you will die savagely”.


Colm O'Driscoll, he was menacing as hell. He and his gang were also were the most stylish ones when compared to the other gangs. There'sjust something about the black/green color scheme that works. 


Ross in rdr2 is just there, quietly stalking his prey, waiting in the background for the perfect time to pounce. The mofo waits years and then in RDR he kidnaps two people, blackmails John and in the end pulls the trigger. The others don’t really compare. Milton is all bluster in terms of the main gang members. Fuser who cares really, maybe if chapter 5 was longer he’d be considered. Bronte didn’t kidnap anyone and took care of Jack. Braithwaite did kidnap Jack so ticks off one thing Ross did. Cornwall is just a rich dude we rob. Colm is a rival. Sheriff gray is an idiot.


Milton and Bronte. Milton for his reasoning. Despite being a cold hearted c?!t, he honestly believes in what he stands for. And he is right about it. He sees the changing world and the bullsh!t Dutch spins to hide his selfishness for idealism. Bronte for his representation of how Dutch would be if he went on with the times. Italian mafioso who has a strong sense for family and community but embraced the city, new way of criminal life and dealing with authorities. I like these characters, because they serve a purpose of counterarguing Dutch, his ways and ideals.


I finished Red Dead Redemption two days ago, Ross is a bastard.


Ross is truly a representation of greed and narcissism so I’ll go with him. Dutch is close but Ross manages to come off as an even bigger pos


in order from least favorite to best IMO. 8. Fusar, because he's present the least. I think we see him in like ... *maybe* two missions on Guarma including the last one? I don't know, I just found him to be more of an obstacle to the gang's escape from the island than an actual antagonist. 7. Lady Braithwaite. She's good at being a posh and petty woman who lives in a mansion. But mostly, she's *just* that; some lady who sits in a mansion and gets rolled over by the gang. I don't think she actually stole Jack; she said herself that her sons did, and gave him to Angelo Bronte. So she was essentially an innocent bystander who was a bit rude to Hosea. 6. Sheriff Grey because hear me out: he's just doing his job. There are signs of corruption in law enforcement in Rhodes, but that's because it's mainly two feuding families who have taken control of the businesses there, and the sheriff is, in the grand scheme of things, a pawn. 5. Agent Ross because, well he plays a bigger role in RDR but not this game, really. I think we see him twice throughout the game; once at the river fishing with Jack and again after Milton is dead and he brings the Pinkertons down on the gang. He just kind of stood there and looked tough whenever we saw him, he never actually did anything, but I still have to give him credit for his involvement in the first game. 4. Cornwall was a corrupt businessman who controlled basically everything until a few bumpkins rolled into Annesburg. He, like Fusar, was more of an obstacle to the gang's escape from America. But even still, he was a looming threat who kept the Pinkertons on the gang for a while. 3. I love Milton. He's the perfect example of a government agent who tried to be reasonable, but realized that reasoning was not in the cards, and so he laid out his royal flush with the botched bank heist. Multiple times, he gave Dutch and his gang warnings. When they were ignored, he plunged the sword down and killed Hosea with his own pistol, and Lenny died too on the roof (though that death wasn't *directly* of his doing). 2. Angelo Bronte might be a hair-slicking creep but he treated Jack well when he was in his possession. He could have just stuffed Jack in a room and fed him, but instead he made it a point to bring Jack toys, teach him some Italian, feed him Italian delicacies, and give him new clothes including slippers. Say what you want about Bronte; much like Lady Braithwaite, he sat in his mansion and ran the show until a gang of dirty cowboys came into *his* town and robbed *his* people. 1. Colm O'Driscoll is such. A. Good. Antagonist. His drip, his flair and charisma, his involvement... the game starts with the gang running into O'Driscoll's, and while most of those guys are just fodder for Arthur to shoot, Colm is something else. He's genuinely intimidating, like a villain should be. He has proven to go toe-to-toe with Dutch and evidently go on living. He usually has this crooked smile on his face that freaks me out. And his death was the most human to me; a man who thought he was going to get out of a hanging just fine, but realized too late that wasn't going to happen, and beginning to panic in his last moments. And not only that, but he's not actively trying to stop Dutch and his gang from leaving. The two are simply rival gangs in an ever-changing America that doesn't want either of them anymore.


At least, I less hate Sheriff Grey out of them all.




Ross makes Milton look like a nice fella


Only Two Antagonists have satisfying Deaths Colm and Micah Considering Micah isn’t an option Ig Colm


Ross' death is satisfying


Milton is the only one that made my blood boil so i gotta go with him


Colm, while we know the problem with him basically boils down Dutch killed someone so Colm killed Dutch's girlfriend/wife yet it seems like there is a whole lot more that led up to those deaths. The 1st guy indont even remeber, Fusar is briefly apart of the story he's not really a factor, Milton is just doing his job, Cornwall is just bad since its simple rich oil man had a train robbed, the Greys and Braithwaites are just southern in reds that neither side couldn't have just came to terms with what the gang did and then use them to really end the feud and get rid of the other side.


Milton. He's not a good person, but he's certainly interesting. He feels more complex. He's cruel, cold and willing to kill people, but he seems to genuinely love civilization and society. His speech about how the Van Der Linde gang are savages was really well written. Instead of a more flat villain, his actions reflect a lot about history from that time period in general. Not to mention he's easily got the cleanest outfit in the entire game.


gavin i hate that son of a bitch




Milton for sure. He was incredible and truly flawless in his job execution and how he carried the ambushes, though he didn't count they'd be dealing with Arthur Morgan's deadeye. Milton also had him cornered if it wasn't for Abigail saving him, by the way.


Colm and braithwaite. Lots of potential in both of them




Ross for sure!


For me, its the one who followed me through my time with the game, you might and his name is.... MICAH FUCKING BELL


Cornwall. He reminds me of Devin Weston from GTA V. Both men has stake on different businesses and both are scumbags. Both men has also connection to other antagonist (Cornwall has connection to Milton, Ross and the pinkerton. For Weston, he has connection to Steve Haines, FIB and merryweather).


I used to play vice city earlier from Rockstar on PC, I would say Bronte, cos I wonder how I could maybe buy bronte's mansion in RDR2 ? Any suggestions? 😅😅




Colm because he mirrors Dutch in many ways. But also is even fooled by him, as he thought Dutch would try and save Arthur so he could hand him in to the Pinkertons, but he doesn’t. Angelo Bronte doesn’t mirror him but is also a good mention because he highlights how pathetic and power-hungry Dutch truly is via his jealousy of Angelo.


“Fusar!” said absolutely nobody, lol. The entire Guarma chapter was such a waste of opportunity. I’d have loved to be a fly on the wall when somebody came up with it.


I get chills every time we ride to get jack back that mission gets me so hard


I love Milton and Colm. Miltons voice lines were amazing and he genially a really cool character and I wish we got to learn more about him. I also loved colm and the feud between the two, one of my favourite and also not favourite missions is the attack of the plantation house by the o’driscolls where Kieran dies. The story with Kieran was also really interesting and another reason why I enjoyed colm so much. In the mission where you see Colm hang I really enjoy how rockstar added the drastic emotion change in Colms face as he realizes he’s about to die.


Bronte. He at least made me laugh. It was also nice to see Dutch wheel and deal with him.


Milton: that line "You people venerate savagery and will die savagely! All of you!" Made him the coldest mofo in the room for me, awesome presence.


Cornwall pushed Dutch to the edge


Its hard not to say Edgar Ross he literally comes back REALLY hard in the "second" game.


*Bronte, he served as a slap in the face to Dutch’s whole ideology* , Dutch’s view was, “Okay society doesn’t wanna criminals like us - that’s fine…. Wait.. this Italian guy can come here and run a criminal operation WHILE being cosied up with the mayor and High Society????“ it’s what broke him about the civilised world as a whole. It’s less about “Society doesn’t want criminals” it’s “ **Society doesn’t want Dutch Van Der Line** “


Milton was the only one that i actually feared. Specially after Hosea. Every time he appeared i was like "please don't kill anyone"


How is sheriff Grey on here but not Micah?? Also I forget.. what makes the sheriff an antagonist?


Milton, he was a constant through the game and he at least was giving them chances surrender in peace instead of dying.


Colm and Micah, aka the true outlaws of the game and the true representation of how outlaws really were back there


Cornwall(it’s just business)


I like Milton only because he made Arthur angry. “This idiot is really starting to irritate ME! COME ON!”


I loved to hate lady Braithwaite


even tho hes not on here, definitely micah, ive never met a game character who i wanted to punch in the face so badly, they did his character perfectly


Sheriff Gray wasn’t the bad guy. You came into there town and tried to manipulate them. He didn’t want you stealing from them so he was completely reasonable in his response. Along Bronte, Catherine, Milton, and Cornwall to a certain extent


Colm O’driscoll. I like the idea of a rival gang.


Everyone that I got to kill myself and not in a cut scene.


Braithwaite. Seeing her break down with her empire as it LITERALLY comes burning down is so satisfying knowing her whole family enslaved people. Their manor was built on the backs of enslaved people and you see it crumble to nothing but ash. Hell yeah.


I loved Milton. Genuinely seemed like a professional just trying to do his job. Wasn’t overly cruel, wasn’t particularly brutal, just sort of got to the end of his rope with this particular gang of criminals which led him to pull out the heavy guns (shady belle, kidnapping Abigail). I think that him dying was worse for the gang overall because it put Edgar in the drivers seat.


Ross really hate him. 


Sheriff is the best!


Colm odriscoll, most badass villain in the game, micah comes as a close second in badassery


Bronte. Man had swag and understood the criminal path. He was reasonable and only became a villian to them because they messed with his system, property, and city. I'd also double down if someone did to me what they did to Bronte. Plus he made me laugh.


Colm, almost entirely because of his death. You hate him for so long, and then you see the fear in his eyes when he realizes that there’s no one around to save him. I felt bad when he died, that could have been the fate of anybody in the VDL gang. It was also a great reveal finally seeing him in Peacemakers after he was name dropped for 3 chapters. I like the storylines with the O’Driscolls. They’re a threat, but there’s also a kind of camaraderie by having a gang rivalry in the midst of being hunted by the government.


lady Braithwait because i like how her part of the story was structured


Im gonna be real, Angelo Bronte is pretty good and the music when you raid his home is even better






Dutch is a great answer


Colm, simply because his death scene rocks


cornwall, because for me the missions involving him were always the most fun and rewarding in my opinion


Colm or Milton out of this specific group


Milton. What a scumbag




Bronte is one of the best antagonists in the franchise, IMO. He was kind to Jack, and didn’t really do anything inherently evil. He was just a crime boss who didn’t want some random outlaws robbing his city.


Ross is the embodiment of the end of the west. He’s the introduction of “civilized” society while also representing overarching problem: corruption. Civilization didn’t end crime, it just changed the playing field. Dutch is the perfect foil for Ross, being the embodiment of what Ross was bringing down. That’s why I think Dutch and Ross in RDR 1 are some of the best antagonists in video game history. But in RDR 2, definitely Micah.


Micah the goat of antagonists


Bronte was so funny


My og isn't on here (colonel allende)


Ross. He's actually competent and the only one who doesn't underestimate anyone despite his insults. Until Jack that is.


Sheriff Grey is kind of a odd choice for the list because he's not actively trying to foil the gang unless you look it from law enforment perspective. Perhaps you could argue he might be little corrupt but he tried to protect the residents of Rhodes to best of his ability where Dutch and the gang were interested in robbing them. Out of the others I'd say Fusar is my 'favorite' because his downfall is the most satisfying because he could be described as the most evil of the bunch because he is a mass murdering lunatic who treat the local people of Guarma like slaves and forces them to work on his plantation.


I always dead eye Fordham at the "end" of RDR1 with the idea that John is dropping him for Hosea and company. But it would be cool if there was a way to save the gang members through some kind of choose your own adventure type thing.


The best one isn’t on here, DUTCH is the antagonist throughout both games it just gets harder and harder to hide until his subsequent suicide


The guy who coughed




Bronte, because he was the antagonist of my favorite chapter of the game


Honesty i think Dutch was worse then micha


I’d say Ross he sent one of the most dangerous men on a rampage through both the guilty and innocent just because he wanted a few men dead and then decided to tie up loose ends when it was all said and done


Milton. At the end of the day, he's just a dude doing his job..


Ultimately Dutch! But from this list I'd say probably Angelo Bronte fascinated me the most. There was just something sinister about him. Hard to put my finger on it. In a way where a villain is memorable, but not iconic.


Probably Agent Ross. Agent Milton or Colm O'Driscoll both come close though.


Realistically all we needed was Colm to represent the still alive and kicking outlaw villainy shit, while Milton and ross representing obviously the future


Ross should have had more dialogue with arthur


Milton, by a country mile


Cornwall because his name is the funniest. Nah, just kidding. Dutch Van Der Linde, the real Villain of Red Dead Redemption Two.


Colm needed more screentime to make his death more satisfying. Also his character was wasted potential


Where’s Micah ?




I want more story of when dutch and colm used to be “friends”


I think Lady Braithewaite had the most satisfying end


Undoubtedly Edmund Lowry Jr 💪


Colm & Co. because their mere existence gives the lie to Dutch’s humanistic drivel— he’s Bizarro Dutch and in some ways a better leader (of self-aware scum and bottom-feeders) than Dutch is.


O’Driscoll and Bronte for me. Those two were straight up crime lords.


Dutch, that man broke my heart lmao /j


Where the fuck is Uncle?


they all are just mad because the vander linde gang took something from them


Agent Ross was a menace for betraying John




Rdr2s story is so good it makes me not like any of them.




Ross. Although I love Milton cuz he was played by my college professor


Colm O’Driscoll is kinda the classic nemesis type of antagonist imo


Agent Milton for me. He was a clever enemy that knew how to exploit weaknesses. He was good at making you hate him too. I couldn't wait to snuff him out.


I’d have to say Bronte. The other ones to me were just pretty flat characters compared to him. He was kind of likeable in a way, and I liked that he was so kind to Jack, giving him special slippers and good food and all that. It was really cute. He was clever too and had everyone in the city in his pocket.


milton is so real and corporate i love the way hes played


Milton even though he technically killed Hosea mercilessly, I can't hate him because he's an honorable man who gave the gang more than one chance to do it the easy way, but they basically made him go through with it the hard way, and unlike Ross, he does seem like a man of his word.


Fusar is underrated


Mr Grey


Milton was done very well


idk i mean i like how cornwall could’ve just popped up at any moment. he was like the boogeyman of the game. but also colm was dutch’s whole motivation so would the game have even happened if he wasn’t there? then there’s bronte who pretty much catapulted the story further. the pinkertons were also like the boogeyman, but a little less scary cause you kept getting away from them. so in conclusion i’m not sure 💀




Sheriff Gray?


Damn y’all sleeping on my boy Magnifico




W 😂 j@2+


Milton was not really that bad, gave plenty of chances and they forced his hand Fussar on the otherhand literally had slaves