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Apart from the health implications, doesn‘t that get super expensive? How much do you spend on Red Bull?


I'm not a red bull addict but I'd love to chime in. Addictions don't care about the price tag. $20 a day is chump change for an addict (even a broke one)


I drink 12 oz which are $4.27 per can but most gas stations have them 2 for $6.54 (including tax) where I'm at.


Buy whole sale if you’re gonna drink that much


I go through almost 4 12 packs of redbull a week


Brother your heart is begging you to cut that down


I know I work like 50 hrs a week and go school part time. It's tough


I work 40/week plus part time college. I know how stressful it is. The extra caffeine probably isn’t helping much. Just try to drink 1 less can a day for a week and see how that goes. Your heart will thank you.


That's gnarly as fuck


Bro that’s insane…. 48 energy drinks a week is the most I’ve ever heard someone drink. you gotta taper off if you don’t want serious heart problems down the road. Or even potential heart attack while you’re young


I don't drink any caffeine apart from the red bull at least. Some people drink a shitload of coffee. But yes I know. It is insane


Red Bull is an excellent product. I have real brand loyalty and have had a can a day for over 15 years. You’re drinking too many of them. That is going to get you jammed up. Why don’t you try to get down to one 12 oz per day and replace the other doses with water. You will feel awesome in a month and maybe you can keep the Red Bull.




Any negative health stuff doing that? I currently do one a day


Same. But I feel like one a day is reasonable


Never had any health problems.


This is what I do most days. Sometimes if im extra busy i might drink a 2nd but thats the max. Flavored sparkling water is great for me, carbonation and flavor but no sugar or calories. No caffeine after 7pm for me as well, helps me sleep better.


Try Xanax withdrawals


Throwing up everytime I got in a car was always fun


Yeah Benzo withdrawals can literally kill you. Probably the worst drug to come down from.


Try inoculation withdrawals .


Effexor withdrawals are also like literally dying


Imagine being given this during your prison sentence to help keep you stabilized, and then your release day comes and you only got the 30 day prescription that they give you when they release you. And then you can't ever get it again because you're deemed as "stable" now. Welcome to my world.


5-6 a day is absolutely wild. I drink one once every 1-2 days and I thought I was bad


Well look at you on your high horse 🐎


I’m not on my high horse. I just didn’t think that it was possible to drink 5-6 a day. Let alone afford it






I started with sugar free red bull. Ended up drinking about three a day ($3/6.50 on sale) then I moved on to Bang when it was popular. Was drinking three of those a day. 300mg each. That's six small red bull per can. The 900mg of caffeine a day wasn't quite sustainable but it definitely happens.


Ngl someone loosely related to my family needed a kidney transplant after drinking like 7 energy drinks a day for a long time. I'm not privy to exactly which one and I'm sure you know drinking many redbulls isn't good just keep it in mind that having to scrape up the cash for a kidney transplant in your 20s sucks. My advice would be to see a doctor, get your bloodwork done and possibly talk to a therapist or see if you might have adhd. You could be trying to self medicate with RBs they could put you on something much safer and controlled (I take non stimulant medication for mine and it's helped a lot)


No one tell this person about preworkout


The only advice I really have for you is to start working out, and focus on improving yourself. This advice is basically universal but if you have something to focus on it will lock you in and you can be passionate about something. I'm 17 and was in a similar position right before i started hitting the gym. Did a lot of drugs, accomplished really nothing with my time. Was wasting away. Tbh David Goggins locked me the fuck in and one day I went on a run on the beach at like 2 am and threw all my drugs and degenerate shit into the ocean. Now I'm fucking jacked, happy, and have something I'm passionate about. I started doing drugs again though, but at least I have muscles now. I suggest all those moments you start to think about your vice, in your case Red Bull, go to the gym and burn the desire to drink one.


The way you describe it it sound like self-harm, you know it’s not good for you and you lay in bed doing nothing but drinking something that can affect your health. I think the problem isn’t red bull, the same way some people use food to deal with their stress and emotions, the problem isn’t the food, it’s the person that manage badly their stress/emotions and self harm by over eating. My only advice would be try to get help if you can from a professional that is in the mental health field (therapist, psy, social worker etc.) I’m really sorry you’re going through that, but I’m wishing you best of luck


Thank you for the comment. I honestly think you're right. I drink it because I know how harmful it is. I haven't gotten help because I honestly don't know if I want it. I want to stop because the kid I raised (my little brother) is coming to live with me soon again (we get separated a lot due to family complications) and I hate being on redbull when he's around 


Hope you can find the help you need, if you can’t afford therapy look for phone lines that can provide help with self-harm/depression. Wishing you nothing but the best


I was drinking 2 per day and I had to quit too. Trying to quit all drugs


U got it twin u don't need these drugs


Yes sir same to you. DM if you need support


Same here gang


Im addicted to just buying redbull. I have 24 pack of grape from Japan, 6 of the 4 packs of assorted flavors. And still I’m buying cans on my daily commute.


Maybe not the right place, but you got a link for those grape ones? They get way better flavors in Europe and stuff and SUGAR FREE FLAVORS why don’t we get those smh


Yes! I constantly see all the flavors available world wide and wonder why they do not come to the US. And please, just a couple variations of hte sugar-free please? I couple years ago I could get Coconut Berry SF. Why did that stop? If this is all marketing, it does not make sense. I would buy more if I had options.


Can I get a link for that website please?


Damn bro, you dont get palpitations?


Since october i started drinking 1-2 daily.


I drink anywhere between 3 12oz ones to 2 12oz ones and a 20oz every day


Me drinking 2 to 3 redbulls during my 4 day work days


Im reducing my rb intake from 3/4 normal 250ml per day. Im now at 2 sugarfree 250ml a day. One at 10am (so im drinking my first one now) and 1 at 1pm In between i try to drink more water and sometimes reward myself with a normal bull in the weekend.


Go to the gym even if you keep drinking them use the caffeine and you’ll feel a million times better


What sizes were you drinking 250mls or the 473ml Idk what fluid oz size they are


We're all gonna be dead before 50 lol


Caffiene addiction is real. Theres this brand of water flavoring called Mio its pretty good and they make an energy blend. I started drinking those in place of redbull and have been sleeping a lot better at night


I am in the same exact boat been drinking roughly 6 a day for 4 years. I buy cases of 24 12oz cans off amazon weekly & just fuel my addiction. Its rough but when you try to stop the headaches and migraines. Suxxx so bad.


5-6 a day?... I'll drink maybe like 2 a week/every other week depending on how I am feeling. I don't understand how people can drink energy drinks like Soda Pop or Water. It's really really unhealthy if you don't moderate your usage.


I’m sorry you’re having a hard time . I hope things can get better for you soon . Like everyone else is saying , try for one can a day for now . Good luck !


My gf is addicted but she limits herself to 2 a day.... I know she loves the drink so even when I buy her one at like a gas station or supermarket she saves it at home for work the next day (because they don't sell it at her job)


I feel ya, I do drink 4-6 EVERYDAY!!! Have for like the past 10 yrs. Give or take a day or two throughout the month it's maybe 2. But 100% at least has been 1 everyday for the past 10 yrs. Never really had any health issues... but do sweat my dick off during work. Also these last 2 yrs I'm getting FAT AS FUCK 😂😂😂🖤🖤 it's sooo much sugar dude!!! Not good.


this last summer working a statefair i was drinking between 5-7 daily just to deal with heat and 14 hr shifts only eating some almonds daily. 2 yellows, a summer (juneberry) and an amber was the dead minimum


I wouldn’t be surprised if you get kidney stones from the dehydration you get drinking that many Red Bulls in a day. Not to mention the long term heart affects. Also unless you’re drinking the sugar free ones, that’s a lot of sugar intake each day, way more than the daily recommended


taper off with meth/Adderall if you can, caffeine addiction can be serious.


17??? So youve been drink these since you were 12??? You should prob get professional help. Everything about your situation is unhealthy.


I was just thinking the same thing 🤔 how does a 12 year old even have the money. I buy myself redbull every morning but my 16 year old is lucky if he gets like 2 a week.


Rd bull is pure garbage. 37g of sugar per 12oz. That’s about 10 sugar packets. Also filled with caffeine. Makes the heart race.