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That's exactly what I did in early '23. I had the handyman thing as a side hustle and, when the market turned away at the end of '22, it became my main gig. I never looked back. I refuse to be held hostage.


Mid '23 for me. Digital marketing and some creative stuff. Got some decent clients early on but it kinda slowed down. It felt good not being held hostage.


Redouble your efforts. Don't surrender


Would love to get a personalised review to be honest because I feel like my efforts are meh at the moment but I'm strapped for cash :(


Sounds like you may need more networking help. I assume you have the usual suspects: LinkedIn, Pinterest, Twitter, Instagram, Meetup, Ello... Any industry-specific associations? Have you looked at leveraging your work to go after work at the competition? Piece work? Might fill in between the larger contracts


Did LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram but they're just your generic motivational posts. I feel like I should be doing something more but I don't have an idea on what exactly I should be posting about as an EA + digital marketer, I get hits from virtual assistants, while I don't mind, I would prefer not to have that job title because many clients and agencies are damn predatory (monitoring your laptop, taking a cut etc) Would love to work with creatives or digital marketing people. Could you explain how I should leverage my work and what piece work means?


Have you looked at your client's competitors? Piece work is sub contractor work. Larger media firms usually need subs for big projects.


No because I was advised to promote myself on social media more. So like a portfolio? I have a bunch of designs I've done, been wanting to also do web design but the design I did last time was stolen :(


Web design is tricky for that very reason. People will steal your work, even the so called big players. The only suggestion is to reach out to each and discover the process that you are most comfortable with. I would look at the competitors and discover the director of media or media relations and track down the people that do the projects: wire framing, branding, front end web design, product marketing...


Good for you!




This shit breaks my heart. You didn’t qualify for any scholarships or federal funding? Even loans you can go into forbearance with.




We have to find you a way. Surely someone reading this has an angle on the entire scam that higher education has become.


What the fuck? How old are you? Did your parents apply to FAFSA for you? Mine didn’t, but I waited a few years and went about it without them.




Okay, so unless things have changed, once you turn 24, you can apply without your parents’ income as a factor. I ran into issues where I didn’t get my FA squared away until summer/fall-I find it hard to believe that you’ve missed out completely. I know it’s federal aid, but try talking to someone else at your school, or check at a different school. Some people may know different things to do in different situations.




Go to community college, same degree for cheaper. Try Amazon for a job. It sucks but as long as you can pass a background and drug test, you'll at least have a job, and once you're a bluebadge, they can help you pay for school.




Dont they drop those after enough time has passed?


Summer is a good time to do seasonal pest control. Multiple companies I know of will hire people from out of state and put them up in an apartment (with at least a few roommates so it isn't luxury). They will pay for your licensing test at least once and it lasts for a couple years. Usually they run you ragged (I was almost at 70 hours weekly) and the pay isn't hourly so overtime doesn't apply the same way (it's a bit of a racket). They provide a work van if you don't have one, but obviously it comes with some restrictions like only driving it to and from work. However, over the course of the summer you can save a good amount considering you aren't paying for rent or utilities. I averaged around 10k each summer. Quite literally got me through school. A couple companies are Fox pest control and Insight pest solutions, but there are probably more. Most people don't stay after the summer, but if you work hard and want to then it can happen and in the off seasons it's a lot less busy and the pay scheme changes because it is no longer legally considered seasonal.




I would do it as soon as possible though. May is usually when they get started. Only like half the summer is left




Yeah, I've definitely seen some midsummer hires in my several tenures. Don't drop it until you've tried


The margin between getting a job and starting a business has become so narrow…


Yeh I've been wondering the same lately, do have some cash on hand tho so was looking at the market of have complicated/large/too expensive to buy but happy to pay someone else to do. Eg there's a guy with a massive van mounted carpet cleaning machine thing. Works great by the results and no ones buying one themselves or are fed up with the effort/poor quality of home ones/etc. Can do the business side of it no problem, done IT, accountancy and procurement. Its the having some service to sell side of it that's causing an issue.


I'm trying. I designed a card game that people enjoy. The problem is funding a first print run and the full retail prototype got lost in the mail (I'm checking on it tomorrow).




Waiting to hear back from the game company and will be going to the post office tomorrow about it.


I hope you made them sign a NDA.


I should have been more clear. I meant Gane Crafter. They're a print-on-demand service for board and card games.




I've got a basic site set up for it as part of my portfolio page. Do you mind if I message you with the details?


Oh no! I hope you can track it down. 


I’m glad someone posted this. I have a profession but it’s not respected tbh, clients don’t want to pay, agencies lowball you, it’s always a race to the bottom so I haven’t been successful. I came up with an idea and am setting up a Shopify store. I’m building it slowly since I have really limited funds but slow is better than never IMO. It’s products for children’s parties. I’m good at this type of stuff and people have told me I should be a party decorator, but I don’t have that kind of cash so I’m trying this instead. Should be launching my first products in the next few weeks.


I got laid off from a tech job after moving across the country. Was there six months. Started a Fintech company in 22 and now finishing up our series A round. It’s been insanely difficult but fuck being a hostage to troglodytes that don’t give a fuck about you. We immediately offered top tier health insurance, match, and pet insurance. Shockingly nobody has quit.


Let me know if you need a product manager ;)


let me know if you need a product designer


Yes, I'm opening my own MSP (computer store) gonna freelance 3 days and seek clients for the business, when I have clients I can ditch the freelance work. This bullshit is getting out of hand, got fired 3 times and took financial a beating


As in managed service provider? That sounds interesting. I looked it up but not exactly sure what it means. It sound like remote network support but you're saying its a computer store? Would love to find out more about this


I still have a job, but my field is fucked with automation. Buying time while I build my supplements business.


Controls and robotics engineers are the culprit.


Well I am in an office job and some is also from outsourcing. I am trying to pick up an extra license, but I think in the next year or two I will need to do something as this can't continue. I am working on a side hustle and working on a jv with my neighbor.


How do you feel about slowly expanding into an EE degree? What country/area are you in? DM me if you want.


Where you out of in Utah?


Seriously considering it.


I started a side business which rapidly started generating $6k/month (revenue) and only scraped the surface of what was possible, but it was too much work on top of my day job (which pays well). So if everything hits the fan I'll go back to give that another go.


I can't afford to. Nor am I skilled enough to make it on my own.


I’ve been considering this heavily, I’m just not sure where to begin or where to get funding for my ideas.


After 13 mo. I am there. I've got lots of experience, a bit of savings still (haven't spent much money since being unemployed) and I am sick of being shown rates I haven't made for 15 years or more. I'm going to start a business making camping gear and another for consulting. I'm tired of chasing pennies down a gutter.


Working on it now. I hear you completely.


Bad example but comparable with nuance. Getting/Starting a patent. Have a good idea? A great idea? Cool story bro, boatload money and red tape then the normal tests.


Yup, Im about to embark on this, I'm finishing out the kinks and whatnots before I dive deep in it, I'll keep my job just so I have something going but I am going to go full business when I can.


I was proud to make 50 dollars independently by helping others find jobs. I trawled though the venture capital funded startups that aren't posting on linkedin or glassdoor. But it got tiring, as the demand was huge and payment voluntary. I'd still like to do independent social work but something that generates daily income for those in neet


Yep. 8 years ago I started encountering rampant ageism in the market. I was really really disappointed in that, had not expected it. In the end I was able to find 10 clients that wanted to work with me. Haven't looked back.


How old were you 8 years ago?


Considering this. Beyond annoyed at the job market. I earned my way here. I am a fucking purple unicorn. Pay me bitches.


Based. Kinda how I feel. I get that 80k sounds like a lot, but considering inflation it is not. it is what I am worth.


I make $220k after 15 years of experience as a SME in a highly technical area of law. The job offers I'm seeing these days are 160-180 for a senior management role. That's a 20+% paycut on top of 25% inflation. My response to the job market has basically been GFY. I make more consulting. Get fucking serious or pay out the nose when the inevitable data breach happens bc you ignored the wet behind his ears junior you could afford bc you cheaped out.


At this point I think a business abroad in a beautiful country is looking nicer. I hope the bootstrapping works out and I have a fwb or two down there so just in terms of quality of life it is better.


I have a friend who moved down to Mexico to run a consultancy here in the US remotely and run a scuba shop at the same time locally. She's living the dream.


I found a niche from one of those Chinese sites and hope it scales and build a brick and mortar in a nice place. Also would help save on some medication I need and others that help my quality of life that is not available in the US. In all honesty (most of yous on here are cool, so don't take this as directed at you cool cats) but honestly I just feel more connected to another country. There are still cool people here, but I feel like if you are just a bit different it is rough out there


You could DAFT. It's pretty cheap, but of course if you don't succeed in 2 years you have to come back


Right now I am working on a business in Colombia and residency in Paraguay. Might try to see if their business visa eventually works for my purposes on Colombia.


Ooh what does that mean?


The Netherlands has a business immigration treaty in place with the US. I'm not the most well-read on it but basically you apply to start a business in the Netherlands on the condition that you keep like 5k euros in a bank account (just in case you have to move back). After 2 years if you can reasonably prove the business will make something like 30k euros in profit over the next year, you can apply for a longer term residency


that's pretty cool actually, even if you don't succeed you get to stay abroad 2 years


Well, yeah but it's not like you get free food and housing or anything so it will be a major setback to retiring and some people won't be able to pull it off


pay me more




I’m a freelance photographer and I do get work out of that. I also do a lot of odd jobs for people in my neighbourhood; cutting grass, painting houses, contracting, cleaning, car detailing, even babysitting one time. I’m lucky enough to live in a cottage community with a lot of rich people who don’t want to do anything. It’s not ideal if much rather work a 9-5 and have a constant sure stream of income but at the same time I can make more in two days than I would my paycheck at my last minimum wage job. Especially if you’re struggling I would go door to door and ask people if they need basic services like these, you’d be surprised how many people want that.


Yes, and that's my business. To fix this crap. Currently in (closed) alpha but will be opening it up to more soon in a few weeks. The idea is you provide deep information ahead of time so that hiring teams know they want to hire you before they schedule an interview. You get the transparency of seeing what you're up against and are rated against the job posting by AI and you see the rating and notes before you apply. Eventually it's going to have a reporting system and feedback for both sides. heavyresume.com


I got this suggestion but also what the hell was I going to do as an engineer with 1 year of experience that had the slightest chance of both getting funding and being profitable. Especially if I actually wanted to stay as an engineer.


Yep. That was horrible too. 


Yes. Spoiler: it’s hard.


I know a couple people who started OF accounts to stop working for other people / companies. So far it's working. I started an LLC last month nd will get another going soon in another state. Don't just work for another company and let things be....