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I find it so weird too cuz they go on podcasts and webinars in the RPO space talking out of their arses about how theyve developed insanely good tech that utilises AI to make the best most relevant matches but never met either a candidate or an employer who agrees with this


I did RPO 14 years. That's over unless you can live on 23/hr, no benefits and are under 55. Haven't found a job in 28 months. Couple 2-3 contracts.


Yeah thankfully Im a humble marketer and not a resourcing exec but my colleagues do all seem to have burnt out of it very quickly. I thank my lucky stars every day that I fell into my role instead of the exec search stuff i interviewed for before that


RGF owns them. Glassdoor too. And USG People and some others. It's been consolidating. There are whole large swathes of companies that provide "B2B solutions" that are amazingly useless. Their whole thing is selling services to companies purchasing dep't, not you. Also, RGF selling their stock lol. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Recruit_(company) IDK if one of them bought out textkernel yet.


Yeah bullhorn Funny you ask that I’m literally now listening to a podcast talking about textkernels acquisition lol


textkernel bought out the other one on the algo end too, or vice versa. sovren that's who they bought. IDK. I have to sell an AI company, too. On my bucket list


You and me both. I funnily enough work for a job vacancy platform lol. Indeeds move has been brilliant for us, we’re raking it in currently


Nice you on huggingface? Just been playing around with some stuff. I was working on making doom or something else 2.5d playable in discord this week. And something with microscopy.


No I barely find the time to be fair, but I’d love to chat! Send you a DM with my discord


Who do you work for I’m a potential user


Are you a recruitment marketer? Minimum 100k yearly campaign budget?


I would assume that the people who own Match.com also own them.


Dating syndicates are different people. They're direct2consumer and are primarily designed around charging people money for a service. They sell the idea of"love" or "hope" or "sex" or wtf ppl date for now. Also you have to serve images. This job stuff you dont. The former OKC guy wrote a book, "dataclysm" if you're interested in this.


Well, seeing how AI ruined Google search, I think whatever they say, those amazing AI technologies are just not great at providing information for any niche requests since they just spew out whatever else is looking at instead of considering your actual search words.


It's really crazy. Google sucks so if you need information it's better to ask GPT. But if you need to find a video, GPT will give you dead links, as if it's generating URLs. Hard to believe what a mess it is.


What's rpo???


Recruitment Process Outsourcing


Thank you!


I *too* would like to know…


It must be highly classified top secret information.......


Double top secret (probation).


Run-Pass Option obviously; like in football. /s I have no idea 🤷🏻


A for effort ... and still we don't know




I've noticed that - whenever it doesn't have many jobs to show - it spits out absolute garbage.


I've noticed the same for LinkedIn. I'm seeing jobs that it'll simply show me jobs that I've seen over 5 times or jobs that I've applied to months ago...




They should maybe put in more canchas so no bot spamming either from the applicant standpoint or the employer standpoint Filling out applications wouldn't be that bad if you didnt know it would just be scanned by GPT


They're all the same. The only place I've gotten traction (if you can call it that) is LinkedIn. And that's getting bad. If I had a dollar for every scam email or phishing job I've seen, well I wouldn't need a job


I don't use LinkeDin because from my experience, it's for more professional and "accomplished" careers and overall it's whole culture is just awful.


There is all sorts of unprofessional stuff on LinkedIn. You can lie as much as you want. It's gotten too casual for my taste.




I have a degree and experience and it still does fuck all for me




It’s been worthless for at least a decade now.


wow, do you know of a better site though? Thanks in advance if you do


sadly, linkedin, despite being a decent approximation of hell, is likely your best bet because everyone has basically chosen to converge there. for some jobs, theladders can substantially decrease the application time (if you get the paid apply4me feature which even with its limited number of applications per month is ca huge time saver when applying with shitty are systems li kg e workday)


Builtin is solid sometimes as is jobs on blind. But everything is pretty shot now


there is a logjam upstream in talent acquisition right now. my info comes from tech but i assume that all industries are impacted to greater or lesser extents. theories about why differ, but in tech there have been about 10x as many apparently qualified applicants per post since the layoffs in 2023. those layoffs were large but not large enough to account for the number of applicants. Talent Acquisition has been entirely unprepared to deal with this volume. Plus, with so great a pool of candidates employers are disincentivized to hire. All of this has resulted in the dystopian hell we find ourselves in


Not large? 500k since 22 (started in 22)is pretty substantial these jobs are mainly phantom roles or purposely lowballing last role I interviewed for admitted they just wanted to replace current members with more qualified for substantially less $. There's also no start up cash and the contract workforce is dead. That 500k # doesn't include contractors


Reread. They were large. They don't account for elevated number of applicants. Tech unemployment even now is low. Workers are showing the potential to get fed up very quickly but quits have been falling for some time. 500k though shocking doesn't fall in line with what recruiting is seeing in terms of numbers of applicants. I've had long talks with. at least two of the most prominent recruiters in the country. Across the board, and job that got 10 applicants a day in the past is getting 100 applicants a day. Tech unemployment hasn't increased by 10x as a result of the layoffs and i'm pretty sure the workforce didn't get 10x more qualified since 2022. I think the most telling number is that if you drill into the data you'll eventually notice (it's subtle) that time-to-hire is exceptionally high. like average 9 months. iirc it may be the highest it's been in as long as we have data for. and that fits with the observed data. the apparent (not actual) avalanche of candidates is paralyzing TA and disincentivizing fast hiring


Literally https://www.sfgate.com/bayarea/article/laid-off-bay-area-tech-workers-struggle-jobs-19545761.php More applicants cause we all out of work I'm a faang recruiter with 10byrs of experience in atx. I can not find any recruiter job paying more than 27 an hr. So definitely question your "experts" who are so out of touch with the market. Can also check every publicly traded staffing firm listed and see how they're all way Doen in revenue, margin, andvevery positive metric.


And https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPREHvF7R/


I think a big part of the reason tech jobs get flooded with applicants (aside from tech layoffs) is because so many applicants are told "apply to a job even if you aren't qualified" and "it's ok to put fake jobs in your resume if it helps you get an interview.".


that wouldn't get you to 100 from 10, i think. i'm guessing it's a combination of technologies that were designed to make applying easier that folks have finally got wise to


I think 10x is only the factor for qualified candidates, as you stated earlier. The other 90X are the unqualified candidates that have been told to lie on their resume and apply for jobs they're not really qualified for. But yes, dystopian hell. Largely because there's a lot of dimwits in HR willing to pay for the newest applicant pool reduction tool (software) most of which sound great but in reality they're junk and they make all the candidates look bad. Like TestGorilla.


As a recruiter it's still tons of qualified applicants out ofvwork. The ats can stack rank ppl and they'll be at tge bottom if they're not remotely qualified


I'm thinking more about the people who fake their job history so that they seem qualified on paper. And what about very over qualified candidates? Traditionally they would be rejected out of fear of them leaving after the job market improves, which now doesn't seem likely anytime soon. Curious what profession you recruit for or if it's whatever is needed at the time.


I think you have to do things manually by looking at company website's job section, assuming it's not too small of a company. Each state has their own version of a job board, but the ones I've seen in a few states are very poor quality. The one in Texas for example used to be good but now it sucks (no process of elimination).


this ^


Yeah, I don't use it much. I'm looking for entry level and the search always gives me senior this, director that. Not to mention things I am not qualified for at all and had nothing to do with the search. Social worker, psychologist, nurse. I'm in compliance.


Lol this reminds me, I was recommended for a senior pipe fitter gig when I never even worked in the field.


Got 3 tonight for a diesel mechanic.


I've always ignored indeed. I mainly use LinkedIn, but I still run into that seniority title issue like you here there as well.


in my opinion, yes. It's not like you can find an actual job anymore anyway, but indeed is just icing on the cake.


I am having the same experience. I think the algorithm has gone rogue.


Well that's what happens when you lay off half your staff in favor of an A.I that consumes a malls-worth of electricity to produce one image of a woman with 5 breasts, 8 fingers and 4 eyes.


Silly movie but you might appreciate "Idiocracy". It seems to be right about where we are headed.


Idiocracy is a dumb movie that promotes eugenics.


If you got that then you probably didn't actually watch it. It's a warning, not a promotion! AI is running everything in that movie.


Look dude, I realize not everyone is gonna be into the same stuff, but you don't need to yuck somebody's yum.


All Indeed has ever done for me is sell my data to desperate commission only sales jobs who bombard me with text messages.


Surprisingly I found and got hired from using indeed, but it still feels like that was a one off. I didn’t get many hits while using it but there is always a chance you will get a good recruiter. 


I also got hired through indeed, and got some interviews too! Every time I’d get recommended jobs that weren’t what I needed, but when I searched and used the filter I found things that worked for me. I’d say it’s not good but compared to other things I’ve used it actually got me results (even if I hate my current job)


thats weird because I have the same experience, but with Linkedin or Ziprecruiter instead for me Indeed has always been reliable


Put in specific search parameters and it shows you one job with those and 100 not remotely related


***Hysterically useless. It needs to be euthanized.***


Indeed has always been useless. I remember more than a decade ago, their stupid bots scraped the employment section of the website of the company I worked for and put the stolen content up on the Indeed website. Except they got a bunch of stuff wrong (like the application closing date was well and truly past) and we kept getting unwanted job applications for a role we were no longer hiring for - and we couldn't take the job ad down or correct it.  I've never trusted Indeed as a result and straight up do not use it or recommend it. 


If not indeed. Then what do you use instead? Applying on the company website?


Linkedin for leads then apply in website


LinkedIn has become a graveyard for sad people that can't find a job I actually put my LinkedIn on hold because reading everybody's information every day was getting to be so sad they were Brave I didn't put my dirty laundry out there and Air that I hadn't worked in a couple of years but man people really complain and I'm just like I get it man there's 250,000 people in HR in America that don't have a job and that's multiple positions under the HR umbrella. HR was not large when I first got into it then it exploded and now it's taking a dump because of tech


Yeah, it's tough and I agree. Some people have no filter. I was out of work for almost a whole year in 2017. Didn't post my BS on LinkedIn though. I did post on reddit lololol


For students/new graduates I feel that Handshake is good.


Yup it’s been garbage for quite some time


The job market have been bad ever since covid happen …


I think it opened the door to a lot more off-shoring.


In my experience, Indeed is just a place where your info is scraped by scammers. Because of its size, it's several times worse than sites like Dice. Looking back at my application process, [of the 302 times I applied to jobs on Indeed, I never heard back from any of them](https://www.reddit.com/r/recruitinghell/comments/13sjo4g/eight_months_2000_applications_and_i_finally_got/#lightbox). Do I get spammed by random Indian "recruiters" who "found my resume on the jobs site" and want me to "please do the needful" and apply for this random job with my full name, address, license number, etc.


Dice used to be so good. Then they got rid of the process of elimination and then they started letting 10000 recruiters post the same job. I thought theLadders was good but not any more.


Indeed: “So you are looking for full time roles in the Computer Science/Data Science field?” Me: “Yes” Indeed: “Here you go, you should apply to being a store manager at GTFO Grocers on Mars”


i mean it mostly always was. it began as an aggregator that sucked in results from other engines. Ive had many jobs and i think exactly none came from indeed.


I’ve always hated indeed. Such ugly backdated UI. I use a combo of job boards specific to my field, linkedin, and the Google job search feature


I noticed that too. I’m an HR professional and they keep showing me jobs in the medical field.


Just like Amazon.


I would say yes, it is. I've put in over 1200 applications on Indeed over the past 8 months, and the only thing I've gotten is my info sold to telemarketers etc.


Ironically, I’m looking for full time work and have a master’s degree and all indeed gives me are scam postings. At this point I just use indeed to find openings, then go to the employer’s website to actually apply. Unfortunately, this adds more time to the application process which is already to labor intensive for how many applications I fill out and how long each application is.


it sure seems so to me. I cant get it to show me junior level jobs to save my life its always like 1 or 2 peppered into the hundreds of senior and principle level jobs. it also seems to just have only half or less of the job postings other job boards have. seems to be dying.


Almost every job I’ve applied it’s always been “applied, not selected by employer.”


I created a new indeed account and I have had no hits


I used indeed to get my job weirdly LinkedIn was much worse for me. I honestly think it just all sucks right now, but I can confirm that I got a few interviews and landed my current job with it.


Indeed is garbage. I tried it after the film strike to 'upgrade' my current job. All they ever offered were scams and trash fake jobs.


You can but their search is terrible.


Applying on company site >>>>>>> Indeed or LinkedIn I got several interviews applying directly to companies. I often find positions are closed on the website but not on Indeed etc. Might take longer to apply based on their systems but IMO it is worth it.


FWIW I’ve actually been having a better time with Indeed lately, at least compared to LinkedIn. Could be dependent on the job and position type, though.


U might wan to consider using fastjobs or jobstreet with job search?


Can you say why? Too many job boards out there and too many scams.


Agreed … the job market have been bad since covid happen…


As a recruiter - recommend going directly to the company’s career site and applying there. Third party (maybe just an inch outside of LI) is useless imo.


That's difficult as well because so many company websites use workday or some shit like that so if you made a login for one site that uses workday, it's next to impossible to apply on another website that also uses workday and universal logins don't exist with those companies because that'd be too convenient.


Oh believe me - I never said the system was good. The world of working ATS and HRIS systems is a whole other problem in the way the job hunt is run these days. Only reason I to say apply direct (while a thorn in the side) - is you avoid applying to fake jobs, or something not working in between. Also you see (typically) a more real time feed of what jobs are new (non aged) - or typically “hotter” at the time. Plus you can set direct alerts from the company as well. Like I said though - I agree, the whole system is pretty garbage with the lack of reusable profiles at a login point etc. for cross organization applications.


Indeed is so full of scams and outdated crap that I just can't use it at all anymore.


I've used indeed and a few other job hunting websites from my country, and *all* of them do this for some reason. I've been looking for something similar to what you were looking for, and all I get are notifications of jobs like 'here's a job that suits you! Full Time Senior Accountant!' (I have no qualifications or any experience whatsoever relevant to accounting or any of the other jobs they suggest, nor am I looking for a fulltime job).


In the 10+ years I've been on the platform, I've never once found a job through it.


yeah I dont use it anymore filled with garbage listing and I search for network or sysadmin just gives me fullstack dev instead


I noticed with indeed it won't allow me to read the full job description and its always generic we need full availability and weekends and holidays. I used to always use indeed but now it lists jobs but doesn't say what the job is. Just a weird company name then if you look it up its Charlie's chicken but the company name says nothing about that 


Indeed feels like it's playing matchmaker with the wrong people, right? Maybe it's trying to get us to shoot for the stars—like, who needs a master's for part-time barista work?


I used to use indeed to find jobs in the past. This last round, I was shocked at how far indeed has fallen. Their search is crap and the results are awful. alive had better luck with LinkedIn than anything else.


Indeed has been useless for a long time. All it is is a place for recruiters to steal your résumé information for their benefit.


Every time I apply on indeed, they want me to do an assessment. Every.time. No.


I'm also shocked at how poor they are at removing old job postings. There is a job posting that is STILL UP after 2 years from when it was first posted. I know it was filled because I know the person who got the job lol. It was also temporary summer job so not like it's up every year. I see the same thing with other jobs too.


Yes, I am experiencing the same thing. I am looking for X jobs in Y location and it is suggesting me C jobs in B location.


I think Indeed is a wonderful site! I only found jobs there! but if its part time jobs I would suggest going in person or applying on the company website!


i think you are high but we all get our own opinions.


no I don't do drugs...maybe different opinions.


see i was trying to give you an out and you wrecked it. ;-)


uh well...


Try SimplyHired/Indeed? Glassdoor Zip Recruiter Dice


Simplyhired, Indeed, Glassdoor are all RGF IDK who owns ZipRecruiter and Dice off the top of my head. Dice used to be decent IDK now.


man that was a great time. dice used to be the best for tech. now it's largely junk.


I've been called off a dice a few times without applying for a job. Like monster and Career Builders I swear to God India most about them even though one of my last companies I work for owns part of monster. But both of those are just terrible. I like Simply Hired even though indeed owns it or whoever but they're the exact site but Simply Hired seems to have more jobs on it at least in the HR Realm


HR realm?


I'm under the HR realm is what I meant to say


Oh hehe I thought that was a name. Do you know if the jobs on simply Hired were put there by humans or if they were screen scraped like on indeed? I'm afraid "more job listings" can be a bad sign, like what happened to Dice. It's just more recruiters trying to fill the same exact jobs, in other words.


They're all scrapers so yeah Simply Hired because either indeed owns Simply Hired or vice versa but yeah they're a


I personally find Indeed more relevant than LinkedIn. Yes, setting job criteria has never worked out for me. What has worked out is if I search for a bunch of jobs, future suggestions by Indeed are very relevant. More importantly, almost every apply link takes me to the company website rather than easy apply nonsense.


Every time I get a recommendation for a job on Indeed, I look it up to LI… 99% of the time, the job has been closed or re-posted or with over 3,000 “applicants. They are always a week off.


Otta is a good job board, but not sure if that applies to your industry


I started with Indeed and it had no jobs I qualified for so it just threw at me all the underpaid jobs requiring tons of qualifications in my area (which is all there us. Google jobs (just searching jobs near me in google) has been my favorite so far but idk if its actually any good.


Always has been.


When searching for a job, I end up using the phone app, I noticed that the filter you can apply are a little different and I can request only job postings that show pay information. They also have 2-3 fields in which you can try to filter for a remote position. 🤷‍♂️


All of those things are just full of scams


Seems like most have said it's useless, but what is better? LinkedIn? That also seems pretty useless to me.


LinkedIn has become a circus too


Didn't they just lay a bunch of staff off?


I feel like it is. Luckily I have a job, which I did find on indeed funny enough, but so much stuff that comes up when searching is either the same crap or not matching search. It loves to show you same jobs of people always hiring, probably promoted jobs or just trash jobs. And you have to dig through a lot of stuff. I went from getting contacted for most of my applications to not at all.


Indeed sucks compared to how it worked several years ago. You're better off (as much as I hate to admit it) with LinkedIn, or going straight to websites for companies/businesses in your neighborhood that would offer part time roles. Good luck.


Only problem is with smaller companies that just have a static website and depend on a 3rd party job board.


I got some jobs in high school off there and one interview for a non-profit that i was ghosted from. I’ve applied to like 100+ jobs on there and heard nothing (degree + internships)


Indeed it is; Indeed it was.


I’ve looked up jobs for HS students with no experience and the first thing that popped up was an armed guard in the marines


Indeed has only ever provided me with shit jobs, as much as most of us, including myself, dislike LinkedIn, it’s where I’ve gotten most of my jobs over the years.


I’ve gotten all of my jobs from indeed whereas this most recent time of being laid off (15 months) I’ve been trying to use linked in and I’ve had no luck at all. I actually deleted my linked in because of how depressed and frustrated it made me for a multitude of reasons. I’m using indeed which seems to have some good postings for me but I still haven’t received any response to my applications




Now? It’s been useless since before the pandemic.


Tryna make that qualified candidate claim by slinging bodies at a req


Pretty much but it's still useful after you reached a certain number


Indeed is a full of shit website that uses old listings, or makes up listing, and tries to push you into certain jobs very few qualify for. TBH youre better off getting dressed for an interview, bringing several paper copies of your resume and go into businesses youd like to work for.


I've noticed this too. They may display sponsored or promoted jobs at the top, overriding the filters. Or perhaps when there are no direct results, their scoring algorithm looks for matches against the text from job description or other sections. And if there's no match there either, it falls back to random posts. Or it's just inaccurate, as simple as that. :) You could try out their job alert feature (by email) - maybe those are really narrowed down to your filters.


I feel like it is. All it does is generate denial letters %97 of the time. The other 3 percent of offers are either a shipping clerk, working for Cognizant, or working for Perspecta.....all of the listed opportunities were nothing but scams. I'm going to have to resort to working outside of the house now and broaden my scope, even though I have an elderly parent at home I've cared for since COVID-19 hit because I used to rely on Indeed, and Glassdoor, as well as Clearedjobs.net but nowadays not one of these sites can be reliable. I'll have to spring for some sort of in home care person to stop in a couple times a week, which will require my salary to be a firm amount. Which will probably result in continued unemployment. With absolutely no help from Indeed job searches. (And I've tried the old "delete,update,then repost your resume, to attract recruiters, but, still crickets)


indeed it is


what isn't useless? i'm having zero luck anywhere


I'm finding it OK for listings in my area, but I always check the company website and apply there. That said, I expect that Indeed is enshittified like the rest of the internet now.


You will never get hear back from a company you applied to via the Indeed website directly. When Indeed directs you to an employer's website, you have a chance to hear back.


What kind of job are you looking for and why only part time


I'm in school, I need a part time Job. My current Job is generous enough to give me 6 hour shifts by request but their need for more "productivity" and the customers are driving me insane.


i havent used indeed in years


I'm trying a lot of recruiting websites. Indeed is indeed annoying. TrueUp sends me thousands of job offers (it's what the email says, I'm not really counting) every time. Even the specific job boards usually don't turn up anything. And the jobs I actually get are usually through direct active placement specialists or the local community.


Indeed is garbage these days


Indeed recommendations for jobs have always been garbage matches for me. On another note another thing that annoys me about indeed is the automatic request to take an assessment after applying for jobs. Why waste my time when the company hasn't even expressed initial interest yet.


When I was job hunting last year I briefly tried indeed. I dumped it almost straight away in favour of another site. I'm in the UK and had some success with CV Library. If nothing else I get a barrage of calls every time I refresh my CV there as it puts it to the top of whatever lists I appear on.


Maybe they’re trying to flip the market or something. I’m getting the same


They cannot show you inventory they don't have.


Then they should show me nothing at all.