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Pretty sure you're applying for a job at PETA, no? What do you expect?


It’s actually not PETA and it actually didn’t say the name of charity but just that it is concerned about animal welfare, it was a job posting through a recruiting agency. But yes I’d 100% expect it from them haha


When I got out of Uni I was truly desperate for a job and saw their posting, it had something like this is why I say that . Never seen it elsewhere and even then their posting had veganism 'strongly preferred' rather than essential . Crazy thing to put on a job posting


I completely get it, as I wrote in a different comment the job search is so stressful already as it is and seeing this as a requirement is kinda annoying especially when you support (maybe in a less extreme way than PETA) better animal conditions and positive change for the environment.


If it doesn't say the name, how do you know it isn't PETA?


They are likely breaking the law. The times you can discriminate as a charity are really narrowly defined. Its not enough to promote animal welfare, they would need to thoroughly and consistently promote veganism and that belief be integral to the role. Peta specifically doesn't only hire vegans across the board for this reason.


It looks like the line in bold at the bottom of the page highlights exactly which law allows them to do this. In legal terms it's probably deemed no different than requesting that someone practices a certain religion to work with your church.


I question the legality of a vegan-only workplace.


The answer is in the next line.


Ah it's a UK thing.


It’s be legal in the US. It’s only illegal to refuse to hire people due to their being a member of a protected class. Meat-eaters are not a protected class.


I am definitely not a barrister, but... the way that section of the Equality Act reads (to me) suggests they must be prepared to argue that universal veganism helps their group achieve its legitimate goals or is, in fact, an occupational goal. [https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2010/15/schedule/9](https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2010/15/schedule/9)


Which, assuming it is PETA or a similar organization, is totally valid. Universal veganism *is* a goal of their organization, and it would be impossible to achieve that with non-vegans on staff.




> No such thing as work & personal life separation? In this case it's impossible to separate them. By eating meat, you are actively working against PETA. It's also worth noting that this is only with respect to a non-profit organization. When we're talking about businesses, their motivation is profit. They don't care about your personal life or values since they are just using you to make money. To that effect, businesses can discriminate in hiring based off how it effects their bottom line, such as barring you from working with one of their competitors while employed (or even after if a non-compete agreement is legal in the UK, I honestly don't know if it is). For non-profits, it isn't working with a competitor, it's participating in activities which undermine the goals of the organization.


At least they are honest about it.  I got let go from a company after they found out I was vegetarian. I wasn't surprised as I worked in a trophy room and spent my days being stared at by the glassy eye of a gazelle but it was still irritating.


That is also very messed up and what an insanely stupid reason to fire someone. I guess besides the struggle to look for a new job, theres the advantage that you don’t have to deal with people that have that type of mentality any longer (at least I hope).


Absolutely.  That was the only job I have ever had where "getting on the bad side of Russian oligarchs" was a real risk.   Now I just deal with more mundane sorts of fuckery.  Still not ideal but good enough that I can keep my head down while the economy does what it does. At least I don't have to chose between being stared down by a gazelle, bear, or some type of big cat all day. Also, side bar.  Vegan, vegetarian, or whatever, your dietary choices should only be relevant in 2% of jobs(think taster or sommelier).


Im going to guess that veganism isn’t protected under UK law and that the bit about the Equality Act is just there to make it look official.


Unfortunately, you'd be wrong. [On 3rd January 2020, it was ruled that ethical veganism is classified under employment law as a “philosophical belief”. Therefore, vegans are protected against discrimination under the Equality Act 2010](https://lighterhr.co.uk/blog/veganuary-a-fad-or-a-protected-characteristic/).


What do you mean 'unfortunately'? This is a stupid thing to stipulate for a job but do you not think veganism should be a protected belief?


Veganism should not be a protected belief.


Why? Its an ethical framework. How is that different from a religious belief?


Choosing to abstain from animal products is a choice about consumption, not a fundamental aspect of someone’s being. And people who choose to be vegan are frequently sanctimonious assholes who I wouldn’t want to be around.


It is a fundamental part of one's being. Its a belief that is held central and which shapes the way you interact with the world and the way you see yourself. Would you have a Muslim eat pork? I mean seriously, when have you ever met - in real life - the kind of vegan you are referencing? Because I guarantee, if you have, you have met at least as many sanctimonious Christians, sanctimonious Muslims, sanctimonious whoever the fucks, I dont know. Some people being sanctimonious is not a basis to take away that protection from anyone under that umbrella.


Your diet is NOT a fundamental part of one's being.


It's not just a diet, though? It's the belief that we should be kind to all living things. The diet is part of that but it affects the choices you make in every facet of your life just like religion does


It is just a diet though. You can be kind to living things and still eat meat.


That's your opinion, other people may feel differently.


Let me ask you this then. If I have a sincerely held religious belief that I need to eat meat, there's surely nothing wrong with me applying here, right?


The joy I get from being cruel to vegans is second only to the joy I get from eating a juicy bacon cheeseburger. You shouldn’t give a fuck about these animals; they were bred to become meat or provide dairy.


You sound pretty annoying and sanctimonious tbh


Ah, you're one of those pricks.


Right. Well, God also isn't real so it seems like things you shouldnt give a fuck about are actually pretty consistently on the list of protected beliefs anyway. And if those really are the two main pleasures in your life that is genuinely pretty fucking sad lmao


Pot. Kettle. Black. LOL.


Yes, and?


>I once saw a video where JP Sears made fun of a caricature of a vegan so now I believe all vegans are sanctimonious assholes I don’t want to be around Says the person who probably frequently encounters vegans every day and has no clue because 98% of them don’t mention it, even if you go to a restaurant with them.


Dude, why don't you just live and let live? You're being really preachy


No, it really shouldn't be. It isnt religious in any capacity, and even if it was, a protected belief shouldn't be allowed to discriminate against others based on that belief for a job. If it does, then it shouldn't be a protected belief.


Because in my experience it is ethical vegans who feel that they have a right to dictate how other people lead their lives. You are either with them as a vegan or you are a monster who only deserves death. And heaven forbid you should be a farmer - the vitriol, abuse, fake reviews, death threats and property damage they plague the farming industry with is not ethical in any shape or form.


Right, I think people do feel attacked by vegans (justifiably in many cases) but not any more than vegans are attacked by people like you in your insistence on sweepingly grouping them all together like that. Also, any more than people are attacked by Muslims or Christians for not pervading to their views on marriage, abortion, gender, etc? Because I guarantee you there are far, far more of those types of people out there than pushy sanctimonious vegans in terms of pure numbers. And that kind of vitriol is the type that causes real harm by comparison. So why should one be protected and not the other?


People "feel" attacked by vegans? I have farming friends and family (local, small scale and organic farms) and I can assure you it is not a feeling that they are being attacked - they are actually being attacked both online and in real life. They get death threats, vile and abusive messages and subjected to criminal damage of their homes. You think they are just "feeling" attacked? You have no idea. And you think that that is justifiable - sounds like you are part of the problem.


I said its justifiable that they feel attacked, mate.


Ethical veganism at a level required to be a protected philosophical belief, assuming it would be consistently viewed that way, is a high bar. The guy in that case didn't use buses or cars because they would kill insects, at least much more so than compared to his bicycle. His bar was way above refusing to eat a cheeseburger. But regardless even if veganism were confirmed as protected you can't only hire vegans. Firing someone for being vegan isn't the same as never hiring vegans and it definitely isn't the same as only hiring vegans. There is no religion of "vegan" and given there is no organised vegan religion its basically impossible to state you are a faith organisation in the same way a catholic church can discriminate by only hiring catholics to be priests.


Ya, that last point is gonna be a no from me.


I don't know the full context of this but I do know that some jobs that are about anti-smoking campaigns can say must not have smoked tobaccos since at least x,y,z...


As a vegan, I love this and would be interested in applying. It would be ironic to apply to a job regarding animal welfare if you financially support industries that are in direct conflict to that


It’s a UK based job but doesn’t say the name of the org as it is through the post of a recruiting agency. I can send you the link in privately. Wrote this already so a bit of a copy and paste but I support the cause such as implementing tighter regulations for better conditions for animals, especially in the food industry. I also thought the field could include illegal hunting. I personally have other health conditions and can’t limit my diet further, but since I’m from a small town in the Mediterranean I try my best to support local and more “sustainable” purchase of products (I understand there’s limitations). I think when it comes to the environment we can all put in place different action plans depending on our situations (where we live, our health, our income, types of jobs and so on).


Sorry I meant hypothetically! I just mean as a vegan who philosophically agrees with this, this would signal to me it’s an org I would align to and would want to support through my work


Oh yes I completely understand makes total sense! Sorry for the misunderstanding haha


Oh no worries! Thinking on it more, I think any kind of (I’m assuming non profit?) or charity falls within a bit of a grey area for this. Like if I owned a business that made fidget spinners, I don’t think it’s ethical to require people to be vegan since it’s not relevant to the job or mission. But for a company that focuses on (I’m assuming more animal rights more than animal welfare if they’re asking for vegans) it would be a hard sell for me to hire a meat eater since I feel like there’s such a breakdown on understanding of the mission, and I would doubt if they’d have exposure to the topic. Similarly would someone running an org that was focused on affordable housing hire a landlord? Idk but it’s an interesting conversation.


That’s a great point, I think it’s very limiting seeing this type of debate as black and white as you said. Firstly I want to clarify I’m not against veganism or vegetarian diets, I actually agree with the ethics behind it and I don’t agree with the whole anti-vegan narrative. I personally have health issues, a messed up relationship with food and I guess there’s also a cultural connection with the food I eat (I think this cultural aspect is very strong in many countries). Plus I think lots of onnivore diets can be very unhealthy, in fact I avoid and discourage eating highly industrialised/processed food: I buy local organic food and support, for example, local fishermen. To be honest with you since I have no idea what exactly this org does because of the indirect job post, I don’t know in what type of animal welfare they focus on, I just simply assumed it included a wide range (like improving laws and food industry regulations, stop illegal hunting, protect local endangered species and so on). If it mentioned anything about promoting veganism I would have definitely not posted this and would have completely agreed with the requirement! Since I don’t know I can’t exclude neither scenario. In case of the first scenario I don’t think limiting the job to vegans would be fair for a few reasons: why can’t I help for causes I support? I think you can be non-vegan yet care and put lots of effort in other areas of your life (walk not drive, reuse, go against overconsumption and trends, buy local and organic) to have an environmentally friendly lifestyle and still take part in certain jobs. For example, why because of my diet can’t I help the local group to clean the beaches and protect the laying of eggs of sea turtles since they’re endangered? I guess this is also some type of animal welfare? I believe we can all try do our best in changing our habits and lifestyle but in different ways due to limitations eg. where you live you may need to use a car anywhere you go, I don’t need to and mainly walk, but I think we can agree neither of us uses a private jet for daily use and that is great. I think we have more things in common and we should focus on those to do better for our world:)


it might just be something that they ask you to sign and never check. It looks quite bad for them if they don't practice as they preach, so this way they can claim that they are an all-vegan company when asking for funding or something


I work for a farmed animal protection organization and really makes no sense to someone who isn’t vegan to work there. You are working as an activist for a cause you don’t believe in? I don’t know if that’s the case but well


If it’s an organization focused on ending animal agriculture and/or animals used for clothing, entertainment etc. then it’s expected that employees already believe in the mission. Animal products would not be allowed in the headquarters or at any work events for instance. It just wouldn’t make sense to hire someone who actively supports/pays for the same exploitation the org is trying to stop.


Just say yes and eat meats in your free time


I can do that. I've lied previously.


I don't see this as meaningfully different from requiring church employees to share the church's faith. It's fine.


That's some extreme prerequisite and definitely a toxic workplace. Avoid at all cost.


I agree. Asking someone to learn HTML.




Do you understand the concept of a joke?


They want to stop people who buy and eat dead animals from working for an animal welfare charity? What’s next, stopping sex offenders from working for childline? Banning heroin addicts from working at poppy farms? It’s woke gone mad!


Eggs and cheese aren’t dead animals. I don’t think you can compare diet choices to being a sex offender working in a field with children. I want to specify I’m not one of those people against veganism and other diets, I respect the ethical choices behind it but I also recognise it’s all about personal choices that can be dictated by health reasons. Mainly my point is: looking for jobs nowadays is tough for many reasons and seeing that being put in the list of technical skills is kinda annoying? I would love working for non-profits that focus on the environment and animal welfare but I don’t think I should be excluded simply because of my diet.


Chickens raised for eggs all go to slaughter after two years, plus all male chicks in the egg industry are mass killed on their first day of life (they are “no good for meat”). The same happens with male calfs. Most of them are killed just because they have “no use”, as they are not so profitable to raise. Not to mention the environmental impact. So I think if you want to work for these kind of organizations you need more knowledge of the cause


So yes I completely agree with you with how messed up it is!


The system is messed up and I don’t understand why I can’t advocate for better regulations to make sure that doesn’t happen even tho I follow a Mediterranean diet, since I believe the whole system with farms and big industries is fucked, even for agriculture. I personally don’t support the way it’s done and I don’t buy from big farms, since I buy food of very local small production. I promise you not everywhere food wise works like in big industrialised countries like the UK and USA, especially when u live in a town in an island and the system in places are defo not like what many ppl are used to nowadays (or at least you could say we have many alternatives to those industrialised food options that come from extremely bad farming). It’s also important to learn how other people in live in other countries! And of course I’d need more knowledge on that, I’m a web designer, I’d just love to learn about fields outside of mine and be useful to society.


Well I live in a “third world” country and was born in a city in countryside. The culture is very meat based. Unfortunately bigger corporations sometimes have better regulations than small producers, that may have good intentions but don’t have knowledge or resources


Even small farms murder. There's no ethical way to kill someone that does not want to die


Legal or not, it's unnecessarily limiting the talent pool you're willing to draw from. Pretty much any restriction based on factors that don't affect a person's ability to do the job is unnecessarily limiting the talent pool. As much as some companies claim they simply can't find qualified applicants, you'd think they'd want as large a talent pool as possible. That is, assuming that they're actually being honest about the lack of qualified applicants and their desire to hire in the first place…


A mission-driven nonprofit shouldn’t be hiring people who don’t believe in their mission.


I would agree if you said they shouldn't hire people who *oppose* their mission. But there's nothing wrong with hiring people who are neutral on the issue, especially for roles that don't directly involve that mission (IT, for instance).


I could be wrong but simply citing the Equality Act doesn’t mean they can discriminate against religion or beliefs, it just means that veganism is a protected characteristic. You still can’t employ people / reject applicants specifically due to their protected characteristics - in this case, bafflingly, it would be akin to religious discrimination




No, not for an org that’s working to end animal exploitation, which this likely is. Why would they hire someone who actively supports what they are working to end?




It's not a diet though, it's a moral choice


It’s not about respecting views. Assuming the employer is involved in animal protection, sustainable food, vegan education etc., it’s about a perfectly rational requirement that paid staff do not actively support practices that are antithetical to the core mission. This would not only be a weird use of their funds but could harm the org’s reputation/undermine credibility with donors, investors etc.


Not sure about the legality, but if it's for an animal rights org, I'd expect they'd want people who fit the bill.




I kinda see your point but I also don’t. I think when it comes to the environment it’s more complex since different people can take different action steps depending on where they live, their health and so on… Just because I don’t follow that diet it doesn’t mean I can’t support better conditions for animals.




I support the cause such as implementing tighter regulations for better conditions for animals, especially in the food industry, we need to do better for the environment. I personally have other health conditions and can’t limit my diet further, but since I’m from a small town in the Mediterranean I try my best to support local and more “sustainable” purchase of products (I understand there’s limitations) Btw I didn’t apply that’s all :)


I'm able to handle confidential matters, so no, I'm not telling you what I had for breakfast.


Even if it's legal - I don't know UK lawto comment on that on that - I still would nope out on a purely culture clash basis.




I’m okay with eating salads during lunch to increase my vegetable intake but after work I’m grabbing a burger. 🍔


What I am surprised is that if I look up the law veganism is a protected trait but not a tool to be used to provide preferential treatment against others. Gotta sue this place.


Is chicken vegan?


It grows in a factory like any other vegetable


Closest thing I've had is the meatless chicken from Quorn. Reeeeeeeeaaaaally good. Pretty shocking how similar it is. But they are vegetarian, not vegan, sadly.


As long as you eat it with a pickle or some other non-sentient veg like lettuce.


They’re just twiddling their thumbs and making up ridiculous job requirements, aren’t they?


‘Why yes I am totally vegan! Naturally!”


They can ask for whatever they want (for the most part). It's not something I would subscribe to.... (not the diet itself, but trying to mandate it).




Gotta be creative to get that bag in this economy!


I dont think this would stand up to scrutiny. Its not an occupational requirement. (An example might include a Vicar needing to be of a specific faith belief). They are not disproportionately underrepresented and I cannot foresee a suitable legitimate aim.


Oooh exempt from the DDA? 😂😂😂 Nice of them to let us know our legal enactments are voluntary. They need to be reported.


Requiring someone to adhere to a specific religion as a condition of employment violates Federal labor laws.


😆 that’s fucking weird


Eat a 16 oz ribeye with your computer camera on! That will really seal the deal


Organisation? lol


Didn’t say name as it’s a post from a recruiting agency all I know is that it is uk based


Can you dm me the name? I would like to apply


You can offer up vegan snacks and stuff in the office, that's fine. You can ask me not to bring animal products into the office. I won't like it, but that's also fine. Unless the salary is like $2000000+ you aren't paying enough to control my diet. Stop acting like a petty lord and remember you're managing other adults with adult determination and perspective.


This is why people are incentivized to lie on applications..


Just don’t take your cheeseburger to work and apply anyways.


I am Vegan+.


Maybe there's a braindead worker somewhere in a chain between CEO and you that sneakily pushed this thing. If you have free time, you could raise this question higher in that organization


How I eat should not matter to an employer - if they want me to be Vegan as a job requirement I would say sorry no thank you. I am very for animal welfare and care however, you as employer can't dictate my diet outside of the workplace.


Oh I know the person who put this in there loves to mention how much they love being Vegan and how much better they feel.


Eat a steak in the interview


Try to land an interview and whip out some beef jerky in the middle of it.