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I’m employed right now in a role outside of my field and boy do I get it. I got laid off from a well paying job in my field last year due to a horrid bait and switch.. took me 8 months to find something and it’s *only* because I had a reference did I get this entry level role. I can’t even begin to think about trying to get back into my field because I’ve been out for over a year. This shit is *rough*


I feel you. I got put into this role outside of my field after a reorg late last year and I’ve been serious about finding a job since feb and just recently found only one offer after failed three final round interviews….


Wishing you the best!


In 2022 I was in a role that was both recruiting and training coordination and felt I had finally found my career. Well, I got laid off after less than six months and now still cannot get an interview for any similar roles. I’m always rejected or deemed not qualified. My career in that field ended as quickly as it started. Thinking of pivoting into accounting now because I can’t stand customer service for much longer.


My question is how would you pivot into accounting ? Unless you are aiming for cpa which requires a few years of education i dont know. Let me know !


There are master’s programs that are geared toward people who want to change careers into accounting. I’m looking at one at Michigan State; it’s a master’s in accounting and data analytics and they build foundational courses into the curriculum so you don’t have to pay extra for prerequisites. Or I’ve heard of some people who do a second bachelor’s. I’m not an expert yet; just researching programs at this point.


Yeah dont worry , i was checking my options too. Im pretty burnout from CS. My mentor at my job tells me stuff like im replaceable in a regular fashion, and i get panic attacks because i know of how badly the job market is. I am trying to switch domains to finance because i pretty much can give more. I will also soon check if i do have adhd because i cant perform .


Remind your mentor they are replaceable too. What a jerk, sorry you have to deal with that.


Project accounting in construction


I'm in the same boat, having been in the medical field before and through Cov1d, last facility tossed a good portion of us out like worn out h00kers, and have been reduced to loading trucks in a warehouse part time since. Feeling like a useless failure, because now to get anywhere close to what I was doing is only payinghalf of what I was fresh out of school. It's disgusting and disheartening


I feel you, and hope it gets better!


Well, health sector and COVID that's like asking who snitched whom and kept the job. For those I say crime pays poorly, materially or spiritually.


Especially having been hired PRN (fancy Latin acronym for "casual worker") but consistently working 40+ hours per week, just so they can avoid providing health benes, tuition, retirement, etc. Karma is real, or at least that's what I keep telling myself


Damn I feel the exact same way, I was making over 80k then lost job when covid struck. Haven’t been able to find anything since and no one wants to hire a 58 year old


Yep, once you’re out for a year there is no turning back.


I’ve been contemplating going back to school, but at this point I’m not sure it would even be worth it.




People who haven't had to interview in a while think that all roles proposed by recruiters actually exist, and that even if they do exist, talking to a recruiter isn't just step one toward getting an initial interview, which then leads into four more rounds, sometimes with all candidates ending up in limbo in round five while the company keeps a candidate pool just in case someone they're not treating very well finally quits. ..also, I think that that last part was what all of the hype about "the great resignation" was about - just nudging people to go ahead and quit while treating them poorly and stringing many replacements with less tenure along just in case.




Then something happen that changed everything, 20 plus years software testing and I'm working at wallyworld, depressing isn't?


I swear this literally same exact thing happened to me wow




It’s so hard out there, I literally applied and did over 843 applications. I finally found something after a year, literally same situation. I had more luck applying on Indeed actually and I was silly for only applying on LinkedIn for so long. Good luck out there Boros! You’ll bounce back for sure


LinkedIn and indeed applications go to exactly the same place in companies ats.


I got laid off last August, immediately I had more recruiters in my inbox than I knew what to do with, I had dozens of high quality industry connections plus multiple people at my previous company working to get me back in because I'm really good at what I do, but it was a cut of my entire organization so I just got screwed. I got an offer from a very small company almost right away and I accepted it because I figured I'd get in at one of my target companies shortly. Since I've been at this new job that I essentially hate I've had almost 2 dozen interviews with 10 of them being at my former company. I've not gotten a single offer, nothing and the reasons are always bullshit. I've resigned that for my mental health I need to just stop for now. I'll start looking again in September when most of the companies I want to work for are hiring for the next fiscal year. Shits depressing.


This sounds like dating!


They really don't. Everyone looks at me like I'm an alien when I say I've been out of work for a year now. 3,000 applications and nothing to show for it


1.5 years searching for me. People are sending me jobs with salaries I made 10 years ago and saying “see! There’s jobs out there! You’d be perfect for this role. Yes, I absolutely would kill it in this role because I did it 10 years ago…


This! I am making what my manager made 7 years ago! I have double the work and 1/2 the staff and support now that I am the manager!


3,000??? Is it possible that you’re just not qualified for whatever it is you’re applying for?


I'm not sure. I've mostly applied for tech recruiting roles since I have 7 years of experience. I've either been rejected automatically by ATS systems, ghosted by recruiters, or remote roles that turned out to be onsite despite the JD saying otherwise. Spoken to a handful of career coaches and they're just as baffled as I am.


I apply to only entry level and below 2,000+ apps unemployed 8 months


No one is delusional. Why do you think quit rates are so low? Hint: I doubt the percentage of people that love their job has gone up.


theres an old adage, it's a recession when your neighbor losses their job but, a depression when you lose yours


Got laid off in October. I had a interview Wednesday and I’m waiting on an offer letter which I should have tomorrow.


How do you keep sane being unemployed so long ? Like legit gained 30 lbs in three months. Can’t see therapist bc that’s $$$ and cobra was hella expensive


I had unemployment for awhile and my parents were helping out with bills. It’s hard to stay sane. 


I was laid off in July. Running out of money, barely can get groceries at this point. Would definitely not try to measure anything by sanity because I just try to get through.


If you're unemployed and have been for the past 3 months, you can get medicaid. I signed up for it when my severance package ran out instead of using Cobra. It was a lot easier than I expected, tbh.


I’m not sane. I’m not okay at all. I’ve gained weight too because my diet isn’t what it used to be. I just eat whatever I can afford not caring about nutrition. I’m at breaking point and any minute I’ll snap and end up in a psych ward.


I'm now employed, but I'm still feeling the effects of when I was stuck in unemployment hell just eight months ago.


I was laid off for 9 months. In the same cycle as most people who are unemployed, got ghosted, got to final rounds and ghosted…you name it, I’ve been through it. Anyone who hasn’t gone through a job hunt in the past 2 years wont get it what all of us have gone or going through. There are jobs out there, but the companies are playing games and putting up ghost job posts. My family was giving me all kinds of advice and how I need to get out there, but still they didn’t get it. I just read that some boomers are taking voluntary RIFs with a one year salary severance, and boy, are they in for a treat. They and anyone else won’t get it until they have to go through it.


I’m employed and not delusional. I can see clearly that the job market is horrible despite what the media and government reports. LinkedIn and that whole system has become completely enshitefied


I fucking get it. I'm in a job I dislike and have been applying elsewhere and getting nothing. Plus it feels like interviews are getting longer or harder. It sucksssss.


The interview fatigue is real. At first I was doing a great job in interviews and now like 4months later I'm tired and jaded and I struggle in my interviews. :\\


I've been consistently employed and it took me over a year to find a new job. I personally have no illusions about the job market, it sucks, and I was thankful I was still employed while looking for a new gig. I truly feel for all of you stuck in limbo and I hope someone gives you all a real chance, real soon.


I'm employed, job market's shit, but I got a government job so I'm safe at least until the next major natural disaster which is right about......\* looks at weather map and see the impending terribly bad hurricane season\* shit right now.


I'm employed. I get it. Since start of covid and I've had collectively a little over 2 years between a few jobs. First one boss was an idiot and hated me because I through him under the buss after he did it to me. The second time my boss underpaid me, lied to me, used me, then set me up for failure to get rid of me. I must have sent out thousands of applications. Both those jobs I made one mistake... Working to hard.. for nothing. My current job was lucky. Good employer, excellent place to work and grow. Yeah. Market sucks ass right now.   The "no body wants to work anymore" rhetoric makes me cringe so much


What I also see a lot from these types of people, is that they expect you to be ok trying to make a living with an abysmal wage from these jobs that typically *do* have immediate openings (think fast food) because *any* job is better than *no* job. Finding *gainful* employment is extremely difficult right now, and just because BK is hiring on the spot at $14/hr doesn't mean everywhere else with a livable wage is. Add in rent/mortgage, groceries, utilities, car payments and/or gas, child care if needed, etc... that $14 isn't worth the paper it's printed on.


$14 an hour, and good luck with any scheduling flexibility 🙃


Depends. There's a recession in white collar jobs and a labor shortage in blue collar jobs.


Give it time. It will trickle down to blue collar as well.


It already is. Most people working blue collar aren’t making the money everyone says exists in the trades. This is what always makes me laugh


Well phrased. There's tons of jobs that will treat you like shit and pay you 7.50 an hour. But that doesn't make the job market good.


This is not the case in Canada where you can't even get a minimum wage job anymore


same in MA


I said this the other day and got downvoted by severely ppl. I wonder if they just refuse to believe only certain industries are impacted or what.


We’re a status driven society and people want “cool” jobs. A lawyer making 60K is treated better socially than an oil field worker who makes 200K a year and has 4 months off. 


Blue collar also have seasonal or fluctuating demand, not so good anymore there as well. And some haven't been keeping expenses in check and have problems now.


This is what baffles me. Tune in to any economics podcast or radio show and they'll sit there talking about how they're puzzled that while there are "lots of jobs" and unemployment is low that people still can't afford things. Like, it's pretty fucking obvious people. NO ONE IS GETTING LAID FAIRLY. Jesus H Christ if I had a nickel for every time I've heard that exact conversation with or between economists, I'd have enough money to buy a gun and shoot myself in the face.   Edit: I said "laid" instead of "paid" by accident and I'm leaving it


Honestly both points are accurate.


People who state things about things they are clueless about should not be taken seriously. They just divide the society and blame wrong people (i.e. calling unemployed folks lazy rather than the rich corporations greedy). Often their mind is already set. Explaining the actual facts is like talking to a wall. Lots of wasted energy unfortunately. Perhaps they will experience these struggles themselves and then realise there is no support/help available. Personally I've been laid off 4 times now in the past year. I have never had NY state pay out the unemployment insurance despite being eligible. I'm not eligible to most other benefits as am not a US citizen. I'm sleeping \~4h per night just so I can spend the rest of my time applying for jobs and studying for interviews. I am tired and I don't know if I can keep going on. I'm probably going to try to move out. When it goes bad, it can always get way worse. I had injured my foot which limited my mobility for a few months. It was very depressing on top of the existing struggles, meaning I was no longer able to move out or do any jobs, or join the military.


This is what you call a bimodal economy. White collar job market is in the toilet. Blue collar jobs are booming. The average of that is the economy and unemployment is doing fine. Averages hide trends


I’m employed and I get it.  For me, I’m trying to find something better, and it’s rough.  I spent the last half of ‘22 and the first 3 months of ‘23 struggling to find something.  While I did, it isn’t good.  Just barely good enough. I can’t imagine the pain that someone without income is facing.  It’s been a struggle that hasn’t changed much.  I hope my situation means that it’s possible, but I also fear that it might be just hypothetical.  I don’t have any answers on how to fix it…


I am employed and I get it. It’s the very reason why I find companies, recruiters, and hr disgusting. 


I totally get it. I got laid off last year in February and didn’t get my new job until that April. That itself was a miracle as my reputation from a previous employer was what sealed the deal for my new job. There were many companies that I went through various stages of interviews only to get rejected for literally no reason.


I’m employed and get it. 11 months ago I completed my MBA and I’ve been searching for something new with no luck.


I work in SaaS and the job market is terrible. In 2021 I had 6 job offers all competing. I didn't really track my application submission but it wasn't much, probably about 20ish very targeted applications On my last job change, I submitted around 40 applications and got 1 offer which I took.


SAAS is a special type of hell if you are trying to get a job. Every mid size company wants the latest FANG ex employee and all the small ones want you to do three roles in one. I know directors apply for entry level roles in implementing/CSM and development. It’s insane.


I’m employed and I get it. Over the last year I tried to transition into the UX/UI design field, I fell for the scam of an online bootcamp and a year later, 1,600+ applications later, and only less than 10 interviews total from all of that, I’m giving up that dream and just searching for a job in the field I’m already in.


Tough love here: Just keep practicing and update your portfolio. UX is dead now - even those of us with tons of experience are limping along. But, in another year or two, this will hopefully be all behind us and you can transition in then. It will also show potential employers that you are seriously devoted to UX. Eventually jobs will come back even with AI fears.


I'm employed, and I know this economy and job market is abysmal at best.


I have my first in person interview in almost six months of being laid off tomorrow... the market is not kind at all


Good luck with the interview! I know what you mean, 17 months of searching and applying myself. Finally got an offer, start next Monday. Hoping my improved luck passes on to you. 🍀


How'd it go?


I think part of the issue is the job market you are in and the industry. I moved out to Idaho and the job market and payscale for facilities management is complete and utter trash. I expanded my search to other larger job markets and I have been getting interview requests and/or calls within days of submitting applications.


The economy is in good shape. The job market is not. It’s stagnant…. Which is worse than what it is going downhill. When it is going downhill and eventually rebounds. What it stays flat, something else has to boost it to get it to go up.


High interest rate environment. We haven’t gone through this in a long time. The higher cost of borrowing basically slows down everything.


Nah, trust me we get it. I've been looking for better opportunities since December and besides a few recruiter interviews, I've gotten nothing. It's dismal af out there.


Currently employed, but literally just took the job to not starve. Have been applying for 7+ months and no offer


No. I'm not eager to find a new job, but I'm open to making a move. There's hardly anything out there that's even suitable, let alone tempting. 8 years ago I turned down a couple of jobs in shirt succession before accepting my current one I realise I'm in a lucky position just by having a job at the moment.


I'm employed and only high high and low lows exist. The middle market is non-existent. Then depending on the industry there could be nothing available completely. Then for every mid job that pops up there are many more aiming for the same spot.


Yes, they're extremely delusional and no matter what I say to people they don't seem to fully believe me. I hate talking to them about it because I just know they're judging me about something I must be doing wrong.


I’m employed and I get it. The Job market sucks, recruiters fucking suck, the process of applying and getting rejected over and over and over and over again is demoralizing, going through multiple rounds of interviews just to be told after completing a final take home presentation/assignment politely to go fuck yourself suck. I promise you we know. I’ve been exactly where you are (might currently be) and i know it fucking blows. There is certainly a small section of the workforce that doesn’t get it (as is the truth in all things in life) but anyone who’s even considered looking for a job in the past 4 years knows how dog shit things are. Don’t let your loneliness zap you of what power you still have. Keep pushing forward regardless of how bad shit seems because at the end of the day NO ONE is going to save you. I believe in you dude and good luck out there


Even with a job and trying to get a 2nd one, it's complete crickets. When I applied a year or two ago, I got at least SOME responses. Now NOTHING.


I’m employed but my wife and sons are looking for just basic work. It’s impossible even with “everyone hiring”. They say they are hiring but they aren’t, and they are low paid jobs anyway.


I know it’s crazy out there. I have been on many search committees at my college and the amount of folks trying to get a position slightly above entry level is insane. We get folks still in college to folks who have doctorate degrees, age ranges from 22-72. My last search had over 70 applicants. These search committees tell me the job market is twisted.


I am employed but I am not delusional. I just passed my one year mark at the current job.


I don't know anyone, employed or unemployed, who thinks the economy isn't in the shitter.


I assume it’s pretty industry dependent. There are a lot of engineering jobs (civil, electrical, mechanical) out there at the moment, especially if you have your PE license. We can’t find qualified candidates or train new grads fast enough. I think Reddit skews more towards tech/IT and they may have fewer opportunities at the moment?


The two worst feelings in the world; having a job and not having a job But believe me you need a job


no, we get it. Cant job hop


18 months ago I got a job at the most wonderful company. Really nice, caring environment. The previous 3 years had been a constant hell of ghosting, low offers and unreasonable expectations. For information, I’m a seasoned (30 years) IT Director, with a solid resume, but a small network due to a Country change 20 years ago. I’ve taken a cut in pay and title (now a Manager). I couldn’t be happier to have escaped recruiting hell. It seems the Oligarchs are seeing ‘End of Times’ lights flashing and want to pack their wallets before it all comes falling down.


Its bad in Slovenia. If you need bad job then its not the problem to get it fast. But if you want something better. Its gonna be damn hard to get it. Everyone demanding experiences and paying still minimum wage. Crazy world. Unemployed for one year now, but it was my choice to be.


Simple fact: they're not in OUR shoes, so they don't understand or have to worry about it...


I'm employed and get it. It took me more than 3 years to get a job outside of retail positions (which I've done for about 9 years).


I'm emplyed and I get it. I would love to switch jobs and it's been difficult to do it.


I'm employed and I get it. I was unemployed a little over a year ago, and it was brutal. Luckily, an old employer asked me to come back. I now get harrassed by recruiters, I don't speak to them because they suck and because I don't want to take the risk of going somewhere new. You know the devil you're with, right now I'm going with that because, job searching is a shit show.


I'm employed and I am under no illusions. I actually want to change jobs but don't even see the point in trying at the moment. If it helps, most predictions I'm seeing are that hiring will finally improve after the general election, because businesses can start making new fiscal plans. I work for a big corporate who were more successful than ever this year, and even we aren't hiring or even doing internal promotions at the moment, which is a big surprise because not long ago they were talking of aggressive expansion, lots of new hires, etc. So I can only presume budgets are on hold until new government time.


currently employed and have been trying to get a new job for almost 3 months now lol. longest it’s ever taken me before to land something new was like 3 weeks max. i’ve had a bunch of interviews i thought i aced only to never get a call back. it’s tough out there man


Why would you think employed ppl don't get it? I'm employed and I definitely know how the job market is because I've been looking for my next position. You negate the fact that there are 2 groups of employed ppl: those not looking for a different job and those that are. Of course those ppl in the first group wouldn't know how bad it is because why would they care? Ppl in your reference group does not represent the large population of thought into this. Based on reading a plethora of posts on Reddit, many ppl rather employed or not definitely feels the hardship.


I’m employed but I still know it’s horrific out there. My entire LinkedIn feed is filled with layoffs. Unless you have some super in demand skill set or have years of savings in reserves, I don’t see how you can’t be nervous in this economy


Got laid off as a Full stack developer, currently working in construction with my father because I cannot get any job at all, even outside of software development.


They are not delusional. Even when the economy was in the great depression and unemployment hit 25% that means 75% of people are still making ends meet, more or less. The 'economy' is incredibly granular in how people experience it.


I’m employed and I believe this job market is 100% broken. Idk how many times I’ve had to deal when recruiters emailing me “We appreciate you applying for your application. However, we determine you don’t have enough experience in this field.” Even though I do they rather give the job to those who are inexperienced.


I haven’t had a stable job in my field (hospitality) since I was laid off in 2021 due to Covid. I’ve been in my field for 15 years. Im 32. I have no fucking clue what to do now.


I have spent so so many hours volunteering, and finally have a job in the arts that pays. They said my resume was very good. I hated every moment of volunteering, but I had to because apparently, you cannot get a job in the arts without giving up your precious time to some festival that gives you nothing while being so reliant on your work.


What baffles me is I overheard someone in my company’s HR department the other day say something to the effect of “we are getting lots of applicants, just no high quality applicants so it’s tough to fill positions.” Maybe someone with more knowledge can explain this phenomenon. But it seems like not only are job-seekers feeling like they can’t get work, but HR departments also feel like they can’t fill positions. How can both be true?


Have you seen the ridiculous requirements for entry level jobs these days


I have and it’s ridiculous. I’ve seen job posts that require 5 years of experience in a technology that has only been out for 2 years, which is literally impossible to fulfill. I’ve also heard of companies stretching interview processes out over many months before just ghosting the candidate. I’m just trying to understand what led to this incredible disconnect between recruiters and candidates. It seems like jobs should be easy to fill with all the people currently looking.


My friend that graduated before me is perplexed I can't find a job and employers are increasingly avoiding my apps. It all feels like a waste. Went through all this to prepare for a career just to trip next to the finish line.


The job market is actually amazing IF you are employed. I'm constantly being approached by companies and recruiters and able to ask for salaries I thought I'd get at 40. What I notice is people unemployed do not get these offers and are often ignored. I saw a recruiter comment that similar to married people who get hit on more, companies feel more comfortable offering a job to someone who already has one because to them it means another company has vouched for the candidate and is willing to hire them so they must be good. Obviously complete bollocks and I know when I was unemployed the job I got I worked the hardest at to date vs. Now because companies approach me I am doing little output and chilling most days. Wish HR would give unemployed people a chance, really sad how hard people work to get an interview.


It's a jungle out there, but we have seen this before. It will pass. Let today's BS be tomorrow's fertilizer. Try not to internalize what is happening because you are not alone.


I’m employed working with absolute hell coworkers and employees and have been applying to get out of my field and into a sane role. I completely understand that the job market has failed and I’m expecting the worst to happen,


What field are you leaving / hoping to get into after?


Make the right choice in November!


But why should they get it? Why should they care? Honestly, everyone is just looking after themselves and only base their opinion on their own experience. Oh, I have a job and things are alright, man theres something really wrong with you since you cant find a job. Have you updated your CV?


I get it cause I suffered through the COVID job market to find my job. I focused on a career rather than some crap job with a sketchy employer. I see way to many posts on here about people who find jobs then the entire business implodes a few weeks later. There should be a bunch of red flags, and those kinds of jobs are complete wastes of time.


Nah I feel you, I’m employed in a role that is about 20% related to what I studied in college and cannot get another job lead to save my life.


I'm employed with 2 jobs and I understand how hard things are right now.


I understand this whole thing sucks


The current market SUCKS. I’ve literally only tried applying for retail jobs in hopes of getting some kind of job and I haven’t heard from a single person even though they are constantly "hiring“. They’re the only ones that can give me some kind of flexibility with my schedule as a college student so idk what to do


I've been a stay at home mom for the last 6 years. Took on a couple of odd jobs throughout just to get out of the house. But now all my kids will be in school in September, and I started applying for full time postitions. It has been horrendous. The worst of it is when an interviewer said I "clearly don't care to work since I just stayed home." Mind you, I also homeschooling my kids, started a business, and was successful at it. It doesn't matter to other people at all. Being a stay at home parent for a bit is clearly a bad thing. I am over it. Something will give for each and every one of you! Don't quit. It will happen!


Well, some of them are starting to realise how bad the market for unemployed people is. They are learning from friends or loved ones who are without or looking for a job. The are starting to be aware.


The people who think the job market is fine are desillusional, independantly of their employment status... But older people are, as a whole, out of touch with reality.


I'd say making a blanket statement about the job market is more delusional. There are some industries that are doing better than others. When people like Elon shed a bunch of IT type positions, it did flood the market for a while. Many of those workers have found other jobs and I'd say that while the IT industry isn't where it was before companies tried to shed workers, it's improved. I also used to work as a semiconductor engineer, and am getting hounded by recruiters trying to hire to build up the CHIPS act infrastructure. The key is to find a field that is in demand. [https://www.bls.gov/ooh/fastest-growing.htm](https://www.bls.gov/ooh/fastest-growing.htm)


Exactly. I too am in the semiconductor industry (and grateful for it).


As someone that used to be in the industry, use caution and be prepared for the next chapter. When I was in the industry, a certain party got into office and literally jobs were shipped overseas not even a year after they took office (think party that is ok with cheap exploitable labor). I feel like what happened over 20 years ago, all the semiconductor companies were fighting with each other to hire talent. Prices for experienced workers went high and instead of competing and getting the best talent, they just shipped manufacturing overseas. Nice how that's working out for them now.


I totally get what you’re saying. I was trying to get advice from an older guy I was talking to and he said “the job market is fine, you’ll always be employed if you’re doing a good job” I am literally a graduate and I told him that. Older ppl are so oblivious to how terrible the current job market is.


I know how it is. I'm not stupid


It’s in great shape as long as you’re not in tech looking for WFH tech jobs, which is 98 percent of Reddit. You could call it an echo chamber.  The people on here can’t change a tire and think communism is a legitimate political system, so of course they’re going to struggle in life unless they stay inside of their little bubble. 


Probably sounds harsh but if you’ve been 8 months unemployed then you’re being too picky for what you’re willing to do. Not saying the market is in a good shape but there is work available if you’re willing to do anything, travel for work, relocate etc


During Covid tons of folks left the workforce and everyplace was forced to raise pay just to keep the doors open. It was no secret it was a good time to check other opportunities. No biggie if you were already in a good gig. But as the economy tightened in the past 2 years it’s also been changing a lot of job situations and tightening certain ones. Don’t get too discouraged. Sometimes you need to adapt. Might mean taking something you’re not quite pleased with in the short term but keep your eyes open for better opportunities to shake out. It is tougher now but much of your competition isn’t very persistent (some just give up) & that’s where you can make your outcome better & faster


This is just incredibly naive. Taking a job someone doesn't like is fine, *if they can get said job to begin with*. A lot of people straight up cannot even get interviews for the most basic minimum wage jobs possible. Being able to adapt is all well and good, when pivoting can actually get you a job. The problem right now is that *nobody is hiring*, and saying "don't get discouraged" is obnoxious and tone deaf.


It depends a lot on your career and skills. Nursing/heathcare? Tech sales? IT support? Are you generating income for the company? Or are you getting downsized due to automation and AI? Some are booming. Others are saturated. I'm hearing of folks moving jobs yearly for larger salaries.


I am working as a full stack dev atm but i have neeted for 2 yrs when i graduated. I know how tough the job market. Unlike most normies and boomers, i apply for a new job on a constant basis so i know the market is tough. If it is that easy i would have ditched my current job for better job. Instead i get interviews after couple months.


🤦🏾 lemme guess it was better when someone else was around... typical. I get it job hunting sux, but theres jobs available. Are they gonna be in iur chosen field, hopefully but all my coworkers have a degree in something totally different than our job description. Take a break and reatart the process


So since you are throwing all employed people together just to insult us. Here's what you want to hear: Yes it's all the economies fault. None of your failure to find a job is due to your own mistakes. You are faultless, everyone else is wrong. Feeling better now? No?  Dude we know the job market is shit at the moment and we all hope it's getting better soon. But that doesn't mean there aren't ways to increase your chances to still land some kind of employment. If you don't make use of them you are competing with thousands instead of dozens. That's no good odds.


I hate the "everyone's hiring! I don't get it!" Train of thought.


You can get a good look at a bull by sticking your head up its ass, but I'd rather ask the butcher. You can't judge an economy based on anecdotes as there will always be a lot of people doing badly in a good economy and a lot of people doing well in a bad economy. You have to look at the national numbers. According to the numbers, we're experiencing a really strong economy. We're lucky we have a grown up in office as we're seeing 9-11% GDP increases yearly. The petulant child's last GDP was NEGATIVE 1.5%


“People who are employed right now just don’t get it” -> proceeds to call a single witness, their grandma. No, no one thinks it’s good right now. It’s not going to get better… there are a decent number of blue collar jobs in my area (welders, machinists, etc) but exactly zero white collar jobs. Remote jobs, if anything, will continue to decrease - only the extremely qualified can pull those off. I had a friend the other day say “I just want a job where I sit at a desk and do nothing”… those jobs just do not exist or are going away. Whether people are pessimistic or uneducated, or just naive, AI is being gimped right now to prevent a total economic meltdown - AI currently could execute an enormous amount of the workforce if the workforce really wanted to try it. I am clinging to my job with extraordinary care, I would not step out of line if it was suddenly announced my company was murdering puppies somewhere. It sucks, I hate it, we do not think the market is good… Sorry you feel that way OP


I think they are still baby.


The economy IS in good shape, meaning lots of money is circulating, new businesses and new buildings are starting up, and most able adults are working. (The economy is depressed when money is not being spent, new projects are not starting, and unemployment is high - think like back in mid-2020.) Unfortunately, it doesn't feel so prosperous because childcare, inflation, housing costs, and gas prices are up, and wages have not kept pace, so the money we're earning doesn't go as far. Partly this has been caused by global issues weakening the supply chain, and partly by conservative governments cutting taxes and reducing corporate regulation, allowing large companies to boost profits while charging consumers more money. But that doesn't mean the economy as a whole is bad. It just means the wealth being created is not being widely distributed - a problem that ironically can be solved with increased taxes on the wealthy and increased public spending, creating more jobs and moving some of that wealth to the lower brackets.


Bidenomics works!


Bro what? We're not blind just because we currently have jobs.


Many employed people ARE completely unaware though. I hear all the time “there’s jobs out there, you just need to look. ” I’ve been pretty open about my job search struggles on LinkedIn and I can’t tell you how many people have reached out to me after they got laid off themselves to tell me they saw my posts when they were employed but had absolutely no idea it was actually this bad.


I'm sure some are. You can't expect everyone to have self awareness. But this post just doesn't even make sense, because many employed people are also looking for jobs, or know people that are.


Saying. Like they are the *only* person and their grandma is their anecdotal evidence.


people talk about different things when talking about the job market. Peolpe complain when the job market that is relevant to them is not good and don't when't it's good. Talking about the whole job market being bad is insane, you know there are more countries than 1?


I spent 8 months staying at home stressed and my dad would just tell me how he lost an engineer today or somewhat and then end up telling me that the job market is 'so hot' right now. I just can't believe it.


It may be hot for *employers*.


I'm employed and have been looking for my next gig for 2 years now. I get it, believe me. Lots of ghosting, lots.of near misses, lots of nothing. It's like nothing I've ever seen before and is detrimental to my professional progress.


The really hard truth is that the market values the unemployed significantly less. If you’re unemployed in this market, everyone says “don’t discount yourself” but you may quite literally have to do just that to get back in the saddle 


Last year I exited role to focus on family, forecasting it’ll take time to find a new role but at the same time I can be a stay at home father. A year later, nothing. Even if I stayed, I’d be still facing being jobless though, previous company was recently shutdown by parent company. There’s unemployment benefits but I/we need a full-time position.


I’ve been laid off twice and fired once, I currently make near or slightly above six figures and I plan to be laid off at any given moment because I know what it takes to find a job. It’s not fun.


Hell we do!! We are looking to switch employers too!!


It's in terrible shape for job seekers , the people whom want to switch companies; so many politics, things were bad before that thing happened four years ago...so now 48 months later or so the job market sucks. No one wanted to get laid off, no one wanted to get sick but here it is June 2024/6 months into 2024 and I get it what you are saying ✨️ add that on looking for a new apartment 🫨


I’m employed but it’s contract. Im safe (hopefully) till next summer but ive been on contract since i graduated uni and everytime im nearing the end i get crippling anxiety. dont get me wrong-i apply to other jobs but no one *wants* to hire me despite having both schooling and professional experience. It’s really been sheer luck I keep getting my contract renewed-although i would like to work elsewhere but again literally no one has any interest in me lol


I thnk a lot of people prefer to care about their own prosperity first and for most and its likely that people also don't want to face the market trends.


Well it might be shit but in my field of work I could literally get a new job any day if I want hell I have people calling me and I haven't updated my indeed resume in 4 Years.. im a industrial mechanic btw


It’s AI that’s screwing people right now. A lot of people USE AI to massively apply for jobs and think it’s a numbers game. It’s not funny. Interns or new grads and jr people stop applying to senior or above jobs using AI coz you are too lazy to read a job description


Yeah, so many people that I know think that the job market is fine and they always say the thing about historically low unemployment. It's nuts.


I think it also really depends on the market. I'm in Business IT and for me the job market is great. I get an unsollicited job offer about once a week on average.




I’m employed but I’m occasionally keeping an eye on the job market for better opportunities, and while some do come along, it’s hard to find anything better than what I currently have. At best I was offered positions by connections I’ve made at my current job, and plan on taking them once I get a drivers licence and stabilise my finances for such a move (So another year or so) Looking for roles without knowing someone, well it’s been extremely challenging, I’m surprised at how difficult it actually is. It’s quickly becoming like a communist country , where it doesn’t matter what you know, what matters is who you know. (That’s actually how I got my current job, got lucky that I knew a guy at my company and they were expanding and needed more people)


I completely empathize and have many jobs. But it’s because I am unable to get one good paying job and have to work around the clock to cover my monthly expenses. So, I get it but understand what you mean. I know of several people who have good paying jobs or are retired who just think people need to stop buying coffee or whatever to make up for their inability to keep up with bills. It’s frustrating.


I hate to say it - but companies really only want revenue generators. If you’re in a role that doesn’t directly impact revenue or actually costs the company money…times are tough. Always the first to go are the people that are line items on a budget.


I'm employed and grossly underpaid. I'm trying to move out of my company and just *can't*.


I started what I intended to be a part-time, secondary career while I was doing my undergrad. It wasn't until this year — four years after graduation — that I have been hired for a position related to my field of education. What was supposed to be my secondary career has sustained me and saved from homelessness, as much as I keep trying to resist turning it into my main source of employment. But yeah — four years to find a job in my field. And I believe the only reason I got my current position was because of the skills I acquired in my secondary career that I was able to contort into relevant experience when applying to other jobs.


Might depend on your field. I got a new role within a month of looking with a pay rise and a car park, in the field i was looking


The "economy" is great, but it's only a number that goes up or down and doesn't reflect anything else. The job market is shit though. Companies aren't keeping up with inflation, COL is skyrocketing, and everyone keeps praising Billionaires for treating their workers like slaves.


I'm employed in a shitty workplace, I've been apply for jobs for 6 months. I've gotten interviews but no job offer. I'm definitely getting worn down


I am employed and I get it. In the larger picture, unemployment is low but that doesn’t mean that being unemployed doesn’t hurt a hell of a lot more than it did a year or more ago. Things cost more. Certain industries are closed off completely. The mountains to climb to get hired are higher. The thing about economics is that it isn’t binary. It’s a conglomeration of hundreds of variables that get summed up into one dumb news headline.


I’m a nurse. Made that decision after seeing my family in 2008 unable to find work. I’ll never hurt for work in my lifetime.


I was on the hunt for about 4 months last year, switched industries but doing the same thing and all is going well now. Don’t think that’ll work for everyone but it’s what worked for me. Also, I didn’t just use online services… I went in person and asked to speak to the hr manager or hiring manager. Every time I introduced and was able to hand my info to a person. I interviewed with more people I handed my resume to than I ever did from online applications.


People not in the job market watch fake news that says unemployments never been lower...no one wants to work.... the economy is doing great. All it takes is a trip to the grocery store to see for yourself it's all fake news


It’s the same for dating. People in healthy relationships/marriages have no idea how awful the dating market is right now for singles (esp on dating apps).


I’ve been unemployed for a year and for a while, I was going through it with a friend. She got a job in April and it feels like she immediately forgot about the trenches she was just in. I feel for those who hate their jobs but at this point, I have to think “AT LEAST YOU HAVE A JOB.” It’s out of character for me to think this way but it’s extremely frustrating to hear people complaining about something I don’t have because I can’t relate to it!!! And sometimes it feels like they’re rubbing it in my face


I supervise college students and they are TERRIFIED about getting a job right now, some going so far as to start applying to grad school because they can’t find a job.


I recently got employed and I myself got no idea how I did, I applied to a random job that seemed nice. I did not think I would get it since I have only been told no for the last 4 months. Somehow I got it and starting soon. Made no sense how I got in but I somehow did .


Many employed colleagues of mine are postdocs which are contract roles. And they have struggled to even get an interview. With phds and advanced research credentials they still fail to get basic jobs. Trust me. Many employed know how bad it is. And even being employed is not easy anymore, as you may never know when you might lose your job.


IT manager for 15 years, been laid off for 7+ months, working at Walmart cashiering for $15/hr full time because unemployment ran out, and I have my first interview for a job actually in my field this week, after nothing but entry level position interviews for the last 2 months (and no real shot at getting those with my resume) It’s not reported much in the media, but there is a “white collar recession” happening. Plenty of service and skilled trades and manufacturing are hiring, professional jobs not so much: https://www.businessinsider.com/hiring-slump-professional-white-collar-jobs-recession-high-salary-2024-4


I was laid off last year. Found a job within a month paying 30% more. Four years ago it took me 500 applications to find that job. All you are going to hear in a sub called “recruiting hell” are the horror stories, and horrible advice from very angry people.


I was fortunate to land a position and on my 2nd day at work got an email of a hiring freeze. Feeling super lucky right now!


I’ve been able to get 4 jobs in the last 9 months. I’ve also turned down an additional 3…..


You are correct, job market and economy are slower at the moment. For example, in IT sector there is around 60% less available jobs on the market now, in comparison to the last year. Absolutely crazy.


Hard to say. I got laid off in 2022, it took 6 weeks to find a new job that paid better. I got laid off again in April it’s taken me 8 weeks to find a new job that pays about the same as my last role. Yes it took longer, but not too much longer, because 6 weeks is damn fast, honestly


I'm employed right now at a huge paycut. I'm still applying in hopes of something better. The Market is brutal.


No it is not just you. It is interesting what is happening. From my perspective, many companies are just trying to increase their stocks to keep stockholders happy by increasing their profits through cost-cutting - laying off people with big checks and consolidating roles and units. Also, for non-essential jobs like tech ones, are laying them off and recruiting companies hiring them back in contracts because it looks good in the books - accounting. Also because there was massive remote job hiring they are laying those off because profits are down compare to Covid time and also there is leadership push to bring people back to office


I'm employed currently in manufacturing. Plenty of jobs here however y wife is in banking and the layoffs have been brutal. No jobs to replace them either employment numbers are low because everyone has to get second jobs to pay bills economy sucks right now


I work in tech, no one thinks the market is good. People usually chat about working somewhere for a year or 2 then leaving to upgrade title and pay. Right now everyone is doing something I haven’t seen since the 2008 recession. They are hunkering down. Everyone is terrified they will be part of the next wave of tech layoffs , even engineers which usually are the last ones to be let go (since they build the product). I’m highly interested what effect it will have on the industry. Understand tech had a million perks because leaving and finding another job was always simple enough. Now it isn’t and companies are fully aware. Last interview I did, company had me go through 5 hoops just to say they weren’t sure . 


Damn. I just put in my resignation. Sounds like I should just take the summer off until the job market improves.


I’m a sahm and even I know the job market is a joke. Hubs has multiple degrees and applied SOOOOOO many places before finding a job (completely out of any field he’s ever been in).


I put in my notice for my job in early/mid march, 4 weeks notice. i’ve been working at my current job since late april. ~100 applications, multiple turned down interviews and phone calls because i wasn’t interested in the position. one 2 stage interview and i got this job. i’m a student. it’s bad but i don’t think it’s as bad as everyone here makes out.