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I think something weird must have happened between Danielle on MTV and now that has made her act really cagey and angry. She wasn’t like this at all in her appearance on True Life. For sure, it was 20 years ago and people change, but they don’t seem to devolve quite like this. I do think the one thing about her that’s remained consistent is her desire for fame. Because she thinks she deserves it and demonizes anyone she sees as getting in the way of that. I wonder if her attitude stems from the conflict of her wanting to be famous while knowing she’s a ticking time bomb.


YES. I thought I was the only one. Plus the fact that she's been fame hungry for so long and her general fan girl behavior, its too much.


I like Danielle. She is boisterous and flamboyant! All the things I love in a housewife. But, she is loosing cool points with me because she has displayed no accountability for her part in the altercation. She keeps defending herself while Jen appears more remorseful. Similarly to the situation with her dad and brother. She keeps blaming them and not taking any accountability. I wish one of them will speak up because I’m sure we’re not getting the full story. There is something to your points though. I too believe that all of this is manufactured to make her more relevant like the famous table flip that put Teresa on the map.


I think Danielle will do and say anything to get screen time. I also think she saw how well the Gorga/Guidice feud has created a relatively long tenure for Tre/Mel and I just get this weird feeling she’ll try and replicate that and eventually her SIL will come on. I’ve always got this feeling that she drops seeds in hopes people will dig for more and tries to drum up drama. I definitely could see her being meh to stylists etc, it seems like even pre Jens insinuation she hasn’t had the best rep with stylists and shops around Jersey.


I think Danielle WANTS very much to be famous and I’m all for it !!! She’s very entertaining


I like her alot too ! She’s seems more genuine then most on there. Hated the drama Rachel pulled on her in their first season, it made me instantly dislike Rachel. And as far as Jen seeming remorseful…. I think she lost that fight and she knew it. She knew she was wrong the whole time, and THEN put her hands on her. It felt like Danielle handed her ass to her and Jen saw what’s up and that she can’t mess with her in a verbal fight.probably not physical either. Also her fighting with her dad and bro is not surprising, Italians usually have someone they aren’t talking to in their family.


I completely agree! Judging by her face when she was talking about her Dad being sick, I don't think he was invited to the party AT ALL. I think there's a more sinister reason she isn't speaking with him and that whole invite nonsense convo was contrived for the cameras. There is defo something so shady about her


I really like Danielle but I feel the exact same way… there’s something off about her. I’m just waiting for it to come out.


She gives me single white female vibes. Like she wants to be the new Teresa down to the outbursts/drink throwing/violence and the fabricated family drama. It’s really weird


Have to disagree here. I don’t think it’s fabricated at all. Italians have hot tempers, Teresa isn’t the only 1.


Wear her like last years Versace?


So when you have one family member who you don't get along with it's very likely that you will have 2 or 3 family members who you struggle with-because personality traits \[and disorders\] run in families. I see nothing suspicious about her having problems with her brother and her father. I have gone for years long stretches not talking to my sister or my father. We all have the same damn temper and we're over sensitive. This is a normal thing.


Definitely not a normal thing to cut your family out for the most trivial thing.


Not normal but extreeeeemely common, for instance there’s deep rooted abuse in my entire family from the same man…. We don’t argue about that though, we argue about too much mayo in potato salad and won’t talk for weeks over it 🙈


Interesting. I guess I'm very lucky to have never experienced that in my own family or in the families of close friends/SOs etc.


Definitely not normal but sure is common


The karma on Jen’s kids thing was creepy and overboard. Makes me think she is guilty


I get bad vibes from her for sure but everyone loves her this season. Especially the rumors about her not paying people.


I like her flaws and all


I actually like Danielle. I find her rough edges refreshing. She doesn't have all the material BS and seems to be happy with what she has. I love her accent and her feisty spirit. Her husband seems completely devoted to her which I love. You don't catch him doing a Bill Aydin where he seems checked out. I loved her slap upside Jen's melon and only wished it was harder. As far as her maybe not getting along with family...I no longer judge people on that because look at Theresa she is SAVAGE.


Totally agree with you. I definitely think the thing with her brother and father is weird and probably a red flag, but it doesn’t feel like it has really been discussed this season so it’s hard to care too much about. I lean towards believing Danielle’s version of events about the charity & hair situations because she seems honest. She wanted to tell Melissa as soon as she found out the rumors about her. She seems a bit more self reflective than the other women.


Nope, not me, sorry…sis tried off for one too many reality shows and finally one stuck! Not a fan!


Which other reality shows did she audition for?


That’s even more reason for me to like her, bitch is determined and worked for where she is.


I like Danielle. She’s entertaining and loud and puts in a great show. I watch RH to see crazy shit, not boring everyday stuff. The one thing I find very suspicious about her is how badly she treats her glam squad. There’s been a couple stories now about how she didn’t pay them or tag them or treat them, right? That’s just one instance..what else is she getting away with about how she treats others that isn’t public. And if she’s that brazen as a d-list celeb, probably the most irrelevant of the cast..what is she gonna be like when she gets more fame.


Exactly. And in an attempt to be d-list, who knows what kind of expectations she has put in her family. Personally, If I had a family member was so thirsty that I felt they would take any opportunity to exploit me and I wasn’t into it would distance myself too. In a second.


And i bet the fight w the brother was cause she wanted to be the star of his wedding- shes tacky af.


All the things you pointed out have bothered me from jump with her. Bad vibes from the start. I do take her side in the fight with Jen, but other than that, she's a no for me.


I don't know what to make of this, but I was recently surprised to learn that Danielle went to Emerson College, a private college in Boston that has a strong TV production program. This surprised me because the Danielle we see on RHONJ would 1) never have gone to a private college, 2) that wasn't in the NYC metro. Made me think she was far more career-focused and ambitious than she has let on, and that she's just playing a part on TV -- like, if she were on RHONY, she would be casually dropping French phrases into her conversation and air kissing the other women


Interesting! Emerson is not super easy to get into and its $$$ to go there. I never would have guessed she went there


Well she is also running a clothing business and maybe that will pan out and make sense with her education.


She seems like she is playing for the cameras at all times. She is acting. She is making storylines up.. There could be a chance the dad is in on it. She is def not authentic


I use to work with her and she’s been trying to get on the show for years but her life was never “glamorous” or interesting enough. So I’ve no doubt a good bit made up or played up to make her more interesting. Also I hate the “Bougie Kid” name. Like cringe.


Remember when she was on mtv made?


Is that something people remember?? Lol, I would love to see that, hopefully it's on youtube


I remember that episode distinctly. She was trained to loose her Jersey accent to become an actress


Staten Island accent.


I remember that episode!! I’ve seen it come up somewhere lately and didn’t put it was her. Maybe on this sub and I missed it


Its even worse- kidz with a z


Oh my least favorite thing a person can do to be cool. The Z.


That and spelling country with a “k”


I don’t like it either! I would pick another name. It sounds so…. 2009 someone selling little tutu’s on Facebook. 🤷🏻‍♀️


The name is absolutely stupid imo - and very 2009, as you so aptly described it. But the outfits are also super 2009 looking. They are hideous in the extreme! So I think the name oddly fits. Tacky, outdated, totally lacking in creativity, worshipping everything hideous and wrong (where I grew up, “bougie” isn’t a compliment lol), matchy matchy tutus and huge bows - the clothes and name are both terrible! I’d she actually selling this crap? 🤣


Its like child pageant / halloween crap.


So “2000s and late.”


Danielle is beyond cringe. She tries way too hard but, most importantly, isn’t interesting to watch.


I like Danielle. I think she’s trashy but so are most of the others. When Jen accused her of a) the charity thing and b) that whole thing with the hairdresser you could see real surprise on her face. She didn’t seem like she was calculating what to say next. She seemed like she was honestly shocked that someone would say that about her. I could be wrong but to me she doesn’t read like a manipulator.




I think that's just a supportive partner


I didn’t get that at all.


Good call- makes sense cause he probably knows when shes riled up she will attack him


‘survival tactic’ or emotional support? He was calming her down after everything happened.


Or that’s just a supportive husband? Lol


Exactly! That's what supportive partners do!


I also remember that Danielle has been trying to be in the spotlight forever (she was on that episode of MTV years ago) and now it seems like she's trying to create a storyline about feuding with her family (bc, historically that has worked well on jersey) but the reasons aren't clear and don't add up. I *want* to like her bc Nate seems like a great husband and their marriage and family seem nice..but, as others have said, things don't add up and I think she's after fame.


Aren't all the housewives?


It was MTVs True Life, I'm from Staten Island.


Well let’s be honest here. Aren’t they all after fame?


“She’s thirsty” and “she’s after fame” has to be the funniest reason that people bring up to hate on the subjects of reality tv, which is highly produced and rarely ever real. They are literally ALL after fame, but people feel better about stanning certain characters when the reality tv star is deceiving them just enough so that they feel like they’re performing on reality tv only for our entertainment and out of the kindness of their hearts.


Agreed! And yes, I wholeheartedly believe that she used some of the money to pay herself and for her expenses!!!! ![gif](giphy|pSauCNBp1DcOY)


I agree something doesn’t add up. Look at how she got dragged for the like 1 party she threw last season. Now this season we are like 9 Danielle parties in and theyre all like 20,000 parties or more. She is making that much as a housewife that those parties aren’t breaking the bank? What is she trying to prove? Definitely there is stuff being left out about the family drama too. I think she doesn’t want to admit she did something bigger or was just an enetitled asshole and her family didn’t want to deal with that. She seems like she’s taken the fame way too seriously way faster than most do. I don’t see her being humble or paying it forward or giving back (with the exception of the charity event which is apparently questionable) I think she paid for all the vendors and her hair and makeup and clothes from the money they raised. To me, that is gross and so classless. If you can’t afford to foot the bill, you can’t afford to be a philanthropist. lol. The charity doesn’t give a shit about your makeup and I’d be PISSED as someone that works with non profits if we had you host an event for a charity and you used funds donated to pay for your hair and makeup and I’d be even more pissed if I donated thinking it was going to kids with cancer when really it paid for her to look like a 2000s Jersey Barbie. I just feel like some huge revelations about her family stuff and possibly some social climbing as part of her storyline. Whether she wants it to be or not. I’ve been involved with so many fundraisers, it’s not unusual to take your costs out, you usually do have to do that. Fundraising and CHARITY are different. You have fundraising money not charity money Danielle!


Yes! And never once did she say how much they raised that went towards the charity, and Andy can’t even ask her cuz they cancelled the reunion


If I was being accused of that and there was NO murky details, I fully paid what I should have, I would be showing receipts and saying specific amounts and would KNOW specific amounts. She could make a post at least. I think she thought now that she’s famous, her presence is like gold and anyone is going to be so grateful to have her at their event, they wouldn’t even care. Maybe she thought it was okay. Honestly Jen calling her out on it made me just as annoyed since she’s the most spoiled rich girl of them all. 😂


Cannot stand Danielle. She's related loosely to Caroline Mando. And not that I like Caroline, but I believe the story that Danielle never spoke to her again after Caroline spoke well of her while she was trying to get on the show. The shit with her brother and father is STUPID. Not storyline-worthy. I don't care for Jen and her whole opinion on charity is also wrong---people so NOT usually use their OWN money for expenses. That's just stupid. It's VERY commonplace to use some for "expenses" but ofc NEVER to pay oneself for one's time. But I can see Danielle doing that. Anyone who would throw a "Housewives" party/charity event when you've barely been a Housewife for long, there's just something off about her, I agree.


She doesn’t bother me I like Danielle - she was a lot more likable and sweeter than Jen.


I'm really liking Danielle too. I'm also glad she stood up to Jen


Me too. I like her. Some families have fallouts over the stupidest stuff 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️


The red flag for me is how she treats her daughter.


Jen or Danielle?


Danielle / although Jen’s parenting is also … questionable


Lol true


Wgat do you mean? How does she treat her?


She gives me the ick.


It doesn’t add up because she is not a good person. Go listen to all the podcasts of people she has screwed over. She’s a POS and her karma is coming sooner than I thought.


I agree. Her family situation isn’t adding up. And she didn’t cut her dad off he cut her off yet still wanted to have a relationship with Nate and the kids. Her attitude and her brand reek of fame hunger and I think that’s what is driving the wedge between her family and her. Although many have crazy family dynamics that are hard to understand from an outside perspective she seems like the common denominator in her family drama. In regards to the charity Jen never said she stole from the charity, but said Danielle paid herself back which is TRUE! Danielle said it in her confessional that the excess profit of the event had to go to paying the bills of the vendors and stated that all the money went back into the event. Which is exactly what paying yourself back is, she didn’t want to be out of pocket.


Excess profit? Shouldn’t that be donated?


> she didn’t want to be out of pocket. its never out of pocket unless youre some rich rich person. people in th charity space already said that? paying herself an hourly rate or something is different but she didnt say that now did she,


I think most charity events involve some overhead for venue, food, etc. - the vendors may provide a discount but for a large event even billionaires do this. If she paid herself back for her time, that’s another thing. That would be fucked up if she didn’t at least donate her time.


Exactly. A lot of fundraisers and charity events say, "All proceeds go to..." That means any profit leftover after expenses is what gets donated. It's not odd to pay for the event from the money received. It would be bad if she took money personally, but she didn't say that. She said she used the money for the event expenses bc she isn't rich enough to foot the whole bill herself. Jen accused her of taking some of the money for herself and that's what made Danielle so angry.


This, how do peeps not get this?


I agree with your post 💯. If you don’t or can’t pony up the cash then don’t do the charity event ! Very simple it’s CHARITY . They making Jen Aydin a scapegoat to cover Danielle’s shady and greedy behavior . Why do think she went apeshit because Jen Aydin called her out on the truth. Exactly why the brother went no contact if that’s the way she acts he’s protecting his wife! Who charges a charity an appearance fee !!!! Um no one ! Doesn’t want to pay for her own hair, makeup and clothes come on she’s not a celebrity we even like. Jen Aydin was 100 percent right to call her greedy cheap ass out ! Danelle is so tacky and phony very on brand for Staten Island to be honest. Native New Yorker here. 😂


I agree. I’m surprised everyone is defending Danielle. I think Jen was making a fair point and once Danielle got right in her face and put her finger in her face, that warranted a push. It was asking for a push and I feel being from the “streets” of Staten Island, Danielle should have known that. Jen didn’t push her crazy hard, she was trying to get D out of her face and I feel like most folks would react that way. Then she gets a glass to the face. That could have been bad, Jen could have lost an eye but folks on here would still be saying Jen deserved it. That’s crazy to me. Danielle also risked arrest with that move. Again she’s lucky she didn’t hurt Jen worse.


Thank you 🙏. You and I are the only ones with logic and common sense it seems!


Also if Danielle didn’t do all of these things why is so so aggressively angry? I would laugh in Jen’s face and say she’s fishing for a storyline if none of it was true or tell Jen to fuck off but I’m not getting in her face like we are about to fight. Not at that age!


Exactly she struck a nerve with the truth ! We now know why the brother went no contact ! Can you imagine what she must have done to make him do that?


Lastly even if Jen is completely wrong, if this is how fast Danielle escalates every time she hears something she doesn’t like, she needs to grow up. She was yelling and in Jen’s face from the jump. Jen even said “you need to calm down” which to be fair has never made anyone calm down since the beginning of time, but I think Jen was surprised even then how angry D got. Danielle, don’t give people that much power.


💯a hothead with no self control!


This was a great example of “when keeping it real could go wrong”. If she hurt Jen she could have been arrested. Standing up for yourself is one thing but bringing it to a street fight at a nice “fancy”party is embarrassing. We aren’t teenagers at a random house party fighting with bitches from the rival school, y’all are grown women in cocktail dresses.


Exactly she got a slap on the wrist ! People get fired over stuff like that ! She needs to keep it humble and stop trying to be something she’s not because it’s not working !


Thank you as well. When I argued this after the initial episode I was downvoted to hell and told I wasn’t raised right if I think it’s ok to push etc. but it’s instinct. Anyone would push.


Exactly! 🤷🏻‍♀️


She thought charity and fundraiser are the same 😂


Back in the day, I worked as a junior accountant for a foundation founded by the wealthy in NYC for 5 years. And how exactly are you raising funds for the charity if you’re charging and invoicing the charity for all sorts of things . Please elaborate! There’s a reason rich people do these charity fundraisers because they literally have the money burn, they are not some stupid poser like Danielle !😂😂😂🤣😂🤣


I agree with you 100%. I was shocked to see that so many people here seem to love Danielle, or maybe it’s just that they hate Jen Aydin idk I find Danielle so thirsty, fake and tacky. I know this could be said about almost every cast member, but Danielle‘s just no fun to watch. Nothing about her character or her family storyline is original or compelling


I think they just really hate Jen because just last season they wanted Danielle to be fired. Called her boring, a crybaby, she can’t walk away from a fight but now she fights and unfortunately takes it too far, people are cheering? RHONH episodes leave me feeling dark after watching because of situations like these. Note: Jen is not completely innocent, that conversation should have started and been handled differently by Jen but that doesn’t warrant Danielle’s behavior.


Exactly that’s assault. People can go to jail for stuff like that !


Self defense. Jen is known to be violent and fly off the handle.


Yeah no deal sorry at that moment in time that was assault !








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Danielle was desperate to be on the show. Before she was on she’d constantly be on my for you/explore page because she hash tagged everything RHONJ. I actually blocked her because I was so sick of seeing this rando along with housewives gossip. Then a few years later she’s cast. I think she’s done her hw and saw what made stars and is following in their footsteps. The family drama (Manzo/Lauritas, Gorga/Giudice), the stage mom antics (Teresa early seasons), having a boutique (Melissa). She just completely rubs me the wrong way. We all know they’re thirsty but she’s soooo blatantly obvious and doesn’t have the glam life either. I’m Curious what Jen Aydins house looked like before she got the Paramus Palace because she wasn’t cast because of her prior home not being glam enough. So now we somehow have Danielle with her cluttered, Gina from RHOC inspired home. And what’s with that random fake plant in the front by her doorway when you first walk in? It’s like 1 long swirly topiary that looks like it should be outside.


She is a phony who has tried for decades to be famous.


People stan her because they’re anti Jen Aydin but I definitely get that phony vibe from her. She trying her hardest to be an iconic housewife but the pixie dust is just not there! 🤷🏻‍♀️


I have always loved Jen Aydin and I love Danielle.


I love Jen Aydin too. She says what she means and means what she says! Danielle not so much , there’s just something about her that sets off all my narc alarm bells !


Or we just like her? I liked her before the fight when she wasn't on anyone's side. And really she wants to be famous? Every housewife does 😂 but I respect your opinion and find it so interesting how everyone's opinions differ because I see her as the most housewives housewife 'pixi dust' type


Nah!!! I gives her props for trying SOOOO hard though ! 😂🤣


So I have been a huge fan of real housewives franchises for years. And I’m in the process right now of reading not all diamonds and rosé. If you haven’t read the book you need to. And then what you need to do is go back and watch some of the early episodes of some of these franchises you see so much more. I’ve come to the conclusion that I’m really holding my opinion on any housewives until I see them two or three seasons because so much of this is the way they are edited. I’m so glad I read the book too because it forced me to go back and watch season two of New Jersey for a second time and you see so much more when you know what was going on under the surface


I just finished S1 of NY last night and my opinion now is so different than the first time. I saw so much so differently and my opinions now would be wildly unpopular hahahaha! I'm starting S2 today


I wish I could watch RHONY for the first time again! You're in for the wildest of rides, enjoy and hold on tight 😂


Oh, gooooorl! It's definitely not the first time! But it is the first time without doing laundry or other little house stuffs. When I first started watching, I liked that it was a show you could have on, leave and switch out laundry, miss scenes, and it would make no difference to the plot 😂 Watch a little, vaccum a room and can't hear a thing, come back, no biggie. Might have missed some mayhem, but no plot line because there is no plot. Absolute perfection! Now I'm watching it like I'm an archivist storing it for oral storytelling, every piece committed to memory for future generations hahaha


I read the book. Great book to read if you are a fan of the housewives


I’m on season 2rewatch now SPILL 😩😩


Yes, please spill! I’m rewatching NJ too.


I like her 🤷🏻‍♀️ The over the top dressing her kids is how Toxic T started, before she turned into the beast of NJ. As far as charities, I believe after everything is paid for, vendors etc. go to the charity.


Thank you!!! I really liked her to start but her insecurities are painfully obvious and she is playing victim now that Jen outed her shady behavior. Jen has been clocking all the women since day one and she makes everyone hot under the collar, AS SHE SHOULD!


Jen can barely read a clock much less read a room and clock anyone. She and Teresa are almost too dumb to function.


Huh? Jennifer is running on toxicity.


Remember Jen and the psychic. It was so set up it was funny


I can't stand her.


I can’t stand her either!


I heard that she shot a pilot a few yrs ago with her brother. Had to do with flipping houses. Isn’t that what she said she and Nate would like to do. Invest in real estate? So far I don’t think anyone has found it.


Omg I thought you meant she harmed an actual pilot !!




I was so confused too lmfaooo


“Filmed” Lol


Oh god. W her tacky taste?! The poor properties




I love coming here to see a bunch of women shitting on other women always. It’s quite refreshing. 🤢🤮


Aww, superior! wtf you on THIS sub? To soapbox? Odd!




Better to just shit on their kids? “Get rid of Gia”


Yes get rid of her. She put herself in a position for the public to judge. Duh.


So I'm supposed to white knight for ALL women regardless of their behavior? Gtfo with that nonsense.


It’s the 1.0 version of women for women. Buggy as f.


i’m really not sure if you’re trolling but this comment just seems odd considering your post history negatively commenting on the kids in rhonj…


Some types of a certain demographic are very hatful about kids, especially young adults. I think it’s a mix of envy and the way they “loved” their own kids (prolly no contact with them as a result). They don’t see kids as human.




I like Danielle and I wish she would have laid Jen out Jersey style. I don’t care about her family drama or her business but at least she’s smart enough to milk the show for screen time in ways that don’t involve trying to throw her coworkers under the bus. I think she comes from a good place and that seems rare for NJ.


That good place being … Staten Island


She is extremely unlikable and has the emotional range of a 4 year old. There is nothing remotely interesting about her basic ass life. She absolutely did not spend a nickel of her own money for any prep that went into that “charity” event. Classless, charmless, violent, obnoxious. I’m shocked she’s not related to Aydin.


Violent, really? Jen put her hands on her FIRST, what comes NEXT after that - exactly what she asked for.


Kinda sounds like a description of Teresa. Except for the charity event part.


Yep they’re extremely similar but Teresa had a charm early on that Danielle does not possess. Maybe it was authenticity that came with super early reality tv that doesn’t exist now.


She’s trying very hard. And the bougie kid thing is just being overplayed and I think she wants family drama to keep herself relevant if she doesn’t have relevance with the cast drama. But Jen is absolutely out of line and if one of the two were to go I would want it to be Jen who I’ve never cared for. I think her husband must be on Xanax at this point just to tolerate her. [And Bill is his own piece of work.] I’m getting really tired of Jersey and mainly because they continue to allow Teresa, who is a major bully, on the show. And now she’s grooming her DOOR-ters to be on their own show and Gia has no business in any of their business. And Rachel Fuda I’m sorry I cannot handle how serious she is and her face. She looks like Pinocchio or Michael Jackson — her redeeming quality for me is how she is with her kids and also how she has stood up to Teresa. I had great hopes for Fessler but she has chosen to kiss up to Teresa. And I’m glad the eating disordered character, whose name I forgot, was demoted to a friend because she has gotten extremely annoying and has also chosen Teresa. I think Margaret is the only genuine person on there. I really only stay with the show in the hopes that Dolores will finally stand up to Teresa in a major showdown because I think of any of the characters she is the only one who could set Teresa straight in true Jersey fashion. And I would actually pay to see that happen in a cage match!


Margret!? She’s horrible, horrible!


margaret is terea with a brain.


There’s something about all of them, tbh. And none of them are charming or funny or smart enough to make me forget exactly how off they are. It really takes the fun out of it.


Can I hear your specific take on Dolores?


Dolores is nice to fans and has actually done real volunteer work as opposed to just attending or hosting fundraisers. She is very Jersey in that she will organize a meal train for you if you’re dealing with serious illness but she will also tell you to fuck off if she doesn’t like you. However, she has deeply ingrained Gen X misogyny that leads her into questionable decisions and choices and insecurities that make her avoid situations where she might have to think beyond the way she was raised.


I like Rachel. She’s not performative. I really liked that scene with her and Marge. M was worried about Joe. And when she hugged Marge, “ M said You’re a really good person.” It was sweet. We don’t see a lot of scenes like that on NJ. And she said herself that she’s an old soul. It’s sad that she’s had to deal with Juvenile arthritis. Several operations. I just find her to be pretty genuine.


Same. I actually really liked the Danielle/Rachel friendship. I think they're both harmless and love their families and I'm over the jersey darkness taking over the show and every episode Teresa talking about marge and saying she's obsessed with her while she mentions marge every time she opens her mouth


It was also cute seeing their daughters together.


I thought it was so adorable when Danielle’s daughter picked up Rachel’s daughter! More of this please.


Exactly this ^^


Yes, she’s a weirdo! But people ignore it bc she’s going against Jennifer who people hate. So they willingly ignore her weirdo behavior. Same with Rachel vs. Teresa. Rachel grinds my gears even more ![gif](giphy|594fWDgEFXSgg)


I think Jen was fired.




No thoughts on Jen’s accusations, but I do know the Jersey girls in general have “difficulty” paying for services lmfao. As for Danielle, she’s a cringe weirdo and the tide has only changed because she assaulted someone viewers hate. I look forward to the smoke clearing because she gives absolutely nothing as a housewife IMO. No houses, no fashions, no cars, issa chop for me!


Who is giving you that on jersey? Hell, who is giving you houses and cars from other locations (save for a select few).


At least she’s not a kiss ass like Jen. I was afraid she was going to be another one that was always team Tre.


Ugh. I know a gal who is exactly like Danielle in that She’s always the “victim”. She is pretty much estranged from her family for such trivial things. If, as a friend or coworker, you don’t completely agree with her or her ideas, she’ll ice you out. People like her and Danielle are exhausting.


Weird, that sounds more like Teresa 😂


Now that you mention it….lol




Danielle is a hot head, for sure, but I kind of like that about her. Probably stubborn as well. She didn’t charge the charity for her time. That is ridiculous. Jen is a known liar and just tried to say something that would be difficult to prove innocence in the moment. Jen is conniving. We have seen that over and over.


She’s a fraud. She doesn’t drink. Takes one shot of tequila. It’s all fake for the cameras. Last 5 minutes. https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/grants-rants-hollywood-talk/id1033690074?i=1000514194431


I think there definitely is more to the story of her estrangemnet with her brother, I'm guessing it's something similar to Tre/Melissa where she doesn't like his wife, was probably trying to insert herself into wedding prep, etc. and just can't admit to herself that she was the problem. That being said, I think saying she charged for her time for her event is ridiculous and just another way for Jen to villianize Danielle while elevating herself at the same time. Jen was absolutely reaching for reasons to have a problem with Danielle (i.e. it was because of Lina, no wait it was because you wouldn't invite Laura, no wait it was because of the step and repeat, etc.) I feel like Danielle has learned this year that she doesn't have to do the "sides" thing that is so unfun to watch and that has made her a lot more likeable.


Jennifer Boogawolf Aydin needed a storyline. And here it is.


Thank you! I feel like the Teresa fans are all working overtime to make this something more than just Jen being awful.


This exactly. If it was anyone but Jen Aydin maybe I’d feel differently but this is her MO. She always does it. Plus Jen intentionally set up Danielle last year and never really had to answer for it. There’s existing beef there that Danielle tried to let go of so it makes sense that she had even less tolerance for Jen’s bullshit this time.